2024-02-23 11:39:16 -05:00

523 lines
19 KiB

package pe
// MZSignature is the signature of the MZ format. This is the value of the
// Signature field in ImageDOSHeader.
var MZSignature = [2]byte{'M', 'Z'}
// PESignature is the signature of the PE format. This is the value of the
// Signature field in ImageNTHeaders32 and ImageNTHeaders64.
var PESignature = [4]byte{'P', 'E', 0, 0}
// Enumeration of magic numbers
const (
// ImageNTOptionalHeader32Magic is the magic number for 32-bit optional
// header (ImageOptionalHeader32)
ImageNTOptionalHeader32Magic = 0x010b
// ImageNTOptionalHeader64Magic is the magic number for 64-bit optional
// header (ImageOptionalHeader64)
ImageNTOptionalHeader64Magic = 0x020b
// Enumeration of structure lengths.
const (
// SizeOfImageDOSHeader is the on-disk size of the ImageDOSHeader
// structure.
SizeOfImageDOSHeader = 64
// SizeOfImageFileHeader is the on-disk size of the ImageFileHeader
// structure.
SizeOfImageFileHeader = 20
// SizeOfImageOptionalHeader32 is the on-disk size of the
// ImageOptionalHeader32 structure.
SizeOfImageOptionalHeader32 = 224
// SizeOfImageOptionalHeader64 is the on-disk size of the
// ImageOptionalHeader64 structure.
SizeOfImageOptionalHeader64 = 240
// SizeOfImageNTHeaders32 is the on-disk size of the ImageNTHeaders32
// structure.
SizeOfImageNTHeaders32 = 248
// SizeOfImageNTHeaders64 is the on-disk size of the ImageNTHeaders64
// structure.
SizeOfImageNTHeaders64 = 264
// SizeOfImageDataDirectory is the on-disk size of the ImageDataDirectory
// structure.
SizeOfImageDataDirectory = 8
// Enumeration of useful field offsets.
const (
// OffsetOfOptionalHeaderFromNTHeader is the offset from the start of
// the NT header to the optional header magic value. This is helpful for
// determining if the PE file is PE32 or PE64.
OffsetOfOptionalHeaderFromNTHeader = 0x18
// Enumeration of fixed-size array lengths in PE
const (
// NumDirectoryEntries specifies the number of data directory entries.
NumDirectoryEntries = 16
// SectionNameLength is the size of a section short name.
SectionNameLength = 8
// Enumeration of known Windows Loader limits. (Some of these may not be
// imposed by the format itself and purely by Windows runtime.)
const (
// MaxNumSections specifies the maximum number of sections that are
// allowed. This is imposed by Windows Loader.
MaxNumSections = 96
// Enumeration of machine values for the file header.
const (
ImageFileMachineUnknown = 0x0000
ImageFileMachineTargetHost = 0x0001
ImageFileMachinei386 = 0x014c
ImageFileMachineR3000BE = 0x0160
ImageFileMachineR3000 = 0x0162
ImageFileMachineR4000 = 0x0166
ImageFileMachineR10000 = 0x0168
ImageFileMachineWCEMIPSv2 = 0x0169
ImageFileMachineAlpha = 0x0184
ImageFileMachineSH3 = 0x01a2
ImageFileMachineSH3DSP = 0x01a3
ImageFileMachineSH3E = 0x01a4
ImageFileMachineSH4 = 0x01a6
ImageFileMachineSH5 = 0x01a8
ImageFileMachineARM = 0x01c0
ImageFileMachineTHUMB = 0x01c2
ImageFileMachineARMNT = 0x01c4
ImageFileMachineAM33 = 0x01d3
ImageFileMachinePowerPC = 0x01F0
ImageFileMachinePowerPCFP = 0x01f1
ImageFileMachineIA64 = 0x0200
ImageFileMachineMIPS16 = 0x0266
ImageFileMachineAlpha64 = 0x0284
ImageFileMachineMIPSFPU = 0x0366
ImageFileMachineMIPSFPU16 = 0x0466
ImageFileMachineAXP64 = ImageFileMachineAlpha64
ImageFileMachineTricore = 0x0520
ImageFileMachineCEF = 0x00CE
ImageFileMachineEBC = 0x0EBC
ImageFileMachineAMD64 = 0x8664
ImageFileMachineM32R = 0x9041
ImageFileMachineARM64 = 0xAA64
ImageFileMachineCEE = 0x0C0E
ImageFileMachineRISCV32 = 0x5032
ImageFileMachineRISCV64 = 0x5064
ImageFileMachineRISCV128 = 0x5128
// Enumeration of charateristics values for the file header.
const (
ImageFileRelocsStripped = 0x0001
ImageFileExecutableImage = 0x0002
ImageFileLineNumsStripped = 0x0004
ImageFileLocalSymsStripped = 0x0008
ImageFileAggressiveWSTrim = 0x0010
ImageFileLargeAddressAware = 0x0020
ImageFileBytesReversedLo = 0x0080
ImageFile32BitMachine = 0x0100
ImageFileDebugStripped = 0x0200
ImageFileRemovableRunFromSwap = 0x0400
ImageFileNetRunFromSwap = 0x0800
ImageFileSystem = 0x1000
ImageFileDLL = 0x2000
ImageFileUPSystemOnly = 0x4000
ImageFileBytesReversedHi = 0x8000
// Enumeration of image subsystem values.
const (
ImageSubsystemUnknown = 0
ImageSubsystemNative = 1
ImageSubsystemWindowsGUI = 2
ImageSubsystemWindowsCUI = 3
ImageSubsystemOS2CUI = 5
ImageSubsystemPOSIXCUI = 7
ImageSubsystemNativeWindows = 8
ImageSubsystemWindowsCEGUI = 9
ImageSubsystemEFIApplication = 10
ImageSubsystemEFIBootServiceDriver = 11
ImageSubsystemEFIRuntimeDriver = 12
ImageSubsystemEFIROM = 13
ImageSubsystemXBox = 14
ImageSubsystemWindowsBootApplication = 16
ImageSubsystemXBoxCodeCatalog = 17
// Enumeration of DLL characteristics values.
const (
ImageDLLCharacteristicsHighEntropyVA = 0x0020
ImageDLLCharacteristicsDynamicBase = 0x0040
ImageDLLCharacteristicsForceIntegrity = 0x0080
ImageDLLCharacteristicsNXCompat = 0x0100
ImageDLLCharacteristicsNoIsolation = 0x0200
ImageDLLCharacteristicsNoSEH = 0x0400
ImageDLLCharacteristicsNoBind = 0x0800
ImageDLLCharacteristicsAppContainer = 0x1000
ImageDLLCharacteristicsWDMDriver = 0x2000
ImageDLLCharacteristicsGuardCF = 0x4000
ImageDLLCharacteristicsTerminalServerAware = 0x8000
// Enumeration of image directory entry indexes. These represent indices into
// the data directory array of the optional header.
const (
ImageDirectoryEntryExport = 0
ImageDirectoryEntryImport = 1
ImageDirectoryEntryResource = 2
ImageDirectoryEntryException = 3
ImageDirectoryEntrySecurity = 4
ImageDirectoryEntryBaseReloc = 5
ImageDirectoryEntryDebug = 6
ImageDirectoryEntryCopyright = 7
ImageDirectoryEntryArchitecture = 7
ImageDirectoryEntryGlobalPtr = 8
ImageDirectoryEntryTLS = 9
ImageDirectoryEntryLoadConfig = 10
ImageDirectoryEntryBoundImport = 11
ImageDirectoryEntryIAT = 12
ImageDirectoryEntryDelayImport = 13
ImageDirectoryEntryCOMDescriptor = 14
// Enumeration of image section characteristics.
const (
ImageSectionCharacteristicsNoPad = 0x00000008
ImageSectionCharacteristicsContainsCode = 0x00000020
ImageSectionCharacteristicsContainsInitializedData = 0x00000040
ImageSectionCharacteristicsContainsUninitailizedData = 0x00000080
ImageSectionCharacteristicsLinkOther = 0x00000100
ImageSectionCharacteristicsLinkInfo = 0x00000200
ImageSectionCharacteristicsLinkRemove = 0x00000800
ImageSectionCharacteristicsLinkCOMDAT = 0x00001000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsNoDeferSpecExc = 0x00004000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsGPRel = 0x00008000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsMemoryFarData = 0x00008000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsMemoryPurgeable = 0x00020000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsMemory16Bit = 0x00020000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsMemoryLocked = 0x00040000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsMemoryPreload = 0x00080000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign1Bytes = 0x00100000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign2Bytes = 0x00200000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign4Bytes = 0x00300000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign8Bytes = 0x00400000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign16Bytes = 0x00500000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign32Bytes = 0x00600000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign64Bytes = 0x00700000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign128Bytes = 0x00800000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign256Bytes = 0x00900000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign512Bytes = 0x00A00000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign1024Bytes = 0x00B00000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign2048Bytes = 0x00C00000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign4096Bytes = 0x00D00000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlign8192Bytes = 0x00E00000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsAlignMask = 0x00F00000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsLinkNumRelocOverflow = 0x01000000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsMemoryDiscardable = 0x02000000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsMemoryNotCached = 0x04000000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsMemoryNotPaged = 0x08000000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsMemoryShared = 0x10000000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsMemoryExecute = 0x20000000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsMemoryRead = 0x40000000
ImageSectionCharacteristicsMemoryWrite = 0x80000000
// Enumeration of TLS characteristics.
const (
ImageSectionTLSCharacteristicsScaleIndex = 0x00000001
// Enumeration of relocation types.
const (
ImageRelBasedAbsolute = 0
ImageRelBasedHigh = 1
ImageRelBasedLow = 2
ImageRelBasedHighLow = 3
ImageRelBasedHighAdj = 4
ImageRelBasedMachineSpecific5 = 5
ImageRelBasedReserved = 6
ImageRelBasedMachineSpecific7 = 7
ImageRelBasedMachineSpecific8 = 8
ImageRelBasedMachineSpecific9 = 9
ImageRelBasedDir64 = 10
// ImageDOSHeader is the structure of the DOS MZ Executable format. All PE
// files contain at least a valid stub DOS MZ executable at the top; the PE
// format itself starts at the address specified by NewHeaderAddr.
type ImageDOSHeader struct {
Signature [2]byte
LastPageBytes uint16
CountPages uint16
CountRelocs uint16
HeaderLen uint16
MinAlloc uint16
MaxAlloc uint16
InitialSS uint16
InitialSP uint16
Checksum uint16
InitialIP uint16
InitialCS uint16
RelocAddr uint16
OverlayNum uint16
Reserved [4]uint16
OEMID uint16
OEMInfo uint16
Reserved2 [10]uint16
NewHeaderAddr uint32
// ImageFileHeader contains some of the basic attributes about the PE/COFF
// file, including the number of sections and the machine type.
type ImageFileHeader struct {
Machine uint16
NumberOfSections uint16
TimeDateStamp uint32
PointerToSymbolTable uint32
NumberOfSymbols uint32
SizeOfOptionalHeader uint16
Characteristics uint16
// ImageOptionalHeader32 contains the optional header for 32-bit PE images. It
// is only 'optional' in the sense that not all PE/COFF binaries have it,
// however it is required for executables and DLLs.
type ImageOptionalHeader32 struct {
Magic uint16
MajorLinkerVersion uint8
MinorLinkerVersion uint8
SizeOfCode uint32
SizeOfInitializedData uint32
SizeOfUninitializedData uint32
AddressOfEntryPoint uint32
BaseOfCode uint32
BaseOfData uint32
ImageBase uint32
SectionAlignment uint32
FileAlignment uint32
MajorOperatingSystemVersion uint16
MinorOperatingSystemVersion uint16
MajorImageVersion uint16
MinorImageVersion uint16
MajorSubsystemVersion uint16
MinorSubsystemVersion uint16
Win32VersionValue uint32
SizeOfImage uint32
SizeOfHeaders uint32
CheckSum uint32
Subsystem uint16
DllCharacteristics uint16
SizeOfStackReserve uint32
SizeOfStackCommit uint32
SizeOfHeapReserve uint32
SizeOfHeapCommit uint32
LoaderFlags uint32
NumberOfRvaAndSizes uint32
DataDirectory [NumDirectoryEntries]ImageDataDirectory
// ImageOptionalHeader64 contains the optional header for 64-bit PE images.
type ImageOptionalHeader64 struct {
Magic uint16
MajorLinkerVersion uint8
MinorLinkerVersion uint8
SizeOfCode uint32
SizeOfInitializedData uint32
SizeOfUninitializedData uint32
AddressOfEntryPoint uint32
BaseOfCode uint32
ImageBase uint64
SectionAlignment uint32
FileAlignment uint32
MajorOperatingSystemVersion uint16
MinorOperatingSystemVersion uint16
MajorImageVersion uint16
MinorImageVersion uint16
MajorSubsystemVersion uint16
MinorSubsystemVersion uint16
Win32VersionValue uint32
SizeOfImage uint32
SizeOfHeaders uint32
CheckSum uint32
Subsystem uint16
DllCharacteristics uint16
SizeOfStackReserve uint64
SizeOfStackCommit uint64
SizeOfHeapReserve uint64
SizeOfHeapCommit uint64
LoaderFlags uint32
NumberOfRvaAndSizes uint32
DataDirectory [NumDirectoryEntries]ImageDataDirectory
// To64 converts the ImageOptionalHeader32 to an ImageOptionalHeader64.
func (i ImageOptionalHeader32) To64() ImageOptionalHeader64 {
return ImageOptionalHeader64{
Magic: i.Magic,
MajorLinkerVersion: i.MajorLinkerVersion,
MinorLinkerVersion: i.MinorLinkerVersion,
SizeOfCode: i.SizeOfCode,
SizeOfInitializedData: i.SizeOfInitializedData,
SizeOfUninitializedData: i.SizeOfUninitializedData,
AddressOfEntryPoint: i.AddressOfEntryPoint,
BaseOfCode: i.BaseOfCode,
ImageBase: uint64(i.ImageBase),
SectionAlignment: i.SectionAlignment,
FileAlignment: i.FileAlignment,
MajorOperatingSystemVersion: i.MajorOperatingSystemVersion,
MinorOperatingSystemVersion: i.MinorOperatingSystemVersion,
MajorImageVersion: i.MajorImageVersion,
MinorImageVersion: i.MinorImageVersion,
MajorSubsystemVersion: i.MajorSubsystemVersion,
MinorSubsystemVersion: i.MinorSubsystemVersion,
Win32VersionValue: i.Win32VersionValue,
SizeOfImage: i.SizeOfImage,
SizeOfHeaders: i.SizeOfHeaders,
CheckSum: i.CheckSum,
Subsystem: i.Subsystem,
DllCharacteristics: i.DllCharacteristics,
SizeOfStackReserve: uint64(i.SizeOfStackReserve),
SizeOfStackCommit: uint64(i.SizeOfStackCommit),
SizeOfHeapReserve: uint64(i.SizeOfHeapReserve),
SizeOfHeapCommit: uint64(i.SizeOfHeapCommit),
LoaderFlags: i.LoaderFlags,
NumberOfRvaAndSizes: i.NumberOfRvaAndSizes,
DataDirectory: i.DataDirectory,
// ImageNTHeaders32 contains the PE file headers for 32-bit PE images.
type ImageNTHeaders32 struct {
// Signature identifies the PE format; Always "PE\0\0".
Signature [4]byte
FileHeader ImageFileHeader
OptionalHeader ImageOptionalHeader32
// ImageNTHeaders64 contains the PE file headers for 64-bit PE images.
type ImageNTHeaders64 struct {
// Signature identifies the PE format; Always "PE\0\0".
Signature [4]byte
FileHeader ImageFileHeader
OptionalHeader ImageOptionalHeader64
// To64 converts the ImageNTHeaders32 to an ImageNTHeaders64.
func (i ImageNTHeaders32) To64() ImageNTHeaders64 {
return ImageNTHeaders64{
Signature: i.Signature,
FileHeader: i.FileHeader,
OptionalHeader: i.OptionalHeader.To64(),
// ImageDataDirectory holds a record for the given data directory. Each data
// directory contains information about another section, such as the import
// table. The index of the directory entry determines which section it
// pertains to.
type ImageDataDirectory struct {
VirtualAddress uint32
Size uint32
// ImageSectionHeader is the header for a section. Windows Loader uses these
// entries to configure the memory mapping of the executable. A series of
// these structures immediately follow the headers.
type ImageSectionHeader struct {
Name [SectionNameLength]byte
PhysicalAddressOrVirtualSize uint32
VirtualAddress uint32
SizeOfRawData uint32
PointerToRawData uint32
PointerToRelocations uint32
PointerToLinenumbers uint32
NumberOfRelocations uint16
NumberOfLinenumbers uint16
Characteristics uint32
// ImageBaseRelocation holds the header for a single page of base relocation
// data. The .reloc section of the binary contains a series of blocks of
// base relocation data, each starting with this header and followed by n
// 16-bit values that each represent a single relocation. The 4 most
// significant bits specify the type of relocation, while the 12 least
// significant bits contain the lower bits of the address (which is combined
// with the virtual address of the page.) The SizeOfBlock value specifies the
// size of an entire block, in bytes, including its header.
type ImageBaseRelocation struct {
VirtualAddress uint32
SizeOfBlock uint32
// The ImageImportDescriptor contains information about an imported module.
type ImageImportDescriptor struct {
OriginalFirstThunk uint32
TimeDateStamp uint32
ForwarderChain uint32
Name uint32
FirstThunk uint32
// The ImageExportDirectory contains information about the module's exports.
type ImageExportDirectory struct {
Characteristics uint32
TimeDateStamp uint32
MajorVersion uint16
MinorVersion uint16
Name uint32
Base uint32
NumberOfFunctions uint32
NumberOfNames uint32
AddressOfFunctions uint32
AddressOfNames uint32
AddressOfNameOrdinals uint32
// ImageTLSDirectory32 contains information about the module's thread local
// storage callbacks (in PE32)
type ImageTLSDirectory32 struct {
StartAddressOfRawData uint32
EndAddressOfRawData uint32
AddressOfIndex uint32
AddressOfCallBacks uint32
SizeOfZeroFill uint32
Characteristics uint32
// ImageTLSDirectory64 contains information about the module's thread local
// storage callbacks (in PE64)
type ImageTLSDirectory64 struct {
StartAddressOfRawData uint64
EndAddressOfRawData uint64
AddressOfIndex uint64
AddressOfCallBacks uint64
SizeOfZeroFill uint32
Characteristics uint32
// To64 converts the ImageTLSDirectory32 to an ImageTLSDirectory64.
func (i ImageTLSDirectory32) To64() ImageTLSDirectory64 {
return ImageTLSDirectory64{
StartAddressOfRawData: uint64(i.StartAddressOfRawData),
EndAddressOfRawData: uint64(i.EndAddressOfRawData),
AddressOfIndex: uint64(i.AddressOfIndex),
AddressOfCallBacks: uint64(i.AddressOfCallBacks),
SizeOfZeroFill: i.SizeOfZeroFill,
Characteristics: i.Characteristics,