238 lines
7.2 KiB
238 lines
7.2 KiB
package binding
import (
_ "embed"
var (
mapRegex *regexp.Regexp
keyPackageIndex int
keyTypeIndex int
valueArrayIndex int
valuePackageIndex int
valueTypeIndex int
func init() {
mapRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?:map\[(?:(?P<keyPackage>\w+)\.)?(?P<keyType>\w+)])?(?P<valueArray>\[])?(?:\*?(?P<valuePackage>\w+)\.)?(?P<valueType>.+)`)
keyPackageIndex = mapRegex.SubexpIndex("keyPackage")
keyTypeIndex = mapRegex.SubexpIndex("keyType")
valueArrayIndex = mapRegex.SubexpIndex("valueArray")
valuePackageIndex = mapRegex.SubexpIndex("valuePackage")
valueTypeIndex = mapRegex.SubexpIndex("valueType")
func (b *Bindings) GenerateGoBindings(baseDir string) error {
store := b.db.store
var obfuscatedBindings map[string]int
if b.obfuscate {
obfuscatedBindings = b.db.UpdateObfuscatedCallMap()
for packageName, structs := range store {
packageDir := filepath.Join(baseDir, packageName)
err := fs.Mkdir(packageDir)
if err != nil {
return err
for structName, methods := range structs {
var jsoutput bytes.Buffer
jsoutput.WriteString(`// @ts-check
// Cynhyrchwyd y ffeil hon yn awtomatig. PEIDIWCH Â MODIWL
// This file is automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT
var tsBody bytes.Buffer
var tsContent bytes.Buffer
tsContent.WriteString(`// Cynhyrchwyd y ffeil hon yn awtomatig. PEIDIWCH Â MODIWL
// This file is automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT
// Sort the method names alphabetically
methodNames := make([]string, 0, len(methods))
for methodName := range methods {
methodNames = append(methodNames, methodName)
var importNamespaces slicer.StringSlicer
for _, methodName := range methodNames {
// Get the method details
methodDetails := methods[methodName]
// Generate JS
var args slicer.StringSlicer
for count := range methodDetails.Inputs {
arg := fmt.Sprintf("arg%d", count+1)
argsString := args.Join(", ")
jsoutput.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\nexport function %s(%s) {", methodName, argsString))
if b.obfuscate {
id := obfuscatedBindings[strings.Join([]string{packageName, structName, methodName}, ".")]
jsoutput.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" return ObfuscatedCall(%d, [%s]);", id, argsString))
} else {
jsoutput.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" return window['go']['%s']['%s']['%s'](%s);", packageName, structName, methodName, argsString))
// Generate TS
tsBody.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\nexport function %s(", methodName))
for count, input := range methodDetails.Inputs {
arg := fmt.Sprintf("arg%d", count+1)
entityName := entityFullReturnType(input.TypeName, b.tsPrefix, b.tsSuffix, &importNamespaces)
args.Add(arg + ":" + goTypeToTypescriptType(entityName, &importNamespaces))
tsBody.WriteString(args.Join(",") + "):")
// now build Typescript return types
// If there is no return value or only returning error, TS returns Promise<void>
// If returning single value, TS returns Promise<type>
// If returning single value or error, TS returns Promise<type>
// If returning two values, TS returns Promise<type1|type2>
// Otherwise, TS returns Promise<type1> (instead of throwing Go error?)
var returnType string
if methodDetails.OutputCount() == 0 {
returnType = "Promise<void>"
} else if methodDetails.OutputCount() == 1 && methodDetails.Outputs[0].TypeName == "error" {
returnType = "Promise<void>"
} else {
outputTypeName := entityFullReturnType(methodDetails.Outputs[0].TypeName, b.tsPrefix, b.tsSuffix, &importNamespaces)
firstType := goTypeToTypescriptType(outputTypeName, &importNamespaces)
returnType = "Promise<" + firstType
if methodDetails.OutputCount() == 2 && methodDetails.Outputs[1].TypeName != "error" {
outputTypeName = entityFullReturnType(methodDetails.Outputs[1].TypeName, b.tsPrefix, b.tsSuffix, &importNamespaces)
secondType := goTypeToTypescriptType(outputTypeName, &importNamespaces)
returnType += "|" + secondType
returnType += ">"
tsBody.WriteString(returnType + ";\n")
importNamespaces.Each(func(namespace string) {
tsContent.WriteString("import {" + namespace + "} from '../models';\n")
jsfilename := filepath.Join(packageDir, structName+".js")
err = os.WriteFile(jsfilename, jsoutput.Bytes(), 0o755)
if err != nil {
return err
tsfilename := filepath.Join(packageDir, structName+".d.ts")
err = os.WriteFile(tsfilename, tsContent.Bytes(), 0o755)
if err != nil {
return err
err := b.WriteModels(baseDir)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func fullyQualifiedName(packageName string, typeName string) string {
if len(packageName) > 0 {
return packageName + "." + typeName
switch true {
case len(typeName) == 0:
return ""
case typeName == "interface{}" || typeName == "interface {}":
return "any"
case typeName == "string":
return "string"
case typeName == "error":
return "Error"
strings.HasPrefix(typeName, "int"),
strings.HasPrefix(typeName, "uint"),
strings.HasPrefix(typeName, "float"):
return "number"
case typeName == "bool":
return "boolean"
return "any"
func arrayifyValue(valueArray string, valueType string) string {
if len(valueArray) == 0 {
return valueType
return "Array<" + valueType + ">"
func goTypeToJSDocType(input string, importNamespaces *slicer.StringSlicer) string {
matches := mapRegex.FindStringSubmatch(input)
keyPackage := matches[keyPackageIndex]
keyType := matches[keyTypeIndex]
valueArray := matches[valueArrayIndex]
valuePackage := matches[valuePackageIndex]
valueType := matches[valueTypeIndex]
// fmt.Printf("input=%s, keyPackage=%s, keyType=%s, valueArray=%s, valuePackage=%s, valueType=%s\n",
// input,
// keyPackage,
// keyType,
// valueArray,
// valuePackage,
// valueType)
// byte array is special case
if valueArray == "[]" && valueType == "byte" {
return "string"
// if any packages, make sure they're saved
if len(keyPackage) > 0 {
if len(valuePackage) > 0 {
key := fullyQualifiedName(keyPackage, keyType)
var value string
if strings.HasPrefix(valueType, "map") {
value = goTypeToJSDocType(valueType, importNamespaces)
} else {
value = fullyQualifiedName(valuePackage, valueType)
if len(key) > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("{[key: %s]: %s}", key, arrayifyValue(valueArray, value))
return arrayifyValue(valueArray, value)
func goTypeToTypescriptType(input string, importNamespaces *slicer.StringSlicer) string {
return goTypeToJSDocType(input, importNamespaces)
func entityFullReturnType(input, prefix, suffix string, importNamespaces *slicer.StringSlicer) string {
if strings.ContainsRune(input, '.') {
nameSpace, returnType := getSplitReturn(input)
return nameSpace + "." + prefix + returnType + suffix
return input