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2024-02-23 16:39:16 +00:00
package binding
import (
// isStructPtr returns true if the value given is a
// pointer to a struct
func isStructPtr(value interface{}) bool {
return reflect.ValueOf(value).Kind() == reflect.Ptr &&
reflect.ValueOf(value).Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct
// isFunction returns true if the given value is a function
func isFunction(value interface{}) bool {
return reflect.ValueOf(value).Kind() == reflect.Func
// isStructPtr returns true if the value given is a struct
func isStruct(value interface{}) bool {
return reflect.ValueOf(value).Kind() == reflect.Struct
func (b *Bindings) getMethods(value interface{}) ([]*BoundMethod, error) {
// Create result placeholder
var result []*BoundMethod
// Check type
if !isStructPtr(value) {
if isStruct(value) {
name := reflect.ValueOf(value).Type().Name()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is a struct, not a pointer to a struct", name)
if isFunction(value) {
name := runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(value).Pointer()).Name()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is a function, not a pointer to a struct. Wails v2 has deprecated the binding of functions. Please wrap your functions up in a struct and bind a pointer to that struct.", name)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a pointer to a struct.")
// Process Struct
structType := reflect.TypeOf(value)
structValue := reflect.ValueOf(value)
structTypeString := structType.String()
baseName := structTypeString[1:]
// Process Methods
for i := 0; i < structType.NumMethod(); i++ {
methodDef := structType.Method(i)
methodName := methodDef.Name
fullMethodName := baseName + "." + methodName
method := structValue.MethodByName(methodName)
methodReflectName := runtime.FuncForPC(methodDef.Func.Pointer()).Name()
if b.exemptions.Contains(methodReflectName) {
// Create new method
boundMethod := &BoundMethod{
Name: fullMethodName,
Inputs: nil,
Outputs: nil,
Comments: "",
Method: method,
// Iterate inputs
methodType := method.Type()
inputParamCount := methodType.NumIn()
var inputs []*Parameter
for inputIndex := 0; inputIndex < inputParamCount; inputIndex++ {
input := methodType.In(inputIndex)
thisParam := newParameter("", input)
thisInput := input
if thisInput.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
thisInput = thisInput.Elem()
// Process struct pointer params
if thisInput.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if thisInput.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
typ := thisInput.Elem()
a := reflect.New(typ)
s := reflect.Indirect(a).Interface()
name := typ.Name()
packageName := getPackageName(thisInput.String())
b.AddStructToGenerateTS(packageName, name, s)
// Process struct params
if thisInput.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
a := reflect.New(thisInput)
s := reflect.Indirect(a).Interface()
name := thisInput.Name()
packageName := getPackageName(thisInput.String())
b.AddStructToGenerateTS(packageName, name, s)
inputs = append(inputs, thisParam)
boundMethod.Inputs = inputs
// Iterate outputs
// TODO: Determine what to do about limiting return types
// especially around errors.
outputParamCount := methodType.NumOut()
var outputs []*Parameter
for outputIndex := 0; outputIndex < outputParamCount; outputIndex++ {
output := methodType.Out(outputIndex)
thisParam := newParameter("", output)
thisOutput := output
if thisOutput.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
thisOutput = thisOutput.Elem()
// Process struct pointer params
if thisOutput.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if thisOutput.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
typ := thisOutput.Elem()
a := reflect.New(typ)
s := reflect.Indirect(a).Interface()
name := typ.Name()
packageName := getPackageName(thisOutput.String())
b.AddStructToGenerateTS(packageName, name, s)
// Process struct params
if thisOutput.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
a := reflect.New(thisOutput)
s := reflect.Indirect(a).Interface()
name := thisOutput.Name()
packageName := getPackageName(thisOutput.String())
b.AddStructToGenerateTS(packageName, name, s)
outputs = append(outputs, thisParam)
boundMethod.Outputs = outputs
// Save method in result
result = append(result, boundMethod)
return result, nil
func getPackageName(in string) string {
result := strings.Split(in, ".")[0]
result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, "[]", "")
result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, "*", "")
return result
func getSplitReturn(in string) (string, string) {
result := strings.Split(in, ".")
return result[0], result[1]
func hasElements(typ reflect.Type) bool {
kind := typ.Kind()
return kind == reflect.Ptr || kind == reflect.Array || kind == reflect.Slice || kind == reflect.Map