go mod vendor

This commit is contained in:
tyler 2024-02-23 11:38:43 -05:00
parent 3bc2cbfae2
commit ecb0169d81
186 changed files with 50391 additions and 0 deletions

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enable-all: true
- gofmt
- gofumpt
- goimports
- golint # deprecated
- interfacer # deprecated
- maligned # deprecated
- scopelint # deprecated
- varnamelen
enable-all: true

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# Contributing guidelines
Looking to contribute something to this project? Here's how you can help:
Please take a moment to review this document in order to make the contribution process easy and effective for everyone involved.
Following these guidelines helps to communicate that you respect the time of the developers managing and developing this open source project. In return, they should reciprocate that respect in addressing your issue or assessing patches and features.
We also have a [code of conduct](https://ernest.io/conduct).
## Using the issue tracker
The issue tracker is the preferred channel for [bug reports](#bug-reports), [features requests](#feature-requests) and [submitting pull requests](#pull-requests), but please respect the following restrictions:
* Please **do not** use the issue tracker for personal support requests.
* Please **do not** derail issues. Keep the discussion on topic and
respect the opinions of others.
<a name="bugs"></a>
## Bug reports
A bug is a _demonstrable problem_ that is caused by the code in the repository.
Good bug reports are extremely helpful - thank you!
Guidelines for bug reports:
1. **Use the GitHub issue search** &mdash; check if the issue has already been
2. **Check if the issue has been fixed** &mdash; try to reproduce it using the
latest `master` or `develop` branch in the repository.
3. **Isolate the problem** &mdash; create a reduced test case and a live example.
A good bug report shouldn't leave others needing to chase you up for more
information. Please try to be as detailed as possible in your report. What is
your environment? What steps will reproduce the issue? Which environment experience the problem? What would you expect to be the outcome? All these
details will help people to fix any potential bugs.
> Short and descriptive example bug report title
> A summary of the issue and the environment in which it occurs. If
> suitable, include the steps required to reproduce the bug.
> 1. This is the first step
> 2. This is the second step
> 3. Further steps, etc.
> `<url>` - a link to the reduced test case
> Any other information you want to share that is relevant to the issue being
> reported. This might include the lines of code that you have identified as
> causing the bug, and potential solutions (and your opinions on their
> merits).
<a name="features"></a>
## Feature requests
Feature requests are welcome. But take a moment to find out whether your idea
fits with the scope and aims of the project. It's up to *you* to make a strong
case to convince the project's developers of the merits of this feature. Please
provide as much detail and context as possible.
<a name="pull-requests"></a>
## Pull requests
Good pull requests - patches, improvements, new features - are a fantastic
help. They should remain focused in scope and avoid containing unrelated
[**Please ask first**](https://ernest.io/community) before embarking on any significant pull request (e.g.
implementing features, refactoring code, porting to a different language),
otherwise you risk spending a lot of time working on something that the
project's developers might not want to merge into the project.
Please adhere to the coding conventions used throughout a project (indentation,
accurate comments, etc.) and any other requirements (such as test coverage).

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Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
1. Definitions
1.1. "Contributor"
means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to
the creation of, or owns Covered Software.
1.2. "Contributor Version"
means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used
by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution.
1.3. "Contribution"
means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
1.4. "Covered Software"
means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached
the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code
Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case
including portions thereof.
1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses"
(a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described
in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
(b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of
version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the
terms of a Secondary License.
1.6. "Executable Form"
means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
1.7. "Larger Work"
means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in
a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.
1.8. "License"
means this document.
1.9. "Licensable"
means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible,
whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and
all of the rights conveyed by this License.
1.10. "Modifications"
means any of the following:
(a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to,
deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered
Software; or
(b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered
1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor
means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method,
process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such
Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the
License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having
made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its
Contributor Version.
1.12. "Secondary License"
means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU
Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General
Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those
1.13. "Source Code Form"
means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
1.14. "You" (or "Your")
means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this
License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that
controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For
purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct
or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity,
whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than
fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial
ownership of such entity.
2. License Grants and Conditions
2.1. Grants
Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
non-exclusive license:
(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available,
modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its
Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or
as part of a Larger Work; and
(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer
for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its
Contributions or its Contributor Version.
2.2. Effective Date
The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution
become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first
distributes such Contribution.
2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under
this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the
distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License.
Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a
(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software;
(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's
modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
Version); or
(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of
its Contributions.
This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks,
or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with
the notice requirements in Section 3.4).
2.4. Subsequent Licenses
No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to
distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this
License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if
permitted under the terms of Section 3.3).
2.5. Representation
Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its
Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights
to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License.
2.6. Fair Use
This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under
applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other
2.7. Conditions
Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted
in Section 2.1.
3. Responsibilities
3.1. Distribution of Source Form
All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under
the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source
Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this
License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not
attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code
3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code
Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of
the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code
Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more
than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and
(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this
License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the
license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter
the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for
the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered
Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the
Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this
License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software
under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of
the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered
Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary
3.4. Notices
You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices
(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty,
or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of
the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to
the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies.
3.5. Application of Additional Terms
You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support,
indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered
Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on
behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any
such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by
You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any
liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support,
indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional
disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any
4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to
statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with
the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b)
describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must
be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered
Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute
or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a
recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it.
5. Termination
5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically
if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become
compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular
Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such
Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an
ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the
non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have
come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular
Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor
notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the
first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License
from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after
Your receipt of the notice.
5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions,
counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version
directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to
You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section
2.1 of this License shall terminate.
5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all
end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which
have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License
prior to termination shall survive termination.
* *
* 6. Disclaimer of Warranty *
* ------------------------- *
* *
* Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" *
* basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or *
* statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the *
* Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a *
* particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the *
* quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. *
* Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You *
* (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, *
* repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an *
* essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is *
* authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. *
* *
* *
* 7. Limitation of Liability *
* -------------------------- *
* *
* Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort *
* (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any *
* Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as *
* permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, *
* special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character *
* including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of *
* goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any *
* and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party *
* shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This *
* limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or *
* personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the *
* extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some *
* jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of *
* incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and *
* limitation may not apply to You. *
* *
8. Litigation
Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the
courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal
place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that
jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions.
Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring
cross-claims or counter-claims.
9. Miscellaneous
This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject
matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides
that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter
shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor.
10. Versions of the License
10.1. New Versions
Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
distinguishing version number.
10.2. Effect of New Versions
You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version
of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software,
or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
10.3. Modified Versions
If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
create a new license for such software, you may create and use a
modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove
any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that
such modified license differs from this License).
10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With
Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the
notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached.
Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular
file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE
file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look
for such a notice.
You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice
This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

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go install -v
go build -v ./...
golint ./...
go vet ./...
go test -v ./... --cover
go get -u gopkg.in/cenkalti/backoff.v1
go get -u github.com/golang/lint/golint
go get -u github.com/stretchr/testify
go clean

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# SSE - Server Sent Events Client/Server Library for Go
## Synopsis
SSE is a client/server implementation for Server Sent Events for Golang.
## Build status
* Master: [![CircleCI Master](https://circleci.com/gh/r3labs/sse.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/r3labs/sse)
## Quick start
To install:
go get github.com/r3labs/sse/v2
To Test:
$ make deps
$ make test
#### Example Server
There are two parts of the server. It is comprised of the message scheduler and a http handler function.
The messaging system is started when running:
func main() {
server := sse.New()
To add a stream to this handler:
func main() {
server := sse.New()
This creates a new stream inside of the scheduler. Seeing as there are no consumers, publishing a message to this channel will do nothing.
Clients can connect to this stream once the http handler is started by specifying _stream_ as a url parameter, like so:
In order to start the http server:
func main() {
server := sse.New()
// Create a new Mux and set the handler
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/events", server.ServeHTTP)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)
To publish messages to a stream:
func main() {
server := sse.New()
// Publish a payload to the stream
server.Publish("messages", &sse.Event{
Data: []byte("ping"),
Please note there must be a stream with the name you specify and there must be subscribers to that stream
A way to detect disconnected clients:
func main() {
server := sse.New()
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/events", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
go func() {
// Received Browser Disconnection
println("The client is disconnected here")
server.ServeHTTP(w, r)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)
#### Example Client
The client exposes a way to connect to an SSE server. The client can also handle multiple events under the same url.
To create a new client:
func main() {
client := sse.NewClient("http://server/events")
To subscribe to an event stream, please use the Subscribe function. This accepts the name of the stream and a handler function:
func main() {
client := sse.NewClient("http://server/events")
client.Subscribe("messages", func(msg *sse.Event) {
// Got some data!
Please note that this function will block the current thread. You can run this function in a go routine.
If you wish to have events sent to a channel, you can use SubscribeChan:
func main() {
events := make(chan *sse.Event)
client := sse.NewClient("http://server/events")
client.SubscribeChan("messages", events)
#### HTTP client parameters
To add additional parameters to the http client, such as disabling ssl verification for self signed certs, you can override the http client or update its options:
func main() {
client := sse.NewClient("http://server/events")
client.Connection.Transport = &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
#### URL query parameters
To set custom query parameters on the client or disable the stream parameter altogether:
func main() {
client := sse.NewClient("http://server/events?search=example")
client.SubscribeRaw(func(msg *sse.Event) {
// Got some data!
## Contributing
Please read through our
[contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md).
Included are directions for opening issues, coding standards, and notes on
Moreover, if your pull request contains patches or features, you must include
relevant unit tests.
## Versioning
For transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward
compatibility, this project is maintained under [the Semantic Versioning guidelines](http://semver.org/).
## Copyright and License
Code and documentation copyright since 2015 r3labs.io authors.
Code released under
[the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0](LICENSE).

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@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package sse
import (
var (
headerID = []byte("id:")
headerData = []byte("data:")
headerEvent = []byte("event:")
headerRetry = []byte("retry:")
func ClientMaxBufferSize(s int) func(c *Client) {
return func(c *Client) {
c.maxBufferSize = s
// ConnCallback defines a function to be called on a particular connection event
type ConnCallback func(c *Client)
// ResponseValidator validates a response
type ResponseValidator func(c *Client, resp *http.Response) error
// Client handles an incoming server stream
type Client struct {
Retry time.Time
ReconnectStrategy backoff.BackOff
disconnectcb ConnCallback
connectedcb ConnCallback
subscribed map[chan *Event]chan struct{}
Headers map[string]string
ReconnectNotify backoff.Notify
ResponseValidator ResponseValidator
Connection *http.Client
URL string
LastEventID atomic.Value // []byte
maxBufferSize int
mu sync.Mutex
EncodingBase64 bool
Connected bool
// NewClient creates a new client
func NewClient(url string, opts ...func(c *Client)) *Client {
c := &Client{
URL: url,
Connection: &http.Client{},
Headers: make(map[string]string),
subscribed: make(map[chan *Event]chan struct{}),
maxBufferSize: 1 << 16,
for _, opt := range opts {
return c
// Subscribe to a data stream
func (c *Client) Subscribe(stream string, handler func(msg *Event)) error {
return c.SubscribeWithContext(context.Background(), stream, handler)
// SubscribeWithContext to a data stream with context
func (c *Client) SubscribeWithContext(ctx context.Context, stream string, handler func(msg *Event)) error {
operation := func() error {
resp, err := c.request(ctx, stream)
if err != nil {
return err
if validator := c.ResponseValidator; validator != nil {
err = validator(c, resp)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
return fmt.Errorf("could not connect to stream: %s", http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
defer resp.Body.Close()
reader := NewEventStreamReader(resp.Body, c.maxBufferSize)
eventChan, errorChan := c.startReadLoop(reader)
for {
select {
case err = <-errorChan:
return err
case msg := <-eventChan:
// Apply user specified reconnection strategy or default to standard NewExponentialBackOff() reconnection method
var err error
if c.ReconnectStrategy != nil {
err = backoff.RetryNotify(operation, c.ReconnectStrategy, c.ReconnectNotify)
} else {
err = backoff.RetryNotify(operation, backoff.NewExponentialBackOff(), c.ReconnectNotify)
return err
// SubscribeChan sends all events to the provided channel
func (c *Client) SubscribeChan(stream string, ch chan *Event) error {
return c.SubscribeChanWithContext(context.Background(), stream, ch)
// SubscribeChanWithContext sends all events to the provided channel with context
func (c *Client) SubscribeChanWithContext(ctx context.Context, stream string, ch chan *Event) error {
var connected bool
errch := make(chan error)
c.subscribed[ch] = make(chan struct{})
operation := func() error {
resp, err := c.request(ctx, stream)
if err != nil {
return err
if validator := c.ResponseValidator; validator != nil {
err = validator(c, resp)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
return fmt.Errorf("could not connect to stream: %s", http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode))
defer resp.Body.Close()
if !connected {
// Notify connect
errch <- nil
connected = true
reader := NewEventStreamReader(resp.Body, c.maxBufferSize)
eventChan, errorChan := c.startReadLoop(reader)
for {
var msg *Event
// Wait for message to arrive or exit
select {
case <-c.subscribed[ch]:
return nil
case err = <-errorChan:
return err
case msg = <-eventChan:
// Wait for message to be sent or exit
if msg != nil {
select {
case <-c.subscribed[ch]:
return nil
case ch <- msg:
// message sent
go func() {
defer c.cleanup(ch)
// Apply user specified reconnection strategy or default to standard NewExponentialBackOff() reconnection method
var err error
if c.ReconnectStrategy != nil {
err = backoff.RetryNotify(operation, c.ReconnectStrategy, c.ReconnectNotify)
} else {
err = backoff.RetryNotify(operation, backoff.NewExponentialBackOff(), c.ReconnectNotify)
// channel closed once connected
if err != nil && !connected {
errch <- err
err := <-errch
return err
func (c *Client) startReadLoop(reader *EventStreamReader) (chan *Event, chan error) {
outCh := make(chan *Event)
erChan := make(chan error)
go c.readLoop(reader, outCh, erChan)
return outCh, erChan
func (c *Client) readLoop(reader *EventStreamReader, outCh chan *Event, erChan chan error) {
for {
// Read each new line and process the type of event
event, err := reader.ReadEvent()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
erChan <- nil
// run user specified disconnect function
if c.disconnectcb != nil {
c.Connected = false
erChan <- err
if !c.Connected && c.connectedcb != nil {
c.Connected = true
// If we get an error, ignore it.
var msg *Event
if msg, err = c.processEvent(event); err == nil {
if len(msg.ID) > 0 {
} else {
msg.ID, _ = c.LastEventID.Load().([]byte)
// Send downstream if the event has something useful
if msg.hasContent() {
outCh <- msg
// SubscribeRaw to an sse endpoint
func (c *Client) SubscribeRaw(handler func(msg *Event)) error {
return c.Subscribe("", handler)
// SubscribeRawWithContext to an sse endpoint with context
func (c *Client) SubscribeRawWithContext(ctx context.Context, handler func(msg *Event)) error {
return c.SubscribeWithContext(ctx, "", handler)
// SubscribeChanRaw sends all events to the provided channel
func (c *Client) SubscribeChanRaw(ch chan *Event) error {
return c.SubscribeChan("", ch)
// SubscribeChanRawWithContext sends all events to the provided channel with context
func (c *Client) SubscribeChanRawWithContext(ctx context.Context, ch chan *Event) error {
return c.SubscribeChanWithContext(ctx, "", ch)
// Unsubscribe unsubscribes a channel
func (c *Client) Unsubscribe(ch chan *Event) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if c.subscribed[ch] != nil {
c.subscribed[ch] <- struct{}{}
// OnDisconnect specifies the function to run when the connection disconnects
func (c *Client) OnDisconnect(fn ConnCallback) {
c.disconnectcb = fn
// OnConnect specifies the function to run when the connection is successful
func (c *Client) OnConnect(fn ConnCallback) {
c.connectedcb = fn
func (c *Client) request(ctx context.Context, stream string) (*http.Response, error) {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", c.URL, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
// Setup request, specify stream to connect to
if stream != "" {
query := req.URL.Query()
query.Add("stream", stream)
req.URL.RawQuery = query.Encode()
req.Header.Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
req.Header.Set("Accept", "text/event-stream")
req.Header.Set("Connection", "keep-alive")
lastID, exists := c.LastEventID.Load().([]byte)
if exists && lastID != nil {
req.Header.Set("Last-Event-ID", string(lastID))
// Add user specified headers
for k, v := range c.Headers {
req.Header.Set(k, v)
return c.Connection.Do(req)
func (c *Client) processEvent(msg []byte) (event *Event, err error) {
var e Event
if len(msg) < 1 {
return nil, errors.New("event message was empty")
// Normalize the crlf to lf to make it easier to split the lines.
// Split the line by "\n" or "\r", per the spec.
for _, line := range bytes.FieldsFunc(msg, func(r rune) bool { return r == '\n' || r == '\r' }) {
switch {
case bytes.HasPrefix(line, headerID):
e.ID = append([]byte(nil), trimHeader(len(headerID), line)...)
case bytes.HasPrefix(line, headerData):
// The spec allows for multiple data fields per event, concatenated them with "\n".
e.Data = append(e.Data[:], append(trimHeader(len(headerData), line), byte('\n'))...)
// The spec says that a line that simply contains the string "data" should be treated as a data field with an empty body.
case bytes.Equal(line, bytes.TrimSuffix(headerData, []byte(":"))):
e.Data = append(e.Data, byte('\n'))
case bytes.HasPrefix(line, headerEvent):
e.Event = append([]byte(nil), trimHeader(len(headerEvent), line)...)
case bytes.HasPrefix(line, headerRetry):
e.Retry = append([]byte(nil), trimHeader(len(headerRetry), line)...)
// Ignore any garbage that doesn't match what we're looking for.
// Trim the last "\n" per the spec.
e.Data = bytes.TrimSuffix(e.Data, []byte("\n"))
if c.EncodingBase64 {
buf := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(e.Data)))
n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(buf, e.Data)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to decode event message: %s", err)
e.Data = buf[:n]
return &e, err
func (c *Client) cleanup(ch chan *Event) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if c.subscribed[ch] != nil {
delete(c.subscribed, ch)
func trimHeader(size int, data []byte) []byte {
if data == nil || len(data) < size {
return data
data = data[size:]
// Remove optional leading whitespace
if len(data) > 0 && data[0] == 32 {
data = data[1:]
// Remove trailing new line
if len(data) > 0 && data[len(data)-1] == 10 {
data = data[:len(data)-1]
return data

vendor/github.com/r3labs/sse/v2/event.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package sse
import (
// Event holds all of the event source fields
type Event struct {
timestamp time.Time
ID []byte
Data []byte
Event []byte
Retry []byte
Comment []byte
func (e *Event) hasContent() bool {
return len(e.ID) > 0 || len(e.Data) > 0 || len(e.Event) > 0 || len(e.Retry) > 0
// EventStreamReader scans an io.Reader looking for EventStream messages.
type EventStreamReader struct {
scanner *bufio.Scanner
// NewEventStreamReader creates an instance of EventStreamReader.
func NewEventStreamReader(eventStream io.Reader, maxBufferSize int) *EventStreamReader {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(eventStream)
initBufferSize := minPosInt(4096, maxBufferSize)
scanner.Buffer(make([]byte, initBufferSize), maxBufferSize)
split := func(data []byte, atEOF bool) (int, []byte, error) {
if atEOF && len(data) == 0 {
return 0, nil, nil
// We have a full event payload to parse.
if i, nlen := containsDoubleNewline(data); i >= 0 {
return i + nlen, data[0:i], nil
// If we're at EOF, we have all of the data.
if atEOF {
return len(data), data, nil
// Request more data.
return 0, nil, nil
// Set the split function for the scanning operation.
return &EventStreamReader{
scanner: scanner,
// Returns a tuple containing the index of a double newline, and the number of bytes
// represented by that sequence. If no double newline is present, the first value
// will be negative.
func containsDoubleNewline(data []byte) (int, int) {
// Search for each potentially valid sequence of newline characters
crcr := bytes.Index(data, []byte("\r\r"))
lflf := bytes.Index(data, []byte("\n\n"))
crlflf := bytes.Index(data, []byte("\r\n\n"))
lfcrlf := bytes.Index(data, []byte("\n\r\n"))
crlfcrlf := bytes.Index(data, []byte("\r\n\r\n"))
// Find the earliest position of a double newline combination
minPos := minPosInt(crcr, minPosInt(lflf, minPosInt(crlflf, minPosInt(lfcrlf, crlfcrlf))))
// Detemine the length of the sequence
nlen := 2
if minPos == crlfcrlf {
nlen = 4
} else if minPos == crlflf || minPos == lfcrlf {
nlen = 3
return minPos, nlen
// Returns the minimum non-negative value out of the two values. If both
// are negative, a negative value is returned.
func minPosInt(a, b int) int {
if a < 0 {
return b
if b < 0 {
return a
if a > b {
return b
return a
// ReadEvent scans the EventStream for events.
func (e *EventStreamReader) ReadEvent() ([]byte, error) {
if e.scanner.Scan() {
event := e.scanner.Bytes()
return event, nil
if err := e.scanner.Err(); err != nil {
if err == context.Canceled {
return nil, io.EOF
return nil, err
return nil, io.EOF

vendor/github.com/r3labs/sse/v2/event_log.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package sse
import (
// EventLog holds all of previous events
type EventLog []*Event
// Add event to eventlog
func (e *EventLog) Add(ev *Event) {
if !ev.hasContent() {
ev.ID = []byte(e.currentindex())
ev.timestamp = time.Now()
*e = append(*e, ev)
// Clear events from eventlog
func (e *EventLog) Clear() {
*e = nil
// Replay events to a subscriber
func (e *EventLog) Replay(s *Subscriber) {
for i := 0; i < len(*e); i++ {
id, _ := strconv.Atoi(string((*e)[i].ID))
if id >= s.eventid {
s.connection <- (*e)[i]
func (e *EventLog) currentindex() string {
return strconv.Itoa(len(*e))

vendor/github.com/r3labs/sse/v2/http.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package sse
import (
// ServeHTTP serves new connections with events for a given stream ...
func (s *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
flusher, err := w.(http.Flusher)
if !err {
http.Error(w, "Streaming unsupported!", http.StatusInternalServerError)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/event-stream")
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
w.Header().Set("Connection", "keep-alive")
for k, v := range s.Headers {
w.Header().Set(k, v)
// Get the StreamID from the URL
streamID := r.URL.Query().Get("stream")
if streamID == "" {
http.Error(w, "Please specify a stream!", http.StatusInternalServerError)
stream := s.getStream(streamID)
if stream == nil {
if !s.AutoStream {
http.Error(w, "Stream not found!", http.StatusInternalServerError)
stream = s.CreateStream(streamID)
eventid := 0
if id := r.Header.Get("Last-Event-ID"); id != "" {
var err error
eventid, err = strconv.Atoi(id)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Last-Event-ID must be a number!", http.StatusBadRequest)
// Create the stream subscriber
sub := stream.addSubscriber(eventid, r.URL)
go func() {
if s.AutoStream && !s.AutoReplay && stream.getSubscriberCount() == 0 {
// Push events to client
for ev := range sub.connection {
// If the data buffer is an empty string abort.
if len(ev.Data) == 0 && len(ev.Comment) == 0 {
// if the event has expired, dont send it
if s.EventTTL != 0 && time.Now().After(ev.timestamp.Add(s.EventTTL)) {
if len(ev.Data) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "id: %s\n", ev.ID)
if s.SplitData {
sd := bytes.Split(ev.Data, []byte("\n"))
for i := range sd {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "data: %s\n", sd[i])
} else {
if bytes.HasPrefix(ev.Data, []byte(":")) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", ev.Data)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "data: %s\n", ev.Data)
if len(ev.Event) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "event: %s\n", ev.Event)
if len(ev.Retry) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "retry: %s\n", ev.Retry)
if len(ev.Comment) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, ": %s\n", ev.Comment)
fmt.Fprint(w, "\n")

vendor/github.com/r3labs/sse/v2/server.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package sse
import (
// DefaultBufferSize size of the queue that holds the streams messages.
const DefaultBufferSize = 1024
// Server Is our main struct
type Server struct {
// Extra headers adding to the HTTP response to each client
Headers map[string]string
// Sets a ttl that prevents old events from being transmitted
EventTTL time.Duration
// Specifies the size of the message buffer for each stream
BufferSize int
// Encodes all data as base64
EncodeBase64 bool
// Splits an events data into multiple data: entries
SplitData bool
// Enables creation of a stream when a client connects
AutoStream bool
// Enables automatic replay for each new subscriber that connects
AutoReplay bool
// Specifies the function to run when client subscribe or un-subscribe
OnSubscribe func(streamID string, sub *Subscriber)
OnUnsubscribe func(streamID string, sub *Subscriber)
streams map[string]*Stream
muStreams sync.RWMutex
// New will create a server and setup defaults
func New() *Server {
return &Server{
BufferSize: DefaultBufferSize,
AutoStream: false,
AutoReplay: true,
streams: make(map[string]*Stream),
Headers: map[string]string{},
// NewWithCallback will create a server and setup defaults with callback function
func NewWithCallback(onSubscribe, onUnsubscribe func(streamID string, sub *Subscriber)) *Server {
return &Server{
BufferSize: DefaultBufferSize,
AutoStream: false,
AutoReplay: true,
streams: make(map[string]*Stream),
Headers: map[string]string{},
OnSubscribe: onSubscribe,
OnUnsubscribe: onUnsubscribe,
// Close shuts down the server, closes all of the streams and connections
func (s *Server) Close() {
defer s.muStreams.Unlock()
for id := range s.streams {
delete(s.streams, id)
// CreateStream will create a new stream and register it
func (s *Server) CreateStream(id string) *Stream {
defer s.muStreams.Unlock()
if s.streams[id] != nil {
return s.streams[id]
str := newStream(id, s.BufferSize, s.AutoReplay, s.AutoStream, s.OnSubscribe, s.OnUnsubscribe)
s.streams[id] = str
return str
// RemoveStream will remove a stream
func (s *Server) RemoveStream(id string) {
defer s.muStreams.Unlock()
if s.streams[id] != nil {
delete(s.streams, id)
// StreamExists checks whether a stream by a given id exists
func (s *Server) StreamExists(id string) bool {
return s.getStream(id) != nil
// Publish sends a mesage to every client in a streamID.
// If the stream's buffer is full, it blocks until the message is sent out to
// all subscribers (but not necessarily arrived the clients), or when the
// stream is closed.
func (s *Server) Publish(id string, event *Event) {
stream := s.getStream(id)
if stream == nil {
select {
case <-stream.quit:
case stream.event <- s.process(event):
// TryPublish is the same as Publish except that when the operation would cause
// the call to be blocked, it simply drops the message and returns false.
// Together with a small BufferSize, it can be useful when publishing the
// latest message ASAP is more important than reliable delivery.
func (s *Server) TryPublish(id string, event *Event) bool {
stream := s.getStream(id)
if stream == nil {
return false
select {
case stream.event <- s.process(event):
return true
return false
func (s *Server) getStream(id string) *Stream {
defer s.muStreams.RUnlock()
return s.streams[id]
func (s *Server) process(event *Event) *Event {
if s.EncodeBase64 {
output := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(event.Data)))
base64.StdEncoding.Encode(output, event.Data)
event.Data = output
return event

vendor/github.com/r3labs/sse/v2/stream.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package sse
import (
// Stream ...
type Stream struct {
ID string
event chan *Event
quit chan struct{}
quitOnce sync.Once
register chan *Subscriber
deregister chan *Subscriber
subscribers []*Subscriber
Eventlog EventLog
subscriberCount int32
// Enables replaying of eventlog to newly added subscribers
AutoReplay bool
isAutoStream bool
// Specifies the function to run when client subscribe or un-subscribe
OnSubscribe func(streamID string, sub *Subscriber)
OnUnsubscribe func(streamID string, sub *Subscriber)
// newStream returns a new stream
func newStream(id string, buffSize int, replay, isAutoStream bool, onSubscribe, onUnsubscribe func(string, *Subscriber)) *Stream {
return &Stream{
ID: id,
AutoReplay: replay,
subscribers: make([]*Subscriber, 0),
isAutoStream: isAutoStream,
register: make(chan *Subscriber),
deregister: make(chan *Subscriber),
event: make(chan *Event, buffSize),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
Eventlog: make(EventLog, 0),
OnSubscribe: onSubscribe,
OnUnsubscribe: onUnsubscribe,
func (str *Stream) run() {
go func(str *Stream) {
for {
select {
// Add new subscriber
case subscriber := <-str.register:
str.subscribers = append(str.subscribers, subscriber)
if str.AutoReplay {
// Remove closed subscriber
case subscriber := <-str.deregister:
i := str.getSubIndex(subscriber)
if i != -1 {
if str.OnUnsubscribe != nil {
go str.OnUnsubscribe(str.ID, subscriber)
// Publish event to subscribers
case event := <-str.event:
if str.AutoReplay {
for i := range str.subscribers {
str.subscribers[i].connection <- event
// Shutdown if the server closes
case <-str.quit:
// remove connections
func (str *Stream) close() {
str.quitOnce.Do(func() {
func (str *Stream) getSubIndex(sub *Subscriber) int {
for i := range str.subscribers {
if str.subscribers[i] == sub {
return i
return -1
// addSubscriber will create a new subscriber on a stream
func (str *Stream) addSubscriber(eventid int, url *url.URL) *Subscriber {
atomic.AddInt32(&str.subscriberCount, 1)
sub := &Subscriber{
eventid: eventid,
quit: str.deregister,
connection: make(chan *Event, 64),
URL: url,
if str.isAutoStream {
sub.removed = make(chan struct{}, 1)
str.register <- sub
if str.OnSubscribe != nil {
go str.OnSubscribe(str.ID, sub)
return sub
func (str *Stream) removeSubscriber(i int) {
atomic.AddInt32(&str.subscriberCount, -1)
if str.subscribers[i].removed != nil {
str.subscribers[i].removed <- struct{}{}
str.subscribers = append(str.subscribers[:i], str.subscribers[i+1:]...)
func (str *Stream) removeAllSubscribers() {
for i := 0; i < len(str.subscribers); i++ {
if str.subscribers[i].removed != nil {
str.subscribers[i].removed <- struct{}{}
atomic.StoreInt32(&str.subscriberCount, 0)
str.subscribers = str.subscribers[:0]
func (str *Stream) getSubscriberCount() int {
return int(atomic.LoadInt32(&str.subscriberCount))

vendor/github.com/r3labs/sse/v2/subscriber.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package sse
import "net/url"
// Subscriber ...
type Subscriber struct {
quit chan *Subscriber
connection chan *Event
removed chan struct{}
eventid int
URL *url.URL
// Close will let the stream know that the clients connection has terminated
func (s *Subscriber) close() {
s.quit <- s
if s.removed != nil {

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
repository = "https://github.com/robertkrimen/otto"
subtitle = "Release Notes"
"Refactors" = ["refactor"]
"Chores" = ["chore"]
"Continuous Integration" = ["ci"]
"Improvements" = ["imp", "improvement"]
"Features" = ["feat", "feature"]
"Legacy" = ["legacy"]
"QA" = ["qa", "test", "tests"]
"Documentation" = ["doc", "docs"]

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/.gitignore generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/.golangci.yml generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
deadline: 6m
- terst
- dbg/dbg.go
check-shadowing: false
min-len: 2
min-occurrences: 4
enable-all: true
- dupl
- gas
- errcheck
- gofmt
- gosimple
- interfacer
- megacheck
- maligned
- structcheck
- staticcheck
- unconvert
- unparam
- varcheck
- lll
- prealloc
- gochecknoglobals
- gochecknoinits
- scopelint
- funlen
- godox
- exhaustivestruct
- goerr113
- wsl
- nlreturn
- tagliatelle
- gomnd
- paralleltest
- wrapcheck
- testpackage
- golint
- gofumpt
- forbidigo
- gocognit
- gocritic
- godot
- nakedret
- nestif
- revive
- errorlint
- exhaustive
- forcetypeassert
- ifshort
- stylecheck
- gocyclo
- misspell
- cyclop
- varnamelen
- nonamedreturns
- maintidx
- ireturn
- exhaustruct
- nosnakecase
- deadcode
- dupword
- gci

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/.goreleaser.yaml generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# When adding options check the documentation at https://goreleaser.com
- go mod tidy
- env:
- linux
- darwin
- amd64
- arm64
main: ./otto
id: otto
binary: otto
- replace: true
id: otto
name_template: 'checksums.txt'
name_template: "{{ incpatch .Version }}-next"
- id: otto
name_template: "{{ .Binary }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}"
header: |
<a name="{{.Tag}}"></a>
### {{.Tag}} Release Notes ({{.Date}})
footer: |
[Full Changelog](https://{{ .ModulePath }}/compare/{{ .PreviousTag }}...{{ .Tag }})
use: github
sort: asc
- Merge pull request
- Merge remote-tracking branch
- Merge branch
# Group commits messages by given regex and title.
# Order value defines the order of the groups.
# Proving no regex means all commits will be grouped under the default group.
# Groups are disabled when using github-native, as it already groups things by itself.
# Matches are performed against strings of the form: "<abbrev-commit> <title-commit>".
# Regex use RE2 syntax as defined here: https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax.
# Default is no groups.
- title: Features
regexp: '^.*?(feat|feature)(\([[:word:]]+\))??!?:.+$'
order: 0
- title: 'Bug fixes'
regexp: '^.*?fix(\([[:word:]]+\))??!?:.+$'
order: 1
- title: 'Chores'
regexp: '^.*?chore(\([[:word:]]+\))??!?:.+$'
order: 2
- title: 'Quality'
regexp: '^.*?(qa|test|tests)(\([[:word:]]+\))??!?:.+$'
order: 3
- title: 'Documentation'
regexp: '^.*?(doc|docs)(\([[:word:]]+\))??!?:.+$'
order: 4
- title: 'Continuous Integration'
regexp: '^.*?ci(\([[:word:]]+\))??!?:.+$'
order: 5
- title: Other
order: 999

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
* Designate the filename of "anonymous" source code by the hash (md5/sha1, etc.)

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/LICENSE generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2012 Robert Krimen
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/Makefile generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
.PHONY: test test-race test-release release release-check test-262
.PHONY: parser
.PHONY: otto assets underscore
TESTS := \
TEST := -v --run
TEST := -v
TEST := -v --run Test\($(subst $(eval) ,\|,$(TESTS))\)
TEST := .
test: parser inline.go
go test -i
go test $(TEST)
@echo PASS
$(MAKE) -C parser
inline.go: inline.pl
./$< > $@
# release, test #
release: test-race test-release
for package in . parser token ast file underscore registry; do (cd $$package && godocdown --signature > README.markdown); done
@echo \*\*\* make release-check
@echo PASS
release-check: .test
$(MAKE) -C test build test
$(MAKE) -C .test/test262 build test
@echo PASS
test-262: .test
$(MAKE) -C .test/test262 build test
@echo PASS
go test -i
go test
go test -race -i
go test -race
# otto, assets, underscore, ... #
$(MAKE) -C otto
mkdir -p .assets
for file in underscore/test/*.js; do tr "\`" "_" < $$file > .assets/`basename $$file`; done
$(MAKE) -C $@

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View file

@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
# otto
import "github.com/robertkrimen/otto"
Package otto is a JavaScript parser and interpreter written natively in Go.
import (
Run something in the VM
vm := otto.New()
abc = 2 + 2;
console.log("The value of abc is " + abc); // 4
Get a value out of the VM
if value, err := vm.Get("abc"); err == nil {
if value_int, err := value.ToInteger(); err == nil {
fmt.Printf("", value_int, err)
Set a number
vm.Set("def", 11)
console.log("The value of def is " + def);
// The value of def is 11
Set a string
vm.Set("xyzzy", "Nothing happens.")
console.log(xyzzy.length); // 16
Get the value of an expression
value, _ = vm.Run("xyzzy.length")
// value is an int64 with a value of 16
value, _ := value.ToInteger()
An error happens
value, err = vm.Run("abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz.length")
if err != nil {
// err = ReferenceError: abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz is not defined
// If there is an error, then value.IsUndefined() is true
Set a Go function
vm.Set("sayHello", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
fmt.Printf("Hello, %s.\n", call.Argument(0).String())
return otto.Value{}
Set a Go function that returns something useful
vm.Set("twoPlus", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
right, _ := call.Argument(0).ToInteger()
result, _ := vm.ToValue(2 + right)
return result
Use the functions in JavaScript
result, _ = vm.Run(`
sayHello("Xyzzy"); // Hello, Xyzzy.
sayHello(); // Hello, undefined
result = twoPlus(2.0); // 4
### Parser
A separate parser is available in the parser package if you're just interested
in building an AST.
Parse and return an AST
filename := "" // A filename is optional
src := `
// Sample xyzzy example
if (3.14159 > 0) {
console.log("Hello, World.");
var xyzzy = NaN;
console.log("Nothing happens.");
return xyzzy;
// Parse some JavaScript, yielding a *ast.Program and/or an ErrorList
program, err := parser.ParseFile(nil, filename, src, 0)
### otto
You can run (Go) JavaScript from the commandline with:
$ go get -v github.com/robertkrimen/otto/otto
Run JavaScript by entering some source on stdin or by giving otto a filename:
$ otto example.js
### underscore
Optionally include the JavaScript utility-belt library, underscore, with this
import (
_ "github.com/robertkrimen/otto/underscore"
// Now every otto runtime will come loaded with underscore
For more information: http://github.com/robertkrimen/otto/tree/master/underscore
### Caveat Emptor
The following are some limitations with otto:
* "use strict" will parse, but does nothing.
* The regular expression engine (re2/regexp) is not fully compatible with the ECMA5 specification.
* Otto targets ES5. ES6 features (eg: Typed Arrays) are not supported.
### Regular Expression Incompatibility
Go translates JavaScript-style regular expressions into something that is
"regexp" compatible via `parser.TransformRegExp`. Unfortunately, RegExp requires
backtracking for some patterns, and backtracking is not supported by the
standard Go engine: https://code.google.com/p/re2/wiki/Syntax
Therefore, the following syntax is incompatible:
(?=) // Lookahead (positive), currently a parsing error
(?!) // Lookahead (backhead), currently a parsing error
\1 // Backreference (\1, \2, \3, ...), currently a parsing error
A brief discussion of these limitations: "Regexp (?!re)"
More information about re2: https://code.google.com/p/re2/
In addition to the above, re2 (Go) has a different definition for \s: [\t\n\f\r
]. The JavaScript definition, on the other hand, also includes \v, Unicode
"Separator, Space", etc.
### Halting Problem
If you want to stop long running executions (like third-party code), you can use
the interrupt channel to do this:
package main
import (
var halt = errors.New("Stahp")
func main() {
runUnsafe(`var abc = [];`)
while (true) {
// Loop forever
func runUnsafe(unsafe string) {
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
duration := time.Since(start)
if caught := recover(); caught != nil {
if caught == halt {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Some code took to long! Stopping after: %v\n", duration)
panic(caught) // Something else happened, repanic!
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Ran code successfully: %v\n", duration)
vm := otto.New()
vm.Interrupt = make(chan func(), 1) // The buffer prevents blocking
watchdogCleanup := make(chan struct{})
defer close(watchdogCleanup)
go func() {
select {
case <-time.After(2 * time.Second): // Stop after two seconds
vm.Interrupt <- func() {
case <-watchdogCleanup:
vm.Run(unsafe) // Here be dragons (risky code)
Where is setTimeout/setInterval?
These timing functions are not actually part of the ECMA-262 specification.
Typically, they belong to the `window` object (in the browser). It would not be
difficult to provide something like these via Go, but you probably want to wrap
otto in an event loop in that case.
For an example of how this could be done in Go with otto, see natto:
Here is some more discussion of the issue:
* http://book.mixu.net/node/ch2.html
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reentrancy_%28computing%29
* http://aaroncrane.co.uk/2009/02/perl_safe_signals/
## Usage
var ErrVersion = errors.New("version mismatch")
#### type Error
type Error struct {
An Error represents a runtime error, e.g. a TypeError, a ReferenceError, etc.
#### func (Error) Error
func (err Error) Error() string
Error returns a description of the error
TypeError: 'def' is not a function
#### func (Error) String
func (err Error) String() string
String returns a description of the error and a trace of where the error
TypeError: 'def' is not a function
at xyz (<anonymous>:3:9)
at <anonymous>:7:1/
#### type FunctionCall
type FunctionCall struct {
This Value
ArgumentList []Value
Otto *Otto
FunctionCall is an encapsulation of a JavaScript function call.
#### func (FunctionCall) Argument
func (self FunctionCall) Argument(index int) Value
Argument will return the value of the argument at the given index.
If no such argument exists, undefined is returned.
#### type Object
type Object struct {
Object is the representation of a JavaScript object.
#### func (Object) Call
func (self Object) Call(name string, argumentList ...interface{}) (Value, error)
Call a method on the object.
It is essentially equivalent to:
var method, _ := object.Get(name)
method.Call(object, argumentList...)
An undefined value and an error will result if:
1. There is an error during conversion of the argument list
2. The property is not actually a function
3. An (uncaught) exception is thrown
#### func (Object) Class
func (self Object) Class() string
Class will return the class string of the object.
The return value will (generally) be one of:
#### func (Object) Get
func (self Object) Get(name string) (Value, error)
Get the value of the property with the given name.
#### func (Object) Keys
func (self Object) Keys() []string
Get the keys for the object
Equivalent to calling Object.keys on the object
#### func (Object) Set
func (self Object) Set(name string, value interface{}) error
Set the property of the given name to the given value.
An error will result if the setting the property triggers an exception (i.e.
read-only), or there is an error during conversion of the given value.
#### func (Object) Value
func (self Object) Value() Value
Value will return self as a value.
#### type Otto
type Otto struct {
// Interrupt is a channel for interrupting the runtime. You can use this to halt a long running execution, for example.
// See "Halting Problem" for more information.
Interrupt chan func()
Otto is the representation of the JavaScript runtime. Each instance of Otto has
a self-contained namespace.
#### func New
func New() *Otto
New will allocate a new JavaScript runtime
#### func Run
func Run(src interface{}) (*Otto, Value, error)
Run will allocate a new JavaScript runtime, run the given source on the
allocated runtime, and return the runtime, resulting value, and error (if any).
src may be a string, a byte slice, a bytes.Buffer, or an io.Reader, but it MUST
always be in UTF-8.
src may also be a Script.
src may also be a Program, but if the AST has been modified, then runtime
behavior is undefined.
#### func (Otto) Call
func (self Otto) Call(source string, this interface{}, argumentList ...interface{}) (Value, error)
Call the given JavaScript with a given this and arguments.
If this is nil, then some special handling takes place to determine the proper
this value, falling back to a "standard" invocation if necessary (where this is
If source begins with "new " (A lowercase new followed by a space), then Call
will invoke the function constructor rather than performing a function call. In
this case, the this argument has no effect.
// value is a String object
value, _ := vm.Call("Object", nil, "Hello, World.")
// Likewise...
value, _ := vm.Call("new Object", nil, "Hello, World.")
// This will perform a concat on the given array and return the result
// value is [ 1, 2, 3, undefined, 4, 5, 6, 7, "abc" ]
value, _ := vm.Call(`[ 1, 2, 3, undefined, 4 ].concat`, nil, 5, 6, 7, "abc")
#### func (*Otto) Compile
func (self *Otto) Compile(filename string, src interface{}) (*Script, error)
Compile will parse the given source and return a Script value or nil and an
error if there was a problem during compilation.
script, err := vm.Compile("", `var abc; if (!abc) abc = 0; abc += 2; abc;`)
#### func (*Otto) Copy
func (in *Otto) Copy() *Otto
Copy will create a copy/clone of the runtime.
Copy is useful for saving some time when creating many similar runtimes.
This method works by walking the original runtime and cloning each object,
scope, stash, etc. into a new runtime.
Be on the lookout for memory leaks or inadvertent sharing of resources.
#### func (Otto) Get
func (self Otto) Get(name string) (Value, error)
Get the value of the top-level binding of the given name.
If there is an error (like the binding does not exist), then the value will be
#### func (Otto) Object
func (self Otto) Object(source string) (*Object, error)
Object will run the given source and return the result as an object.
For example, accessing an existing object:
object, _ := vm.Object(`Number`)
Or, creating a new object:
object, _ := vm.Object(`({ xyzzy: "Nothing happens." })`)
Or, creating and assigning an object:
object, _ := vm.Object(`xyzzy = {}`)
object.Set("volume", 11)
If there is an error (like the source does not result in an object), then nil
and an error is returned.
#### func (Otto) Run
func (self Otto) Run(src interface{}) (Value, error)
Run will run the given source (parsing it first if necessary), returning the
resulting value and error (if any)
src may be a string, a byte slice, a bytes.Buffer, or an io.Reader, but it MUST
always be in UTF-8.
If the runtime is unable to parse source, then this function will return
undefined and the parse error (nothing will be evaluated in this case).
src may also be a Script.
src may also be a Program, but if the AST has been modified, then runtime
behavior is undefined.
#### func (Otto) Set
func (self Otto) Set(name string, value interface{}) error
Set the top-level binding of the given name to the given value.
Set will automatically apply ToValue to the given value in order to convert it
to a JavaScript value (type Value).
If there is an error (like the binding is read-only, or the ToValue conversion
fails), then an error is returned.
If the top-level binding does not exist, it will be created.
#### func (Otto) ToValue
func (self Otto) ToValue(value interface{}) (Value, error)
ToValue will convert an interface{} value to a value digestible by
#### type Script
type Script struct {
Script is a handle for some (reusable) JavaScript. Passing a Script value to a
run method will evaluate the JavaScript.
#### func (*Script) String
func (self *Script) String() string
#### type Value
type Value struct {
Value is the representation of a JavaScript value.
#### func FalseValue
func FalseValue() Value
FalseValue will return a value representing false.
It is equivalent to:
#### func NaNValue
func NaNValue() Value
NaNValue will return a value representing NaN.
It is equivalent to:
#### func NullValue
func NullValue() Value
NullValue will return a Value representing null.
#### func ToValue
func ToValue(value interface{}) (Value, error)
ToValue will convert an interface{} value to a value digestible by
This function will not work for advanced types (struct, map, slice/array, etc.)
and you should use Otto.ToValue instead.
#### func TrueValue
func TrueValue() Value
TrueValue will return a value representing true.
It is equivalent to:
#### func UndefinedValue
func UndefinedValue() Value
UndefinedValue will return a Value representing undefined.
#### func (Value) Call
func (value Value) Call(this Value, argumentList ...interface{}) (Value, error)
Call the value as a function with the given this value and argument list and
return the result of invocation. It is essentially equivalent to:
value.apply(thisValue, argumentList)
An undefined value and an error will result if:
1. There is an error during conversion of the argument list
2. The value is not actually a function
3. An (uncaught) exception is thrown
#### func (Value) Class
func (value Value) Class() string
Class will return the class string of the value or the empty string if value is
not an object.
The return value will (generally) be one of:
#### func (Value) Export
func (self Value) Export() (interface{}, error)
Export will attempt to convert the value to a Go representation and return it
via an interface{} kind.
Export returns an error, but it will always be nil. It is present for backwards
If a reasonable conversion is not possible, then the original value is returned.
undefined -> nil (FIXME?: Should be Value{})
null -> nil
boolean -> bool
number -> A number type (int, float32, uint64, ...)
string -> string
Array -> []interface{}
Object -> map[string]interface{}
#### func (Value) IsBoolean
func (value Value) IsBoolean() bool
IsBoolean will return true if value is a boolean (primitive).
#### func (Value) IsDefined
func (value Value) IsDefined() bool
IsDefined will return false if the value is undefined, and true otherwise.
#### func (Value) IsFunction
func (value Value) IsFunction() bool
IsFunction will return true if value is a function.
#### func (Value) IsNaN
func (value Value) IsNaN() bool
IsNaN will return true if value is NaN (or would convert to NaN).
#### func (Value) IsNull
func (value Value) IsNull() bool
IsNull will return true if the value is null, and false otherwise.
#### func (Value) IsNumber
func (value Value) IsNumber() bool
IsNumber will return true if value is a number (primitive).
#### func (Value) IsObject
func (value Value) IsObject() bool
IsObject will return true if value is an object.
#### func (Value) IsPrimitive
func (value Value) IsPrimitive() bool
IsPrimitive will return true if value is a primitive (any kind of primitive).
#### func (Value) IsString
func (value Value) IsString() bool
IsString will return true if value is a string (primitive).
#### func (Value) IsUndefined
func (value Value) IsUndefined() bool
IsUndefined will return true if the value is undefined, and false otherwise.
#### func (Value) Object
func (value Value) Object() *Object
Object will return the object of the value, or nil if value is not an object.
This method will not do any implicit conversion. For example, calling this
method on a string primitive value will not return a String object.
#### func (Value) String
func (value Value) String() string
String will return the value as a string.
This method will make return the empty string if there is an error.
#### func (Value) ToBoolean
func (value Value) ToBoolean() (bool, error)
ToBoolean will convert the value to a boolean (bool).
ToValue(0).ToBoolean() => false
ToValue("").ToBoolean() => false
ToValue(true).ToBoolean() => true
ToValue(1).ToBoolean() => true
ToValue("Nothing happens").ToBoolean() => true
If there is an error during the conversion process (like an uncaught exception),
then the result will be false and an error.
#### func (Value) ToFloat
func (value Value) ToFloat() (float64, error)
ToFloat will convert the value to a number (float64).
ToValue(0).ToFloat() => 0.
ToValue(1.1).ToFloat() => 1.1
ToValue("11").ToFloat() => 11.
If there is an error during the conversion process (like an uncaught exception),
then the result will be 0 and an error.
#### func (Value) ToInteger
func (value Value) ToInteger() (int64, error)
ToInteger will convert the value to a number (int64).
ToValue(0).ToInteger() => 0
ToValue(1.1).ToInteger() => 1
ToValue("11").ToInteger() => 11
If there is an error during the conversion process (like an uncaught exception),
then the result will be 0 and an error.
#### func (Value) ToString
func (value Value) ToString() (string, error)
ToString will convert the value to a string (string).
ToValue(0).ToString() => "0"
ToValue(false).ToString() => "false"
ToValue(1.1).ToString() => "1.1"
ToValue("11").ToString() => "11"
ToValue('Nothing happens.').ToString() => "Nothing happens."
If there is an error during the conversion process (like an uncaught exception),
then the result will be the empty string ("") and an error.
**godocdown** http://github.com/robertkrimen/godocdown

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/ast/README.markdown generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/ast/comments.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
package ast
import (
// CommentPosition determines where the comment is in a given context
type CommentPosition int
const (
_ CommentPosition = iota
LEADING // Before the pertinent expression
TRAILING // After the pertinent expression
KEY // Before a key in an object
COLON // After a colon in a field declaration
FINAL // Final comments in a block, not belonging to a specific expression or the comment after a trailing , in an array or object literal
IF // After an if keyword
WHILE // After a while keyword
DO // After do keyword
FOR // After a for keyword
WITH // After a with keyword
// Comment contains the data of the comment
type Comment struct {
Begin file.Idx
Text string
Position CommentPosition
// NewComment creates a new comment
func NewComment(text string, idx file.Idx) *Comment {
comment := &Comment{
Begin: idx,
Text: text,
Position: TBD,
return comment
// String returns a stringified version of the position
func (cp CommentPosition) String() string {
switch cp {
return "Leading"
return "Trailing"
case KEY:
return "Key"
case COLON:
return "Colon"
case FINAL:
return "Final"
case IF:
return "If"
case WHILE:
return "While"
case DO:
return "Do"
case FOR:
return "For"
case WITH:
return "With"
return "???"
// String returns a stringified version of the comment
func (c Comment) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Comment: %v", c.Text)
// Comments defines the current view of comments from the parser
type Comments struct {
// CommentMap is a reference to the parser comment map
CommentMap CommentMap
// Comments lists the comments scanned, not linked to a node yet
Comments []*Comment
// future lists the comments after a line break during a sequence of comments
future []*Comment
// Current is node for which comments are linked to
Current Expression
// wasLineBreak determines if a line break occured while scanning for comments
wasLineBreak bool
// primary determines whether or not processing a primary expression
primary bool
// afterBlock determines whether or not being after a block statement
afterBlock bool
func NewComments() *Comments {
comments := &Comments{
CommentMap: CommentMap{},
return comments
func (c *Comments) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("NODE: %v, Comments: %v, Future: %v(LINEBREAK:%v)", c.Current, len(c.Comments), len(c.future), c.wasLineBreak)
// FetchAll returns all the currently scanned comments,
// including those from the next line
func (c *Comments) FetchAll() []*Comment {
defer func() {
c.Comments = nil
c.future = nil
return append(c.Comments, c.future...)
// Fetch returns all the currently scanned comments
func (c *Comments) Fetch() []*Comment {
defer func() {
c.Comments = nil
return c.Comments
// ResetLineBreak marks the beginning of a new statement
func (c *Comments) ResetLineBreak() {
c.wasLineBreak = false
// MarkPrimary will mark the context as processing a primary expression
func (c *Comments) MarkPrimary() {
c.primary = true
c.wasLineBreak = false
// AfterBlock will mark the context as being after a block.
func (c *Comments) AfterBlock() {
c.afterBlock = true
// AddComment adds a comment to the view.
// Depending on the context, comments are added normally or as post line break.
func (c *Comments) AddComment(comment *Comment) {
if c.primary {
if !c.wasLineBreak {
c.Comments = append(c.Comments, comment)
} else {
c.future = append(c.future, comment)
} else {
if !c.wasLineBreak || (c.Current == nil && !c.afterBlock) {
c.Comments = append(c.Comments, comment)
} else {
c.future = append(c.future, comment)
// MarkComments will mark the found comments as the given position.
func (c *Comments) MarkComments(position CommentPosition) {
for _, comment := range c.Comments {
if comment.Position == TBD {
comment.Position = position
for _, c := range c.future {
if c.Position == TBD {
c.Position = position
// Unset the current node and apply the comments to the current expression.
// Resets context variables.
func (c *Comments) Unset() {
if c.Current != nil {
c.applyComments(c.Current, c.Current, TRAILING)
c.Current = nil
c.wasLineBreak = false
c.primary = false
c.afterBlock = false
// SetExpression sets the current expression.
// It is applied the found comments, unless the previous expression has not been unset.
// It is skipped if the node is already set or if it is a part of the previous node.
func (c *Comments) SetExpression(node Expression) {
// Skipping same node
if c.Current == node {
if c.Current != nil && c.Current.Idx1() == node.Idx1() {
c.Current = node
previous := c.Current
c.Current = node
// Apply the found comments and futures to the node and the previous.
c.applyComments(node, previous, TRAILING)
// PostProcessNode applies all found comments to the given node
func (c *Comments) PostProcessNode(node Node) {
c.applyComments(node, nil, TRAILING)
// applyComments applies both the comments and the future comments to the given node and the previous one,
// based on the context.
func (c *Comments) applyComments(node, previous Node, position CommentPosition) {
if previous != nil {
c.CommentMap.AddComments(previous, c.Comments, position)
c.Comments = nil
} else {
c.CommentMap.AddComments(node, c.Comments, position)
c.Comments = nil
// Only apply the future comments to the node if the previous is set.
// This is for detecting end of line comments and which node comments on the following lines belongs to
if previous != nil {
c.CommentMap.AddComments(node, c.future, position)
c.future = nil
// AtLineBreak will mark a line break
func (c *Comments) AtLineBreak() {
c.wasLineBreak = true
// CommentMap is the data structure where all found comments are stored
type CommentMap map[Node][]*Comment
// AddComment adds a single comment to the map
func (cm CommentMap) AddComment(node Node, comment *Comment) {
list := cm[node]
list = append(list, comment)
cm[node] = list
// AddComments adds a slice of comments, given a node and an updated position
func (cm CommentMap) AddComments(node Node, comments []*Comment, position CommentPosition) {
for _, comment := range comments {
if comment.Position == TBD {
comment.Position = position
cm.AddComment(node, comment)
// Size returns the size of the map
func (cm CommentMap) Size() int {
size := 0
for _, comments := range cm {
size += len(comments)
return size
// MoveComments moves comments with a given position from a node to another
func (cm CommentMap) MoveComments(from, to Node, position CommentPosition) {
for i, c := range cm[from] {
if c.Position == position {
cm.AddComment(to, c)
// Remove the comment from the "from" slice
cm[from][i] = cm[from][len(cm[from])-1]
cm[from][len(cm[from])-1] = nil
cm[from] = cm[from][:len(cm[from])-1]

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/ast/node.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
Package ast declares types representing a JavaScript AST.
# Warning
The parser and AST interfaces are still works-in-progress (particularly where
node types are concerned) and may change in the future.
package ast
import (
// All nodes implement the Node interface.
type Node interface {
Idx0() file.Idx // The index of the first character belonging to the node
Idx1() file.Idx // The index of the first character immediately after the node
// ========== //
// Expression //
// ========== //
type (
// All expression nodes implement the Expression interface.
Expression interface {
ArrayLiteral struct {
LeftBracket file.Idx
RightBracket file.Idx
Value []Expression
AssignExpression struct {
Operator token.Token
Left Expression
Right Expression
BadExpression struct {
From file.Idx
To file.Idx
BinaryExpression struct {
Operator token.Token
Left Expression
Right Expression
Comparison bool
BooleanLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
Value bool
BracketExpression struct {
Left Expression
Member Expression
LeftBracket file.Idx
RightBracket file.Idx
CallExpression struct {
Callee Expression
LeftParenthesis file.Idx
ArgumentList []Expression
RightParenthesis file.Idx
ConditionalExpression struct {
Test Expression
Consequent Expression
Alternate Expression
DotExpression struct {
Left Expression
Identifier *Identifier
EmptyExpression struct {
Begin file.Idx
End file.Idx
FunctionLiteral struct {
Function file.Idx
Name *Identifier
ParameterList *ParameterList
Body Statement
Source string
DeclarationList []Declaration
Identifier struct {
Name string
Idx file.Idx
NewExpression struct {
New file.Idx
Callee Expression
LeftParenthesis file.Idx
ArgumentList []Expression
RightParenthesis file.Idx
NullLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
NumberLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
Value interface{}
ObjectLiteral struct {
LeftBrace file.Idx
RightBrace file.Idx
Value []Property
ParameterList struct {
Opening file.Idx
List []*Identifier
Closing file.Idx
Property struct {
Key string
Kind string
Value Expression
RegExpLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
Pattern string
Flags string
Value string
SequenceExpression struct {
Sequence []Expression
StringLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
Value string
ThisExpression struct {
Idx file.Idx
UnaryExpression struct {
Operator token.Token
Idx file.Idx // If a prefix operation
Operand Expression
Postfix bool
VariableExpression struct {
Name string
Idx file.Idx
Initializer Expression
// _expressionNode
func (*ArrayLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*AssignExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*BadExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*BinaryExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*BooleanLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*BracketExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*CallExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*ConditionalExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*DotExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*EmptyExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*FunctionLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*Identifier) _expressionNode() {}
func (*NewExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*NullLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*NumberLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*ObjectLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*RegExpLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*SequenceExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*StringLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*ThisExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*UnaryExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*VariableExpression) _expressionNode() {}
// ========= //
// Statement //
// ========= //
type (
// All statement nodes implement the Statement interface.
Statement interface {
BadStatement struct {
From file.Idx
To file.Idx
BlockStatement struct {
LeftBrace file.Idx
List []Statement
RightBrace file.Idx
BranchStatement struct {
Idx file.Idx
Token token.Token
Label *Identifier
CaseStatement struct {
Case file.Idx
Test Expression
Consequent []Statement
CatchStatement struct {
Catch file.Idx
Parameter *Identifier
Body Statement
DebuggerStatement struct {
Debugger file.Idx
DoWhileStatement struct {
Do file.Idx
Test Expression
Body Statement
EmptyStatement struct {
Semicolon file.Idx
ExpressionStatement struct {
Expression Expression
ForInStatement struct {
For file.Idx
Into Expression
Source Expression
Body Statement
ForStatement struct {
For file.Idx
Initializer Expression
Update Expression
Test Expression
Body Statement
FunctionStatement struct {
Function *FunctionLiteral
IfStatement struct {
If file.Idx
Test Expression
Consequent Statement
Alternate Statement
LabelledStatement struct {
Label *Identifier
Colon file.Idx
Statement Statement
ReturnStatement struct {
Return file.Idx
Argument Expression
SwitchStatement struct {
Switch file.Idx
Discriminant Expression
Default int
Body []*CaseStatement
ThrowStatement struct {
Throw file.Idx
Argument Expression
TryStatement struct {
Try file.Idx
Body Statement
Catch *CatchStatement
Finally Statement
VariableStatement struct {
Var file.Idx
List []Expression
WhileStatement struct {
While file.Idx
Test Expression
Body Statement
WithStatement struct {
With file.Idx
Object Expression
Body Statement
// _statementNode
func (*BadStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*BlockStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*BranchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*CaseStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*CatchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*DebuggerStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*DoWhileStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*EmptyStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ExpressionStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ForInStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ForStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*FunctionStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*IfStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*LabelledStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ReturnStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*SwitchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ThrowStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*TryStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*VariableStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*WhileStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*WithStatement) _statementNode() {}
// =========== //
// Declaration //
// =========== //
type (
// All declaration nodes implement the Declaration interface.
Declaration interface {
FunctionDeclaration struct {
Function *FunctionLiteral
VariableDeclaration struct {
Var file.Idx
List []*VariableExpression
// _declarationNode
func (*FunctionDeclaration) _declarationNode() {}
func (*VariableDeclaration) _declarationNode() {}
// ==== //
// Node //
// ==== //
type Program struct {
Body []Statement
DeclarationList []Declaration
File *file.File
Comments CommentMap
// ==== //
// Idx0 //
// ==== //
func (self *ArrayLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.LeftBracket }
func (self *AssignExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Left.Idx0() }
func (self *BadExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.From }
func (self *BinaryExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Left.Idx0() }
func (self *BooleanLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *BracketExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Left.Idx0() }
func (self *CallExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Callee.Idx0() }
func (self *ConditionalExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Test.Idx0() }
func (self *DotExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Left.Idx0() }
func (self *EmptyExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Begin }
func (self *FunctionLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Function }
func (self *Identifier) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *NewExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.New }
func (self *NullLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *NumberLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *ObjectLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.LeftBrace }
func (self *RegExpLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *SequenceExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Sequence[0].Idx0() }
func (self *StringLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *ThisExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *UnaryExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *VariableExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *BadStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.From }
func (self *BlockStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.LeftBrace }
func (self *BranchStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *CaseStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Case }
func (self *CatchStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Catch }
func (self *DebuggerStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Debugger }
func (self *DoWhileStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Do }
func (self *EmptyStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Semicolon }
func (self *ExpressionStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Expression.Idx0() }
func (self *ForInStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.For }
func (self *ForStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.For }
func (self *FunctionStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Function.Idx0() }
func (self *IfStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.If }
func (self *LabelledStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Label.Idx0() }
func (self *Program) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Body[0].Idx0() }
func (self *ReturnStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Return }
func (self *SwitchStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Switch }
func (self *ThrowStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Throw }
func (self *TryStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Try }
func (self *VariableStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Var }
func (self *WhileStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.While }
func (self *WithStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.With }
// ==== //
// Idx1 //
// ==== //
func (self *ArrayLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBracket }
func (self *AssignExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Right.Idx1() }
func (self *BadExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.To }
func (self *BinaryExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Right.Idx1() }
func (self *BooleanLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Literal)) }
func (self *BracketExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBracket + 1 }
func (self *CallExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightParenthesis + 1 }
func (self *ConditionalExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Test.Idx1() }
func (self *DotExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Identifier.Idx1() }
func (self *EmptyExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.End }
func (self *FunctionLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *Identifier) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Name)) }
func (self *NewExpression) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.RightParenthesis > 0 {
return self.RightParenthesis + 1
return self.Callee.Idx1()
func (self *NullLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + 4) } // "null"
func (self *NumberLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Literal)) }
func (self *ObjectLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBrace }
func (self *RegExpLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Literal)) }
func (self *SequenceExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Sequence[0].Idx1() }
func (self *StringLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Literal)) }
func (self *ThisExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Idx + 4 }
func (self *UnaryExpression) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Postfix {
return self.Operand.Idx1() + 2 // ++ --
return self.Operand.Idx1()
func (self *VariableExpression) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Initializer == nil {
return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Name) + 1)
return self.Initializer.Idx1()
func (self *BadStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.To }
func (self *BlockStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBrace + 1 }
func (self *BranchStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *CaseStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Consequent[len(self.Consequent)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *CatchStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *DebuggerStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Debugger + 8 }
func (self *DoWhileStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Test.Idx1() }
func (self *EmptyStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Semicolon + 1 }
func (self *ExpressionStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Expression.Idx1() }
func (self *ForInStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *ForStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *FunctionStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Function.Idx1() }
func (self *IfStatement) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Alternate != nil {
return self.Alternate.Idx1()
return self.Consequent.Idx1()
func (self *LabelledStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Colon + 1 }
func (self *Program) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body[len(self.Body)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *ReturnStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Return }
func (self *SwitchStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body[len(self.Body)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *ThrowStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Throw }
func (self *TryStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Try }
func (self *VariableStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.List[len(self.List)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *WhileStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *WithStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/ast/walk.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
package ast
import "fmt"
// Visitor Enter method is invoked for each node encountered by Walk.
// If the result visitor w is not nil, Walk visits each of the children
// of node with the visitor v, followed by a call of the Exit method.
type Visitor interface {
Enter(n Node) (v Visitor)
Exit(n Node)
// Walk traverses an AST in depth-first order: It starts by calling
// v.Enter(node); node must not be nil. If the visitor v returned by
// v.Enter(node) is not nil, Walk is invoked recursively with visitor
// v for each of the non-nil children of node, followed by a call
// of v.Exit(node).
func Walk(v Visitor, n Node) {
if n == nil {
if v = v.Enter(n); v == nil {
defer v.Exit(n)
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ArrayLiteral:
if n != nil {
for _, ex := range n.Value {
Walk(v, ex)
case *AssignExpression:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Left)
Walk(v, n.Right)
case *BadExpression:
case *BinaryExpression:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Left)
Walk(v, n.Right)
case *BlockStatement:
if n != nil {
for _, s := range n.List {
Walk(v, s)
case *BooleanLiteral:
case *BracketExpression:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Left)
Walk(v, n.Member)
case *BranchStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Label)
case *CallExpression:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Callee)
for _, a := range n.ArgumentList {
Walk(v, a)
case *CaseStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Test)
for _, c := range n.Consequent {
Walk(v, c)
case *CatchStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Parameter)
Walk(v, n.Body)
case *ConditionalExpression:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Test)
Walk(v, n.Consequent)
Walk(v, n.Alternate)
case *DebuggerStatement:
case *DoWhileStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Test)
Walk(v, n.Body)
case *DotExpression:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Left)
Walk(v, n.Identifier)
case *EmptyExpression:
case *EmptyStatement:
case *ExpressionStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Expression)
case *ForInStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Into)
Walk(v, n.Source)
Walk(v, n.Body)
case *ForStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Initializer)
Walk(v, n.Update)
Walk(v, n.Test)
Walk(v, n.Body)
case *FunctionLiteral:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Name)
for _, p := range n.ParameterList.List {
Walk(v, p)
Walk(v, n.Body)
case *FunctionStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Function)
case *Identifier:
case *IfStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Test)
Walk(v, n.Consequent)
Walk(v, n.Alternate)
case *LabelledStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Label)
Walk(v, n.Statement)
case *NewExpression:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Callee)
for _, a := range n.ArgumentList {
Walk(v, a)
case *NullLiteral:
case *NumberLiteral:
case *ObjectLiteral:
if n != nil {
for _, p := range n.Value {
Walk(v, p.Value)
case *Program:
if n != nil {
for _, b := range n.Body {
Walk(v, b)
case *RegExpLiteral:
case *ReturnStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Argument)
case *SequenceExpression:
if n != nil {
for _, e := range n.Sequence {
Walk(v, e)
case *StringLiteral:
case *SwitchStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Discriminant)
for _, c := range n.Body {
Walk(v, c)
case *ThisExpression:
case *ThrowStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Argument)
case *TryStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Body)
Walk(v, n.Catch)
Walk(v, n.Finally)
case *UnaryExpression:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Operand)
case *VariableExpression:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Initializer)
case *VariableStatement:
if n != nil {
for _, e := range n.List {
Walk(v, e)
case *WhileStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Test)
Walk(v, n.Body)
case *WithStatement:
if n != nil {
Walk(v, n.Object)
Walk(v, n.Body)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Walk: unexpected node type %T", n))

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/builtin.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
package otto
import (
// Global
func builtinGlobal_eval(call FunctionCall) Value {
src := call.Argument(0)
if !src.IsString() {
return src
runtime := call.runtime
program := runtime.cmpl_parseOrThrow(src.string(), nil)
if !call.eval {
// Not a direct call to eval, so we enter the global ExecutionContext
defer runtime.leaveScope()
returnValue := runtime.cmpl_evaluate_nodeProgram(program, true)
if returnValue.isEmpty() {
return Value{}
return returnValue
func builtinGlobal_isNaN(call FunctionCall) Value {
value := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_bool(math.IsNaN(value))
func builtinGlobal_isFinite(call FunctionCall) Value {
value := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_bool(!math.IsNaN(value) && !math.IsInf(value, 0))
func digitValue(chr rune) int {
switch {
case '0' <= chr && chr <= '9':
return int(chr - '0')
case 'a' <= chr && chr <= 'z':
return int(chr - 'a' + 10)
case 'A' <= chr && chr <= 'Z':
return int(chr - 'A' + 10)
return 36 // Larger than any legal digit value
func builtinGlobal_parseInt(call FunctionCall) Value {
input := strings.Trim(call.Argument(0).string(), builtinString_trim_whitespace)
if len(input) == 0 {
return NaNValue()
radix := int(toInt32(call.Argument(1)))
negative := false
switch input[0] {
case '+':
input = input[1:]
case '-':
negative = true
input = input[1:]
strip := true
if radix == 0 {
radix = 10
} else {
if radix < 2 || radix > 36 {
return NaNValue()
} else if radix != 16 {
strip = false
switch len(input) {
case 0:
return NaNValue()
case 1:
if strip {
if input[0] == '0' && (input[1] == 'x' || input[1] == 'X') {
input = input[2:]
radix = 16
base := radix
index := 0
for ; index < len(input); index++ {
digit := digitValue(rune(input[index])) // If not ASCII, then an error anyway
if digit >= base {
input = input[0:index]
value, err := strconv.ParseInt(input, radix, 64)
if err != nil {
if err.(*strconv.NumError).Err == strconv.ErrRange {
base := float64(base)
// Could just be a very large number (e.g. 0x8000000000000000)
var value float64
for _, chr := range input {
digit := float64(digitValue(chr))
if digit >= base {
return NaNValue()
value = value*base + digit
if negative {
value *= -1
return toValue_float64(value)
return NaNValue()
if negative {
value *= -1
return toValue_int64(value)
var parseFloat_matchBadSpecial = regexp.MustCompile(`[\+\-]?(?:[Ii]nf$|infinity)`)
var parseFloat_matchValid = regexp.MustCompile(`[0-9eE\+\-\.]|Infinity`)
func builtinGlobal_parseFloat(call FunctionCall) Value {
// Caveat emptor: This implementation does NOT match the specification
input := strings.Trim(call.Argument(0).string(), builtinString_trim_whitespace)
if parseFloat_matchBadSpecial.MatchString(input) {
return NaNValue()
value, err := strconv.ParseFloat(input, 64)
if err != nil {
for end := len(input); end > 0; end-- {
input := input[0:end]
if !parseFloat_matchValid.MatchString(input) {
return NaNValue()
value, err = strconv.ParseFloat(input, 64)
if err == nil {
if err != nil {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_float64(value)
// encodeURI/decodeURI
func _builtinGlobal_encodeURI(call FunctionCall, escape *regexp.Regexp) Value {
value := call.Argument(0)
var input []uint16
switch vl := value.value.(type) {
case []uint16:
input = vl
input = utf16.Encode([]rune(value.string()))
if len(input) == 0 {
return toValue_string("")
output := []byte{}
length := len(input)
encode := make([]byte, 4)
for index := 0; index < length; {
value := input[index]
decode := utf16.Decode(input[index : index+1])
if value >= 0xDC00 && value <= 0xDFFF {
panic(call.runtime.panicURIError("URI malformed"))
if value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF {
index += 1
if index >= length {
panic(call.runtime.panicURIError("URI malformed"))
// input = ..., value, value1, ...
value1 := input[index]
if value1 < 0xDC00 || value1 > 0xDFFF {
panic(call.runtime.panicURIError("URI malformed"))
decode = []rune{((rune(value) - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (rune(value1) - 0xDC00) + 0x10000}
index += 1
size := utf8.EncodeRune(encode, decode[0])
encode := encode[0:size]
output = append(output, encode...)
value := escape.ReplaceAllFunc(output, func(target []byte) []byte {
// Probably a better way of doing this
if target[0] == ' ' {
return []byte("%20")
return []byte(url.QueryEscape(string(target)))
return toValue_string(string(value))
var encodeURI_Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`([^~!@#$&*()=:/,;?+'])`)
func builtinGlobal_encodeURI(call FunctionCall) Value {
return _builtinGlobal_encodeURI(call, encodeURI_Regexp)
var encodeURIComponent_Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`([^~!*()'])`)
func builtinGlobal_encodeURIComponent(call FunctionCall) Value {
return _builtinGlobal_encodeURI(call, encodeURIComponent_Regexp)
// 3B/2F/3F/3A/40/26/3D/2B/24/2C/23
var decodeURI_guard = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)(?:%)(3B|2F|3F|3A|40|26|3D|2B|24|2C|23)`)
func _decodeURI(input string, reserve bool) (string, bool) {
if reserve {
input = decodeURI_guard.ReplaceAllString(input, "%25$1")
input = strings.Replace(input, "+", "%2B", -1) // Ugly hack to make QueryUnescape work with our use case
output, err := url.QueryUnescape(input)
if err != nil || !utf8.ValidString(output) {
return "", true
return output, false
func builtinGlobal_decodeURI(call FunctionCall) Value {
output, err := _decodeURI(call.Argument(0).string(), true)
if err {
panic(call.runtime.panicURIError("URI malformed"))
return toValue_string(output)
func builtinGlobal_decodeURIComponent(call FunctionCall) Value {
output, err := _decodeURI(call.Argument(0).string(), false)
if err {
panic(call.runtime.panicURIError("URI malformed"))
return toValue_string(output)
// escape/unescape
func builtin_shouldEscape(chr byte) bool {
if 'A' <= chr && chr <= 'Z' || 'a' <= chr && chr <= 'z' || '0' <= chr && chr <= '9' {
return false
return !strings.ContainsRune("*_+-./", rune(chr))
const escapeBase16 = "0123456789ABCDEF"
func builtin_escape(input string) string {
output := make([]byte, 0, len(input))
length := len(input)
for index := 0; index < length; {
if builtin_shouldEscape(input[index]) {
chr, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(input[index:])
chr16 := utf16.Encode([]rune{chr})[0]
if 256 > chr16 {
output = append(output, '%',
} else {
output = append(output, '%', 'u',
index += width
} else {
output = append(output, input[index])
index += 1
return string(output)
func builtin_unescape(input string) string {
output := make([]rune, 0, len(input))
length := len(input)
for index := 0; index < length; {
if input[index] == '%' {
if index <= length-6 && input[index+1] == 'u' {
byte16, err := hex.DecodeString(input[index+2 : index+6])
if err == nil {
value := uint16(byte16[0])<<8 + uint16(byte16[1])
chr := utf16.Decode([]uint16{value})[0]
output = append(output, chr)
index += 6
if index <= length-3 {
byte8, err := hex.DecodeString(input[index+1 : index+3])
if err == nil {
value := uint16(byte8[0])
chr := utf16.Decode([]uint16{value})[0]
output = append(output, chr)
index += 3
output = append(output, rune(input[index]))
index += 1
return string(output)
func builtinGlobal_escape(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_string(builtin_escape(call.Argument(0).string()))
func builtinGlobal_unescape(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_string(builtin_unescape(call.Argument(0).string()))

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/builtin_array.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
package otto
import (
// Array
func builtinArray(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_object(builtinNewArrayNative(call.runtime, call.ArgumentList))
func builtinNewArray(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(builtinNewArrayNative(self.runtime, argumentList))
func builtinNewArrayNative(runtime *_runtime, argumentList []Value) *_object {
if len(argumentList) == 1 {
firstArgument := argumentList[0]
if firstArgument.IsNumber() {
return runtime.newArray(arrayUint32(runtime, firstArgument))
return runtime.newArrayOf(argumentList)
func builtinArray_toString(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
join := thisObject.get("join")
if join.isCallable() {
join := join._object()
return join.call(call.This, call.ArgumentList, false, nativeFrame)
return builtinObject_toString(call)
func builtinArray_toLocaleString(call FunctionCall) Value {
separator := ","
thisObject := call.thisObject()
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
if length == 0 {
return toValue_string("")
stringList := make([]string, 0, length)
for index := int64(0); index < length; index += 1 {
value := thisObject.get(arrayIndexToString(index))
stringValue := ""
switch value.kind {
case valueEmpty, valueUndefined, valueNull:
object := call.runtime.toObject(value)
toLocaleString := object.get("toLocaleString")
if !toLocaleString.isCallable() {
stringValue = toLocaleString.call(call.runtime, toValue_object(object)).string()
stringList = append(stringList, stringValue)
return toValue_string(strings.Join(stringList, separator))
func builtinArray_concat(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
valueArray := []Value{}
source := append([]Value{toValue_object(thisObject)}, call.ArgumentList...)
for _, item := range source {
switch item.kind {
case valueObject:
object := item._object()
if isArray(object) {
length := object.get(propertyLength).number().int64
for index := int64(0); index < length; index += 1 {
name := strconv.FormatInt(index, 10)
if object.hasProperty(name) {
valueArray = append(valueArray, object.get(name))
} else {
valueArray = append(valueArray, Value{})
valueArray = append(valueArray, item)
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf(valueArray))
func builtinArray_shift(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
if 0 == length {
thisObject.put(propertyLength, toValue_int64(0), true)
return Value{}
first := thisObject.get("0")
for index := int64(1); index < length; index++ {
from := arrayIndexToString(index)
to := arrayIndexToString(index - 1)
if thisObject.hasProperty(from) {
thisObject.put(to, thisObject.get(from), true)
} else {
thisObject.delete(to, true)
thisObject.delete(arrayIndexToString(length-1), true)
thisObject.put(propertyLength, toValue_int64(length-1), true)
return first
func builtinArray_push(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
itemList := call.ArgumentList
index := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
for len(itemList) > 0 {
thisObject.put(arrayIndexToString(index), itemList[0], true)
itemList = itemList[1:]
index += 1
length := toValue_int64(index)
thisObject.put(propertyLength, length, true)
return length
func builtinArray_pop(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
if 0 == length {
thisObject.put(propertyLength, toValue_uint32(0), true)
return Value{}
last := thisObject.get(arrayIndexToString(length - 1))
thisObject.delete(arrayIndexToString(length-1), true)
thisObject.put(propertyLength, toValue_int64(length-1), true)
return last
func builtinArray_join(call FunctionCall) Value {
separator := ","
argument := call.Argument(0)
if argument.IsDefined() {
separator = argument.string()
thisObject := call.thisObject()
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
if length == 0 {
return toValue_string("")
stringList := make([]string, 0, length)
for index := int64(0); index < length; index += 1 {
value := thisObject.get(arrayIndexToString(index))
stringValue := ""
switch value.kind {
case valueEmpty, valueUndefined, valueNull:
stringValue = value.string()
stringList = append(stringList, stringValue)
return toValue_string(strings.Join(stringList, separator))
func builtinArray_splice(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
start := valueToRangeIndex(call.Argument(0), length, false)
deleteCount := length - start
if arg, ok := call.getArgument(1); ok {
deleteCount = valueToRangeIndex(arg, length-start, true)
valueArray := make([]Value, deleteCount)
for index := int64(0); index < deleteCount; index++ {
indexString := arrayIndexToString(int64(start + index))
if thisObject.hasProperty(indexString) {
valueArray[index] = thisObject.get(indexString)
// 0, <1, 2, 3, 4>, 5, 6, 7
// a, b
// length 8 - delete 4 @ start 1
itemList := []Value{}
itemCount := int64(len(call.ArgumentList))
if itemCount > 2 {
itemCount -= 2 // Less the first two arguments
itemList = call.ArgumentList[2:]
} else {
itemCount = 0
if itemCount < deleteCount {
// The Object/Array is shrinking
stop := int64(length) - deleteCount
// The new length of the Object/Array before
// appending the itemList remainder
// Stopping at the lower bound of the insertion:
// Move an item from the after the deleted portion
// to a position after the inserted portion
for index := start; index < stop; index++ {
from := arrayIndexToString(index + deleteCount) // Position just after deletion
to := arrayIndexToString(index + itemCount) // Position just after splice (insertion)
if thisObject.hasProperty(from) {
thisObject.put(to, thisObject.get(from), true)
} else {
thisObject.delete(to, true)
// Delete off the end
// We don't bother to delete below <stop + itemCount> (if any) since those
// will be overwritten anyway
for index := int64(length); index > (stop + itemCount); index-- {
thisObject.delete(arrayIndexToString(index-1), true)
} else if itemCount > deleteCount {
// The Object/Array is growing
// The itemCount is greater than the deleteCount, so we do
// not have to worry about overwriting what we should be moving
// ---
// Starting from the upper bound of the deletion:
// Move an item from the after the deleted portion
// to a position after the inserted portion
for index := int64(length) - deleteCount; index > start; index-- {
from := arrayIndexToString(index + deleteCount - 1)
to := arrayIndexToString(index + itemCount - 1)
if thisObject.hasProperty(from) {
thisObject.put(to, thisObject.get(from), true)
} else {
thisObject.delete(to, true)
for index := int64(0); index < itemCount; index++ {
thisObject.put(arrayIndexToString(index+start), itemList[index], true)
thisObject.put(propertyLength, toValue_int64(int64(length)+itemCount-deleteCount), true)
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf(valueArray))
func builtinArray_slice(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
start, end := rangeStartEnd(call.ArgumentList, length, false)
if start >= end {
// Always an empty array
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArray(0))
sliceLength := end - start
sliceValueArray := make([]Value, sliceLength)
for index := int64(0); index < sliceLength; index++ {
from := arrayIndexToString(index + start)
if thisObject.hasProperty(from) {
sliceValueArray[index] = thisObject.get(from)
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf(sliceValueArray))
func builtinArray_unshift(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
itemList := call.ArgumentList
itemCount := int64(len(itemList))
for index := length; index > 0; index-- {
from := arrayIndexToString(index - 1)
to := arrayIndexToString(index + itemCount - 1)
if thisObject.hasProperty(from) {
thisObject.put(to, thisObject.get(from), true)
} else {
thisObject.delete(to, true)
for index := int64(0); index < itemCount; index++ {
thisObject.put(arrayIndexToString(index), itemList[index], true)
newLength := toValue_int64(length + itemCount)
thisObject.put(propertyLength, newLength, true)
return newLength
func builtinArray_reverse(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
lower := struct {
name string
index int64
exists bool
upper := lower
lower.index = 0
middle := length / 2 // Division will floor
for lower.index != middle {
lower.name = arrayIndexToString(lower.index)
upper.index = length - lower.index - 1
upper.name = arrayIndexToString(upper.index)
lower.exists = thisObject.hasProperty(lower.name)
upper.exists = thisObject.hasProperty(upper.name)
if lower.exists && upper.exists {
lowerValue := thisObject.get(lower.name)
upperValue := thisObject.get(upper.name)
thisObject.put(lower.name, upperValue, true)
thisObject.put(upper.name, lowerValue, true)
} else if !lower.exists && upper.exists {
value := thisObject.get(upper.name)
thisObject.delete(upper.name, true)
thisObject.put(lower.name, value, true)
} else if lower.exists && !upper.exists {
value := thisObject.get(lower.name)
thisObject.delete(lower.name, true)
thisObject.put(upper.name, value, true)
} else {
// Nothing happens.
lower.index += 1
return call.This
func sortCompare(thisObject *_object, index0, index1 uint, compare *_object) int {
j := struct {
name string
exists bool
defined bool
value string
k := j
j.name = arrayIndexToString(int64(index0))
j.exists = thisObject.hasProperty(j.name)
k.name = arrayIndexToString(int64(index1))
k.exists = thisObject.hasProperty(k.name)
if !j.exists && !k.exists {
return 0
} else if !j.exists {
return 1
} else if !k.exists {
return -1
x := thisObject.get(j.name)
y := thisObject.get(k.name)
j.defined = x.IsDefined()
k.defined = y.IsDefined()
if !j.defined && !k.defined {
return 0
} else if !j.defined {
return 1
} else if !k.defined {
return -1
if compare == nil {
j.value = x.string()
k.value = y.string()
if j.value == k.value {
return 0
} else if j.value < k.value {
return -1
return 1
return toIntSign(compare.call(Value{}, []Value{x, y}, false, nativeFrame))
func arraySortSwap(thisObject *_object, index0, index1 uint) {
j := struct {
name string
exists bool
k := j
j.name = arrayIndexToString(int64(index0))
j.exists = thisObject.hasProperty(j.name)
k.name = arrayIndexToString(int64(index1))
k.exists = thisObject.hasProperty(k.name)
if j.exists && k.exists {
jValue := thisObject.get(j.name)
kValue := thisObject.get(k.name)
thisObject.put(j.name, kValue, true)
thisObject.put(k.name, jValue, true)
} else if !j.exists && k.exists {
value := thisObject.get(k.name)
thisObject.delete(k.name, true)
thisObject.put(j.name, value, true)
} else if j.exists && !k.exists {
value := thisObject.get(j.name)
thisObject.delete(j.name, true)
thisObject.put(k.name, value, true)
} else {
// Nothing happens.
func arraySortQuickPartition(thisObject *_object, left, right, pivot uint, compare *_object) (uint, uint) {
arraySortSwap(thisObject, pivot, right) // Right is now the pivot value
cursor := left
cursor2 := left
for index := left; index < right; index++ {
comparison := sortCompare(thisObject, index, right, compare) // Compare to the pivot value
if comparison < 0 {
arraySortSwap(thisObject, index, cursor)
if cursor < cursor2 {
arraySortSwap(thisObject, index, cursor2)
cursor += 1
cursor2 += 1
} else if comparison == 0 {
arraySortSwap(thisObject, index, cursor2)
cursor2 += 1
arraySortSwap(thisObject, cursor2, right)
return cursor, cursor2
func arraySortQuickSort(thisObject *_object, left, right uint, compare *_object) {
if left < right {
middle := left + (right-left)/2
pivot, pivot2 := arraySortQuickPartition(thisObject, left, right, middle, compare)
if pivot > 0 {
arraySortQuickSort(thisObject, left, pivot-1, compare)
arraySortQuickSort(thisObject, pivot2+1, right, compare)
func builtinArray_sort(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
length := uint(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
compareValue := call.Argument(0)
compare := compareValue._object()
if compareValue.IsUndefined() {
} else if !compareValue.isCallable() {
if length > 1 {
arraySortQuickSort(thisObject, 0, length-1, compare)
return call.This
func builtinArray_isArray(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_bool(isArray(call.Argument(0)._object()))
func builtinArray_indexOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject, matchValue := call.thisObject(), call.Argument(0)
if length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength))); length > 0 {
index := int64(0)
if len(call.ArgumentList) > 1 {
index = call.Argument(1).number().int64
if index < 0 {
if index += length; index < 0 {
index = 0
} else if index >= length {
index = -1
for ; index >= 0 && index < length; index++ {
name := arrayIndexToString(int64(index))
if !thisObject.hasProperty(name) {
value := thisObject.get(name)
if strictEqualityComparison(matchValue, value) {
return toValue_uint32(uint32(index))
return toValue_int(-1)
func builtinArray_lastIndexOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject, matchValue := call.thisObject(), call.Argument(0)
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
index := length - 1
if len(call.ArgumentList) > 1 {
index = call.Argument(1).number().int64
if 0 > index {
index += length
if index > length {
index = length - 1
} else if 0 > index {
return toValue_int(-1)
for ; index >= 0; index-- {
name := arrayIndexToString(int64(index))
if !thisObject.hasProperty(name) {
value := thisObject.get(name)
if strictEqualityComparison(matchValue, value) {
return toValue_uint32(uint32(index))
return toValue_int(-1)
func builtinArray_every(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
this := toValue_object(thisObject)
if iterator := call.Argument(0); iterator.isCallable() {
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
callThis := call.Argument(1)
for index := int64(0); index < length; index++ {
if key := arrayIndexToString(index); thisObject.hasProperty(key) {
if value := thisObject.get(key); iterator.call(call.runtime, callThis, value, toValue_int64(index), this).bool() {
return falseValue
return trueValue
func builtinArray_some(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
this := toValue_object(thisObject)
if iterator := call.Argument(0); iterator.isCallable() {
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
callThis := call.Argument(1)
for index := int64(0); index < length; index++ {
if key := arrayIndexToString(index); thisObject.hasProperty(key) {
if value := thisObject.get(key); iterator.call(call.runtime, callThis, value, toValue_int64(index), this).bool() {
return trueValue
return falseValue
func builtinArray_forEach(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
this := toValue_object(thisObject)
if iterator := call.Argument(0); iterator.isCallable() {
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
callThis := call.Argument(1)
for index := int64(0); index < length; index++ {
if key := arrayIndexToString(index); thisObject.hasProperty(key) {
iterator.call(call.runtime, callThis, thisObject.get(key), toValue_int64(index), this)
return Value{}
func builtinArray_map(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
this := toValue_object(thisObject)
if iterator := call.Argument(0); iterator.isCallable() {
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
callThis := call.Argument(1)
values := make([]Value, length)
for index := int64(0); index < length; index++ {
if key := arrayIndexToString(index); thisObject.hasProperty(key) {
values[index] = iterator.call(call.runtime, callThis, thisObject.get(key), index, this)
} else {
values[index] = Value{}
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf(values))
func builtinArray_filter(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
this := toValue_object(thisObject)
if iterator := call.Argument(0); iterator.isCallable() {
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
callThis := call.Argument(1)
values := make([]Value, 0)
for index := int64(0); index < length; index++ {
if key := arrayIndexToString(index); thisObject.hasProperty(key) {
value := thisObject.get(key)
if iterator.call(call.runtime, callThis, value, index, this).bool() {
values = append(values, value)
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf(values))
func builtinArray_reduce(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
this := toValue_object(thisObject)
if iterator := call.Argument(0); iterator.isCallable() {
initial := len(call.ArgumentList) > 1
start := call.Argument(1)
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
index := int64(0)
if length > 0 || initial {
var accumulator Value
if !initial {
for ; index < length; index++ {
if key := arrayIndexToString(index); thisObject.hasProperty(key) {
accumulator = thisObject.get(key)
} else {
accumulator = start
for ; index < length; index++ {
if key := arrayIndexToString(index); thisObject.hasProperty(key) {
accumulator = iterator.call(call.runtime, Value{}, accumulator, thisObject.get(key), index, this)
return accumulator
func builtinArray_reduceRight(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
this := toValue_object(thisObject)
if iterator := call.Argument(0); iterator.isCallable() {
initial := len(call.ArgumentList) > 1
start := call.Argument(1)
length := int64(toUint32(thisObject.get(propertyLength)))
if length > 0 || initial {
index := length - 1
var accumulator Value
if !initial {
for ; index >= 0; index-- {
if key := arrayIndexToString(index); thisObject.hasProperty(key) {
accumulator = thisObject.get(key)
} else {
accumulator = start
for ; index >= 0; index-- {
if key := arrayIndexToString(index); thisObject.hasProperty(key) {
accumulator = iterator.call(call.runtime, Value{}, accumulator, thisObject.get(key), key, this)
return accumulator

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/builtin_boolean.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package otto
// Boolean
func builtinBoolean(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_bool(call.Argument(0).bool())
func builtinNewBoolean(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newBoolean(valueOfArrayIndex(argumentList, 0)))
func builtinBoolean_toString(call FunctionCall) Value {
value := call.This
if !value.IsBoolean() {
// Will throw a TypeError if ThisObject is not a Boolean
value = call.thisClassObject(classBoolean).primitiveValue()
return toValue_string(value.string())
func builtinBoolean_valueOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
value := call.This
if !value.IsBoolean() {
value = call.thisClassObject(classBoolean).primitiveValue()
return value

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/builtin_date.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
package otto
import (
Time "time"
// Date
const (
// TODO Be like V8?
// builtinDate_goDateTimeLayout = "Mon Jan 2 2006 15:04:05 GMT-0700 (MST)"
builtinDate_goDateTimeLayout = Time.RFC1123 // "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST"
builtinDate_goDateLayout = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006"
builtinDate_goTimeLayout = "15:04:05 MST"
var (
// utcTimeZone is the time zone used for UTC calculations.
// It is GMT not UTC as that's what Javascript does because toUTCString is
// actually an alias to toGMTString.
utcTimeZone = Time.FixedZone("GMT", 0)
func builtinDate(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := &_dateObject{}
date.Set(newDateTime([]Value{}, Time.Local))
return toValue_string(date.Time().Format(builtinDate_goDateTimeLayout))
func builtinNewDate(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newDate(newDateTime(argumentList, Time.Local)))
func builtinDate_toString(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return toValue_string("Invalid Date")
return toValue_string(date.Time().Local().Format(builtinDate_goDateTimeLayout))
func builtinDate_toDateString(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return toValue_string("Invalid Date")
return toValue_string(date.Time().Local().Format(builtinDate_goDateLayout))
func builtinDate_toTimeString(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return toValue_string("Invalid Date")
return toValue_string(date.Time().Local().Format(builtinDate_goTimeLayout))
func builtinDate_toUTCString(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return toValue_string("Invalid Date")
return toValue_string(date.Time().In(utcTimeZone).Format(builtinDate_goDateTimeLayout))
func builtinDate_toISOString(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return toValue_string("Invalid Date")
return toValue_string(date.Time().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"))
func builtinDate_toJSON(call FunctionCall) Value {
object := call.thisObject()
value := object.DefaultValue(defaultValueHintNumber) // FIXME object.primitiveNumberValue
{ // FIXME value.isFinite
value := value.float64()
if math.IsNaN(value) || math.IsInf(value, 0) {
return nullValue
toISOString := object.get("toISOString")
if !toISOString.isCallable() {
return toISOString.call(call.runtime, toValue_object(object), []Value{})
func builtinDate_toGMTString(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return toValue_string("Invalid Date")
return toValue_string(date.Time().Format("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT"))
func builtinDate_getTime(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
// We do this (convert away from a float) so the user
// does not get something back in exponential notation
return toValue_int64(int64(date.Epoch()))
func builtinDate_setTime(call FunctionCall) Value {
object := call.thisObject()
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
object.value = date
return date.Value()
func _builtinDate_beforeSet(call FunctionCall, argumentLimit int, timeLocal bool) (*_object, *_dateObject, *_ecmaTime, []int) {
object := call.thisObject()
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return nil, nil, nil, nil
if argumentLimit > len(call.ArgumentList) {
argumentLimit = len(call.ArgumentList)
if argumentLimit == 0 {
object.value = invalidDateObject
return nil, nil, nil, nil
valueList := make([]int, argumentLimit)
for index := 0; index < argumentLimit; index++ {
value := call.ArgumentList[index]
nm := value.number()
switch nm.kind {
case numberInteger, numberFloat:
object.value = invalidDateObject
return nil, nil, nil, nil
valueList[index] = int(nm.int64)
baseTime := date.Time()
if timeLocal {
baseTime = baseTime.Local()
ecmaTime := ecmaTime(baseTime)
return object, &date, &ecmaTime, valueList
func builtinDate_parse(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := call.Argument(0).string()
return toValue_float64(dateParse(date))
func builtinDate_UTC(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_float64(newDateTime(call.ArgumentList, Time.UTC))
func builtinDate_now(call FunctionCall) Value {
call.ArgumentList = []Value(nil)
return builtinDate_UTC(call)
// This is a placeholder
func builtinDate_toLocaleString(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return toValue_string("Invalid Date")
return toValue_string(date.Time().Local().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
// This is a placeholder
func builtinDate_toLocaleDateString(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return toValue_string("Invalid Date")
return toValue_string(date.Time().Local().Format("2006-01-02"))
// This is a placeholder
func builtinDate_toLocaleTimeString(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return toValue_string("Invalid Date")
return toValue_string(date.Time().Local().Format("15:04:05"))
func builtinDate_valueOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_getYear(call FunctionCall) Value {
// Will throw a TypeError is ThisObject is nil or
// does not have Class of "Date"
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(date.Time().Local().Year() - 1900)
func builtinDate_getFullYear(call FunctionCall) Value {
// Will throw a TypeError is ThisObject is nil or
// does not have Class of "Date"
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(date.Time().Local().Year())
func builtinDate_getUTCFullYear(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(date.Time().Year())
func builtinDate_getMonth(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(dateFromGoMonth(date.Time().Local().Month()))
func builtinDate_getUTCMonth(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(dateFromGoMonth(date.Time().Month()))
func builtinDate_getDate(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(date.Time().Local().Day())
func builtinDate_getUTCDate(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(date.Time().Day())
func builtinDate_getDay(call FunctionCall) Value {
// Actually day of the week
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(dateFromGoDay(date.Time().Local().Weekday()))
func builtinDate_getUTCDay(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(dateFromGoDay(date.Time().Weekday()))
func builtinDate_getHours(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(date.Time().Local().Hour())
func builtinDate_getUTCHours(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(date.Time().Hour())
func builtinDate_getMinutes(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(date.Time().Local().Minute())
func builtinDate_getUTCMinutes(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(date.Time().Minute())
func builtinDate_getSeconds(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(date.Time().Local().Second())
func builtinDate_getUTCSeconds(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(date.Time().Second())
func builtinDate_getMilliseconds(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(date.Time().Local().Nanosecond() / (100 * 100 * 100))
func builtinDate_getUTCMilliseconds(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_int(date.Time().Nanosecond() / (100 * 100 * 100))
func builtinDate_getTimezoneOffset(call FunctionCall) Value {
date := dateObjectOf(call.runtime, call.thisObject())
if date.isNaN {
return NaNValue()
timeLocal := date.Time().Local()
// Is this kosher?
timeLocalAsUTC := Time.Date(
return toValue_float64(date.Time().Sub(timeLocalAsUTC).Seconds() / 60)
func builtinDate_setMilliseconds(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 1, true)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
ecmaTime.millisecond = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setUTCMilliseconds(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 1, false)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
ecmaTime.millisecond = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setSeconds(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 2, true)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
if len(value) > 1 {
ecmaTime.millisecond = value[1]
ecmaTime.second = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setUTCSeconds(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 2, false)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
if len(value) > 1 {
ecmaTime.millisecond = value[1]
ecmaTime.second = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setMinutes(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 3, true)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
if len(value) > 2 {
ecmaTime.millisecond = value[2]
ecmaTime.second = value[1]
} else if len(value) > 1 {
ecmaTime.second = value[1]
ecmaTime.minute = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setUTCMinutes(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 3, false)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
if len(value) > 2 {
ecmaTime.millisecond = value[2]
ecmaTime.second = value[1]
} else if len(value) > 1 {
ecmaTime.second = value[1]
ecmaTime.minute = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setHours(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 4, true)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
if len(value) > 3 {
ecmaTime.millisecond = value[3]
ecmaTime.second = value[2]
ecmaTime.minute = value[1]
} else if len(value) > 2 {
ecmaTime.second = value[2]
ecmaTime.minute = value[1]
} else if len(value) > 1 {
ecmaTime.minute = value[1]
ecmaTime.hour = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setUTCHours(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 4, false)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
if len(value) > 3 {
ecmaTime.millisecond = value[3]
ecmaTime.second = value[2]
ecmaTime.minute = value[1]
} else if len(value) > 2 {
ecmaTime.second = value[2]
ecmaTime.minute = value[1]
} else if len(value) > 1 {
ecmaTime.minute = value[1]
ecmaTime.hour = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setDate(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 1, true)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
ecmaTime.day = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setUTCDate(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 1, false)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
ecmaTime.day = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setMonth(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 2, true)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
if len(value) > 1 {
ecmaTime.day = value[1]
ecmaTime.month = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setUTCMonth(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 2, false)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
if len(value) > 1 {
ecmaTime.day = value[1]
ecmaTime.month = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setYear(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 1, true)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
year := value[0]
if 0 <= year && year <= 99 {
year += 1900
ecmaTime.year = year
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setFullYear(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 3, true)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
if len(value) > 2 {
ecmaTime.day = value[2]
ecmaTime.month = value[1]
} else if len(value) > 1 {
ecmaTime.month = value[1]
ecmaTime.year = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
func builtinDate_setUTCFullYear(call FunctionCall) Value {
object, date, ecmaTime, value := _builtinDate_beforeSet(call, 3, false)
if ecmaTime == nil {
return NaNValue()
if len(value) > 2 {
ecmaTime.day = value[2]
ecmaTime.month = value[1]
} else if len(value) > 1 {
ecmaTime.month = value[1]
ecmaTime.year = value[0]
object.value = *date
return date.Value()
// toUTCString
// toISOString
// toJSONString
// toJSON

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/builtin_error.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
package otto
import (
func builtinError(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newError(classError, call.Argument(0), 1))
func builtinNewError(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newError(classError, valueOfArrayIndex(argumentList, 0), 0))
func builtinError_toString(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
if thisObject == nil {
name := classError
nameValue := thisObject.get("name")
if nameValue.IsDefined() {
name = nameValue.string()
message := ""
messageValue := thisObject.get("message")
if messageValue.IsDefined() {
message = messageValue.string()
if len(name) == 0 {
return toValue_string(message)
if len(message) == 0 {
return toValue_string(name)
return toValue_string(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", name, message))
func (runtime *_runtime) newEvalError(message Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newErrorObject("EvalError", message, 0)
self.prototype = runtime.global.EvalErrorPrototype
return self
func builtinEvalError(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newEvalError(call.Argument(0)))
func builtinNewEvalError(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newEvalError(valueOfArrayIndex(argumentList, 0)))
func (runtime *_runtime) newTypeError(message Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newErrorObject("TypeError", message, 0)
self.prototype = runtime.global.TypeErrorPrototype
return self
func builtinTypeError(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newTypeError(call.Argument(0)))
func builtinNewTypeError(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newTypeError(valueOfArrayIndex(argumentList, 0)))
func (runtime *_runtime) newRangeError(message Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newErrorObject("RangeError", message, 0)
self.prototype = runtime.global.RangeErrorPrototype
return self
func builtinRangeError(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newRangeError(call.Argument(0)))
func builtinNewRangeError(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newRangeError(valueOfArrayIndex(argumentList, 0)))
func (runtime *_runtime) newURIError(message Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newErrorObject("URIError", message, 0)
self.prototype = runtime.global.URIErrorPrototype
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newReferenceError(message Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newErrorObject("ReferenceError", message, 0)
self.prototype = runtime.global.ReferenceErrorPrototype
return self
func builtinReferenceError(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newReferenceError(call.Argument(0)))
func builtinNewReferenceError(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newReferenceError(valueOfArrayIndex(argumentList, 0)))
func (runtime *_runtime) newSyntaxError(message Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newErrorObject("SyntaxError", message, 0)
self.prototype = runtime.global.SyntaxErrorPrototype
return self
func builtinSyntaxError(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newSyntaxError(call.Argument(0)))
func builtinNewSyntaxError(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newSyntaxError(valueOfArrayIndex(argumentList, 0)))
func builtinURIError(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newURIError(call.Argument(0)))
func builtinNewURIError(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newURIError(valueOfArrayIndex(argumentList, 0)))

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/builtin_function.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
package otto
import (
// Function
func builtinFunction(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_object(builtinNewFunctionNative(call.runtime, call.ArgumentList))
func builtinNewFunction(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(builtinNewFunctionNative(self.runtime, argumentList))
func argumentList2parameterList(argumentList []Value) []string {
parameterList := make([]string, 0, len(argumentList))
for _, value := range argumentList {
tmp := strings.FieldsFunc(value.string(), func(chr rune) bool {
return chr == ',' || unicode.IsSpace(chr)
parameterList = append(parameterList, tmp...)
return parameterList
func builtinNewFunctionNative(runtime *_runtime, argumentList []Value) *_object {
var parameterList, body string
count := len(argumentList)
if count > 0 {
tmp := make([]string, 0, count-1)
for _, value := range argumentList[0 : count-1] {
tmp = append(tmp, value.string())
parameterList = strings.Join(tmp, ",")
body = argumentList[count-1].string()
function, err := parser.ParseFunction(parameterList, body)
runtime.parseThrow(err) // Will panic/throw appropriately
cmpl := _compiler{}
cmpl_function := cmpl.parseExpression(function)
return runtime.newNodeFunction(cmpl_function.(*_nodeFunctionLiteral), runtime.globalStash)
func builtinFunction_toString(call FunctionCall) Value {
object := call.thisClassObject(classFunction) // Should throw a TypeError unless Function
switch fn := object.value.(type) {
case _nativeFunctionObject:
return toValue_string(fmt.Sprintf("function %s() { [native code] }", fn.name))
case _nodeFunctionObject:
return toValue_string(fn.node.source)
case _bindFunctionObject:
return toValue_string("function () { [native code] }")
func builtinFunction_apply(call FunctionCall) Value {
if !call.This.isCallable() {
this := call.Argument(0)
if this.IsUndefined() {
this = toValue_object(call.runtime.globalObject)
argumentList := call.Argument(1)
switch argumentList.kind {
case valueUndefined, valueNull:
return call.thisObject().call(this, nil, false, nativeFrame)
case valueObject:
arrayObject := argumentList._object()
thisObject := call.thisObject()
length := int64(toUint32(arrayObject.get(propertyLength)))
valueArray := make([]Value, length)
for index := int64(0); index < length; index++ {
valueArray[index] = arrayObject.get(arrayIndexToString(index))
return thisObject.call(this, valueArray, false, nativeFrame)
func builtinFunction_call(call FunctionCall) Value {
if !call.This.isCallable() {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
this := call.Argument(0)
if this.IsUndefined() {
this = toValue_object(call.runtime.globalObject)
if len(call.ArgumentList) >= 1 {
return thisObject.call(this, call.ArgumentList[1:], false, nativeFrame)
return thisObject.call(this, nil, false, nativeFrame)
func builtinFunction_bind(call FunctionCall) Value {
target := call.This
if !target.isCallable() {
targetObject := target._object()
this := call.Argument(0)
argumentList := call.slice(1)
if this.IsUndefined() {
// FIXME Do this elsewhere?
this = toValue_object(call.runtime.globalObject)
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newBoundFunction(targetObject, this, argumentList))

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/builtin_json.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
package otto
import (
type _builtinJSON_parseContext struct {
call FunctionCall
reviver Value
func builtinJSON_parse(call FunctionCall) Value {
ctx := _builtinJSON_parseContext{
call: call,
revive := false
if reviver := call.Argument(1); reviver.isCallable() {
revive = true
ctx.reviver = reviver
var root interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(call.Argument(0).string()), &root)
if err != nil {
value, exists := builtinJSON_parseWalk(ctx, root)
if !exists {
value = Value{}
if revive {
root := ctx.call.runtime.newObject()
root.put("", value, false)
return builtinJSON_reviveWalk(ctx, root, "")
return value
func builtinJSON_reviveWalk(ctx _builtinJSON_parseContext, holder *_object, name string) Value {
value := holder.get(name)
if object := value._object(); object != nil {
if isArray(object) {
length := int64(objectLength(object))
for index := int64(0); index < length; index += 1 {
name := arrayIndexToString(index)
value := builtinJSON_reviveWalk(ctx, object, name)
if value.IsUndefined() {
object.delete(name, false)
} else {
object.defineProperty(name, value, 0111, false)
} else {
object.enumerate(false, func(name string) bool {
value := builtinJSON_reviveWalk(ctx, object, name)
if value.IsUndefined() {
object.delete(name, false)
} else {
object.defineProperty(name, value, 0111, false)
return true
return ctx.reviver.call(ctx.call.runtime, toValue_object(holder), name, value)
func builtinJSON_parseWalk(ctx _builtinJSON_parseContext, rawValue interface{}) (Value, bool) {
switch value := rawValue.(type) {
case nil:
return nullValue, true
case bool:
return toValue_bool(value), true
case string:
return toValue_string(value), true
case float64:
return toValue_float64(value), true
case []interface{}:
arrayValue := make([]Value, len(value))
for index, rawValue := range value {
if value, exists := builtinJSON_parseWalk(ctx, rawValue); exists {
arrayValue[index] = value
return toValue_object(ctx.call.runtime.newArrayOf(arrayValue)), true
case map[string]interface{}:
object := ctx.call.runtime.newObject()
for name, rawValue := range value {
if value, exists := builtinJSON_parseWalk(ctx, rawValue); exists {
object.put(name, value, false)
return toValue_object(object), true
return Value{}, false
type _builtinJSON_stringifyContext struct {
call FunctionCall
stack []*_object
propertyList []string
replacerFunction *Value
gap string
func builtinJSON_stringify(call FunctionCall) Value {
ctx := _builtinJSON_stringifyContext{
call: call,
stack: []*_object{nil},
replacer := call.Argument(1)._object()
if replacer != nil {
if isArray(replacer) {
length := objectLength(replacer)
seen := map[string]bool{}
propertyList := make([]string, length)
length = 0
for index, _ := range propertyList {
value := replacer.get(arrayIndexToString(int64(index)))
switch value.kind {
case valueObject:
switch value.value.(*_object).class {
case classString:
case classNumber:
case valueString:
case valueNumber:
name := value.string()
if seen[name] {
seen[name] = true
length += 1
propertyList[index] = name
ctx.propertyList = propertyList[0:length]
} else if replacer.class == classFunction {
value := toValue_object(replacer)
ctx.replacerFunction = &value
if spaceValue, exists := call.getArgument(2); exists {
if spaceValue.kind == valueObject {
switch spaceValue.value.(*_object).class {
case classString:
spaceValue = toValue_string(spaceValue.string())
case classNumber:
spaceValue = spaceValue.numberValue()
switch spaceValue.kind {
case valueString:
value := spaceValue.string()
if len(value) > 10 {
ctx.gap = value[0:10]
} else {
ctx.gap = value
case valueNumber:
value := spaceValue.number().int64
if value > 10 {
value = 10
} else if value < 0 {
value = 0
ctx.gap = strings.Repeat(" ", int(value))
holder := call.runtime.newObject()
holder.put("", call.Argument(0), false)
value, exists := builtinJSON_stringifyWalk(ctx, "", holder)
if !exists {
return Value{}
valueJSON, err := json.Marshal(value)
if err != nil {
if ctx.gap != "" {
valueJSON1 := bytes.Buffer{}
json.Indent(&valueJSON1, valueJSON, "", ctx.gap)
valueJSON = valueJSON1.Bytes()
return toValue_string(string(valueJSON))
func builtinJSON_stringifyWalk(ctx _builtinJSON_stringifyContext, key string, holder *_object) (interface{}, bool) {
value := holder.get(key)
if value.IsObject() {
object := value._object()
if toJSON := object.get("toJSON"); toJSON.IsFunction() {
value = toJSON.call(ctx.call.runtime, value, key)
} else {
// If the object is a GoStruct or something that implements json.Marshaler
if object.objectClass.marshalJSON != nil {
marshaler := object.objectClass.marshalJSON(object)
if marshaler != nil {
return marshaler, true
if ctx.replacerFunction != nil {
value = ctx.replacerFunction.call(ctx.call.runtime, toValue_object(holder), key, value)
if value.kind == valueObject {
switch value.value.(*_object).class {
case classBoolean:
value = value._object().value.(Value)
case classString:
value = toValue_string(value.string())
case classNumber:
value = value.numberValue()
switch value.kind {
case valueBoolean:
return value.bool(), true
case valueString:
return value.string(), true
case valueNumber:
integer := value.number()
switch integer.kind {
case numberInteger:
return integer.int64, true
case numberFloat:
return integer.float64, true
return nil, true
case valueNull:
return nil, true
case valueObject:
holder := value._object()
if value := value._object(); nil != value {
for _, object := range ctx.stack {
if holder == object {
panic(ctx.call.runtime.panicTypeError("Converting circular structure to JSON"))
ctx.stack = append(ctx.stack, value)
defer func() { ctx.stack = ctx.stack[:len(ctx.stack)-1] }()
if isArray(holder) {
var length uint32
switch value := holder.get(propertyLength).value.(type) {
case uint32:
length = value
case int:
if value >= 0 {
length = uint32(value)
panic(ctx.call.runtime.panicTypeError(fmt.Sprintf("JSON.stringify: invalid length: %v (%[1]T)", value)))
array := make([]interface{}, length)
for index, _ := range array {
name := arrayIndexToString(int64(index))
value, _ := builtinJSON_stringifyWalk(ctx, name, holder)
array[index] = value
return array, true
} else if holder.class != classFunction {
object := map[string]interface{}{}
if ctx.propertyList != nil {
for _, name := range ctx.propertyList {
value, exists := builtinJSON_stringifyWalk(ctx, name, holder)
if exists {
object[name] = value
} else {
// Go maps are without order, so this doesn't conform to the ECMA ordering
// standard, but oh well...
holder.enumerate(false, func(name string) bool {
value, exists := builtinJSON_stringifyWalk(ctx, name, holder)
if exists {
object[name] = value
return true
return object, true
return nil, false

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/builtin_math.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
package otto
import (
// Math
func builtinMath_abs(call FunctionCall) Value {
number := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_float64(math.Abs(number))
func builtinMath_acos(call FunctionCall) Value {
number := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_float64(math.Acos(number))
func builtinMath_asin(call FunctionCall) Value {
number := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_float64(math.Asin(number))
func builtinMath_atan(call FunctionCall) Value {
number := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_float64(math.Atan(number))
func builtinMath_atan2(call FunctionCall) Value {
y := call.Argument(0).float64()
if math.IsNaN(y) {
return NaNValue()
x := call.Argument(1).float64()
if math.IsNaN(x) {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_float64(math.Atan2(y, x))
func builtinMath_cos(call FunctionCall) Value {
number := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_float64(math.Cos(number))
func builtinMath_ceil(call FunctionCall) Value {
number := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_float64(math.Ceil(number))
func builtinMath_exp(call FunctionCall) Value {
number := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_float64(math.Exp(number))
func builtinMath_floor(call FunctionCall) Value {
number := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_float64(math.Floor(number))
func builtinMath_log(call FunctionCall) Value {
number := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_float64(math.Log(number))
func builtinMath_max(call FunctionCall) Value {
switch len(call.ArgumentList) {
case 0:
return negativeInfinityValue()
case 1:
return toValue_float64(call.ArgumentList[0].float64())
result := call.ArgumentList[0].float64()
if math.IsNaN(result) {
return NaNValue()
for _, value := range call.ArgumentList[1:] {
value := value.float64()
if math.IsNaN(value) {
return NaNValue()
result = math.Max(result, value)
return toValue_float64(result)
func builtinMath_min(call FunctionCall) Value {
switch len(call.ArgumentList) {
case 0:
return positiveInfinityValue()
case 1:
return toValue_float64(call.ArgumentList[0].float64())
result := call.ArgumentList[0].float64()
if math.IsNaN(result) {
return NaNValue()
for _, value := range call.ArgumentList[1:] {
value := value.float64()
if math.IsNaN(value) {
return NaNValue()
result = math.Min(result, value)
return toValue_float64(result)
func builtinMath_pow(call FunctionCall) Value {
// TODO Make sure this works according to the specification (
x := call.Argument(0).float64()
y := call.Argument(1).float64()
if math.Abs(x) == 1 && math.IsInf(y, 0) {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_float64(math.Pow(x, y))
func builtinMath_random(call FunctionCall) Value {
var v float64
if call.runtime.random != nil {
v = call.runtime.random()
} else {
v = rand.Float64()
return toValue_float64(v)
func builtinMath_round(call FunctionCall) Value {
number := call.Argument(0).float64()
value := math.Floor(number + 0.5)
if value == 0 {
value = math.Copysign(0, number)
return toValue_float64(value)
func builtinMath_sin(call FunctionCall) Value {
number := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_float64(math.Sin(number))
func builtinMath_sqrt(call FunctionCall) Value {
number := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_float64(math.Sqrt(number))
func builtinMath_tan(call FunctionCall) Value {
number := call.Argument(0).float64()
return toValue_float64(math.Tan(number))

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/builtin_number.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
package otto
import (
// Number
func numberValueFromNumberArgumentList(argumentList []Value) Value {
if len(argumentList) > 0 {
return argumentList[0].numberValue()
return toValue_int(0)
func builtinNumber(call FunctionCall) Value {
return numberValueFromNumberArgumentList(call.ArgumentList)
func builtinNewNumber(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newNumber(numberValueFromNumberArgumentList(argumentList)))
func builtinNumber_toString(call FunctionCall) Value {
// Will throw a TypeError if ThisObject is not a Number
value := call.thisClassObject(classNumber).primitiveValue()
radix := 10
radixArgument := call.Argument(0)
if radixArgument.IsDefined() {
integer := toIntegerFloat(radixArgument)
if integer < 2 || integer > 36 {
panic(call.runtime.panicRangeError("toString() radix must be between 2 and 36"))
radix = int(integer)
if radix == 10 {
return toValue_string(value.string())
return toValue_string(numberToStringRadix(value, radix))
func builtinNumber_valueOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
return call.thisClassObject(classNumber).primitiveValue()
func builtinNumber_toFixed(call FunctionCall) Value {
precision := toIntegerFloat(call.Argument(0))
if 20 < precision || 0 > precision {
panic(call.runtime.panicRangeError("toFixed() precision must be between 0 and 20"))
if call.This.IsNaN() {
return toValue_string("NaN")
value := call.This.float64()
if math.Abs(value) >= 1e21 {
return toValue_string(floatToString(value, 64))
return toValue_string(strconv.FormatFloat(call.This.float64(), 'f', int(precision), 64))
func builtinNumber_toExponential(call FunctionCall) Value {
if call.This.IsNaN() {
return toValue_string("NaN")
precision := float64(-1)
if value := call.Argument(0); value.IsDefined() {
precision = toIntegerFloat(value)
if 0 > precision {
panic(call.runtime.panicRangeError("toString() radix must be between 2 and 36"))
return toValue_string(strconv.FormatFloat(call.This.float64(), 'e', int(precision), 64))
func builtinNumber_toPrecision(call FunctionCall) Value {
if call.This.IsNaN() {
return toValue_string("NaN")
value := call.Argument(0)
if value.IsUndefined() {
return toValue_string(call.This.string())
precision := toIntegerFloat(value)
if 1 > precision {
panic(call.runtime.panicRangeError("toPrecision() precision must be greater than 1"))
return toValue_string(strconv.FormatFloat(call.This.float64(), 'g', int(precision), 64))
func builtinNumber_isNaN(call FunctionCall) Value {
if len(call.ArgumentList) < 1 {
return toValue_bool(false)
return toValue_bool(call.Argument(0).IsNaN())
func builtinNumber_toLocaleString(call FunctionCall) Value {
value := call.thisClassObject(classNumber).primitiveValue()
locale := call.Argument(0)
lang := defaultLanguage
if locale.IsDefined() {
lang = language.MustParse(locale.string())
p := message.NewPrinter(lang)
return toValue_string(p.Sprintf("%v", number.Decimal(value.value)))

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/builtin_object.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
package otto
import (
// Object
func builtinObject(call FunctionCall) Value {
value := call.Argument(0)
switch value.kind {
case valueUndefined, valueNull:
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newObject())
return toValue_object(call.runtime.toObject(value))
func builtinNewObject(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
value := valueOfArrayIndex(argumentList, 0)
switch value.kind {
case valueNull, valueUndefined:
case valueNumber, valueString, valueBoolean:
return toValue_object(self.runtime.toObject(value))
case valueObject:
return value
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newObject())
func builtinObject_valueOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_object(call.thisObject())
func builtinObject_hasOwnProperty(call FunctionCall) Value {
propertyName := call.Argument(0).string()
thisObject := call.thisObject()
return toValue_bool(thisObject.hasOwnProperty(propertyName))
func builtinObject_isPrototypeOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
value := call.Argument(0)
if !value.IsObject() {
return falseValue
prototype := call.toObject(value).prototype
thisObject := call.thisObject()
for prototype != nil {
if thisObject == prototype {
return trueValue
prototype = prototype.prototype
return falseValue
func builtinObject_propertyIsEnumerable(call FunctionCall) Value {
propertyName := call.Argument(0).string()
thisObject := call.thisObject()
property := thisObject.getOwnProperty(propertyName)
if property != nil && property.enumerable() {
return trueValue
return falseValue
func builtinObject_toString(call FunctionCall) Value {
var result string
if call.This.IsUndefined() {
result = "[object Undefined]"
} else if call.This.IsNull() {
result = "[object Null]"
} else {
result = fmt.Sprintf("[object %s]", call.thisObject().class)
return toValue_string(result)
func builtinObject_toLocaleString(call FunctionCall) Value {
toString := call.thisObject().get("toString")
if !toString.isCallable() {
return toString.call(call.runtime, call.This)
func builtinObject_getPrototypeOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
objectValue := call.Argument(0)
object := objectValue._object()
if object == nil {
if object.prototype == nil {
return nullValue
return toValue_object(object.prototype)
func builtinObject_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(call FunctionCall) Value {
objectValue := call.Argument(0)
object := objectValue._object()
if object == nil {
name := call.Argument(1).string()
descriptor := object.getOwnProperty(name)
if descriptor == nil {
return Value{}
return toValue_object(call.runtime.fromPropertyDescriptor(*descriptor))
func builtinObject_defineProperty(call FunctionCall) Value {
objectValue := call.Argument(0)
object := objectValue._object()
if object == nil {
name := call.Argument(1).string()
descriptor := toPropertyDescriptor(call.runtime, call.Argument(2))
object.defineOwnProperty(name, descriptor, true)
return objectValue
func builtinObject_defineProperties(call FunctionCall) Value {
objectValue := call.Argument(0)
object := objectValue._object()
if object == nil {
properties := call.runtime.toObject(call.Argument(1))
properties.enumerate(false, func(name string) bool {
descriptor := toPropertyDescriptor(call.runtime, properties.get(name))
object.defineOwnProperty(name, descriptor, true)
return true
return objectValue
func builtinObject_create(call FunctionCall) Value {
prototypeValue := call.Argument(0)
if !prototypeValue.IsNull() && !prototypeValue.IsObject() {
object := call.runtime.newObject()
object.prototype = prototypeValue._object()
propertiesValue := call.Argument(1)
if propertiesValue.IsDefined() {
properties := call.runtime.toObject(propertiesValue)
properties.enumerate(false, func(name string) bool {
descriptor := toPropertyDescriptor(call.runtime, properties.get(name))
object.defineOwnProperty(name, descriptor, true)
return true
return toValue_object(object)
func builtinObject_isExtensible(call FunctionCall) Value {
object := call.Argument(0)
if object := object._object(); object != nil {
return toValue_bool(object.extensible)
func builtinObject_preventExtensions(call FunctionCall) Value {
object := call.Argument(0)
if object := object._object(); object != nil {
object.extensible = false
} else {
return object
func builtinObject_isSealed(call FunctionCall) Value {
object := call.Argument(0)
if object := object._object(); object != nil {
if object.extensible {
return toValue_bool(false)
result := true
object.enumerate(true, func(name string) bool {
property := object.getProperty(name)
if property.configurable() {
result = false
return true
return toValue_bool(result)
func builtinObject_seal(call FunctionCall) Value {
object := call.Argument(0)
if object := object._object(); object != nil {
object.enumerate(true, func(name string) bool {
if property := object.getOwnProperty(name); nil != property && property.configurable() {
object.defineOwnProperty(name, *property, true)
return true
object.extensible = false
} else {
return object
func builtinObject_isFrozen(call FunctionCall) Value {
object := call.Argument(0)
if object := object._object(); object != nil {
if object.extensible {
return toValue_bool(false)
result := true
object.enumerate(true, func(name string) bool {
property := object.getProperty(name)
if property.configurable() || property.writable() {
result = false
return true
return toValue_bool(result)
func builtinObject_freeze(call FunctionCall) Value {
object := call.Argument(0)
if object := object._object(); object != nil {
object.enumerate(true, func(name string) bool {
if property, update := object.getOwnProperty(name), false; nil != property {
if property.isDataDescriptor() && property.writable() {
update = true
if property.configurable() {
update = true
if update {
object.defineOwnProperty(name, *property, true)
return true
object.extensible = false
} else {
return object
func builtinObject_keys(call FunctionCall) Value {
if object, keys := call.Argument(0)._object(), []Value(nil); nil != object {
object.enumerate(false, func(name string) bool {
keys = append(keys, toValue_string(name))
return true
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf(keys))
func builtinObject_getOwnPropertyNames(call FunctionCall) Value {
if object, propertyNames := call.Argument(0)._object(), []Value(nil); nil != object {
object.enumerate(true, func(name string) bool {
if object.hasOwnProperty(name) {
propertyNames = append(propertyNames, toValue_string(name))
return true
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf(propertyNames))

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/builtin_regexp.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
package otto
import (
// RegExp
func builtinRegExp(call FunctionCall) Value {
pattern := call.Argument(0)
flags := call.Argument(1)
if object := pattern._object(); object != nil {
if object.class == classRegExp && flags.IsUndefined() {
return pattern
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newRegExp(pattern, flags))
func builtinNewRegExp(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newRegExp(
valueOfArrayIndex(argumentList, 0),
valueOfArrayIndex(argumentList, 1),
func builtinRegExp_toString(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
source := thisObject.get("source").string()
flags := []byte{}
if thisObject.get("global").bool() {
flags = append(flags, 'g')
if thisObject.get("ignoreCase").bool() {
flags = append(flags, 'i')
if thisObject.get("multiline").bool() {
flags = append(flags, 'm')
return toValue_string(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", source, flags))
func builtinRegExp_exec(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
target := call.Argument(0).string()
match, result := execRegExp(thisObject, target)
if !match {
return nullValue
return toValue_object(execResultToArray(call.runtime, target, result))
func builtinRegExp_test(call FunctionCall) Value {
thisObject := call.thisObject()
target := call.Argument(0).string()
match, result := execRegExp(thisObject, target)
if !match {
return toValue_bool(match)
// Match extract and assign input, $_ and $1 -> $9 on global RegExp.
input := toValue_string(target)
call.runtime.global.RegExp.defineProperty("$_", input, 0100, false)
call.runtime.global.RegExp.defineProperty("input", input, 0100, false)
var start int
n := 1
re := call.runtime.global.RegExp
for i, v := range result[2:] {
if i%2 == 0 {
start = v
} else {
re.defineProperty(fmt.Sprintf("$%d", n), toValue_string(target[start:v]), 0100, false)
if n == 10 {
if n <= 9 {
// Erase remaining.
empty := toValue_string("")
for i := n; i <= 9; i++ {
re.defineProperty(fmt.Sprintf("$%d", i), empty, 0100, false)
return toValue_bool(match)
func builtinRegExp_compile(call FunctionCall) Value {
// This (useless) function is deprecated, but is here to provide some
// semblance of compatibility.
// Caveat emptor: it may not be around for long.
return Value{}

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/builtin_string.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
package otto
import (
// String
func stringValueFromStringArgumentList(argumentList []Value) Value {
if len(argumentList) > 0 {
return toValue_string(argumentList[0].string())
return toValue_string("")
func builtinString(call FunctionCall) Value {
return stringValueFromStringArgumentList(call.ArgumentList)
func builtinNewString(self *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
return toValue_object(self.runtime.newString(stringValueFromStringArgumentList(argumentList)))
func builtinString_toString(call FunctionCall) Value {
return call.thisClassObject(classString).primitiveValue()
func builtinString_valueOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
return call.thisClassObject(classString).primitiveValue()
func builtinString_fromCharCode(call FunctionCall) Value {
chrList := make([]uint16, len(call.ArgumentList))
for index, value := range call.ArgumentList {
chrList[index] = toUint16(value)
return toValue_string16(chrList)
func builtinString_charAt(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
idx := int(call.Argument(0).number().int64)
chr := stringAt(call.This._object().stringValue(), idx)
if chr == utf8.RuneError {
return toValue_string("")
return toValue_string(string(chr))
func builtinString_charCodeAt(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
idx := int(call.Argument(0).number().int64)
chr := stringAt(call.This._object().stringValue(), idx)
if chr == utf8.RuneError {
return NaNValue()
return toValue_uint16(uint16(chr))
func builtinString_concat(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
var value bytes.Buffer
for _, item := range call.ArgumentList {
return toValue_string(value.String())
func lastIndexRune(s, substr string) int {
if i := strings.LastIndex(s, substr); i >= 0 {
return utf16Length(s[:i])
return -1
func indexRune(s, substr string) int {
if i := strings.Index(s, substr); i >= 0 {
return utf16Length(s[:i])
return -1
func utf16Length(s string) int {
return len(utf16.Encode([]rune(s)))
func builtinString_indexOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
value := call.This.string()
target := call.Argument(0).string()
if 2 > len(call.ArgumentList) {
return toValue_int(indexRune(value, target))
start := toIntegerFloat(call.Argument(1))
if 0 > start {
start = 0
} else if start >= float64(len(value)) {
if target == "" {
return toValue_int(len(value))
return toValue_int(-1)
index := indexRune(value[int(start):], target)
if index >= 0 {
index += int(start)
return toValue_int(index)
func builtinString_lastIndexOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
value := call.This.string()
target := call.Argument(0).string()
if 2 > len(call.ArgumentList) || call.ArgumentList[1].IsUndefined() {
return toValue_int(lastIndexRune(value, target))
length := len(value)
if length == 0 {
return toValue_int(lastIndexRune(value, target))
start := call.ArgumentList[1].number()
if start.kind == numberInfinity { // FIXME
// startNumber is infinity, so start is the end of string (start = length)
return toValue_int(lastIndexRune(value, target))
if 0 > start.int64 {
start.int64 = 0
end := int(start.int64) + len(target)
if end > length {
end = length
return toValue_int(lastIndexRune(value[:end], target))
func builtinString_match(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
target := call.This.string()
matcherValue := call.Argument(0)
matcher := matcherValue._object()
if !matcherValue.IsObject() || matcher.class != classRegExp {
matcher = call.runtime.newRegExp(matcherValue, Value{})
global := matcher.get("global").bool()
if !global {
match, result := execRegExp(matcher, target)
if !match {
return nullValue
return toValue_object(execResultToArray(call.runtime, target, result))
result := matcher.regExpValue().regularExpression.FindAllStringIndex(target, -1)
if result == nil {
matcher.put("lastIndex", toValue_int(0), true)
return Value{} // !match
matchCount := len(result)
valueArray := make([]Value, matchCount)
for index := 0; index < matchCount; index++ {
valueArray[index] = toValue_string(target[result[index][0]:result[index][1]])
matcher.put("lastIndex", toValue_int(result[matchCount-1][1]), true)
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf(valueArray))
var builtinString_replace_Regexp = regexp.MustCompile("\\$(?:[\\$\\&\\'\\`1-9]|0[1-9]|[1-9][0-9])")
func builtinString_findAndReplaceString(input []byte, lastIndex int, match []int, target []byte, replaceValue []byte) (output []byte) {
matchCount := len(match) / 2
output = input
if match[0] != lastIndex {
output = append(output, target[lastIndex:match[0]]...)
replacement := builtinString_replace_Regexp.ReplaceAllFunc(replaceValue, func(part []byte) []byte {
// TODO Check if match[0] or match[1] can be -1 in this scenario
switch part[1] {
case '$':
return []byte{'$'}
case '&':
return target[match[0]:match[1]]
case '`':
return target[:match[0]]
case '\'':
return target[match[1]:]
matchNumberParse, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(part[1:]), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return []byte{}
matchNumber := int(matchNumberParse)
if matchNumber >= matchCount {
return []byte{}
offset := 2 * matchNumber
if match[offset] != -1 {
return target[match[offset]:match[offset+1]]
return []byte{} // The empty string
output = append(output, replacement...)
return output
func builtinString_replace(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
target := []byte(call.This.string())
searchValue := call.Argument(0)
searchObject := searchValue._object()
// TODO If a capture is -1?
var search *regexp.Regexp
global := false
find := 1
if searchValue.IsObject() && searchObject.class == classRegExp {
regExp := searchObject.regExpValue()
search = regExp.regularExpression
if regExp.global {
find = -1
} else {
search = regexp.MustCompile(regexp.QuoteMeta(searchValue.string()))
found := search.FindAllSubmatchIndex(target, find)
if found == nil {
return toValue_string(string(target)) // !match
lastIndex := 0
result := []byte{}
replaceValue := call.Argument(1)
if replaceValue.isCallable() {
target := string(target)
replace := replaceValue._object()
for _, match := range found {
if match[0] != lastIndex {
result = append(result, target[lastIndex:match[0]]...)
matchCount := len(match) / 2
argumentList := make([]Value, matchCount+2)
for index := 0; index < matchCount; index++ {
offset := 2 * index
if match[offset] != -1 {
argumentList[index] = toValue_string(target[match[offset]:match[offset+1]])
} else {
argumentList[index] = Value{}
argumentList[matchCount+0] = toValue_int(match[0])
argumentList[matchCount+1] = toValue_string(target)
replacement := replace.call(Value{}, argumentList, false, nativeFrame).string()
result = append(result, []byte(replacement)...)
lastIndex = match[1]
} else {
replace := []byte(replaceValue.string())
for _, match := range found {
result = builtinString_findAndReplaceString(result, lastIndex, match, target, replace)
lastIndex = match[1]
if lastIndex != len(target) {
result = append(result, target[lastIndex:]...)
if global && searchObject != nil {
searchObject.put("lastIndex", toValue_int(lastIndex), true)
return toValue_string(string(result))
func builtinString_search(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
target := call.This.string()
searchValue := call.Argument(0)
search := searchValue._object()
if !searchValue.IsObject() || search.class != classRegExp {
search = call.runtime.newRegExp(searchValue, Value{})
result := search.regExpValue().regularExpression.FindStringIndex(target)
if result == nil {
return toValue_int(-1)
return toValue_int(result[0])
func builtinString_split(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
target := call.This.string()
separatorValue := call.Argument(0)
limitValue := call.Argument(1)
limit := -1
if limitValue.IsDefined() {
limit = int(toUint32(limitValue))
if limit == 0 {
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArray(0))
if separatorValue.IsUndefined() {
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf([]Value{toValue_string(target)}))
if separatorValue.isRegExp() {
targetLength := len(target)
search := separatorValue._object().regExpValue().regularExpression
valueArray := []Value{}
result := search.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex(target, -1)
lastIndex := 0
found := 0
for _, match := range result {
if match[0] == match[1] {
// FIXME Ugh, this is a hack
if match[0] == 0 || match[0] == targetLength {
if lastIndex != match[0] {
valueArray = append(valueArray, toValue_string(target[lastIndex:match[0]]))
} else if lastIndex == match[0] {
if lastIndex != -1 {
valueArray = append(valueArray, toValue_string(""))
lastIndex = match[1]
if found == limit {
captureCount := len(match) / 2
for index := 1; index < captureCount; index++ {
offset := index * 2
value := Value{}
if match[offset] != -1 {
value = toValue_string(target[match[offset]:match[offset+1]])
valueArray = append(valueArray, value)
if found == limit {
if found != limit {
if lastIndex != targetLength {
valueArray = append(valueArray, toValue_string(target[lastIndex:targetLength]))
} else {
valueArray = append(valueArray, toValue_string(""))
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf(valueArray))
} else {
separator := separatorValue.string()
splitLimit := limit
excess := false
if limit > 0 {
splitLimit = limit + 1
excess = true
split := strings.SplitN(target, separator, splitLimit)
if excess && len(split) > limit {
split = split[:limit]
valueArray := make([]Value, len(split))
for index, value := range split {
valueArray[index] = toValue_string(value)
return toValue_object(call.runtime.newArrayOf(valueArray))
func builtinString_slice(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
target := call.This.string()
length := int64(len(target))
start, end := rangeStartEnd(call.ArgumentList, length, false)
if end-start <= 0 {
return toValue_string("")
return toValue_string(string(target[start:end]))
func builtinString_substring(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
target := []rune(call.This.string())
length := int64(len(target))
start, end := rangeStartEnd(call.ArgumentList, length, true)
if start > end {
start, end = end, start
return toValue_string(string(target[start:end]))
func builtinString_substr(call FunctionCall) Value {
target := []rune(call.This.string())
size := int64(len(target))
start, length := rangeStartLength(call.ArgumentList, size)
if start >= size {
return toValue_string("")
if length <= 0 {
return toValue_string("")
if start+length >= size {
// Cap length to be to the end of the string
// start = 3, length = 5, size = 4 [0, 1, 2, 3]
// 4 - 3 = 1
// target[3:4]
length = size - start
return toValue_string(string(target[start : start+length]))
func builtinString_toLowerCase(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
return toValue_string(strings.ToLower(call.This.string()))
func builtinString_toUpperCase(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
return toValue_string(strings.ToUpper(call.This.string()))
// 7.2 Table 2 — Whitespace Characters & 7.3 Table 3 - Line Terminator Characters
const builtinString_trim_whitespace = "\u0009\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF"
func builtinString_trim(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
return toValue(strings.Trim(call.This.string(),
// Mozilla extension, not ECMAScript 5
func builtinString_trimLeft(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
return toValue(strings.TrimLeft(call.This.string(),
// Mozilla extension, not ECMAScript 5
func builtinString_trimRight(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
return toValue(strings.TrimRight(call.This.string(),
func builtinString_localeCompare(call FunctionCall) Value {
checkObjectCoercible(call.runtime, call.This)
this := call.This.string()
that := call.Argument(0).string()
if this < that {
return toValue_int(-1)
} else if this == that {
return toValue_int(0)
return toValue_int(1)
An alternate version of String.trim
func builtinString_trim(call FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_string(strings.TrimFunc(call.string(.This), isWhiteSpaceOrLineTerminator))
func builtinString_toLocaleLowerCase(call FunctionCall) Value {
return builtinString_toLowerCase(call)
func builtinString_toLocaleUpperCase(call FunctionCall) Value {
return builtinString_toUpperCase(call)

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/clone.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
package otto
import (
type _clone struct {
runtime *_runtime
_object map[*_object]*_object
_objectStash map[*_objectStash]*_objectStash
_dclStash map[*_dclStash]*_dclStash
_fnStash map[*_fnStash]*_fnStash
func (in *_runtime) clone() *_runtime {
defer in.lck.Unlock()
out := &_runtime{
debugger: in.debugger,
random: in.random,
stackLimit: in.stackLimit,
traceLimit: in.traceLimit,
clone := _clone{
runtime: out,
_object: make(map[*_object]*_object),
_objectStash: make(map[*_objectStash]*_objectStash),
_dclStash: make(map[*_dclStash]*_dclStash),
_fnStash: make(map[*_fnStash]*_fnStash),
globalObject := clone.object(in.globalObject)
out.globalStash = out.newObjectStash(globalObject, nil)
out.globalObject = globalObject
out.global = _global{
out.eval = out.globalObject.property["eval"].value.(Value).value.(*_object)
out.globalObject.prototype = out.global.ObjectPrototype
// Not sure if this is necessary, but give some help to the GC
clone.runtime = nil
clone._object = nil
clone._objectStash = nil
clone._dclStash = nil
clone._fnStash = nil
return out
func (clone *_clone) object(in *_object) *_object {
if out, exists := clone._object[in]; exists {
return out
out := &_object{}
clone._object[in] = out
return in.objectClass.clone(in, out, clone)
func (clone *_clone) dclStash(in *_dclStash) (*_dclStash, bool) {
if out, exists := clone._dclStash[in]; exists {
return out, true
out := &_dclStash{}
clone._dclStash[in] = out
return out, false
func (clone *_clone) objectStash(in *_objectStash) (*_objectStash, bool) {
if out, exists := clone._objectStash[in]; exists {
return out, true
out := &_objectStash{}
clone._objectStash[in] = out
return out, false
func (clone *_clone) fnStash(in *_fnStash) (*_fnStash, bool) {
if out, exists := clone._fnStash[in]; exists {
return out, true
out := &_fnStash{}
clone._fnStash[in] = out
return out, false
func (clone *_clone) value(in Value) Value {
out := in
switch value := in.value.(type) {
case *_object:
out.value = clone.object(value)
return out
func (clone *_clone) valueArray(in []Value) []Value {
out := make([]Value, len(in))
for index, value := range in {
out[index] = clone.value(value)
return out
func (clone *_clone) stash(in _stash) _stash {
if in == nil {
return nil
return in.clone(clone)
func (clone *_clone) property(in _property) _property {
out := in
switch value := in.value.(type) {
case Value:
out.value = clone.value(value)
case _propertyGetSet:
p := _propertyGetSet{}
if value[0] != nil {
p[0] = clone.object(value[0])
if value[1] != nil {
p[1] = clone.object(value[1])
out.value = p
panic(fmt.Errorf("in.value.(Value) != true; in.value is %T", in.value))
return out
func (clone *_clone) dclProperty(in _dclProperty) _dclProperty {
out := in
out.value = clone.value(in.value)
return out

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/cmpl.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package otto
import (
type _compiler struct {
file *file.File
program *ast.Program
func (cmpl *_compiler) parse() *_nodeProgram {
if cmpl.program != nil {
cmpl.file = cmpl.program.File
return cmpl._parse(cmpl.program)

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/cmpl_evaluate.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
package otto
import (
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeProgram(node *_nodeProgram, eval bool) Value {
if !eval {
defer func() {
self.scope.frame.file = node.file
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatementList(node.body)
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_call_nodeFunction(function *_object, stash *_fnStash, node *_nodeFunctionLiteral, this Value, argumentList []Value) Value {
indexOfParameterName := make([]string, len(argumentList))
// function(abc, def, ghi)
// indexOfParameterName[0] = "abc"
// indexOfParameterName[1] = "def"
// indexOfParameterName[2] = "ghi"
// ...
argumentsFound := false
for index, name := range node.parameterList {
if name == "arguments" {
argumentsFound = true
value := Value{}
if index < len(argumentList) {
value = argumentList[index]
indexOfParameterName[index] = name
// strict = false
self.scope.lexical.setValue(name, value, false)
if !argumentsFound {
arguments := self.newArgumentsObject(indexOfParameterName, stash, len(argumentList))
arguments.defineProperty("callee", toValue_object(function), 0101, false)
stash.arguments = arguments
// strict = false
self.scope.lexical.setValue("arguments", toValue_object(arguments), false)
for index, _ := range argumentList {
if index < len(node.parameterList) {
indexAsString := strconv.FormatInt(int64(index), 10)
arguments.defineProperty(indexAsString, argumentList[index], 0111, false)
result := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node.body)
if result.kind == valueResult {
return result
return Value{}
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_functionDeclaration(list []*_nodeFunctionLiteral) {
executionContext := self.scope
eval := executionContext.eval
stash := executionContext.variable
for _, function := range list {
name := function.name
value := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(function)
if !stash.hasBinding(name) {
stash.createBinding(name, eval == true, value)
} else {
// TODO 10.5.5.e
stash.setBinding(name, value, false) // TODO strict
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_variableDeclaration(list []string) {
executionContext := self.scope
eval := executionContext.eval
stash := executionContext.variable
for _, name := range list {
if !stash.hasBinding(name) {
stash.createBinding(name, eval == true, Value{}) // TODO strict?

View file

@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
package otto
import (
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node _nodeExpression) Value {
// Allow interpreter interruption
// If the Interrupt channel is nil, then
// we avoid runtime.Gosched() overhead (if any)
// FIXME: Test this
if self.otto.Interrupt != nil {
select {
case value := <-self.otto.Interrupt:
switch node := node.(type) {
case *_nodeArrayLiteral:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeArrayLiteral(node)
case *_nodeAssignExpression:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeAssignExpression(node)
case *_nodeBinaryExpression:
if node.comparison {
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeBinaryExpression_comparison(node)
} else {
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeBinaryExpression(node)
case *_nodeBracketExpression:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeBracketExpression(node)
case *_nodeCallExpression:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeCallExpression(node, nil)
case *_nodeConditionalExpression:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeConditionalExpression(node)
case *_nodeDotExpression:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeDotExpression(node)
case *_nodeFunctionLiteral:
var local = self.scope.lexical
if node.name != "" {
local = self.newDeclarationStash(local)
value := toValue_object(self.newNodeFunction(node, local))
if node.name != "" {
local.createBinding(node.name, false, value)
return value
case *_nodeIdentifier:
name := node.name
// TODO Should be true or false (strictness) depending on context
// getIdentifierReference should not return nil, but we check anyway and panic
// so as not to propagate the nil into something else
reference := getIdentifierReference(self, self.scope.lexical, name, false, _at(node.idx))
if reference == nil {
// Should never get here!
panic(hereBeDragons("referenceError == nil: " + name))
return toValue(reference)
case *_nodeLiteral:
return node.value
case *_nodeNewExpression:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeNewExpression(node)
case *_nodeObjectLiteral:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeObjectLiteral(node)
case *_nodeRegExpLiteral:
return toValue_object(self._newRegExp(node.pattern, node.flags))
case *_nodeSequenceExpression:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeSequenceExpression(node)
case *_nodeThisExpression:
return toValue_object(self.scope.this)
case *_nodeUnaryExpression:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeUnaryExpression(node)
case *_nodeVariableExpression:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeVariableExpression(node)
panic(fmt.Errorf("Here be dragons: evaluate_nodeExpression(%T)", node))
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeArrayLiteral(node *_nodeArrayLiteral) Value {
valueArray := []Value{}
for _, node := range node.value {
if node == nil {
valueArray = append(valueArray, emptyValue)
} else {
valueArray = append(valueArray, self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node).resolve())
result := self.newArrayOf(valueArray)
return toValue_object(result)
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeAssignExpression(node *_nodeAssignExpression) Value {
left := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.left)
right := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.right)
rightValue := right.resolve()
result := rightValue
if node.operator != token.ASSIGN {
result = self.calculateBinaryExpression(node.operator, left, rightValue)
self.putValue(left.reference(), result)
return result
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeBinaryExpression(node *_nodeBinaryExpression) Value {
left := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.left)
leftValue := left.resolve()
switch node.operator {
// Logical
case token.LOGICAL_AND:
if !leftValue.bool() {
return leftValue
right := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.right)
return right.resolve()
case token.LOGICAL_OR:
if leftValue.bool() {
return leftValue
right := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.right)
return right.resolve()
return self.calculateBinaryExpression(node.operator, leftValue, self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.right))
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeBinaryExpression_comparison(node *_nodeBinaryExpression) Value {
left := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.left).resolve()
right := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.right).resolve()
return toValue_bool(self.calculateComparison(node.operator, left, right))
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeBracketExpression(node *_nodeBracketExpression) Value {
target := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.left)
targetValue := target.resolve()
member := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.member)
memberValue := member.resolve()
// TODO Pass in base value as-is, and defer toObject till later?
object, err := self.objectCoerce(targetValue)
if err != nil {
panic(self.panicTypeError("Cannot access member '%s' of %s", memberValue.string(), err.Error(), _at(node.idx)))
return toValue(newPropertyReference(self, object, memberValue.string(), false, _at(node.idx)))
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeCallExpression(node *_nodeCallExpression, withArgumentList []interface{}) Value {
rt := self
this := Value{}
callee := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.callee)
argumentList := []Value{}
if withArgumentList != nil {
argumentList = self.toValueArray(withArgumentList...)
} else {
for _, argumentNode := range node.argumentList {
argumentList = append(argumentList, self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(argumentNode).resolve())
rf := callee.reference()
vl := callee.resolve()
eval := false // Whether this call is a (candidate for) direct call to eval
name := ""
if rf != nil {
switch rf := rf.(type) {
case *_propertyReference:
name = rf.name
object := rf.base
this = toValue_object(object)
eval = rf.name == "eval" // Possible direct eval
case *_stashReference:
// TODO ImplicitThisValue
name = rf.name
eval = rf.name == "eval" // Possible direct eval
panic(rt.panicTypeError("Here be dragons"))
at := _at(-1)
switch callee := node.callee.(type) {
case *_nodeIdentifier:
at = _at(callee.idx)
case *_nodeDotExpression:
at = _at(callee.idx)
case *_nodeBracketExpression:
at = _at(callee.idx)
frame := _frame{
callee: name,
file: self.scope.frame.file,
if !vl.IsFunction() {
if name == "" {
// FIXME Maybe typeof?
panic(rt.panicTypeError("%v is not a function", vl, at))
panic(rt.panicTypeError("'%s' is not a function", name, at))
self.scope.frame.offset = int(at)
return vl._object().call(this, argumentList, eval, frame)
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeConditionalExpression(node *_nodeConditionalExpression) Value {
test := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.test)
testValue := test.resolve()
if testValue.bool() {
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.consequent)
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.alternate)
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeDotExpression(node *_nodeDotExpression) Value {
target := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.left)
targetValue := target.resolve()
// TODO Pass in base value as-is, and defer toObject till later?
object, err := self.objectCoerce(targetValue)
if err != nil {
panic(self.panicTypeError("Cannot access member '%s' of %s", node.identifier, err.Error(), _at(node.idx)))
return toValue(newPropertyReference(self, object, node.identifier, false, _at(node.idx)))
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeNewExpression(node *_nodeNewExpression) Value {
rt := self
callee := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.callee)
argumentList := []Value{}
for _, argumentNode := range node.argumentList {
argumentList = append(argumentList, self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(argumentNode).resolve())
rf := callee.reference()
vl := callee.resolve()
name := ""
if rf != nil {
switch rf := rf.(type) {
case *_propertyReference:
name = rf.name
case *_stashReference:
name = rf.name
panic(rt.panicTypeError("Here be dragons"))
at := _at(-1)
switch callee := node.callee.(type) {
case *_nodeIdentifier:
at = _at(callee.idx)
case *_nodeDotExpression:
at = _at(callee.idx)
case *_nodeBracketExpression:
at = _at(callee.idx)
if !vl.IsFunction() {
if name == "" {
// FIXME Maybe typeof?
panic(rt.panicTypeError("%v is not a function", vl, at))
panic(rt.panicTypeError("'%s' is not a function", name, at))
self.scope.frame.offset = int(at)
return vl._object().construct(argumentList)
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeObjectLiteral(node *_nodeObjectLiteral) Value {
result := self.newObject()
for _, property := range node.value {
switch property.kind {
case "value":
result.defineProperty(property.key, self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(property.value).resolve(), 0111, false)
case "get":
getter := self.newNodeFunction(property.value.(*_nodeFunctionLiteral), self.scope.lexical)
descriptor := _property{}
descriptor.mode = 0211
descriptor.value = _propertyGetSet{getter, nil}
result.defineOwnProperty(property.key, descriptor, false)
case "set":
setter := self.newNodeFunction(property.value.(*_nodeFunctionLiteral), self.scope.lexical)
descriptor := _property{}
descriptor.mode = 0211
descriptor.value = _propertyGetSet{nil, setter}
result.defineOwnProperty(property.key, descriptor, false)
panic(fmt.Errorf("Here be dragons: evaluate_nodeObjectLiteral: invalid property.Kind: %v", property.kind))
return toValue_object(result)
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeSequenceExpression(node *_nodeSequenceExpression) Value {
var result Value
for _, node := range node.sequence {
result = self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node)
result = result.resolve()
return result
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeUnaryExpression(node *_nodeUnaryExpression) Value {
target := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.operand)
switch node.operator {
case token.TYPEOF, token.DELETE:
if target.kind == valueReference && target.reference().invalid() {
if node.operator == token.TYPEOF {
return toValue_string("undefined")
return trueValue
switch node.operator {
case token.NOT:
targetValue := target.resolve()
if targetValue.bool() {
return falseValue
return trueValue
case token.BITWISE_NOT:
targetValue := target.resolve()
integerValue := toInt32(targetValue)
return toValue_int32(^integerValue)
case token.PLUS:
targetValue := target.resolve()
return toValue_float64(targetValue.float64())
case token.MINUS:
targetValue := target.resolve()
value := targetValue.float64()
// TODO Test this
sign := float64(-1)
if math.Signbit(value) {
sign = 1
return toValue_float64(math.Copysign(value, sign))
case token.INCREMENT:
targetValue := target.resolve()
if node.postfix {
// Postfix++
oldValue := targetValue.float64()
newValue := toValue_float64(+1 + oldValue)
self.putValue(target.reference(), newValue)
return toValue_float64(oldValue)
} else {
// ++Prefix
newValue := toValue_float64(+1 + targetValue.float64())
self.putValue(target.reference(), newValue)
return newValue
case token.DECREMENT:
targetValue := target.resolve()
if node.postfix {
// Postfix--
oldValue := targetValue.float64()
newValue := toValue_float64(-1 + oldValue)
self.putValue(target.reference(), newValue)
return toValue_float64(oldValue)
} else {
// --Prefix
newValue := toValue_float64(-1 + targetValue.float64())
self.putValue(target.reference(), newValue)
return newValue
case token.VOID:
target.resolve() // FIXME Side effect?
return Value{}
case token.DELETE:
reference := target.reference()
if reference == nil {
return trueValue
return toValue_bool(target.reference().delete())
case token.TYPEOF:
targetValue := target.resolve()
switch targetValue.kind {
case valueUndefined:
return toValue_string("undefined")
case valueNull:
return toValue_string("object")
case valueBoolean:
return toValue_string("boolean")
case valueNumber:
return toValue_string("number")
case valueString:
return toValue_string("string")
case valueObject:
if targetValue._object().isCall() {
return toValue_string("function")
return toValue_string("object")
// FIXME ?
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeVariableExpression(node *_nodeVariableExpression) Value {
if node.initializer != nil {
// FIXME If reference is nil
left := getIdentifierReference(self, self.scope.lexical, node.name, false, _at(node.idx))
right := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.initializer)
rightValue := right.resolve()
self.putValue(left, rightValue)
return toValue_string(node.name)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
package otto
import (
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node _nodeStatement) Value {
// Allow interpreter interruption
// If the Interrupt channel is nil, then
// we avoid runtime.Gosched() overhead (if any)
// FIXME: Test this
if self.otto.Interrupt != nil {
select {
case value := <-self.otto.Interrupt:
switch node := node.(type) {
case *_nodeBlockStatement:
labels := self.labels
self.labels = nil
value := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatementList(node.list)
switch value.kind {
case valueResult:
switch value.evaluateBreak(labels) {
case resultBreak:
return emptyValue
return value
case *_nodeBranchStatement:
target := node.label
switch node.branch { // FIXME Maybe node.kind? node.operator?
case token.BREAK:
return toValue(newBreakResult(target))
case token.CONTINUE:
return toValue(newContinueResult(target))
case *_nodeDebuggerStatement:
if self.debugger != nil {
return emptyValue // Nothing happens.
case *_nodeDoWhileStatement:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeDoWhileStatement(node)
case *_nodeEmptyStatement:
return emptyValue
case *_nodeExpressionStatement:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.expression)
case *_nodeForInStatement:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeForInStatement(node)
case *_nodeForStatement:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeForStatement(node)
case *_nodeIfStatement:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeIfStatement(node)
case *_nodeLabelledStatement:
self.labels = append(self.labels, node.label)
defer func() {
if len(self.labels) > 0 {
self.labels = self.labels[:len(self.labels)-1] // Pop the label
} else {
self.labels = nil
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node.statement)
case *_nodeReturnStatement:
if node.argument != nil {
return toValue(newReturnResult(self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.argument).resolve()))
return toValue(newReturnResult(Value{}))
case *_nodeSwitchStatement:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeSwitchStatement(node)
case *_nodeThrowStatement:
value := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.argument).resolve()
case *_nodeTryStatement:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeTryStatement(node)
case *_nodeVariableStatement:
// Variables are already defined, this is initialization only
for _, variable := range node.list {
return emptyValue
case *_nodeWhileStatement:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeWhileStatement(node)
case *_nodeWithStatement:
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeWithStatement(node)
panic(fmt.Errorf("Here be dragons: evaluate_nodeStatement(%T)", node))
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatementList(list []_nodeStatement) Value {
var result Value
for _, node := range list {
value := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node)
switch value.kind {
case valueResult:
return value
case valueEmpty:
// We have getValue here to (for example) trigger a
// ReferenceError (of the not defined variety)
// Not sure if this is the best way to error out early
// for such errors or if there is a better way
// TODO Do we still need this?
result = value.resolve()
return result
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeDoWhileStatement(node *_nodeDoWhileStatement) Value {
labels := append(self.labels, "")
self.labels = nil
test := node.test
result := emptyValue
for {
for _, node := range node.body {
value := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node)
switch value.kind {
case valueResult:
switch value.evaluateBreakContinue(labels) {
case resultReturn:
return value
case resultBreak:
break resultBreak
case resultContinue:
goto resultContinue
case valueEmpty:
result = value
if !self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(test).resolve().bool() {
// Stahp: do ... while (false)
return result
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeForInStatement(node *_nodeForInStatement) Value {
labels := append(self.labels, "")
self.labels = nil
source := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.source)
sourceValue := source.resolve()
switch sourceValue.kind {
case valueUndefined, valueNull:
return emptyValue
sourceObject := self.toObject(sourceValue)
into := node.into
body := node.body
result := emptyValue
object := sourceObject
for object != nil {
enumerateValue := emptyValue
object.enumerate(false, func(name string) bool {
into := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(into)
// In the case of: for (var abc in def) ...
if into.reference() == nil {
identifier := into.string()
// TODO Should be true or false (strictness) depending on context
into = toValue(getIdentifierReference(self, self.scope.lexical, identifier, false, -1))
self.putValue(into.reference(), toValue_string(name))
for _, node := range body {
value := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node)
switch value.kind {
case valueResult:
switch value.evaluateBreakContinue(labels) {
case resultReturn:
enumerateValue = value
return false
case resultBreak:
object = nil
return false
case resultContinue:
return true
case valueEmpty:
enumerateValue = value
return true
if object == nil {
object = object.prototype
if !enumerateValue.isEmpty() {
result = enumerateValue
return result
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeForStatement(node *_nodeForStatement) Value {
labels := append(self.labels, "")
self.labels = nil
initializer := node.initializer
test := node.test
update := node.update
body := node.body
if initializer != nil {
initialResult := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(initializer)
initialResult.resolve() // Side-effect trigger
result := emptyValue
for {
if test != nil {
testResult := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(test)
testResultValue := testResult.resolve()
if testResultValue.bool() == false {
// this is to prevent for cycles with no body from running forever
if len(body) == 0 && self.otto.Interrupt != nil {
select {
case value := <-self.otto.Interrupt:
for _, node := range body {
value := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node)
switch value.kind {
case valueResult:
switch value.evaluateBreakContinue(labels) {
case resultReturn:
return value
case resultBreak:
break resultBreak
case resultContinue:
goto resultContinue
case valueEmpty:
result = value
if update != nil {
updateResult := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(update)
updateResult.resolve() // Side-effect trigger
return result
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeIfStatement(node *_nodeIfStatement) Value {
test := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.test)
testValue := test.resolve()
if testValue.bool() {
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node.consequent)
} else if node.alternate != nil {
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node.alternate)
return emptyValue
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeSwitchStatement(node *_nodeSwitchStatement) Value {
labels := append(self.labels, "")
self.labels = nil
discriminantResult := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.discriminant)
target := node.default_
for index, clause := range node.body {
test := clause.test
if test != nil {
if self.calculateComparison(token.STRICT_EQUAL, discriminantResult, self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(test)) {
target = index
result := emptyValue
if target != -1 {
for _, clause := range node.body[target:] {
for _, statement := range clause.consequent {
value := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(statement)
switch value.kind {
case valueResult:
switch value.evaluateBreak(labels) {
case resultReturn:
return value
case resultBreak:
return emptyValue
case valueEmpty:
result = value
return result
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeTryStatement(node *_nodeTryStatement) Value {
tryCatchValue, exception := self.tryCatchEvaluate(func() Value {
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node.body)
if exception && node.catch != nil {
outer := self.scope.lexical
self.scope.lexical = self.newDeclarationStash(outer)
defer func() {
self.scope.lexical = outer
// TODO If necessary, convert TypeError<runtime> => TypeError
// That, is, such errors can be thrown despite not being JavaScript "native"
// strict = false
self.scope.lexical.setValue(node.catch.parameter, tryCatchValue, false)
// FIXME node.CatchParameter
// FIXME node.Catch
tryCatchValue, exception = self.tryCatchEvaluate(func() Value {
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node.catch.body)
if node.finally != nil {
finallyValue := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node.finally)
if finallyValue.kind == valueResult {
return finallyValue
if exception {
return tryCatchValue
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeWhileStatement(node *_nodeWhileStatement) Value {
test := node.test
body := node.body
labels := append(self.labels, "")
self.labels = nil
result := emptyValue
for {
if !self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(test).resolve().bool() {
// Stahp: while (false) ...
for _, node := range body {
value := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node)
switch value.kind {
case valueResult:
switch value.evaluateBreakContinue(labels) {
case resultReturn:
return value
case resultBreak:
break resultBreakContinue
case resultContinue:
continue resultBreakContinue
case valueEmpty:
result = value
return result
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_evaluate_nodeWithStatement(node *_nodeWithStatement) Value {
object := self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeExpression(node.object)
outer := self.scope.lexical
lexical := self.newObjectStash(self.toObject(object.resolve()), outer)
self.scope.lexical = lexical
defer func() {
self.scope.lexical = outer
return self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeStatement(node.body)

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/cmpl_parse.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
package otto
import (
var trueLiteral = &_nodeLiteral{value: toValue_bool(true)}
var falseLiteral = &_nodeLiteral{value: toValue_bool(false)}
var nullLiteral = &_nodeLiteral{value: nullValue}
var emptyStatement = &_nodeEmptyStatement{}
func (cmpl *_compiler) parseExpression(in ast.Expression) _nodeExpression {
if in == nil {
return nil
switch in := in.(type) {
case *ast.ArrayLiteral:
out := &_nodeArrayLiteral{
value: make([]_nodeExpression, len(in.Value)),
for i, value := range in.Value {
out.value[i] = cmpl.parseExpression(value)
return out
case *ast.AssignExpression:
return &_nodeAssignExpression{
operator: in.Operator,
left: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Left),
right: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Right),
case *ast.BinaryExpression:
return &_nodeBinaryExpression{
operator: in.Operator,
left: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Left),
right: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Right),
comparison: in.Comparison,
case *ast.BooleanLiteral:
if in.Value {
return trueLiteral
return falseLiteral
case *ast.BracketExpression:
return &_nodeBracketExpression{
idx: in.Left.Idx0(),
left: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Left),
member: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Member),
case *ast.CallExpression:
out := &_nodeCallExpression{
callee: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Callee),
argumentList: make([]_nodeExpression, len(in.ArgumentList)),
for i, value := range in.ArgumentList {
out.argumentList[i] = cmpl.parseExpression(value)
return out
case *ast.ConditionalExpression:
return &_nodeConditionalExpression{
test: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Test),
consequent: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Consequent),
alternate: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Alternate),
case *ast.DotExpression:
return &_nodeDotExpression{
idx: in.Left.Idx0(),
left: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Left),
identifier: in.Identifier.Name,
case *ast.EmptyExpression:
return nil
case *ast.FunctionLiteral:
name := ""
if in.Name != nil {
name = in.Name.Name
out := &_nodeFunctionLiteral{
name: name,
body: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body),
source: in.Source,
file: cmpl.file,
if in.ParameterList != nil {
list := in.ParameterList.List
out.parameterList = make([]string, len(list))
for i, value := range list {
out.parameterList[i] = value.Name
for _, value := range in.DeclarationList {
switch value := value.(type) {
case *ast.FunctionDeclaration:
out.functionList = append(out.functionList, cmpl.parseExpression(value.Function).(*_nodeFunctionLiteral))
case *ast.VariableDeclaration:
for _, value := range value.List {
out.varList = append(out.varList, value.Name)
panic(fmt.Errorf("Here be dragons: parseProgram.declaration(%T)", value))
return out
case *ast.Identifier:
return &_nodeIdentifier{
idx: in.Idx,
name: in.Name,
case *ast.NewExpression:
out := &_nodeNewExpression{
callee: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Callee),
argumentList: make([]_nodeExpression, len(in.ArgumentList)),
for i, value := range in.ArgumentList {
out.argumentList[i] = cmpl.parseExpression(value)
return out
case *ast.NullLiteral:
return nullLiteral
case *ast.NumberLiteral:
return &_nodeLiteral{
value: toValue(in.Value),
case *ast.ObjectLiteral:
out := &_nodeObjectLiteral{
value: make([]_nodeProperty, len(in.Value)),
for i, value := range in.Value {
out.value[i] = _nodeProperty{
key: value.Key,
kind: value.Kind,
value: cmpl.parseExpression(value.Value),
return out
case *ast.RegExpLiteral:
return &_nodeRegExpLiteral{
flags: in.Flags,
pattern: in.Pattern,
case *ast.SequenceExpression:
out := &_nodeSequenceExpression{
sequence: make([]_nodeExpression, len(in.Sequence)),
for i, value := range in.Sequence {
out.sequence[i] = cmpl.parseExpression(value)
return out
case *ast.StringLiteral:
return &_nodeLiteral{
value: toValue_string(in.Value),
case *ast.ThisExpression:
return &_nodeThisExpression{}
case *ast.UnaryExpression:
return &_nodeUnaryExpression{
operator: in.Operator,
operand: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Operand),
postfix: in.Postfix,
case *ast.VariableExpression:
return &_nodeVariableExpression{
idx: in.Idx0(),
name: in.Name,
initializer: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Initializer),
panic(fmt.Errorf("Here be dragons: cmpl.parseExpression(%T)", in))
func (cmpl *_compiler) parseStatement(in ast.Statement) _nodeStatement {
if in == nil {
return nil
switch in := in.(type) {
case *ast.BlockStatement:
out := &_nodeBlockStatement{
list: make([]_nodeStatement, len(in.List)),
for i, value := range in.List {
out.list[i] = cmpl.parseStatement(value)
return out
case *ast.BranchStatement:
out := &_nodeBranchStatement{
branch: in.Token,
if in.Label != nil {
out.label = in.Label.Name
return out
case *ast.DebuggerStatement:
return &_nodeDebuggerStatement{}
case *ast.DoWhileStatement:
out := &_nodeDoWhileStatement{
test: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Test),
body := cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body)
if block, ok := body.(*_nodeBlockStatement); ok {
out.body = block.list
} else {
out.body = append(out.body, body)
return out
case *ast.EmptyStatement:
return emptyStatement
case *ast.ExpressionStatement:
return &_nodeExpressionStatement{
expression: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Expression),
case *ast.ForInStatement:
out := &_nodeForInStatement{
into: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Into),
source: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Source),
body := cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body)
if block, ok := body.(*_nodeBlockStatement); ok {
out.body = block.list
} else {
out.body = append(out.body, body)
return out
case *ast.ForStatement:
out := &_nodeForStatement{
initializer: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Initializer),
update: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Update),
test: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Test),
body := cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body)
if block, ok := body.(*_nodeBlockStatement); ok {
out.body = block.list
} else {
out.body = append(out.body, body)
return out
case *ast.FunctionStatement:
return emptyStatement
case *ast.IfStatement:
return &_nodeIfStatement{
test: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Test),
consequent: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Consequent),
alternate: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Alternate),
case *ast.LabelledStatement:
return &_nodeLabelledStatement{
label: in.Label.Name,
statement: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Statement),
case *ast.ReturnStatement:
return &_nodeReturnStatement{
argument: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Argument),
case *ast.SwitchStatement:
out := &_nodeSwitchStatement{
discriminant: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Discriminant),
default_: in.Default,
body: make([]*_nodeCaseStatement, len(in.Body)),
for i, clause := range in.Body {
out.body[i] = &_nodeCaseStatement{
test: cmpl.parseExpression(clause.Test),
consequent: make([]_nodeStatement, len(clause.Consequent)),
for j, value := range clause.Consequent {
out.body[i].consequent[j] = cmpl.parseStatement(value)
return out
case *ast.ThrowStatement:
return &_nodeThrowStatement{
argument: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Argument),
case *ast.TryStatement:
out := &_nodeTryStatement{
body: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body),
finally: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Finally),
if in.Catch != nil {
out.catch = &_nodeCatchStatement{
parameter: in.Catch.Parameter.Name,
body: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Catch.Body),
return out
case *ast.VariableStatement:
out := &_nodeVariableStatement{
list: make([]_nodeExpression, len(in.List)),
for i, value := range in.List {
out.list[i] = cmpl.parseExpression(value)
return out
case *ast.WhileStatement:
out := &_nodeWhileStatement{
test: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Test),
body := cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body)
if block, ok := body.(*_nodeBlockStatement); ok {
out.body = block.list
} else {
out.body = append(out.body, body)
return out
case *ast.WithStatement:
return &_nodeWithStatement{
object: cmpl.parseExpression(in.Object),
body: cmpl.parseStatement(in.Body),
panic(fmt.Errorf("Here be dragons: cmpl.parseStatement(%T)", in))
func cmpl_parse(in *ast.Program) *_nodeProgram {
cmpl := _compiler{
program: in,
return cmpl.parse()
func (cmpl *_compiler) _parse(in *ast.Program) *_nodeProgram {
out := &_nodeProgram{
body: make([]_nodeStatement, len(in.Body)),
file: in.File,
for i, value := range in.Body {
out.body[i] = cmpl.parseStatement(value)
for _, value := range in.DeclarationList {
switch value := value.(type) {
case *ast.FunctionDeclaration:
out.functionList = append(out.functionList, cmpl.parseExpression(value.Function).(*_nodeFunctionLiteral))
case *ast.VariableDeclaration:
for _, value := range value.List {
out.varList = append(out.varList, value.Name)
panic(fmt.Errorf("Here be dragons: cmpl.parseProgram.DeclarationList(%T)", value))
return out
type _nodeProgram struct {
body []_nodeStatement
varList []string
functionList []*_nodeFunctionLiteral
variableList []_nodeDeclaration
file *file.File
type _nodeDeclaration struct {
name string
definition _node
type _node interface {
type (
_nodeExpression interface {
_nodeArrayLiteral struct {
value []_nodeExpression
_nodeAssignExpression struct {
operator token.Token
left _nodeExpression
right _nodeExpression
_nodeBinaryExpression struct {
operator token.Token
left _nodeExpression
right _nodeExpression
comparison bool
_nodeBracketExpression struct {
idx file.Idx
left _nodeExpression
member _nodeExpression
_nodeCallExpression struct {
callee _nodeExpression
argumentList []_nodeExpression
_nodeConditionalExpression struct {
test _nodeExpression
consequent _nodeExpression
alternate _nodeExpression
_nodeDotExpression struct {
idx file.Idx
left _nodeExpression
identifier string
_nodeFunctionLiteral struct {
name string
body _nodeStatement
source string
parameterList []string
varList []string
functionList []*_nodeFunctionLiteral
file *file.File
_nodeIdentifier struct {
idx file.Idx
name string
_nodeLiteral struct {
value Value
_nodeNewExpression struct {
callee _nodeExpression
argumentList []_nodeExpression
_nodeObjectLiteral struct {
value []_nodeProperty
_nodeProperty struct {
key string
kind string
value _nodeExpression
_nodeRegExpLiteral struct {
flags string
pattern string // Value?
regexp *regexp.Regexp
_nodeSequenceExpression struct {
sequence []_nodeExpression
_nodeThisExpression struct {
_nodeUnaryExpression struct {
operator token.Token
operand _nodeExpression
postfix bool
_nodeVariableExpression struct {
idx file.Idx
name string
initializer _nodeExpression
type (
_nodeStatement interface {
_nodeBlockStatement struct {
list []_nodeStatement
_nodeBranchStatement struct {
branch token.Token
label string
_nodeCaseStatement struct {
test _nodeExpression
consequent []_nodeStatement
_nodeCatchStatement struct {
parameter string
body _nodeStatement
_nodeDebuggerStatement struct {
_nodeDoWhileStatement struct {
test _nodeExpression
body []_nodeStatement
_nodeEmptyStatement struct {
_nodeExpressionStatement struct {
expression _nodeExpression
_nodeForInStatement struct {
into _nodeExpression
source _nodeExpression
body []_nodeStatement
_nodeForStatement struct {
initializer _nodeExpression
update _nodeExpression
test _nodeExpression
body []_nodeStatement
_nodeIfStatement struct {
test _nodeExpression
consequent _nodeStatement
alternate _nodeStatement
_nodeLabelledStatement struct {
label string
statement _nodeStatement
_nodeReturnStatement struct {
argument _nodeExpression
_nodeSwitchStatement struct {
discriminant _nodeExpression
default_ int
body []*_nodeCaseStatement
_nodeThrowStatement struct {
argument _nodeExpression
_nodeTryStatement struct {
body _nodeStatement
catch *_nodeCatchStatement
finally _nodeStatement
_nodeVariableStatement struct {
list []_nodeExpression
_nodeWhileStatement struct {
test _nodeExpression
body []_nodeStatement
_nodeWithStatement struct {
object _nodeExpression
body _nodeStatement
// _expressionNode
func (*_nodeArrayLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeAssignExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeBinaryExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeBracketExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeCallExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeConditionalExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeDotExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeFunctionLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeIdentifier) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeNewExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeObjectLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeRegExpLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeSequenceExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeThisExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeUnaryExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*_nodeVariableExpression) _expressionNode() {}
// _statementNode
func (*_nodeBlockStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeBranchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeCaseStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeCatchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeDebuggerStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeDoWhileStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeEmptyStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeExpressionStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeForInStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeForStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeIfStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeLabelledStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeReturnStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeSwitchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeThrowStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeTryStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeVariableStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeWhileStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*_nodeWithStatement) _statementNode() {}

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/console.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package otto
import (
func formatForConsole(argumentList []Value) string {
output := []string{}
for _, argument := range argumentList {
output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("%v", argument))
return strings.Join(output, " ")
func builtinConsole_log(call FunctionCall) Value {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, formatForConsole(call.ArgumentList))
return Value{}
func builtinConsole_error(call FunctionCall) Value {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, formatForConsole(call.ArgumentList))
return Value{}
// Nothing happens.
func builtinConsole_dir(call FunctionCall) Value {
return Value{}
func builtinConsole_time(call FunctionCall) Value {
return Value{}
func builtinConsole_timeEnd(call FunctionCall) Value {
return Value{}
func builtinConsole_trace(call FunctionCall) Value {
return Value{}
func builtinConsole_assert(call FunctionCall) Value {
return Value{}
func (runtime *_runtime) newConsole() *_object {
return newConsoleObject(runtime)

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/consts.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package otto
const (
// Common classes.
classString = "String"
classGoArray = "GoArray"
classGoSlice = "GoSlice"
classNumber = "Number"
classDate = "Date"
classArray = "Array"
classFunction = "Function"
classObject = "Object"
classRegExp = "RegExp"
classBoolean = "Boolean"
classError = "Error"
// Common properties.
propertyLength = "length"

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/dbg.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// This file was AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED by dbg-import (smuggol) for github.com/robertkrimen/dbg
package otto
import (
Dbg "github.com/robertkrimen/otto/dbg"
var dbg, dbgf = Dbg.New()

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/dbg/dbg.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
// This file was AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED by dbg-import (smuggol) from github.com/robertkrimen/dbg
Package dbg is a println/printf/log-debugging utility library.
import (
Dbg "github.com/robertkrimen/dbg"
dbg, dbgf := Dbg.New()
dbg("Emit some debug stuff", []byte{120, 121, 122, 122, 121}, math.Pi)
# "2013/01/28 16:50:03 Emit some debug stuff [120 121 122 122 121] 3.141592653589793"
dbgf("With a %s formatting %.2f", "little", math.Pi)
# "2013/01/28 16:51:55 With a little formatting (3.14)"
dbgf("%/fatal//A fatal debug statement: should not be here")
# "A fatal debug statement: should not be here"
# ...and then, os.Exit(1)
dbgf("%/panic//Can also panic %s", "this")
# "Can also panic this"
# ...as a panic, equivalent to: panic("Can also panic this")
dbgf("Any %s arguments without a corresponding %%", "extra", "are treated like arguments to dbg()")
# "2013/01/28 17:14:40 Any extra arguments (without a corresponding %) are treated like arguments to dbg()"
dbgf("%d %d", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# "2013/01/28 17:16:32 Another example: 1 2 3 4 5"
dbgf("%@: Include the function name for a little context (via %s)", "%@")
# "2013... github.com/robertkrimen/dbg.TestSynopsis: Include the function name for a little context (via %@)"
By default, dbg uses log (log.Println, log.Printf, log.Panic, etc.) for output.
However, you can also provide your own output destination by invoking dbg.New with
a customization function:
import (
Dbg "github.com/robertkrimen/dbg"
# dbg to os.Stderr
dbg, dbgf := Dbg.New(func(dbgr *Dbgr) {
# A slightly contrived example:
var buffer bytes.Buffer
dbg, dbgf := New(func(dbgr *Dbgr) {
package dbg
import (
type _frmt struct {
ctl string
format string
operandCount int
panic bool
fatal bool
check bool
var (
ctlTest = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*%/`)
ctlScan = regexp.MustCompile(`%?/(panic|fatal|check)(?:\s|$)`)
func operandCount(format string) int {
count := 0
end := len(format)
for at := 0; at < end; {
for at < end && format[at] != '%' {
if at < end {
if format[at] != '%' && format[at] != '@' {
return count
func parseFormat(format string) (frmt _frmt) {
if ctlTest.MatchString(format) {
format = strings.TrimLeftFunc(format, unicode.IsSpace)
index := strings.Index(format, "//")
if index != -1 {
frmt.ctl = format[0:index]
format = format[index+2:] // Skip the second slash via +2 (instead of +1)
} else {
frmt.ctl = format
format = ""
for _, tmp := range ctlScan.FindAllStringSubmatch(frmt.ctl, -1) {
for _, value := range tmp[1:] {
switch value {
case "panic":
frmt.panic = true
case "fatal":
frmt.fatal = true
case "check":
frmt.check = true
frmt.format = format
frmt.operandCount = operandCount(format)
type Dbgr struct {
emit _emit
type DbgFunction func(values ...interface{})
func NewDbgr() *Dbgr {
self := &Dbgr{}
return self
New will create and return a pair of debugging functions. You can customize where
they output to by passing in an (optional) customization function:
import (
Dbg "github.com/robertkrimen/dbg"
# dbg to os.Stderr
dbg, dbgf := Dbg.New(func(dbgr *Dbgr) {
func New(options ...interface{}) (dbg DbgFunction, dbgf DbgFunction) {
dbgr := NewDbgr()
if len(options) > 0 {
if fn, ok := options[0].(func(*Dbgr)); ok {
return dbgr.DbgDbgf()
func (self Dbgr) Dbg(values ...interface{}) {
self.getEmit().emit(_frmt{}, "", values...)
func (self Dbgr) Dbgf(values ...interface{}) {
func (self Dbgr) DbgDbgf() (dbg DbgFunction, dbgf DbgFunction) {
dbg = func(vl ...interface{}) {
dbgf = func(vl ...interface{}) {
return dbg, dbgf // Redundant, but...
func (self Dbgr) dbgf(values ...interface{}) {
var frmt _frmt
if len(values) > 0 {
tmp := fmt.Sprint(values[0])
frmt = parseFormat(tmp)
values = values[1:]
buffer_f := bytes.Buffer{}
format := frmt.format
end := len(format)
for at := 0; at < end; {
last := at
for at < end && format[at] != '%' {
if at > last {
if at >= end {
// format[at] == '%'
// format[at] == ?
if format[at] == '@' {
depth := 2
pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(depth)
name := runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name()
} else {
buffer_f.WriteString(format[at-1 : at+1])
//values_f := append([]interface{}{}, values[0:frmt.operandCount]...)
values_f := values[0:frmt.operandCount]
values_dbg := values[frmt.operandCount:]
if len(values_dbg) > 0 {
// Adjust frmt.format:
// (%v instead of %s because: frmt.check)
tmp := format
if len(tmp) > 0 {
if unicode.IsSpace(rune(tmp[len(tmp)-1])) {
} else {
buffer_f.WriteString(" %v")
} else if frmt.check {
// Performing a check, so no output
} else {
// Adjust values_f:
if !frmt.check {
tmp := []string{}
for _, value := range values_dbg {
tmp = append(tmp, fmt.Sprintf("%v", value))
// First, make a copy of values_f, so we avoid overwriting values_dbg when appending
values_f = append([]interface{}{}, values_f...)
values_f = append(values_f, strings.Join(tmp, " "))
format = buffer_f.String()
if frmt.check {
// We do not actually emit to the log, but panic if
// a non-nil value is detected (e.g. a non-nil error)
for _, value := range values_dbg {
if value != nil {
if format == "" {
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, append(values_f, value)...))
} else {
self.getEmit().emit(frmt, format, values_f...)
// Idiot-proof &Dbgr{}, etc.
func (self *Dbgr) getEmit() _emit {
if self.emit == nil {
self.emit = standardEmit()
return self.emit
// SetOutput will accept the following as a destination for output:
// *log.Logger Print*/Panic*/Fatal* of the logger
// io.Writer -
// nil Reset to the default output (os.Stderr)
// "log" Print*/Panic*/Fatal* via the "log" package
func (self *Dbgr) SetOutput(output interface{}) {
if output == nil {
self.emit = standardEmit()
switch output := output.(type) {
case *log.Logger:
self.emit = _emitLogger{
logger: output,
case io.Writer:
self.emit = _emitWriter{
writer: output,
case string:
if output == "log" {
self.emit = _emitLog{}
// ======== //
// = emit = //
// ======== //
func standardEmit() _emit {
return _emitWriter{
writer: os.Stderr,
func ln(tmp string) string {
length := len(tmp)
if length > 0 && tmp[length-1] != '\n' {
return tmp + "\n"
return tmp
type _emit interface {
emit(_frmt, string, ...interface{})
type _emitWriter struct {
writer io.Writer
func (self _emitWriter) emit(frmt _frmt, format string, values ...interface{}) {
if format == "" {
fmt.Fprintln(self.writer, values...)
} else {
if frmt.panic {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, values...))
fmt.Fprintf(self.writer, ln(format), values...)
if frmt.fatal {
type _emitLogger struct {
logger *log.Logger
func (self _emitLogger) emit(frmt _frmt, format string, values ...interface{}) {
if format == "" {
} else {
if frmt.panic {
self.logger.Panicf(format, values...)
} else if frmt.fatal {
self.logger.Fatalf(format, values...)
} else {
self.logger.Printf(format, values...)
type _emitLog struct {
func (self _emitLog) emit(frmt _frmt, format string, values ...interface{}) {
if format == "" {
} else {
if frmt.panic {
log.Panicf(format, values...)
} else if frmt.fatal {
log.Fatalf(format, values...)
} else {
log.Printf(format, values...)

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/error.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
package otto
import (
type _exception struct {
value interface{}
func newException(value interface{}) *_exception {
return &_exception{
value: value,
func (self *_exception) eject() interface{} {
value := self.value
self.value = nil // Prevent Go from holding on to the value, whatever it is
return value
type _error struct {
name string
message string
trace []_frame
offset int
func (err _error) format() string {
if len(err.name) == 0 {
return err.message
if len(err.message) == 0 {
return err.name
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", err.name, err.message)
func (err _error) formatWithStack() string {
str := err.format() + "\n"
for _, frame := range err.trace {
str += " at " + frame.location() + "\n"
return str
type _frame struct {
native bool
nativeFile string
nativeLine int
file *file.File
offset int
callee string
fn interface{}
var (
nativeFrame = _frame{}
type _at int
func (fr _frame) location() string {
str := "<unknown>"
switch {
case fr.native:
str = "<native code>"
if fr.nativeFile != "" && fr.nativeLine != 0 {
str = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", fr.nativeFile, fr.nativeLine)
case fr.file != nil:
if p := fr.file.Position(file.Idx(fr.offset)); p != nil {
path, line, column := p.Filename, p.Line, p.Column
if path == "" {
path = "<anonymous>"
str = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d", path, line, column)
if fr.callee != "" {
str = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", fr.callee, str)
return str
// An Error represents a runtime error, e.g. a TypeError, a ReferenceError, etc.
type Error struct {
// Error returns a description of the error
// TypeError: 'def' is not a function
func (err Error) Error() string {
return err.format()
// String returns a description of the error and a trace of where the
// error occurred.
// TypeError: 'def' is not a function
// at xyz (<anonymous>:3:9)
// at <anonymous>:7:1/
func (err Error) String() string {
return err.formatWithStack()
// GoString returns a description of the error and a trace of where the
// error occurred. Printing with %#v will trigger this behaviour.
func (err Error) GoString() string {
return err.formatWithStack()
func (err _error) describe(format string, in ...interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(format, in...)
func (self _error) messageValue() Value {
if self.message == "" {
return Value{}
return toValue_string(self.message)
func (rt *_runtime) typeErrorResult(throw bool) bool {
if throw {
return false
func newError(rt *_runtime, name string, stackFramesToPop int, in ...interface{}) _error {
err := _error{
name: name,
offset: -1,
description := ""
length := len(in)
if rt != nil && rt.scope != nil {
scope := rt.scope
for i := 0; i < stackFramesToPop; i++ {
if scope.outer != nil {
scope = scope.outer
frame := scope.frame
if length > 0 {
if at, ok := in[length-1].(_at); ok {
in = in[0 : length-1]
if scope != nil {
frame.offset = int(at)
if length > 0 {
description, in = in[0].(string), in[1:]
limit := rt.traceLimit
err.trace = append(err.trace, frame)
if scope != nil {
for scope = scope.outer; scope != nil; scope = scope.outer {
if limit--; limit == 0 {
if scope.frame.offset >= 0 {
err.trace = append(err.trace, scope.frame)
} else {
if length > 0 {
description, in = in[0].(string), in[1:]
err.message = err.describe(description, in...)
return err
func (rt *_runtime) panicTypeError(argumentList ...interface{}) *_exception {
return &_exception{
value: newError(rt, "TypeError", 0, argumentList...),
func (rt *_runtime) panicReferenceError(argumentList ...interface{}) *_exception {
return &_exception{
value: newError(rt, "ReferenceError", 0, argumentList...),
func (rt *_runtime) panicURIError(argumentList ...interface{}) *_exception {
return &_exception{
value: newError(rt, "URIError", 0, argumentList...),
func (rt *_runtime) panicSyntaxError(argumentList ...interface{}) *_exception {
return &_exception{
value: newError(rt, "SyntaxError", 0, argumentList...),
func (rt *_runtime) panicRangeError(argumentList ...interface{}) *_exception {
return &_exception{
value: newError(rt, "RangeError", 0, argumentList...),
func catchPanic(function func()) (err error) {
defer func() {
if caught := recover(); caught != nil {
if exception, ok := caught.(*_exception); ok {
caught = exception.eject()
switch caught := caught.(type) {
case *Error:
err = caught
case _error:
err = &Error{caught}
case Value:
if vl := caught._object(); vl != nil {
switch vl := vl.value.(type) {
case _error:
err = &Error{vl}
err = errors.New(caught.string())
return nil

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/evaluate.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
package otto
import (
func (self *_runtime) evaluateMultiply(left float64, right float64) Value {
// TODO 11.5.1
return Value{}
func (self *_runtime) evaluateDivide(left float64, right float64) Value {
if math.IsNaN(left) || math.IsNaN(right) {
return NaNValue()
if math.IsInf(left, 0) && math.IsInf(right, 0) {
return NaNValue()
if left == 0 && right == 0 {
return NaNValue()
if math.IsInf(left, 0) {
if math.Signbit(left) == math.Signbit(right) {
return positiveInfinityValue()
} else {
return negativeInfinityValue()
if math.IsInf(right, 0) {
if math.Signbit(left) == math.Signbit(right) {
return positiveZeroValue()
} else {
return negativeZeroValue()
if right == 0 {
if math.Signbit(left) == math.Signbit(right) {
return positiveInfinityValue()
} else {
return negativeInfinityValue()
return toValue_float64(left / right)
func (self *_runtime) evaluateModulo(left float64, right float64) Value {
// TODO 11.5.3
return Value{}
func (self *_runtime) calculateBinaryExpression(operator token.Token, left Value, right Value) Value {
leftValue := left.resolve()
switch operator {
// Additive
case token.PLUS:
leftValue = toPrimitive(leftValue)
rightValue := right.resolve()
rightValue = toPrimitive(rightValue)
if leftValue.IsString() || rightValue.IsString() {
return toValue_string(strings.Join([]string{leftValue.string(), rightValue.string()}, ""))
} else {
return toValue_float64(leftValue.float64() + rightValue.float64())
case token.MINUS:
rightValue := right.resolve()
return toValue_float64(leftValue.float64() - rightValue.float64())
// Multiplicative
case token.MULTIPLY:
rightValue := right.resolve()
return toValue_float64(leftValue.float64() * rightValue.float64())
case token.SLASH:
rightValue := right.resolve()
return self.evaluateDivide(leftValue.float64(), rightValue.float64())
case token.REMAINDER:
rightValue := right.resolve()
return toValue_float64(math.Mod(leftValue.float64(), rightValue.float64()))
// Logical
case token.LOGICAL_AND:
left := leftValue.bool()
if !left {
return falseValue
return toValue_bool(right.resolve().bool())
case token.LOGICAL_OR:
left := leftValue.bool()
if left {
return trueValue
return toValue_bool(right.resolve().bool())
// Bitwise
case token.AND:
rightValue := right.resolve()
return toValue_int32(toInt32(leftValue) & toInt32(rightValue))
case token.OR:
rightValue := right.resolve()
return toValue_int32(toInt32(leftValue) | toInt32(rightValue))
case token.EXCLUSIVE_OR:
rightValue := right.resolve()
return toValue_int32(toInt32(leftValue) ^ toInt32(rightValue))
// Shift
// (Masking of 0x1f is to restrict the shift to a maximum of 31 places)
case token.SHIFT_LEFT:
rightValue := right.resolve()
return toValue_int32(toInt32(leftValue) << (toUint32(rightValue) & 0x1f))
case token.SHIFT_RIGHT:
rightValue := right.resolve()
return toValue_int32(toInt32(leftValue) >> (toUint32(rightValue) & 0x1f))
rightValue := right.resolve()
// Shifting an unsigned integer is a logical shift
return toValue_uint32(toUint32(leftValue) >> (toUint32(rightValue) & 0x1f))
case token.INSTANCEOF:
rightValue := right.resolve()
if !rightValue.IsObject() {
panic(self.panicTypeError("Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got: %v", rightValue))
return toValue_bool(rightValue._object().hasInstance(leftValue))
case token.IN:
rightValue := right.resolve()
if !rightValue.IsObject() {
return toValue_bool(rightValue._object().hasProperty(leftValue.string()))
type _lessThanResult int
const (
lessThanFalse _lessThanResult = iota
func calculateLessThan(left Value, right Value, leftFirst bool) _lessThanResult {
var x, y Value
if leftFirst {
x = toNumberPrimitive(left)
y = toNumberPrimitive(right)
} else {
y = toNumberPrimitive(right)
x = toNumberPrimitive(left)
var result bool
if x.kind != valueString || y.kind != valueString {
x, y := x.float64(), y.float64()
if math.IsNaN(x) || math.IsNaN(y) {
return lessThanUndefined
result = x < y
} else {
x, y := x.string(), y.string()
result = x < y
if result {
return lessThanTrue
return lessThanFalse
// FIXME Probably a map is not the most efficient way to do this
var lessThanTable [4](map[_lessThanResult]bool) = [4](map[_lessThanResult]bool){
// <
lessThanFalse: false,
lessThanTrue: true,
lessThanUndefined: false,
// >
lessThanFalse: false,
lessThanTrue: true,
lessThanUndefined: false,
// <=
lessThanFalse: true,
lessThanTrue: false,
lessThanUndefined: false,
// >=
lessThanFalse: true,
lessThanTrue: false,
lessThanUndefined: false,
func (self *_runtime) calculateComparison(comparator token.Token, left Value, right Value) bool {
// FIXME Use strictEqualityComparison?
// TODO This might be redundant now (with regards to evaluateComparison)
x := left.resolve()
y := right.resolve()
kindEqualKind := false
result := true
negate := false
switch comparator {
case token.LESS:
result = lessThanTable[0][calculateLessThan(x, y, true)]
case token.GREATER:
result = lessThanTable[1][calculateLessThan(y, x, false)]
case token.LESS_OR_EQUAL:
result = lessThanTable[2][calculateLessThan(y, x, false)]
case token.GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
result = lessThanTable[3][calculateLessThan(x, y, true)]
case token.STRICT_NOT_EQUAL:
negate = true
case token.STRICT_EQUAL:
if x.kind != y.kind {
result = false
} else {
kindEqualKind = true
case token.NOT_EQUAL:
negate = true
case token.EQUAL:
if x.kind == y.kind {
kindEqualKind = true
} else if x.kind <= valueNull && y.kind <= valueNull {
result = true
} else if x.kind <= valueNull || y.kind <= valueNull {
result = false
} else if x.kind <= valueString && y.kind <= valueString {
result = x.float64() == y.float64()
} else if x.kind == valueBoolean {
result = self.calculateComparison(token.EQUAL, toValue_float64(x.float64()), y)
} else if y.kind == valueBoolean {
result = self.calculateComparison(token.EQUAL, x, toValue_float64(y.float64()))
} else if x.kind == valueObject {
result = self.calculateComparison(token.EQUAL, toPrimitive(x), y)
} else if y.kind == valueObject {
result = self.calculateComparison(token.EQUAL, x, toPrimitive(y))
} else {
panic(hereBeDragons("Unable to test for equality: %v ==? %v", x, y))
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown comparator %s", comparator.String()))
if kindEqualKind {
switch x.kind {
case valueUndefined, valueNull:
result = true
case valueNumber:
x := x.float64()
y := y.float64()
if math.IsNaN(x) || math.IsNaN(y) {
result = false
} else {
result = x == y
case valueString:
result = x.string() == y.string()
case valueBoolean:
result = x.bool() == y.bool()
case valueObject:
result = x._object() == y._object()
goto ERROR
if negate {
result = !result
return result
panic(hereBeDragons("%v (%v) %s %v (%v)", x, x.kind, comparator, y, y.kind))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# file
import "github.com/robertkrimen/otto/file"
Package file encapsulates the file abstractions used by the ast & parser.
## Usage
#### type File
type File struct {
#### func NewFile
func NewFile(filename, src string, base int) *File
#### func (*File) Base
func (fl *File) Base() int
#### func (*File) Name
func (fl *File) Name() string
#### func (*File) Source
func (fl *File) Source() string
#### type FileSet
type FileSet struct {
A FileSet represents a set of source files.
#### func (*FileSet) AddFile
func (self *FileSet) AddFile(filename, src string) int
AddFile adds a new file with the given filename and src.
This an internal method, but exported for cross-package use.
#### func (*FileSet) File
func (self *FileSet) File(idx Idx) *File
#### func (*FileSet) Position
func (self *FileSet) Position(idx Idx) *Position
Position converts an Idx in the FileSet into a Position.
#### type Idx
type Idx int
Idx is a compact encoding of a source position within a file set. It can be
converted into a Position for a more convenient, but much larger,
#### type Position
type Position struct {
Filename string // The filename where the error occurred, if any
Offset int // The src offset
Line int // The line number, starting at 1
Column int // The column number, starting at 1 (The character count)
Position describes an arbitrary source position including the filename, line,
and column location.
#### func (*Position) String
func (self *Position) String() string
String returns a string in one of several forms:
file:line:column A valid position with filename
line:column A valid position without filename
file An invalid position with filename
- An invalid position without filename
**godocdown** http://github.com/robertkrimen/godocdown

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/file/file.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
// Package file encapsulates the file abstractions used by the ast & parser.
package file
import (
// Idx is a compact encoding of a source position within a file set.
// It can be converted into a Position for a more convenient, but much
// larger, representation.
type Idx int
// Position describes an arbitrary source position
// including the filename, line, and column location.
type Position struct {
Filename string // The filename where the error occurred, if any
Offset int // The src offset
Line int // The line number, starting at 1
Column int // The column number, starting at 1 (The character count)
// A Position is valid if the line number is > 0.
func (self *Position) isValid() bool {
return self.Line > 0
// String returns a string in one of several forms:
// file:line:column A valid position with filename
// line:column A valid position without filename
// file An invalid position with filename
// - An invalid position without filename
func (self *Position) String() string {
str := self.Filename
if self.isValid() {
if str != "" {
str += ":"
str += fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", self.Line, self.Column)
if str == "" {
str = "-"
return str
// FileSet
// A FileSet represents a set of source files.
type FileSet struct {
files []*File
last *File
// AddFile adds a new file with the given filename and src.
// This an internal method, but exported for cross-package use.
func (self *FileSet) AddFile(filename, src string) int {
base := self.nextBase()
file := &File{
name: filename,
src: src,
base: base,
self.files = append(self.files, file)
self.last = file
return base
func (self *FileSet) nextBase() int {
if self.last == nil {
return 1
return self.last.base + len(self.last.src) + 1
func (self *FileSet) File(idx Idx) *File {
for _, file := range self.files {
if idx <= Idx(file.base+len(file.src)) {
return file
return nil
// Position converts an Idx in the FileSet into a Position.
func (self *FileSet) Position(idx Idx) *Position {
for _, file := range self.files {
if idx <= Idx(file.base+len(file.src)) {
return file.Position(idx - Idx(file.base))
return nil
type File struct {
name string
src string
base int // This will always be 1 or greater
sm *sourcemap.Consumer
func NewFile(filename, src string, base int) *File {
return &File{
name: filename,
src: src,
base: base,
func (fl *File) WithSourceMap(sm *sourcemap.Consumer) *File {
fl.sm = sm
return fl
func (fl *File) Name() string {
return fl.name
func (fl *File) Source() string {
return fl.src
func (fl *File) Base() int {
return fl.base
func (fl *File) Position(idx Idx) *Position {
position := &Position{}
offset := int(idx) - fl.base
if offset >= len(fl.src) || offset < 0 {
return nil
src := fl.src[:offset]
position.Filename = fl.name
position.Offset = offset
position.Line = strings.Count(src, "\n") + 1
if index := strings.LastIndex(src, "\n"); index >= 0 {
position.Column = offset - index
} else {
position.Column = len(src) + 1
if fl.sm != nil {
if f, _, l, c, ok := fl.sm.Source(position.Line, position.Column); ok {
position.Filename, position.Line, position.Column = f, l, c
return position

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/global.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
package otto
import (
var (
prototypeValueObject = interface{}(nil)
prototypeValueFunction = _nativeFunctionObject{
call: func(_ FunctionCall) Value {
return Value{}
prototypeValueString = _stringASCII("")
// TODO Make this just false?
prototypeValueBoolean = Value{
kind: valueBoolean,
value: false,
prototypeValueNumber = Value{
kind: valueNumber,
value: 0,
prototypeValueDate = _dateObject{
epoch: 0,
isNaN: false,
time: time.Unix(0, 0).UTC(),
value: Value{
kind: valueNumber,
value: 0,
prototypeValueRegExp = _regExpObject{
regularExpression: nil,
global: false,
ignoreCase: false,
multiline: false,
source: "",
flags: "",
func newContext() *_runtime {
self := &_runtime{}
self.globalStash = self.newObjectStash(nil, nil)
self.globalObject = self.globalStash.object
self.eval = self.globalObject.property["eval"].value.(Value).value.(*_object)
self.globalObject.prototype = self.global.ObjectPrototype
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newBaseObject() *_object {
self := newObject(runtime, "")
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newClassObject(class string) *_object {
return newObject(runtime, class)
func (runtime *_runtime) newPrimitiveObject(class string, value Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newClassObject(class)
self.value = value
return self
func (self *_object) primitiveValue() Value {
switch value := self.value.(type) {
case Value:
return value
case _stringObject:
return toValue_string(value.String())
return Value{}
func (self *_object) hasPrimitive() bool {
switch self.value.(type) {
case Value, _stringObject:
return true
return false
func (runtime *_runtime) newObject() *_object {
self := runtime.newClassObject(classObject)
self.prototype = runtime.global.ObjectPrototype
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newArray(length uint32) *_object {
self := runtime.newArrayObject(length)
self.prototype = runtime.global.ArrayPrototype
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newArrayOf(valueArray []Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newArray(uint32(len(valueArray)))
for index, value := range valueArray {
if value.isEmpty() {
self.defineProperty(strconv.FormatInt(int64(index), 10), value, 0111, false)
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newString(value Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newStringObject(value)
self.prototype = runtime.global.StringPrototype
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newBoolean(value Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newBooleanObject(value)
self.prototype = runtime.global.BooleanPrototype
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newNumber(value Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newNumberObject(value)
self.prototype = runtime.global.NumberPrototype
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newRegExp(patternValue Value, flagsValue Value) *_object {
pattern := ""
flags := ""
if object := patternValue._object(); object != nil && object.class == classRegExp {
if flagsValue.IsDefined() {
panic(runtime.panicTypeError("Cannot supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another"))
regExp := object.regExpValue()
pattern = regExp.source
flags = regExp.flags
} else {
if patternValue.IsDefined() {
pattern = patternValue.string()
if flagsValue.IsDefined() {
flags = flagsValue.string()
return runtime._newRegExp(pattern, flags)
func (runtime *_runtime) _newRegExp(pattern string, flags string) *_object {
self := runtime.newRegExpObject(pattern, flags)
self.prototype = runtime.global.RegExpPrototype
return self
// TODO Should (probably) be one argument, right? This is redundant
func (runtime *_runtime) newDate(epoch float64) *_object {
self := runtime.newDateObject(epoch)
self.prototype = runtime.global.DatePrototype
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newError(name string, message Value, stackFramesToPop int) *_object {
switch name {
case "EvalError":
return runtime.newEvalError(message)
case "TypeError":
return runtime.newTypeError(message)
case "RangeError":
return runtime.newRangeError(message)
case "ReferenceError":
return runtime.newReferenceError(message)
case "SyntaxError":
return runtime.newSyntaxError(message)
case "URIError":
return runtime.newURIError(message)
self := runtime.newErrorObject(name, message, stackFramesToPop)
self.prototype = runtime.global.ErrorPrototype
if name != "" {
self.defineProperty("name", toValue_string(name), 0111, false)
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newNativeFunction(name, file string, line int, _nativeFunction _nativeFunction) *_object {
self := runtime.newNativeFunctionObject(name, file, line, _nativeFunction, 0)
self.prototype = runtime.global.FunctionPrototype
prototype := runtime.newObject()
self.defineProperty("prototype", toValue_object(prototype), 0100, false)
prototype.defineProperty("constructor", toValue_object(self), 0100, false)
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newNodeFunction(node *_nodeFunctionLiteral, scopeEnvironment _stash) *_object {
// TODO Implement 13.2 fully
self := runtime.newNodeFunctionObject(node, scopeEnvironment)
self.prototype = runtime.global.FunctionPrototype
prototype := runtime.newObject()
self.defineProperty("prototype", toValue_object(prototype), 0100, false)
prototype.defineProperty("constructor", toValue_object(self), 0101, false)
return self
// FIXME Only in one place...
func (runtime *_runtime) newBoundFunction(target *_object, this Value, argumentList []Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newBoundFunctionObject(target, this, argumentList)
self.prototype = runtime.global.FunctionPrototype
prototype := runtime.newObject()
self.defineProperty("prototype", toValue_object(prototype), 0100, false)
prototype.defineProperty("constructor", toValue_object(self), 0100, false)
return self

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/inline.go generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/inline.pl generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/locale.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package otto
import "golang.org/x/text/language"
var (
defaultLanguage = language.MustParse("en-US")

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/object.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
package otto
type _object struct {
runtime *_runtime
class string
objectClass *_objectClass
value interface{}
prototype *_object
extensible bool
property map[string]_property
propertyOrder []string
func newObject(runtime *_runtime, class string) *_object {
self := &_object{
runtime: runtime,
class: class,
objectClass: _classObject,
property: make(map[string]_property),
extensible: true,
return self
// 8.12
// 8.12.1
func (self *_object) getOwnProperty(name string) *_property {
return self.objectClass.getOwnProperty(self, name)
// 8.12.2
func (self *_object) getProperty(name string) *_property {
return self.objectClass.getProperty(self, name)
// 8.12.3
func (self *_object) get(name string) Value {
return self.objectClass.get(self, name)
// 8.12.4
func (self *_object) canPut(name string) bool {
return self.objectClass.canPut(self, name)
// 8.12.5
func (self *_object) put(name string, value Value, throw bool) {
self.objectClass.put(self, name, value, throw)
// 8.12.6
func (self *_object) hasProperty(name string) bool {
return self.objectClass.hasProperty(self, name)
func (self *_object) hasOwnProperty(name string) bool {
return self.objectClass.hasOwnProperty(self, name)
type _defaultValueHint int
const (
defaultValueNoHint _defaultValueHint = iota
// 8.12.8
func (self *_object) DefaultValue(hint _defaultValueHint) Value {
if hint == defaultValueNoHint {
if self.class == classDate {
// Date exception
hint = defaultValueHintString
} else {
hint = defaultValueHintNumber
methodSequence := []string{"valueOf", "toString"}
if hint == defaultValueHintString {
methodSequence = []string{"toString", "valueOf"}
for _, methodName := range methodSequence {
method := self.get(methodName)
// FIXME This is redundant...
if method.isCallable() {
result := method._object().call(toValue_object(self), nil, false, nativeFrame)
if result.IsPrimitive() {
return result
func (self *_object) String() string {
return self.DefaultValue(defaultValueHintString).string()
func (self *_object) defineProperty(name string, value Value, mode _propertyMode, throw bool) bool {
return self.defineOwnProperty(name, _property{value, mode}, throw)
// 8.12.9
func (self *_object) defineOwnProperty(name string, descriptor _property, throw bool) bool {
return self.objectClass.defineOwnProperty(self, name, descriptor, throw)
func (self *_object) delete(name string, throw bool) bool {
return self.objectClass.delete(self, name, throw)
func (self *_object) enumerate(all bool, each func(string) bool) {
self.objectClass.enumerate(self, all, each)
func (self *_object) _exists(name string) bool {
_, exists := self.property[name]
return exists
func (self *_object) _read(name string) (_property, bool) {
property, exists := self.property[name]
return property, exists
func (self *_object) _write(name string, value interface{}, mode _propertyMode) {
if value == nil {
value = Value{}
_, exists := self.property[name]
self.property[name] = _property{value, mode}
if !exists {
self.propertyOrder = append(self.propertyOrder, name)
func (self *_object) _delete(name string) {
_, exists := self.property[name]
delete(self.property, name)
if exists {
for index, property := range self.propertyOrder {
if name == property {
if index == len(self.propertyOrder)-1 {
self.propertyOrder = self.propertyOrder[:index]
} else {
self.propertyOrder = append(self.propertyOrder[:index], self.propertyOrder[index+1:]...)

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/object_class.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
package otto
import (
type _objectClass struct {
getOwnProperty func(*_object, string) *_property
getProperty func(*_object, string) *_property
get func(*_object, string) Value
canPut func(*_object, string) bool
put func(*_object, string, Value, bool)
hasProperty func(*_object, string) bool
hasOwnProperty func(*_object, string) bool
defineOwnProperty func(*_object, string, _property, bool) bool
delete func(*_object, string, bool) bool
enumerate func(*_object, bool, func(string) bool)
clone func(*_object, *_object, *_clone) *_object
marshalJSON func(*_object) json.Marshaler
func objectEnumerate(self *_object, all bool, each func(string) bool) {
for _, name := range self.propertyOrder {
if all || self.property[name].enumerable() {
if !each(name) {
var (
_ *_objectClass
func init() {
_classObject = &_objectClass{
_classArray = &_objectClass{
_classString = &_objectClass{
_classArguments = &_objectClass{
_classGoStruct = &_objectClass{
_classGoMap = &_objectClass{
_classGoArray = &_objectClass{
_classGoSlice = &_objectClass{
// Allons-y
// 8.12.1
func objectGetOwnProperty(self *_object, name string) *_property {
// Return a _copy_ of the property
property, exists := self._read(name)
if !exists {
return nil
return &property
// 8.12.2
func objectGetProperty(self *_object, name string) *_property {
property := self.getOwnProperty(name)
if property != nil {
return property
if self.prototype != nil {
return self.prototype.getProperty(name)
return nil
// 8.12.3
func objectGet(self *_object, name string) Value {
property := self.getProperty(name)
if property != nil {
return property.get(self)
return Value{}
// 8.12.4
func objectCanPut(self *_object, name string) bool {
canPut, _, _ := _objectCanPut(self, name)
return canPut
func _objectCanPut(self *_object, name string) (canPut bool, property *_property, setter *_object) {
property = self.getOwnProperty(name)
if property != nil {
switch propertyValue := property.value.(type) {
case Value:
canPut = property.writable()
case _propertyGetSet:
setter = propertyValue[1]
canPut = setter != nil
if self.prototype == nil {
return self.extensible, nil, nil
property = self.prototype.getProperty(name)
if property == nil {
return self.extensible, nil, nil
switch propertyValue := property.value.(type) {
case Value:
if !self.extensible {
return false, nil, nil
return property.writable(), nil, nil
case _propertyGetSet:
setter = propertyValue[1]
canPut = setter != nil
// 8.12.5
func objectPut(self *_object, name string, value Value, throw bool) {
if true {
// Shortcut...
// So, right now, every class is using objectCanPut and every class
// is using objectPut.
// If that were to no longer be the case, we would have to have
// something to detect that here, so that we do not use an
// incompatible canPut routine
canPut, property, setter := _objectCanPut(self, name)
if !canPut {
} else if setter != nil {
setter.call(toValue(self), []Value{value}, false, nativeFrame)
} else if property != nil {
property.value = value
self.defineOwnProperty(name, *property, throw)
} else {
self.defineProperty(name, value, 0111, throw)
// The long way...
// Right now, code should never get here, see above
if !self.canPut(name) {
property := self.getOwnProperty(name)
if property == nil {
property = self.getProperty(name)
if property != nil {
if getSet, isAccessor := property.value.(_propertyGetSet); isAccessor {
getSet[1].call(toValue(self), []Value{value}, false, nativeFrame)
self.defineProperty(name, value, 0111, throw)
} else {
switch propertyValue := property.value.(type) {
case Value:
property.value = value
self.defineOwnProperty(name, *property, throw)
case _propertyGetSet:
if propertyValue[1] != nil {
propertyValue[1].call(toValue(self), []Value{value}, false, nativeFrame)
if throw {
// 8.12.6
func objectHasProperty(self *_object, name string) bool {
return self.getProperty(name) != nil
func objectHasOwnProperty(self *_object, name string) bool {
return self.getOwnProperty(name) != nil
// 8.12.9
func objectDefineOwnProperty(self *_object, name string, descriptor _property, throw bool) bool {
property, exists := self._read(name)
if !exists {
if !self.extensible {
goto Reject
if newGetSet, isAccessor := descriptor.value.(_propertyGetSet); isAccessor {
if newGetSet[0] == &_nilGetSetObject {
newGetSet[0] = nil
if newGetSet[1] == &_nilGetSetObject {
newGetSet[1] = nil
descriptor.value = newGetSet
self._write(name, descriptor.value, descriptor.mode)
return true
if descriptor.isEmpty() {
return true
// TODO Per - We should shortcut here (returning true) if
// the current and new (define) properties are the same
configurable := property.configurable()
if !configurable {
if descriptor.configurable() {
goto Reject
// Test that, if enumerable is set on the property descriptor, then it should
// be the same as the existing property
if descriptor.enumerateSet() && descriptor.enumerable() != property.enumerable() {
goto Reject
value, isDataDescriptor := property.value.(Value)
getSet, _ := property.value.(_propertyGetSet)
if descriptor.isGenericDescriptor() {
// GenericDescriptor
} else if isDataDescriptor != descriptor.isDataDescriptor() {
// DataDescriptor <=> AccessorDescriptor
if !configurable {
goto Reject
} else if isDataDescriptor && descriptor.isDataDescriptor() {
// DataDescriptor <=> DataDescriptor
if !configurable {
if !property.writable() && descriptor.writable() {
goto Reject
if !property.writable() {
if descriptor.value != nil && !sameValue(value, descriptor.value.(Value)) {
goto Reject
} else {
// AccessorDescriptor <=> AccessorDescriptor
newGetSet, _ := descriptor.value.(_propertyGetSet)
presentGet, presentSet := true, true
if newGetSet[0] == &_nilGetSetObject {
// Present, but nil
newGetSet[0] = nil
} else if newGetSet[0] == nil {
// Missing, not even nil
newGetSet[0] = getSet[0]
presentGet = false
if newGetSet[1] == &_nilGetSetObject {
// Present, but nil
newGetSet[1] = nil
} else if newGetSet[1] == nil {
// Missing, not even nil
newGetSet[1] = getSet[1]
presentSet = false
if !configurable {
if (presentGet && (getSet[0] != newGetSet[0])) || (presentSet && (getSet[1] != newGetSet[1])) {
goto Reject
descriptor.value = newGetSet
// This section will preserve attributes of
// the original property, if necessary
value1 := descriptor.value
if value1 == nil {
value1 = property.value
} else if newGetSet, isAccessor := descriptor.value.(_propertyGetSet); isAccessor {
if newGetSet[0] == &_nilGetSetObject {
newGetSet[0] = nil
if newGetSet[1] == &_nilGetSetObject {
newGetSet[1] = nil
value1 = newGetSet
mode1 := descriptor.mode
if mode1&0222 != 0 {
// TODO Factor this out into somewhere testable
// (Maybe put into switch ...)
mode0 := property.mode
if mode1&0200 != 0 {
if descriptor.isDataDescriptor() {
mode1 &= ^0200 // Turn off "writable" missing
mode1 |= (mode0 & 0100)
if mode1&020 != 0 {
mode1 |= (mode0 & 010)
if mode1&02 != 0 {
mode1 |= (mode0 & 01)
mode1 &= 0311 // 0311 to preserve the non-setting on "writable"
self._write(name, value1, mode1)
return true
if throw {
return false
func objectDelete(self *_object, name string, throw bool) bool {
property_ := self.getOwnProperty(name)
if property_ == nil {
return true
if property_.configurable() {
return true
return self.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw)
func objectClone(in *_object, out *_object, clone *_clone) *_object {
*out = *in
out.runtime = clone.runtime
if out.prototype != nil {
out.prototype = clone.object(in.prototype)
out.property = make(map[string]_property, len(in.property))
out.propertyOrder = make([]string, len(in.propertyOrder))
copy(out.propertyOrder, in.propertyOrder)
for index, property := range in.property {
out.property[index] = clone.property(property)
switch value := in.value.(type) {
case _nativeFunctionObject:
out.value = value
case _bindFunctionObject:
out.value = _bindFunctionObject{
target: clone.object(value.target),
this: clone.value(value.this),
argumentList: clone.valueArray(value.argumentList),
case _nodeFunctionObject:
out.value = _nodeFunctionObject{
node: value.node,
stash: clone.stash(value.stash),
case _argumentsObject:
out.value = value.clone(clone)
return out

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/otto.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
Package otto is a JavaScript parser and interpreter written natively in Go.
import (
Run something in the VM
vm := otto.New()
abc = 2 + 2;
console.log("The value of abc is " + abc); // 4
Get a value out of the VM
value, err := vm.Get("abc")
value, _ := value.ToInteger()
Set a number
vm.Set("def", 11)
console.log("The value of def is " + def);
// The value of def is 11
Set a string
vm.Set("xyzzy", "Nothing happens.")
console.log(xyzzy.length); // 16
Get the value of an expression
value, _ = vm.Run("xyzzy.length")
// value is an int64 with a value of 16
value, _ := value.ToInteger()
An error happens
value, err = vm.Run("abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz.length")
if err != nil {
// err = ReferenceError: abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz is not defined
// If there is an error, then value.IsUndefined() is true
Set a Go function
vm.Set("sayHello", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
fmt.Printf("Hello, %s.\n", call.Argument(0).String())
return otto.Value{}
Set a Go function that returns something useful
vm.Set("twoPlus", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
right, _ := call.Argument(0).ToInteger()
result, _ := vm.ToValue(2 + right)
return result
Use the functions in JavaScript
result, _ = vm.Run(`
sayHello("Xyzzy"); // Hello, Xyzzy.
sayHello(); // Hello, undefined
result = twoPlus(2.0); // 4
# Parser
A separate parser is available in the parser package if you're just interested in building an AST.
Parse and return an AST
filename := "" // A filename is optional
src := `
// Sample xyzzy example
if (3.14159 > 0) {
console.log("Hello, World.");
var xyzzy = NaN;
console.log("Nothing happens.");
return xyzzy;
// Parse some JavaScript, yielding a *ast.Program and/or an ErrorList
program, err := parser.ParseFile(nil, filename, src, 0)
You can run (Go) JavaScript from the commandline with: http://github.com/robertkrimen/otto/tree/master/otto
$ go get -v github.com/robertkrimen/otto/otto
Run JavaScript by entering some source on stdin or by giving otto a filename:
$ otto example.js
Optionally include the JavaScript utility-belt library, underscore, with this import:
import (
_ "github.com/robertkrimen/otto/underscore"
// Now every otto runtime will come loaded with underscore
For more information: http://github.com/robertkrimen/otto/tree/master/underscore
# Caveat Emptor
The following are some limitations with otto:
- "use strict" will parse, but does nothing.
- The regular expression engine (re2/regexp) is not fully compatible with the ECMA5 specification.
- Otto targets ES5. ES6 features (eg: Typed Arrays) are not supported.
# Regular Expression Incompatibility
Go translates JavaScript-style regular expressions into something that is "regexp" compatible via `parser.TransformRegExp`.
Unfortunately, RegExp requires backtracking for some patterns, and backtracking is not supported by the standard Go engine: https://code.google.com/p/re2/wiki/Syntax
Therefore, the following syntax is incompatible:
(?=) // Lookahead (positive), currently a parsing error
(?!) // Lookahead (backhead), currently a parsing error
\1 // Backreference (\1, \2, \3, ...), currently a parsing error
A brief discussion of these limitations: "Regexp (?!re)" https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#%21topic/golang-nuts/7qgSDWPIh_E
More information about re2: https://code.google.com/p/re2/
In addition to the above, re2 (Go) has a different definition for \s: [\t\n\f\r ].
The JavaScript definition, on the other hand, also includes \v, Unicode "Separator, Space", etc.
# Halting Problem
If you want to stop long running executions (like third-party code), you can use the interrupt channel to do this:
package main
import (
var halt = errors.New("Stahp")
func main() {
runUnsafe(`var abc = [];`)
while (true) {
// Loop forever
func runUnsafe(unsafe string) {
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
duration := time.Since(start)
if caught := recover(); caught != nil {
if caught == halt {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Some code took to long! Stopping after: %v\n", duration)
panic(caught) // Something else happened, repanic!
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Ran code successfully: %v\n", duration)
vm := otto.New()
vm.Interrupt = make(chan func(), 1) // The buffer prevents blocking
go func() {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // Stop after two seconds
vm.Interrupt <- func() {
vm.Run(unsafe) // Here be dragons (risky code)
Where is setTimeout/setInterval?
These timing functions are not actually part of the ECMA-262 specification. Typically, they belong to the `windows` object (in the browser).
It would not be difficult to provide something like these via Go, but you probably want to wrap otto in an event loop in that case.
For an example of how this could be done in Go with otto, see natto:
Here is some more discussion of the issue:
* http://book.mixu.net/node/ch2.html
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reentrancy_%28computing%29
* http://aaroncrane.co.uk/2009/02/perl_safe_signals/
package otto
import (
// Otto is the representation of the JavaScript runtime. Each instance of Otto has a self-contained namespace.
type Otto struct {
// Interrupt is a channel for interrupting the runtime. You can use this to halt a long running execution, for example.
// See "Halting Problem" for more information.
Interrupt chan func()
runtime *_runtime
// New will allocate a new JavaScript runtime
func New() *Otto {
self := &Otto{
runtime: newContext(),
self.runtime.otto = self
self.runtime.traceLimit = 10
self.Set("console", self.runtime.newConsole())
registry.Apply(func(entry registry.Entry) {
return self
func (otto *Otto) clone() *Otto {
self := &Otto{
runtime: otto.runtime.clone(),
self.runtime.otto = self
return self
// Run will allocate a new JavaScript runtime, run the given source
// on the allocated runtime, and return the runtime, resulting value, and
// error (if any).
// src may be a string, a byte slice, a bytes.Buffer, or an io.Reader, but it MUST always be in UTF-8.
// src may also be a Script.
// src may also be a Program, but if the AST has been modified, then runtime behavior is undefined.
func Run(src interface{}) (*Otto, Value, error) {
otto := New()
value, err := otto.Run(src) // This already does safety checking
return otto, value, err
// Run will run the given source (parsing it first if necessary), returning the resulting value and error (if any)
// src may be a string, a byte slice, a bytes.Buffer, or an io.Reader, but it MUST always be in UTF-8.
// If the runtime is unable to parse source, then this function will return undefined and the parse error (nothing
// will be evaluated in this case).
// src may also be a Script.
// src may also be a Program, but if the AST has been modified, then runtime behavior is undefined.
func (self Otto) Run(src interface{}) (Value, error) {
value, err := self.runtime.cmpl_run(src, nil)
if !value.safe() {
value = Value{}
return value, err
// Eval will do the same thing as Run, except without leaving the current scope.
// By staying in the same scope, the code evaluated has access to everything
// already defined in the current stack frame. This is most useful in, for
// example, a debugger call.
func (self Otto) Eval(src interface{}) (Value, error) {
if self.runtime.scope == nil {
defer self.runtime.leaveScope()
value, err := self.runtime.cmpl_eval(src, nil)
if !value.safe() {
value = Value{}
return value, err
// Get the value of the top-level binding of the given name.
// If there is an error (like the binding does not exist), then the value
// will be undefined.
func (self Otto) Get(name string) (Value, error) {
value := Value{}
err := catchPanic(func() {
value = self.getValue(name)
if !value.safe() {
value = Value{}
return value, err
func (self Otto) getValue(name string) Value {
return self.runtime.globalStash.getBinding(name, false)
// Set the top-level binding of the given name to the given value.
// Set will automatically apply ToValue to the given value in order
// to convert it to a JavaScript value (type Value).
// If there is an error (like the binding is read-only, or the ToValue conversion
// fails), then an error is returned.
// If the top-level binding does not exist, it will be created.
func (self Otto) Set(name string, value interface{}) error {
value, err := self.ToValue(value)
if err != nil {
return err
err = catchPanic(func() {
self.setValue(name, value)
return err
func (self Otto) setValue(name string, value Value) {
self.runtime.globalStash.setValue(name, value, false)
func (self Otto) SetDebuggerHandler(fn func(vm *Otto)) {
self.runtime.debugger = fn
func (self Otto) SetRandomSource(fn func() float64) {
self.runtime.random = fn
// SetStackDepthLimit sets an upper limit to the depth of the JavaScript
// stack. In simpler terms, this limits the number of "nested" function calls
// you can make in a particular interpreter instance.
// Note that this doesn't take into account the Go stack depth. If your
// JavaScript makes a call to a Go function, otto won't keep track of what
// happens outside the interpreter. So if your Go function is infinitely
// recursive, you're still in trouble.
func (self Otto) SetStackDepthLimit(limit int) {
self.runtime.stackLimit = limit
// SetStackTraceLimit sets an upper limit to the number of stack frames that
// otto will use when formatting an error's stack trace. By default, the limit
// is 10. This is consistent with V8 and SpiderMonkey.
// TODO: expose via `Error.stackTraceLimit`
func (self Otto) SetStackTraceLimit(limit int) {
self.runtime.traceLimit = limit
// MakeCustomError creates a new Error object with the given name and message,
// returning it as a Value.
func (self Otto) MakeCustomError(name, message string) Value {
return self.runtime.toValue(self.runtime.newError(name, self.runtime.toValue(message), 0))
// MakeRangeError creates a new RangeError object with the given message,
// returning it as a Value.
func (self Otto) MakeRangeError(message string) Value {
return self.runtime.toValue(self.runtime.newRangeError(self.runtime.toValue(message)))
// MakeSyntaxError creates a new SyntaxError object with the given message,
// returning it as a Value.
func (self Otto) MakeSyntaxError(message string) Value {
return self.runtime.toValue(self.runtime.newSyntaxError(self.runtime.toValue(message)))
// MakeTypeError creates a new TypeError object with the given message,
// returning it as a Value.
func (self Otto) MakeTypeError(message string) Value {
return self.runtime.toValue(self.runtime.newTypeError(self.runtime.toValue(message)))
// Context is a structure that contains information about the current execution
// context.
type Context struct {
Filename string
Line int
Column int
Callee string
Symbols map[string]Value
This Value
Stacktrace []string
// Context returns the current execution context of the vm, traversing up to
// ten stack frames, and skipping any innermost native function stack frames.
func (self Otto) Context() Context {
return self.ContextSkip(10, true)
// ContextLimit returns the current execution context of the vm, with a
// specific limit on the number of stack frames to traverse, skipping any
// innermost native function stack frames.
func (self Otto) ContextLimit(limit int) Context {
return self.ContextSkip(limit, true)
// ContextSkip returns the current execution context of the vm, with a
// specific limit on the number of stack frames to traverse, optionally
// skipping any innermost native function stack frames.
func (self Otto) ContextSkip(limit int, skipNative bool) (ctx Context) {
// Ensure we are operating in a scope
if self.runtime.scope == nil {
defer self.runtime.leaveScope()
scope := self.runtime.scope
frame := scope.frame
for skipNative && frame.native && scope.outer != nil {
scope = scope.outer
frame = scope.frame
// Get location information
ctx.Filename = "<unknown>"
ctx.Callee = frame.callee
switch {
case frame.native:
ctx.Filename = frame.nativeFile
ctx.Line = frame.nativeLine
ctx.Column = 0
case frame.file != nil:
ctx.Filename = "<anonymous>"
if p := frame.file.Position(file.Idx(frame.offset)); p != nil {
ctx.Line = p.Line
ctx.Column = p.Column
if p.Filename != "" {
ctx.Filename = p.Filename
// Get the current scope this Value
ctx.This = toValue_object(scope.this)
// Build stacktrace (up to 10 levels deep)
ctx.Symbols = make(map[string]Value)
ctx.Stacktrace = append(ctx.Stacktrace, frame.location())
for limit != 0 {
// Get variables
stash := scope.lexical
for {
for _, name := range getStashProperties(stash) {
if _, ok := ctx.Symbols[name]; !ok {
ctx.Symbols[name] = stash.getBinding(name, true)
stash = stash.outer()
if stash == nil || stash.outer() == nil {
scope = scope.outer
if scope == nil {
if scope.frame.offset >= 0 {
ctx.Stacktrace = append(ctx.Stacktrace, scope.frame.location())
// Call the given JavaScript with a given this and arguments.
// If this is nil, then some special handling takes place to determine the proper
// this value, falling back to a "standard" invocation if necessary (where this is
// undefined).
// If source begins with "new " (A lowercase new followed by a space), then
// Call will invoke the function constructor rather than performing a function call.
// In this case, the this argument has no effect.
// // value is a String object
// value, _ := vm.Call("Object", nil, "Hello, World.")
// // Likewise...
// value, _ := vm.Call("new Object", nil, "Hello, World.")
// // This will perform a concat on the given array and return the result
// // value is [ 1, 2, 3, undefined, 4, 5, 6, 7, "abc" ]
// value, _ := vm.Call(`[ 1, 2, 3, undefined, 4 ].concat`, nil, 5, 6, 7, "abc")
func (self Otto) Call(source string, this interface{}, argumentList ...interface{}) (Value, error) {
thisValue := Value{}
construct := false
if strings.HasPrefix(source, "new ") {
source = source[4:]
construct = true
// FIXME enterGlobalScope
defer func() {
if !construct && this == nil {
program, err := self.runtime.cmpl_parse("", source+"()", nil)
if err == nil {
if node, ok := program.body[0].(*_nodeExpressionStatement); ok {
if node, ok := node.expression.(*_nodeCallExpression); ok {
var value Value
err := catchPanic(func() {
value = self.runtime.cmpl_evaluate_nodeCallExpression(node, argumentList)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
return value, nil
} else {
value, err := self.ToValue(this)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
thisValue = value
this := thisValue
fn, err := self.Run(source)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
if construct {
result, err := fn.constructSafe(self.runtime, this, argumentList...)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
return result, nil
result, err := fn.Call(this, argumentList...)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
return result, nil
// Object will run the given source and return the result as an object.
// For example, accessing an existing object:
// object, _ := vm.Object(`Number`)
// Or, creating a new object:
// object, _ := vm.Object(`({ xyzzy: "Nothing happens." })`)
// Or, creating and assigning an object:
// object, _ := vm.Object(`xyzzy = {}`)
// object.Set("volume", 11)
// If there is an error (like the source does not result in an object), then
// nil and an error is returned.
func (self Otto) Object(source string) (*Object, error) {
value, err := self.runtime.cmpl_run(source, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if value.IsObject() {
return value.Object(), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("value is not an object")
// ToValue will convert an interface{} value to a value digestible by otto/JavaScript.
func (self Otto) ToValue(value interface{}) (Value, error) {
return self.runtime.safeToValue(value)
// Copy will create a copy/clone of the runtime.
// Copy is useful for saving some time when creating many similar runtimes.
// This method works by walking the original runtime and cloning each object, scope, stash,
// etc. into a new runtime.
// Be on the lookout for memory leaks or inadvertent sharing of resources.
func (in *Otto) Copy() *Otto {
out := &Otto{
runtime: in.runtime.clone(),
out.runtime.otto = out
return out
// Object{}
// Object is the representation of a JavaScript object.
type Object struct {
object *_object
value Value
func _newObject(object *_object, value Value) *Object {
// value MUST contain object!
return &Object{
object: object,
value: value,
// Call a method on the object.
// It is essentially equivalent to:
// var method, _ := object.Get(name)
// method.Call(object, argumentList...)
// An undefined value and an error will result if:
// 1. There is an error during conversion of the argument list
// 2. The property is not actually a function
// 3. An (uncaught) exception is thrown
func (self Object) Call(name string, argumentList ...interface{}) (Value, error) {
// TODO: Insert an example using JavaScript below...
// e.g., Object("JSON").Call("stringify", ...)
function, err := self.Get(name)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
return function.Call(self.Value(), argumentList...)
// Value will return self as a value.
func (self Object) Value() Value {
return self.value
// Get the value of the property with the given name.
func (self Object) Get(name string) (Value, error) {
value := Value{}
err := catchPanic(func() {
value = self.object.get(name)
if !value.safe() {
value = Value{}
return value, err
// Set the property of the given name to the given value.
// An error will result if the setting the property triggers an exception (i.e. read-only),
// or there is an error during conversion of the given value.
func (self Object) Set(name string, value interface{}) error {
value, err := self.object.runtime.safeToValue(value)
if err != nil {
return err
err = catchPanic(func() {
self.object.put(name, value, true)
return err
// Keys gets the keys for the given object.
// Equivalent to calling Object.keys on the object.
func (self Object) Keys() []string {
var keys []string
self.object.enumerate(false, func(name string) bool {
keys = append(keys, name)
return true
return keys
// KeysByParent gets the keys (and those of the parents) for the given object,
// in order of "closest" to "furthest".
func (self Object) KeysByParent() [][]string {
var a [][]string
for o := self.object; o != nil; o = o.prototype {
var l []string
o.enumerate(false, func(name string) bool {
l = append(l, name)
return true
a = append(a, l)
return a
// Class will return the class string of the object.
// The return value will (generally) be one of:
// Object
// Function
// Array
// String
// Number
// Boolean
// Date
// RegExp
func (self Object) Class() string {
return self.object.class
func (self Object) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
var goValue interface{}
switch value := self.object.value.(type) {
case *_goStructObject:
goValue = value.value.Interface()
case *_goMapObject:
goValue = value.value.Interface()
case *_goArrayObject:
goValue = value.value.Interface()
case *_goSliceObject:
goValue = value.value.Interface()
// It's a JS object; pass it to JSON.stringify:
var result []byte
err := catchPanic(func() {
resultVal := builtinJSON_stringify(FunctionCall{
runtime: self.object.runtime,
ArgumentList: []Value{self.value},
result = []byte(resultVal.String())
return result, err
return json.Marshal(goValue)

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/otto_.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
package otto
import (
runtime_ "runtime"
var isIdentifier_Regexp *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z\$][a-zA-Z0-9\$]*$`)
func isIdentifier(string_ string) bool {
return isIdentifier_Regexp.MatchString(string_)
func (self *_runtime) toValueArray(arguments ...interface{}) []Value {
length := len(arguments)
if length == 1 {
if valueArray, ok := arguments[0].([]Value); ok {
return valueArray
return []Value{self.toValue(arguments[0])}
valueArray := make([]Value, length)
for index, value := range arguments {
valueArray[index] = self.toValue(value)
return valueArray
func stringToArrayIndex(name string) int64 {
index, err := strconv.ParseInt(name, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return -1
if index < 0 {
return -1
if index >= maxUint32 {
// The value 2^32 (or above) is not a valid index because
// you cannot store a uint32 length for an index of uint32
return -1
return index
func isUint32(value int64) bool {
return value >= 0 && value <= maxUint32
func arrayIndexToString(index int64) string {
return strconv.FormatInt(index, 10)
func valueOfArrayIndex(array []Value, index int) Value {
value, _ := getValueOfArrayIndex(array, index)
return value
func getValueOfArrayIndex(array []Value, index int) (Value, bool) {
if index >= 0 && index < len(array) {
value := array[index]
if !value.isEmpty() {
return value, true
return Value{}, false
// A range index can be anything from 0 up to length. It is NOT safe to use as an index
// to an array, but is useful for slicing and in some ECMA algorithms.
func valueToRangeIndex(indexValue Value, length int64, negativeIsZero bool) int64 {
index := indexValue.number().int64
if negativeIsZero {
if index < 0 {
index = 0
// minimum(index, length)
if index >= length {
index = length
return index
if index < 0 {
index += length
if index < 0 {
index = 0
} else {
if index > length {
index = length
return index
func rangeStartEnd(array []Value, size int64, negativeIsZero bool) (start, end int64) {
start = valueToRangeIndex(valueOfArrayIndex(array, 0), size, negativeIsZero)
if len(array) == 1 {
// If there is only the start argument, then end = size
end = size
// Assuming the argument is undefined...
end = size
endValue := valueOfArrayIndex(array, 1)
if !endValue.IsUndefined() {
// Which it is not, so get the value as an array index
end = valueToRangeIndex(endValue, size, negativeIsZero)
func rangeStartLength(source []Value, size int64) (start, length int64) {
start = valueToRangeIndex(valueOfArrayIndex(source, 0), size, false)
// Assume the second argument is missing or undefined
length = int64(size)
if len(source) == 1 {
// If there is only the start argument, then length = size
lengthValue := valueOfArrayIndex(source, 1)
if !lengthValue.IsUndefined() {
// Which it is not, so get the value as an array index
length = lengthValue.number().int64
func hereBeDragons(arguments ...interface{}) string {
pc, _, _, _ := runtime_.Caller(1) //nolint: dogsled
name := runtime_.FuncForPC(pc).Name()
message := fmt.Sprintf("Here be dragons -- %s", name)
if len(arguments) > 0 {
message += ": "
argument0 := fmt.Sprintf("%s", arguments[0])
if len(arguments) == 1 {
message += argument0
} else {
message += fmt.Sprintf(argument0, arguments[1:]...)
} else {
message += "."
return message

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/parser/Makefile generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
.PHONY: test
go test

View file

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
# parser
import "github.com/robertkrimen/otto/parser"
Package parser implements a parser for JavaScript.
import (
Parse and return an AST
filename := "" // A filename is optional
src := `
// Sample xyzzy example
if (3.14159 > 0) {
console.log("Hello, World.");
var xyzzy = NaN;
console.log("Nothing happens.");
return xyzzy;
// Parse some JavaScript, yielding a *ast.Program and/or an ErrorList
program, err := parser.ParseFile(nil, filename, src, 0)
### Warning
The parser and AST interfaces are still works-in-progress (particularly where
node types are concerned) and may change in the future.
## Usage
#### func ParseFile
func ParseFile(fileSet *file.FileSet, filename string, src interface{}, mode Mode) (*ast.Program, error)
ParseFile parses the source code of a single JavaScript/ECMAScript source file
and returns the corresponding ast.Program node.
If fileSet == nil, ParseFile parses source without a FileSet. If fileSet != nil,
ParseFile first adds filename and src to fileSet.
The filename argument is optional and is used for labelling errors, etc.
src may be a string, a byte slice, a bytes.Buffer, or an io.Reader, but it MUST
always be in UTF-8.
// Parse some JavaScript, yielding a *ast.Program and/or an ErrorList
program, err := parser.ParseFile(nil, "", `if (abc > 1) {}`, 0)
#### func ParseFunction
func ParseFunction(parameterList, body string) (*ast.FunctionLiteral, error)
ParseFunction parses a given parameter list and body as a function and returns
the corresponding ast.FunctionLiteral node.
The parameter list, if any, should be a comma-separated list of identifiers.
#### func ReadSource
func ReadSource(filename string, src interface{}) ([]byte, error)
#### func TransformRegExp
func TransformRegExp(pattern string) (string, error)
TransformRegExp transforms a JavaScript pattern into a Go "regexp" pattern.
re2 (Go) cannot do backtracking, so the presence of a lookahead (?=) (?!) or
backreference (\1, \2, ...) will cause an error.
re2 (Go) has a different definition for \s: [\t\n\f\r ]. The JavaScript
definition, on the other hand, also includes \v, Unicode "Separator, Space",
If the pattern is invalid (not valid even in JavaScript), then this function
returns the empty string and an error.
If the pattern is valid, but incompatible (contains a lookahead or
backreference), then this function returns the transformation (a non-empty
string) AND an error.
#### type Error
type Error struct {
Position file.Position
Message string
An Error represents a parsing error. It includes the position where the error
occurred and a message/description.
#### func (Error) Error
func (self Error) Error() string
#### type ErrorList
type ErrorList []*Error
ErrorList is a list of *Errors.
#### func (*ErrorList) Add
func (self *ErrorList) Add(position file.Position, msg string)
Add adds an Error with given position and message to an ErrorList.
#### func (ErrorList) Err
func (self ErrorList) Err() error
Err returns an error equivalent to this ErrorList. If the list is empty, Err
returns nil.
#### func (ErrorList) Error
func (self ErrorList) Error() string
Error implements the Error interface.
#### func (ErrorList) Len
func (self ErrorList) Len() int
#### func (ErrorList) Less
func (self ErrorList) Less(i, j int) bool
#### func (*ErrorList) Reset
func (self *ErrorList) Reset()
Reset resets an ErrorList to no errors.
#### func (ErrorList) Sort
func (self ErrorList) Sort()
#### func (ErrorList) Swap
func (self ErrorList) Swap(i, j int)
#### type Mode
type Mode uint
A Mode value is a set of flags (or 0). They control optional parser
const (
IgnoreRegExpErrors Mode = 1 << iota // Ignore RegExp compatibility errors (allow backtracking)
**godocdown** http://github.com/robertkrimen/godocdown

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/parser/error.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
package parser
import (
const (
err_UnexpectedToken = "Unexpected token %v"
err_UnexpectedEndOfInput = "Unexpected end of input"
// UnexpectedNumber: 'Unexpected number',
// UnexpectedString: 'Unexpected string',
// UnexpectedIdentifier: 'Unexpected identifier',
// UnexpectedReserved: 'Unexpected reserved word',
// NewlineAfterThrow: 'Illegal newline after throw',
// InvalidRegExp: 'Invalid regular expression',
// UnterminatedRegExp: 'Invalid regular expression: missing /',
// InvalidLHSInAssignment: 'Invalid left-hand side in assignment',
// InvalidLHSInForIn: 'Invalid left-hand side in for-in',
// MultipleDefaultsInSwitch: 'More than one default clause in switch statement',
// NoCatchOrFinally: 'Missing catch or finally after try',
// UnknownLabel: 'Undefined label \'%0\'',
// Redeclaration: '%0 \'%1\' has already been declared',
// IllegalContinue: 'Illegal continue statement',
// IllegalBreak: 'Illegal break statement',
// IllegalReturn: 'Illegal return statement',
// StrictModeWith: 'Strict mode code may not include a with statement',
// StrictCatchVariable: 'Catch variable may not be eval or arguments in strict mode',
// StrictVarName: 'Variable name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode',
// StrictParamName: 'Parameter name eval or arguments is not allowed in strict mode',
// StrictParamDupe: 'Strict mode function may not have duplicate parameter names',
// StrictFunctionName: 'Function name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode',
// StrictOctalLiteral: 'Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode.',
// StrictDelete: 'Delete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode.',
// StrictDuplicateProperty: 'Duplicate data property in object literal not allowed in strict mode',
// AccessorDataProperty: 'Object literal may not have data and accessor property with the same name',
// AccessorGetSet: 'Object literal may not have multiple get/set accessors with the same name',
// StrictLHSAssignment: 'Assignment to eval or arguments is not allowed in strict mode',
// StrictLHSPostfix: 'Postfix increment/decrement may not have eval or arguments operand in strict mode',
// StrictLHSPrefix: 'Prefix increment/decrement may not have eval or arguments operand in strict mode',
// StrictReservedWord: 'Use of future reserved word in strict mode'
// A SyntaxError is a description of an ECMAScript syntax error.
// An Error represents a parsing error. It includes the position where the error occurred and a message/description.
type Error struct {
Position file.Position
Message string
// FIXME Should this be "SyntaxError"?
func (self Error) Error() string {
filename := self.Position.Filename
if filename == "" {
filename = "(anonymous)"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: Line %d:%d %s",
func (self *_parser) error(place interface{}, msg string, msgValues ...interface{}) *Error {
var idx file.Idx
switch place := place.(type) {
case int:
idx = self.idxOf(place)
case file.Idx:
if place == 0 {
idx = self.idxOf(self.chrOffset)
} else {
idx = place
panic(fmt.Errorf("error(%T, ...)", place))
position := self.position(idx)
msg = fmt.Sprintf(msg, msgValues...)
self.errors.Add(position, msg)
return self.errors[len(self.errors)-1]
func (self *_parser) errorUnexpected(idx file.Idx, chr rune) error {
if chr == -1 {
return self.error(idx, err_UnexpectedEndOfInput)
return self.error(idx, err_UnexpectedToken, token.ILLEGAL)
func (self *_parser) errorUnexpectedToken(tkn token.Token) error {
switch tkn {
case token.EOF:
return self.error(file.Idx(0), err_UnexpectedEndOfInput)
value := tkn.String()
switch tkn {
case token.BOOLEAN, token.NULL:
value = self.literal
case token.IDENTIFIER:
return self.error(self.idx, "Unexpected identifier")
case token.KEYWORD:
// TODO Might be a future reserved word
return self.error(self.idx, "Unexpected reserved word")
case token.NUMBER:
return self.error(self.idx, "Unexpected number")
case token.STRING:
return self.error(self.idx, "Unexpected string")
return self.error(self.idx, err_UnexpectedToken, value)
// ErrorList is a list of *Errors.
type ErrorList []*Error //nolint: errname
// Add adds an Error with given position and message to an ErrorList.
func (self *ErrorList) Add(position file.Position, msg string) {
*self = append(*self, &Error{position, msg})
// Reset resets an ErrorList to no errors.
func (self *ErrorList) Reset() { *self = (*self)[0:0] }
func (self ErrorList) Len() int { return len(self) }
func (self ErrorList) Swap(i, j int) { self[i], self[j] = self[j], self[i] }
func (self ErrorList) Less(i, j int) bool {
x := &self[i].Position
y := &self[j].Position
if x.Filename < y.Filename {
return true
if x.Filename == y.Filename {
if x.Line < y.Line {
return true
if x.Line == y.Line {
return x.Column < y.Column
return false
func (self ErrorList) Sort() {
// Error implements the Error interface.
func (self ErrorList) Error() string {
switch len(self) {
case 0:
return "no errors"
case 1:
return self[0].Error()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (and %d more errors)", self[0].Error(), len(self)-1)
// Err returns an error equivalent to this ErrorList.
// If the list is empty, Err returns nil.
func (self ErrorList) Err() error {
if len(self) == 0 {
return nil
return self

View file

@ -0,0 +1,998 @@
package parser
import (
func (self *_parser) parseIdentifier() *ast.Identifier {
literal := self.literal
idx := self.idx
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
exp := &ast.Identifier{
Name: literal,
Idx: idx,
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
return exp
func (self *_parser) parsePrimaryExpression() ast.Expression {
literal := self.literal
idx := self.idx
switch self.token {
case token.IDENTIFIER:
if len(literal) > 1 {
tkn, strict := token.IsKeyword(literal)
if tkn == token.KEYWORD {
if !strict {
self.error(idx, "Unexpected reserved word")
return &ast.Identifier{
Name: literal,
Idx: idx,
case token.NULL:
return &ast.NullLiteral{
Idx: idx,
Literal: literal,
case token.BOOLEAN:
value := false
switch literal {
case "true":
value = true
case "false":
value = false
self.error(idx, "Illegal boolean literal")
return &ast.BooleanLiteral{
Idx: idx,
Literal: literal,
Value: value,
case token.STRING:
value, err := parseStringLiteral(literal[1 : len(literal)-1])
if err != nil {
self.error(idx, err.Error())
return &ast.StringLiteral{
Idx: idx,
Literal: literal,
Value: value,
case token.NUMBER:
value, err := parseNumberLiteral(literal)
if err != nil {
self.error(idx, err.Error())
value = 0
return &ast.NumberLiteral{
Idx: idx,
Literal: literal,
Value: value,
case token.SLASH, token.QUOTIENT_ASSIGN:
return self.parseRegExpLiteral()
case token.LEFT_BRACE:
return self.parseObjectLiteral()
case token.LEFT_BRACKET:
return self.parseArrayLiteral()
expression := self.parseExpression()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
return expression
case token.THIS:
return &ast.ThisExpression{
Idx: idx,
case token.FUNCTION:
return self.parseFunction(false)
return &ast.BadExpression{From: idx, To: self.idx}
func (self *_parser) parseRegExpLiteral() *ast.RegExpLiteral {
offset := self.chrOffset - 1 // Opening slash already gotten
if self.token == token.QUOTIENT_ASSIGN {
offset -= 1 // =
idx := self.idxOf(offset)
pattern, err := self.scanString(offset)
endOffset := self.chrOffset
if err == nil {
pattern = pattern[1 : len(pattern)-1]
flags := ""
if self.token == token.IDENTIFIER { // gim
flags = self.literal
endOffset = self.chrOffset - 1
var value string
// TODO 15.10
// Test during parsing that this is a valid regular expression
// Sorry, (?=) and (?!) are invalid (for now)
pattern, err := TransformRegExp(pattern)
if err != nil {
if pattern == "" || self.mode&IgnoreRegExpErrors == 0 {
self.error(idx, "Invalid regular expression: %s", err.Error())
} else {
_, err = regexp.Compile(pattern)
if err != nil {
// We should not get here, ParseRegExp should catch any errors
self.error(idx, "Invalid regular expression: %s", err.Error()[22:]) // Skip redundant "parse regexp error"
} else {
value = pattern
literal := self.str[offset:endOffset]
return &ast.RegExpLiteral{
Idx: idx,
Literal: literal,
Pattern: pattern,
Flags: flags,
Value: value,
func (self *_parser) parseVariableDeclaration(declarationList *[]*ast.VariableExpression) ast.Expression {
if self.token != token.IDENTIFIER {
idx := self.expect(token.IDENTIFIER)
return &ast.BadExpression{From: idx, To: self.idx}
literal := self.literal
idx := self.idx
node := &ast.VariableExpression{
Name: literal,
Idx: idx,
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
if declarationList != nil {
*declarationList = append(*declarationList, node)
if self.token == token.ASSIGN {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
node.Initializer = self.parseAssignmentExpression()
return node
func (self *_parser) parseVariableDeclarationList(var_ file.Idx) []ast.Expression {
var declarationList []*ast.VariableExpression // Avoid bad expressions
var list []ast.Expression
for {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
decl := self.parseVariableDeclaration(&declarationList)
list = append(list, decl)
if self.token != token.COMMA {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
Var: var_,
List: declarationList,
return list
func (self *_parser) parseObjectPropertyKey() (string, string) {
idx, tkn, literal := self.idx, self.token, self.literal
value := ""
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
switch tkn {
case token.IDENTIFIER:
value = literal
case token.NUMBER:
var err error
_, err = parseNumberLiteral(literal)
if err != nil {
self.error(idx, err.Error())
} else {
value = literal
case token.STRING:
var err error
value, err = parseStringLiteral(literal[1 : len(literal)-1])
if err != nil {
self.error(idx, err.Error())
// null, false, class, etc.
if matchIdentifier.MatchString(literal) {
value = literal
return literal, value
func (self *_parser) parseObjectProperty() ast.Property {
literal, value := self.parseObjectPropertyKey()
if literal == "get" && self.token != token.COLON {
idx := self.idx
_, value := self.parseObjectPropertyKey()
parameterList := self.parseFunctionParameterList()
node := &ast.FunctionLiteral{
Function: idx,
ParameterList: parameterList,
return ast.Property{
Key: value,
Kind: "get",
Value: node,
} else if literal == "set" && self.token != token.COLON {
idx := self.idx
_, value := self.parseObjectPropertyKey()
parameterList := self.parseFunctionParameterList()
node := &ast.FunctionLiteral{
Function: idx,
ParameterList: parameterList,
return ast.Property{
Key: value,
Kind: "set",
Value: node,
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
exp := ast.Property{
Key: value,
Kind: "value",
Value: self.parseAssignmentExpression(),
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
return exp
func (self *_parser) parseObjectLiteral() ast.Expression {
var value []ast.Property
idx0 := self.expect(token.LEFT_BRACE)
for self.token != token.RIGHT_BRACE && self.token != token.EOF {
value = append(value, self.parseObjectProperty())
if self.token == token.COMMA {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
idx1 := self.expect(token.RIGHT_BRACE)
return &ast.ObjectLiteral{
LeftBrace: idx0,
RightBrace: idx1,
Value: value,
func (self *_parser) parseArrayLiteral() ast.Expression {
idx0 := self.expect(token.LEFT_BRACKET)
var value []ast.Expression
for self.token != token.RIGHT_BRACKET && self.token != token.EOF {
if self.token == token.COMMA {
// This kind of comment requires a special empty expression node.
empty := &ast.EmptyExpression{Begin: self.idx, End: self.idx}
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
value = append(value, empty)
exp := self.parseAssignmentExpression()
value = append(value, exp)
if self.token != token.RIGHT_BRACKET {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
idx1 := self.expect(token.RIGHT_BRACKET)
return &ast.ArrayLiteral{
LeftBracket: idx0,
RightBracket: idx1,
Value: value,
func (self *_parser) parseArgumentList() (argumentList []ast.Expression, idx0, idx1 file.Idx) {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
idx0 = self.expect(token.LEFT_PARENTHESIS)
if self.token != token.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS {
for {
exp := self.parseAssignmentExpression()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
argumentList = append(argumentList, exp)
if self.token != token.COMMA {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
idx1 = self.expect(token.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS)
func (self *_parser) parseCallExpression(left ast.Expression) ast.Expression {
argumentList, idx0, idx1 := self.parseArgumentList()
exp := &ast.CallExpression{
Callee: left,
LeftParenthesis: idx0,
ArgumentList: argumentList,
RightParenthesis: idx1,
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
return exp
func (self *_parser) parseDotMember(left ast.Expression) ast.Expression {
period := self.expect(token.PERIOD)
literal := self.literal
idx := self.idx
if !matchIdentifier.MatchString(literal) {
return &ast.BadExpression{From: period, To: self.idx}
return &ast.DotExpression{
Left: left,
Identifier: &ast.Identifier{
Idx: idx,
Name: literal,
func (self *_parser) parseBracketMember(left ast.Expression) ast.Expression {
idx0 := self.expect(token.LEFT_BRACKET)
member := self.parseExpression()
idx1 := self.expect(token.RIGHT_BRACKET)
return &ast.BracketExpression{
LeftBracket: idx0,
Left: left,
Member: member,
RightBracket: idx1,
func (self *_parser) parseNewExpression() ast.Expression {
idx := self.expect(token.NEW)
callee := self.parseLeftHandSideExpression()
node := &ast.NewExpression{
New: idx,
Callee: callee,
if self.token == token.LEFT_PARENTHESIS {
argumentList, idx0, idx1 := self.parseArgumentList()
node.ArgumentList = argumentList
node.LeftParenthesis = idx0
node.RightParenthesis = idx1
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
return node
func (self *_parser) parseLeftHandSideExpression() ast.Expression {
var left ast.Expression
if self.token == token.NEW {
left = self.parseNewExpression()
} else {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
left = self.parsePrimaryExpression()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
for {
if self.token == token.PERIOD {
left = self.parseDotMember(left)
} else if self.token == token.LEFT_BRACKET {
left = self.parseBracketMember(left)
} else {
return left
func (self *_parser) parseLeftHandSideExpressionAllowCall() ast.Expression {
allowIn := self.scope.allowIn
self.scope.allowIn = true
defer func() {
self.scope.allowIn = allowIn
var left ast.Expression
if self.token == token.NEW {
var newComments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
newComments = self.comments.FetchAll()
left = self.parseNewExpression()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(left, newComments, ast.LEADING)
} else {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
left = self.parsePrimaryExpression()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
for {
if self.token == token.PERIOD {
left = self.parseDotMember(left)
} else if self.token == token.LEFT_BRACKET {
left = self.parseBracketMember(left)
} else if self.token == token.LEFT_PARENTHESIS {
left = self.parseCallExpression(left)
} else {
return left
func (self *_parser) parsePostfixExpression() ast.Expression {
operand := self.parseLeftHandSideExpressionAllowCall()
switch self.token {
case token.INCREMENT, token.DECREMENT:
// Make sure there is no line terminator here
if self.implicitSemicolon {
tkn := self.token
idx := self.idx
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
switch operand.(type) {
case *ast.Identifier, *ast.DotExpression, *ast.BracketExpression:
self.error(idx, "Invalid left-hand side in assignment")
return &ast.BadExpression{From: idx, To: self.idx}
exp := &ast.UnaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Idx: idx,
Operand: operand,
Postfix: true,
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
return exp
return operand
func (self *_parser) parseUnaryExpression() ast.Expression {
switch self.token {
case token.PLUS, token.MINUS, token.NOT, token.BITWISE_NOT:
case token.DELETE, token.VOID, token.TYPEOF:
tkn := self.token
idx := self.idx
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
return &ast.UnaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Idx: idx,
Operand: self.parseUnaryExpression(),
case token.INCREMENT, token.DECREMENT:
tkn := self.token
idx := self.idx
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
operand := self.parseUnaryExpression()
switch operand.(type) {
case *ast.Identifier, *ast.DotExpression, *ast.BracketExpression:
self.error(idx, "Invalid left-hand side in assignment")
return &ast.BadExpression{From: idx, To: self.idx}
return &ast.UnaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Idx: idx,
Operand: operand,
return self.parsePostfixExpression()
func (self *_parser) parseMultiplicativeExpression() ast.Expression {
next := self.parseUnaryExpression
left := next()
for self.token == token.MULTIPLY || self.token == token.SLASH ||
self.token == token.REMAINDER {
tkn := self.token
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
left = &ast.BinaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Left: left,
Right: next(),
return left
func (self *_parser) parseAdditiveExpression() ast.Expression {
next := self.parseMultiplicativeExpression
left := next()
for self.token == token.PLUS || self.token == token.MINUS {
tkn := self.token
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
left = &ast.BinaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Left: left,
Right: next(),
return left
func (self *_parser) parseShiftExpression() ast.Expression {
next := self.parseAdditiveExpression
left := next()
for self.token == token.SHIFT_LEFT || self.token == token.SHIFT_RIGHT ||
self.token == token.UNSIGNED_SHIFT_RIGHT {
tkn := self.token
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
left = &ast.BinaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Left: left,
Right: next(),
return left
func (self *_parser) parseRelationalExpression() ast.Expression {
next := self.parseShiftExpression
left := next()
allowIn := self.scope.allowIn
self.scope.allowIn = true
defer func() {
self.scope.allowIn = allowIn
switch self.token {
case token.LESS, token.LESS_OR_EQUAL, token.GREATER, token.GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
tkn := self.token
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
exp := &ast.BinaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Left: left,
Right: self.parseRelationalExpression(),
Comparison: true,
return exp
case token.INSTANCEOF:
tkn := self.token
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
exp := &ast.BinaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Left: left,
Right: self.parseRelationalExpression(),
return exp
case token.IN:
if !allowIn {
return left
tkn := self.token
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
exp := &ast.BinaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Left: left,
Right: self.parseRelationalExpression(),
return exp
return left
func (self *_parser) parseEqualityExpression() ast.Expression {
next := self.parseRelationalExpression
left := next()
for self.token == token.EQUAL || self.token == token.NOT_EQUAL ||
self.token == token.STRICT_EQUAL || self.token == token.STRICT_NOT_EQUAL {
tkn := self.token
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
left = &ast.BinaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Left: left,
Right: next(),
Comparison: true,
return left
func (self *_parser) parseBitwiseAndExpression() ast.Expression {
next := self.parseEqualityExpression
left := next()
for self.token == token.AND {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
tkn := self.token
left = &ast.BinaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Left: left,
Right: next(),
return left
func (self *_parser) parseBitwiseExclusiveOrExpression() ast.Expression {
next := self.parseBitwiseAndExpression
left := next()
for self.token == token.EXCLUSIVE_OR {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
tkn := self.token
left = &ast.BinaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Left: left,
Right: next(),
return left
func (self *_parser) parseBitwiseOrExpression() ast.Expression {
next := self.parseBitwiseExclusiveOrExpression
left := next()
for self.token == token.OR {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
tkn := self.token
left = &ast.BinaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Left: left,
Right: next(),
return left
func (self *_parser) parseLogicalAndExpression() ast.Expression {
next := self.parseBitwiseOrExpression
left := next()
for self.token == token.LOGICAL_AND {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
tkn := self.token
left = &ast.BinaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Left: left,
Right: next(),
return left
func (self *_parser) parseLogicalOrExpression() ast.Expression {
next := self.parseLogicalAndExpression
left := next()
for self.token == token.LOGICAL_OR {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
tkn := self.token
left = &ast.BinaryExpression{
Operator: tkn,
Left: left,
Right: next(),
return left
func (self *_parser) parseConditionlExpression() ast.Expression {
left := self.parseLogicalOrExpression()
if self.token == token.QUESTION_MARK {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
consequent := self.parseAssignmentExpression()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
exp := &ast.ConditionalExpression{
Test: left,
Consequent: consequent,
Alternate: self.parseAssignmentExpression(),
return exp
return left
func (self *_parser) parseAssignmentExpression() ast.Expression {
left := self.parseConditionlExpression()
var operator token.Token
switch self.token {
case token.ASSIGN:
operator = self.token
case token.ADD_ASSIGN:
operator = token.PLUS
operator = token.MINUS
operator = token.MULTIPLY
operator = token.SLASH
operator = token.REMAINDER
case token.AND_ASSIGN:
operator = token.AND
case token.AND_NOT_ASSIGN:
operator = token.AND_NOT
case token.OR_ASSIGN:
operator = token.OR
operator = token.EXCLUSIVE_OR
operator = token.SHIFT_LEFT
operator = token.SHIFT_RIGHT
operator = token.UNSIGNED_SHIFT_RIGHT
if operator != 0 {
idx := self.idx
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
switch left.(type) {
case *ast.Identifier, *ast.DotExpression, *ast.BracketExpression:
self.error(left.Idx0(), "Invalid left-hand side in assignment")
return &ast.BadExpression{From: idx, To: self.idx}
exp := &ast.AssignExpression{
Left: left,
Operator: operator,
Right: self.parseAssignmentExpression(),
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
return exp
return left
func (self *_parser) parseExpression() ast.Expression {
next := self.parseAssignmentExpression
left := next()
if self.token == token.COMMA {
sequence := []ast.Expression{left}
for {
if self.token != token.COMMA {
sequence = append(sequence, next())
return &ast.SequenceExpression{
Sequence: sequence,
return left

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/parser/lexer.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,860 @@
package parser
import (
type _chr struct {
value rune
width int
var matchIdentifier = regexp.MustCompile(`^[$_\p{L}][$_\p{L}\d}]*$`)
func isDecimalDigit(chr rune) bool {
return '0' <= chr && chr <= '9'
func digitValue(chr rune) int {
switch {
case '0' <= chr && chr <= '9':
return int(chr - '0')
case 'a' <= chr && chr <= 'f':
return int(chr - 'a' + 10)
case 'A' <= chr && chr <= 'F':
return int(chr - 'A' + 10)
return 16 // Larger than any legal digit value
func isDigit(chr rune, base int) bool {
return digitValue(chr) < base
func isIdentifierStart(chr rune) bool {
return chr == '$' || chr == '_' || chr == '\\' ||
'a' <= chr && chr <= 'z' || 'A' <= chr && chr <= 'Z' ||
chr >= utf8.RuneSelf && unicode.IsLetter(chr)
func isIdentifierPart(chr rune) bool {
return chr == '$' || chr == '_' || chr == '\\' ||
'a' <= chr && chr <= 'z' || 'A' <= chr && chr <= 'Z' ||
'0' <= chr && chr <= '9' ||
chr >= utf8.RuneSelf && (unicode.IsLetter(chr) || unicode.IsDigit(chr))
func (self *_parser) scanIdentifier() (string, error) {
offset := self.chrOffset
parse := false
for isIdentifierPart(self.chr) {
if self.chr == '\\' {
distance := self.chrOffset - offset
if self.chr != 'u' {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid identifier escape character: %c (%s)", self.chr, string(self.chr))
parse = true
var value rune
for j := 0; j < 4; j++ {
decimal, ok := hex2decimal(byte(self.chr))
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid identifier escape character: %c (%s)", self.chr, string(self.chr))
value = value<<4 | decimal
if value == '\\' {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid identifier escape value: %c (%s)", value, string(value))
} else if distance == 0 {
if !isIdentifierStart(value) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid identifier escape value: %c (%s)", value, string(value))
} else if distance > 0 {
if !isIdentifierPart(value) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid identifier escape value: %c (%s)", value, string(value))
literal := string(self.str[offset:self.chrOffset])
if parse {
return parseStringLiteral(literal)
return literal, nil
// 7.2
func isLineWhiteSpace(chr rune) bool {
switch chr {
case '\u0009', '\u000b', '\u000c', '\u0020', '\u00a0', '\ufeff':
return true
case '\u000a', '\u000d', '\u2028', '\u2029':
return false
case '\u0085':
return false
return unicode.IsSpace(chr)
// 7.3
func isLineTerminator(chr rune) bool {
switch chr {
case '\u000a', '\u000d', '\u2028', '\u2029':
return true
return false
func (self *_parser) scan() (tkn token.Token, literal string, idx file.Idx) {
self.implicitSemicolon = false
for {
idx = self.idxOf(self.chrOffset)
insertSemicolon := false
switch chr := self.chr; {
case isIdentifierStart(chr):
var err error
literal, err = self.scanIdentifier()
if err != nil {
tkn = token.ILLEGAL
if len(literal) > 1 {
// Keywords are longer than 1 character, avoid lookup otherwise
var strict bool
tkn, strict = token.IsKeyword(literal)
switch tkn {
case 0: // Not a keyword
if literal == "true" || literal == "false" {
self.insertSemicolon = true
tkn = token.BOOLEAN
} else if literal == "null" {
self.insertSemicolon = true
tkn = token.NULL
case token.KEYWORD:
tkn = token.KEYWORD
if strict {
// TODO If strict and in strict mode, then this is not a break
token.THROW, // A newline after a throw is not allowed, but we need to detect it
self.insertSemicolon = true
self.insertSemicolon = true
tkn = token.IDENTIFIER
case '0' <= chr && chr <= '9':
self.insertSemicolon = true
tkn, literal = self.scanNumericLiteral(false)
switch chr {
case -1:
if self.insertSemicolon {
self.insertSemicolon = false
self.implicitSemicolon = true
tkn = token.EOF
case '\r', '\n', '\u2028', '\u2029':
self.insertSemicolon = false
self.implicitSemicolon = true
case ':':
tkn = token.COLON
case '.':
if digitValue(self.chr) < 10 {
insertSemicolon = true
tkn, literal = self.scanNumericLiteral(true)
} else {
tkn = token.PERIOD
case ',':
tkn = token.COMMA
case ';':
tkn = token.SEMICOLON
case '(':
case ')':
insertSemicolon = true
case '[':
tkn = token.LEFT_BRACKET
case ']':
tkn = token.RIGHT_BRACKET
insertSemicolon = true
case '{':
tkn = token.LEFT_BRACE
case '}':
tkn = token.RIGHT_BRACE
insertSemicolon = true
case '+':
tkn = self.switch3(token.PLUS, token.ADD_ASSIGN, '+', token.INCREMENT)
if tkn == token.INCREMENT {
insertSemicolon = true
case '-':
tkn = self.switch3(token.MINUS, token.SUBTRACT_ASSIGN, '-', token.DECREMENT)
if tkn == token.DECREMENT {
insertSemicolon = true
case '*':
tkn = self.switch2(token.MULTIPLY, token.MULTIPLY_ASSIGN)
case '/':
if self.chr == '/' {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
literal := string(self.readSingleLineComment())
self.comments.AddComment(ast.NewComment(literal, self.idx))
} else if self.chr == '*' {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
literal = string(self.readMultiLineComment())
self.comments.AddComment(ast.NewComment(literal, self.idx))
} else {
// Could be division, could be RegExp literal
tkn = self.switch2(token.SLASH, token.QUOTIENT_ASSIGN)
insertSemicolon = true
case '%':
tkn = self.switch2(token.REMAINDER, token.REMAINDER_ASSIGN)
case '^':
tkn = self.switch2(token.EXCLUSIVE_OR, token.EXCLUSIVE_OR_ASSIGN)
case '<':
tkn = self.switch4(token.LESS, token.LESS_OR_EQUAL, '<', token.SHIFT_LEFT, token.SHIFT_LEFT_ASSIGN)
case '>':
case '=':
tkn = self.switch2(token.ASSIGN, token.EQUAL)
if tkn == token.EQUAL && self.chr == '=' {
tkn = token.STRICT_EQUAL
case '!':
tkn = self.switch2(token.NOT, token.NOT_EQUAL)
if tkn == token.NOT_EQUAL && self.chr == '=' {
tkn = token.STRICT_NOT_EQUAL
case '&':
if self.chr == '^' {
tkn = self.switch2(token.AND_NOT, token.AND_NOT_ASSIGN)
} else {
tkn = self.switch3(token.AND, token.AND_ASSIGN, '&', token.LOGICAL_AND)
case '|':
tkn = self.switch3(token.OR, token.OR_ASSIGN, '|', token.LOGICAL_OR)
case '~':
tkn = token.BITWISE_NOT
case '?':
tkn = token.QUESTION_MARK
case '"', '\'':
insertSemicolon = true
tkn = token.STRING
var err error
literal, err = self.scanString(self.chrOffset - 1)
if err != nil {
tkn = token.ILLEGAL
self.errorUnexpected(idx, chr)
tkn = token.ILLEGAL
self.insertSemicolon = insertSemicolon
func (self *_parser) switch2(tkn0, tkn1 token.Token) token.Token {
if self.chr == '=' {
return tkn1
return tkn0
func (self *_parser) switch3(tkn0, tkn1 token.Token, chr2 rune, tkn2 token.Token) token.Token {
if self.chr == '=' {
return tkn1
if self.chr == chr2 {
return tkn2
return tkn0
func (self *_parser) switch4(tkn0, tkn1 token.Token, chr2 rune, tkn2, tkn3 token.Token) token.Token {
if self.chr == '=' {
return tkn1
if self.chr == chr2 {
if self.chr == '=' {
return tkn3
return tkn2
return tkn0
func (self *_parser) switch6(tkn0, tkn1 token.Token, chr2 rune, tkn2, tkn3 token.Token, chr3 rune, tkn4, tkn5 token.Token) token.Token {
if self.chr == '=' {
return tkn1
if self.chr == chr2 {
if self.chr == '=' {
return tkn3
if self.chr == chr3 {
if self.chr == '=' {
return tkn5
return tkn4
return tkn2
return tkn0
func (self *_parser) chrAt(index int) _chr {
value, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(self.str[index:])
return _chr{
value: value,
width: width,
func (self *_parser) _peek() rune {
if self.offset+1 < self.length {
return rune(self.str[self.offset+1])
return -1
func (self *_parser) read() {
if self.offset < self.length {
self.chrOffset = self.offset
chr, width := rune(self.str[self.offset]), 1
if chr >= utf8.RuneSelf { // !ASCII
chr, width = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(self.str[self.offset:])
if chr == utf8.RuneError && width == 1 {
self.error(self.chrOffset, "Invalid UTF-8 character")
self.offset += width
self.chr = chr
} else {
self.chrOffset = self.length
self.chr = -1 // EOF
// This is here since the functions are so similar
func (self *_RegExp_parser) read() {
if self.offset < self.length {
self.chrOffset = self.offset
chr, width := rune(self.str[self.offset]), 1
if chr >= utf8.RuneSelf { // !ASCII
chr, width = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(self.str[self.offset:])
if chr == utf8.RuneError && width == 1 {
self.error(self.chrOffset, "Invalid UTF-8 character")
self.offset += width
self.chr = chr
} else {
self.chrOffset = self.length
self.chr = -1 // EOF
func (self *_parser) readSingleLineComment() (result []rune) {
for self.chr != -1 {
if isLineTerminator(self.chr) {
result = append(result, self.chr)
// Get rid of the trailing -1
result = result[:len(result)-1]
func (self *_parser) readMultiLineComment() (result []rune) {
for self.chr >= 0 {
chr := self.chr
if chr == '*' && self.chr == '/' {
result = append(result, chr)
self.errorUnexpected(0, self.chr)
func (self *_parser) skipSingleLineComment() {
for self.chr != -1 {
if isLineTerminator(self.chr) {
func (self *_parser) skipMultiLineComment() {
for self.chr >= 0 {
chr := self.chr
if chr == '*' && self.chr == '/' {
self.errorUnexpected(0, self.chr)
func (self *_parser) skipWhiteSpace() {
for {
switch self.chr {
case ' ', '\t', '\f', '\v', '\u00a0', '\ufeff':
case '\r':
if self._peek() == '\n' {
case '\u2028', '\u2029', '\n':
if self.insertSemicolon {
if self.chr >= utf8.RuneSelf {
if unicode.IsSpace(self.chr) {
func (self *_parser) skipLineWhiteSpace() {
for isLineWhiteSpace(self.chr) {
func (self *_parser) scanMantissa(base int) {
for digitValue(self.chr) < base {
func (self *_parser) scanEscape(quote rune) {
var length, base uint32
switch self.chr {
//case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7':
// Octal:
// length, base, limit = 3, 8, 255
case 'a', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'v', '\\', '"', '\'', '0':
case '\r', '\n', '\u2028', '\u2029':
case 'x':
length, base = 2, 16
case 'u':
length, base = 4, 16
self.read() // Always make progress
var value uint32
for ; length > 0 && self.chr != quote && self.chr >= 0; length-- {
digit := uint32(digitValue(self.chr))
if digit >= base {
value = value*base + digit
func (self *_parser) scanString(offset int) (string, error) {
// " ' /
quote := rune(self.str[offset])
for self.chr != quote {
chr := self.chr
if chr == '\n' || chr == '\r' || chr == '\u2028' || chr == '\u2029' || chr < 0 {
goto newline
if chr == '\\' {
if quote == '/' {
if self.chr == '\n' || self.chr == '\r' || self.chr == '\u2028' || self.chr == '\u2029' || self.chr < 0 {
goto newline
} else {
} else if chr == '[' && quote == '/' {
// Allow a slash (/) in a bracket character class ([...])
// TODO Fix this, this is hacky...
quote = -1
} else if chr == ']' && quote == -1 {
quote = '/'
// " ' /
return string(self.str[offset:self.chrOffset]), nil
err := "String not terminated"
if quote == '/' {
err = "Invalid regular expression: missing /"
self.error(self.idxOf(offset), err)
return "", errors.New(err)
func (self *_parser) scanNewline() {
if self.chr == '\r' {
if self.chr != '\n' {
func hex2decimal(chr byte) (value rune, ok bool) {
chr := rune(chr)
switch {
case '0' <= chr && chr <= '9':
return chr - '0', true
case 'a' <= chr && chr <= 'f':
return chr - 'a' + 10, true
case 'A' <= chr && chr <= 'F':
return chr - 'A' + 10, true
func parseNumberLiteral(literal string) (value interface{}, err error) {
// TODO Is Uint okay? What about -MAX_UINT
value, err = strconv.ParseInt(literal, 0, 64)
if err == nil {
return value, nil
parseIntErr := err // Save this first error, just in case
value, err = strconv.ParseFloat(literal, 64)
if err == nil {
return value, nil
} else if err.(*strconv.NumError).Err == strconv.ErrRange {
// Infinity, etc.
return value, nil
err = parseIntErr
if err.(*strconv.NumError).Err == strconv.ErrRange {
if len(literal) > 2 && literal[0] == '0' && (literal[1] == 'X' || literal[1] == 'x') {
// Could just be a very large number (e.g. 0x8000000000000000)
var value float64
literal = literal[2:]
for _, chr := range literal {
digit := digitValue(chr)
if digit >= 16 {
return nil, errors.New("Illegal numeric literal")
value = value*16 + float64(digit)
return value, nil
return nil, errors.New("Illegal numeric literal")
func parseStringLiteral(literal string) (string, error) {
// Best case scenario...
if literal == "" {
return "", nil
// Slightly less-best case scenario...
if !strings.ContainsRune(literal, '\\') {
return literal, nil
str := literal
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 3*len(literal)/2))
for len(str) > 0 {
switch chr := str[0]; {
// We do not explicitly handle the case of the quote
// value, which can be: " ' /
// This assumes we're already passed a partially well-formed literal
case chr >= utf8.RuneSelf:
chr, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str)
str = str[size:]
case chr != '\\':
str = str[1:]
if len(str) <= 1 {
panic("len(str) <= 1")
chr := str[1]
var value rune
if chr >= utf8.RuneSelf {
str = str[1:]
var size int
value, size = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str)
str = str[size:] // \ + <character>
} else {
str = str[2:] // \<character>
switch chr {
case 'b':
value = '\b'
case 'f':
value = '\f'
case 'n':
value = '\n'
case 'r':
value = '\r'
case 't':
value = '\t'
case 'v':
value = '\v'
case 'x', 'u':
size := 0
switch chr {
case 'x':
size = 2
case 'u':
size = 4
if len(str) < size {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid escape: \\%s: len(%q) != %d", string(chr), str, size)
for j := 0; j < size; j++ {
decimal, ok := hex2decimal(str[j])
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid escape: \\%s: %q", string(chr), str[:size])
value = value<<4 | decimal
str = str[size:]
if chr == 'x' {
if value > utf8.MaxRune {
panic("value > utf8.MaxRune")
case '0':
if len(str) == 0 || '0' > str[0] || str[0] > '7' {
value = 0
case '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7':
// TODO strict
value = rune(chr) - '0'
j := 0
for ; j < 2; j++ {
if len(str) < j+1 {
chr := str[j]
if '0' > chr || chr > '7' {
decimal := rune(str[j]) - '0'
value = (value << 3) | decimal
str = str[j:]
case '\\':
value = '\\'
case '\'', '"':
value = rune(chr)
case '\r':
if len(str) > 0 {
if str[0] == '\n' {
str = str[1:]
case '\n':
value = rune(chr)
return buffer.String(), nil
func (self *_parser) scanNumericLiteral(decimalPoint bool) (token.Token, string) {
offset := self.chrOffset
tkn := token.NUMBER
if decimalPoint {
goto exponent
if self.chr == '0' {
offset := self.chrOffset
if self.chr == 'x' || self.chr == 'X' {
// Hexadecimal
if isDigit(self.chr, 16) {
} else {
return token.ILLEGAL, self.str[offset:self.chrOffset]
if self.chrOffset-offset <= 2 {
// Only "0x" or "0X"
self.error(0, "Illegal hexadecimal number")
goto hexadecimal
} else if self.chr == '.' {
// Float
goto float
} else {
// Octal, Float
if self.chr == 'e' || self.chr == 'E' {
goto exponent
if self.chr == '8' || self.chr == '9' {
return token.ILLEGAL, self.str[offset:self.chrOffset]
goto octal
if self.chr == '.' {
if self.chr == 'e' || self.chr == 'E' {
if self.chr == '-' || self.chr == '+' {
if isDecimalDigit(self.chr) {
} else {
return token.ILLEGAL, self.str[offset:self.chrOffset]
if isIdentifierStart(self.chr) || isDecimalDigit(self.chr) {
return token.ILLEGAL, self.str[offset:self.chrOffset]
return tkn, self.str[offset:self.chrOffset]

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/parser/parser.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
Package parser implements a parser for JavaScript.
import (
Parse and return an AST
filename := "" // A filename is optional
src := `
// Sample xyzzy example
if (3.14159 > 0) {
console.log("Hello, World.");
var xyzzy = NaN;
console.log("Nothing happens.");
return xyzzy;
// Parse some JavaScript, yielding a *ast.Program and/or an ErrorList
program, err := parser.ParseFile(nil, filename, src, 0)
# Warning
The parser and AST interfaces are still works-in-progress (particularly where
node types are concerned) and may change in the future.
package parser
import (
// A Mode value is a set of flags (or 0). They control optional parser functionality.
type Mode uint
const (
IgnoreRegExpErrors Mode = 1 << iota // Ignore RegExp compatibility errors (allow backtracking)
StoreComments // Store the comments from source to the comments map
type _parser struct {
str string
length int
base int
chr rune // The current character
chrOffset int // The offset of current character
offset int // The offset after current character (may be greater than 1)
idx file.Idx // The index of token
token token.Token // The token
literal string // The literal of the token, if any
scope *_scope
insertSemicolon bool // If we see a newline, then insert an implicit semicolon
implicitSemicolon bool // An implicit semicolon exists
errors ErrorList
recover struct {
// Scratch when trying to seek to the next statement, etc.
idx file.Idx
count int
mode Mode
file *file.File
comments *ast.Comments
type Parser interface {
Scan() (tkn token.Token, literal string, idx file.Idx)
func _newParser(filename, src string, base int, sm *sourcemap.Consumer) *_parser {
return &_parser{
chr: ' ', // This is set so we can start scanning by skipping whitespace
str: src,
length: len(src),
base: base,
file: file.NewFile(filename, src, base).WithSourceMap(sm),
comments: ast.NewComments(),
// Returns a new Parser.
func NewParser(filename, src string) Parser {
return _newParser(filename, src, 1, nil)
func ReadSource(filename string, src interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
if src != nil {
switch src := src.(type) {
case string:
return []byte(src), nil
case []byte:
return src, nil
case *bytes.Buffer:
if src != nil {
return src.Bytes(), nil
case io.Reader:
var bfr bytes.Buffer
if _, err := io.Copy(&bfr, src); err != nil {
return nil, err
return bfr.Bytes(), nil
return nil, errors.New("invalid source")
return ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
func ReadSourceMap(filename string, src interface{}) (*sourcemap.Consumer, error) {
if src == nil {
return nil, nil //nolint: nilnil
switch src := src.(type) {
case string:
return sourcemap.Parse(filename, []byte(src))
case []byte:
return sourcemap.Parse(filename, src)
case *bytes.Buffer:
if src != nil {
return sourcemap.Parse(filename, src.Bytes())
case io.Reader:
var bfr bytes.Buffer
if _, err := io.Copy(&bfr, src); err != nil {
return nil, err
return sourcemap.Parse(filename, bfr.Bytes())
case *sourcemap.Consumer:
return src, nil
return nil, errors.New("invalid sourcemap type")
func ParseFileWithSourceMap(fileSet *file.FileSet, filename string, javascriptSource, sourcemapSource interface{}, mode Mode) (*ast.Program, error) {
src, err := ReadSource(filename, javascriptSource)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if sourcemapSource == nil {
lines := bytes.Split(src, []byte("\n"))
lastLine := lines[len(lines)-1]
if bytes.HasPrefix(lastLine, []byte("//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json")) {
bits := bytes.SplitN(lastLine, []byte(","), 2)
if len(bits) == 2 {
if d, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(bits[1])); err == nil {
sourcemapSource = d
sm, err := ReadSourceMap(filename, sourcemapSource)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
base := 1
if fileSet != nil {
base = fileSet.AddFile(filename, string(src))
parser := _newParser(filename, string(src), base, sm)
parser.mode = mode
program, err := parser.parse()
program.Comments = parser.comments.CommentMap
return program, err
// ParseFile parses the source code of a single JavaScript/ECMAScript source file and returns
// the corresponding ast.Program node.
// If fileSet == nil, ParseFile parses source without a FileSet.
// If fileSet != nil, ParseFile first adds filename and src to fileSet.
// The filename argument is optional and is used for labelling errors, etc.
// src may be a string, a byte slice, a bytes.Buffer, or an io.Reader, but it MUST always be in UTF-8.
// // Parse some JavaScript, yielding a *ast.Program and/or an ErrorList
// program, err := parser.ParseFile(nil, "", `if (abc > 1) {}`, 0)
func ParseFile(fileSet *file.FileSet, filename string, src interface{}, mode Mode) (*ast.Program, error) {
return ParseFileWithSourceMap(fileSet, filename, src, nil, mode)
// ParseFunction parses a given parameter list and body as a function and returns the
// corresponding ast.FunctionLiteral node.
// The parameter list, if any, should be a comma-separated list of identifiers.
func ParseFunction(parameterList, body string) (*ast.FunctionLiteral, error) {
src := "(function(" + parameterList + ") {\n" + body + "\n})"
parser := _newParser("", src, 1, nil)
program, err := parser.parse()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return program.Body[0].(*ast.ExpressionStatement).Expression.(*ast.FunctionLiteral), nil
// Scan reads a single token from the source at the current offset, increments the offset and
// returns the token.Token token, a string literal representing the value of the token (if applicable)
// and it's current file.Idx index.
func (self *_parser) Scan() (tkn token.Token, literal string, idx file.Idx) {
return self.scan()
func (self *_parser) slice(idx0, idx1 file.Idx) string {
from := int(idx0) - self.base
to := int(idx1) - self.base
if from >= 0 && to <= len(self.str) {
return self.str[from:to]
return ""
func (self *_parser) parse() (*ast.Program, error) {
program := self.parseProgram()
if false {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(program, self.comments.FetchAll(), ast.TRAILING)
return program, self.errors.Err()
func (self *_parser) next() {
self.token, self.literal, self.idx = self.scan()
func (self *_parser) optionalSemicolon() {
if self.token == token.SEMICOLON {
if self.implicitSemicolon {
self.implicitSemicolon = false
if self.token != token.EOF && self.token != token.RIGHT_BRACE {
func (self *_parser) semicolon() {
if self.token != token.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS && self.token != token.RIGHT_BRACE {
if self.implicitSemicolon {
self.implicitSemicolon = false
func (self *_parser) idxOf(offset int) file.Idx {
return file.Idx(self.base + offset)
func (self *_parser) expect(value token.Token) file.Idx {
idx := self.idx
if self.token != value {
return idx
func lineCount(str string) (int, int) {
line, last := 0, -1
pair := false
for index, chr := range str {
switch chr {
case '\r':
line += 1
last = index
pair = true
case '\n':
if !pair {
line += 1
last = index
case '\u2028', '\u2029':
line += 1
last = index + 2
pair = false
return line, last
func (self *_parser) position(idx file.Idx) file.Position {
position := file.Position{}
offset := int(idx) - self.base
str := self.str[:offset]
position.Filename = self.file.Name()
line, last := lineCount(str)
position.Line = 1 + line
if last >= 0 {
position.Column = offset - last
} else {
position.Column = 1 + len(str)
return position

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/parser/regexp.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
package parser
import (
type _RegExp_parser struct {
str string
length int
chr rune // The current character
chrOffset int // The offset of current character
offset int // The offset after current character (may be greater than 1)
errors []error
invalid bool // The input is an invalid JavaScript RegExp
goRegexp *bytes.Buffer
// TransformRegExp transforms a JavaScript pattern into a Go "regexp" pattern.
// re2 (Go) cannot do backtracking, so the presence of a lookahead (?=) (?!) or
// backreference (\1, \2, ...) will cause an error.
// re2 (Go) has a different definition for \s: [\t\n\f\r ].
// The JavaScript definition, on the other hand, also includes \v, Unicode "Separator, Space", etc.
// If the pattern is invalid (not valid even in JavaScript), then this function
// returns the empty string and an error.
// If the pattern is valid, but incompatible (contains a lookahead or backreference),
// then this function returns the transformation (a non-empty string) AND an error.
func TransformRegExp(pattern string) (string, error) {
if pattern == "" {
return "", nil
// TODO If without \, if without (?=, (?!, then another shortcut
parser := _RegExp_parser{
str: pattern,
length: len(pattern),
goRegexp: bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 3*len(pattern)/2)),
parser.read() // Pull in the first character
var err error
if len(parser.errors) > 0 {
err = parser.errors[0]
if parser.invalid {
return "", err
// Might not be re2 compatible, but is still a valid JavaScript RegExp
return parser.goRegexp.String(), err
func (self *_RegExp_parser) scan() {
for self.chr != -1 {
switch self.chr {
case '\\':
case '(':
case '[':
case ')':
self.error(-1, "Unmatched ')'")
self.invalid = true
// (...)
func (self *_RegExp_parser) scanGroup() {
str := self.str[self.chrOffset:]
if len(str) > 1 { // A possibility of (?= or (?!
if str[0] == '?' {
if str[1] == '=' || str[1] == '!' {
self.error(-1, "re2: Invalid (%s) <lookahead>", self.str[self.chrOffset:self.chrOffset+2])
for self.chr != -1 && self.chr != ')' {
switch self.chr {
case '\\':
case '(':
case '[':
if self.chr != ')' {
self.error(-1, "Unterminated group")
self.invalid = true
// [...]
func (self *_RegExp_parser) scanBracket() {
for self.chr != -1 {
if self.chr == ']' {
} else if self.chr == '\\' {
if self.chr != ']' {
self.error(-1, "Unterminated character class")
self.invalid = true
// \...
func (self *_RegExp_parser) scanEscape(inClass bool) {
offset := self.chrOffset
var length, base uint32
switch self.chr {
case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7':
var value int64
size := 0
for {
digit := int64(digitValue(self.chr))
if digit >= 8 {
// Not a valid digit
value = value*8 + digit
size += 1
if size == 1 { // The number of characters read
_, err := self.goRegexp.Write([]byte{'\\', byte(value) + '0'})
if err != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
if value != 0 {
// An invalid backreference
self.error(-1, "re2: Invalid \\%d <backreference>", value)
tmp := []byte{'\\', 'x', '0', 0}
if value >= 16 {
tmp = tmp[0:2]
} else {
tmp = tmp[0:3]
tmp = strconv.AppendInt(tmp, value, 16)
_, err := self.goRegexp.Write(tmp)
if err != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
case '8', '9':
size := 0
for {
digit := digitValue(self.chr)
if digit >= 10 {
// Not a valid digit
size += 1
err := self.goRegexp.WriteByte('\\')
if err != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
_, err = self.goRegexp.WriteString(self.str[offset:self.chrOffset])
if err != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
self.error(-1, "re2: Invalid \\%s <backreference>", self.str[offset:self.chrOffset])
case 'x':
length, base = 2, 16
case 'u':
length, base = 4, 16
case 'b':
if inClass {
_, err := self.goRegexp.Write([]byte{'\\', 'x', '0', '8'})
if err != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
case 'B':
case 'd', 'D', 's', 'S', 'w', 'W':
// This is slightly broken, because ECMAScript
// includes \v in \s, \S, while re2 does not
case '\\':
case 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'v':
err := self.goRegexp.WriteByte('\\')
if err != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
case 'c':
var value int64
if 'a' <= self.chr && self.chr <= 'z' {
value = int64(self.chr) - 'a' + 1
} else if 'A' <= self.chr && self.chr <= 'Z' {
value = int64(self.chr) - 'A' + 1
} else {
err := self.goRegexp.WriteByte('c')
if err != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
tmp := []byte{'\\', 'x', '0', 0}
if value >= 16 {
tmp = tmp[0:2]
} else {
tmp = tmp[0:3]
tmp = strconv.AppendInt(tmp, value, 16)
_, err := self.goRegexp.Write(tmp)
if err != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
// $ is an identifier character, so we have to have
// a special case for it here
if self.chr == '$' || !isIdentifierPart(self.chr) {
// A non-identifier character needs escaping
err := self.goRegexp.WriteByte('\\')
if err != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
} else {
// Unescape the character for re2
// Otherwise, we're a \u.... or \x...
valueOffset := self.chrOffset
var value uint32
length := length
for ; length > 0; length-- {
digit := uint32(digitValue(self.chr))
if digit >= base {
// Not a valid digit
goto skip
value = value*base + digit
if length == 4 {
_, err := self.goRegexp.Write([]byte{
if err != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
} else if length == 2 {
_, err := self.goRegexp.Write([]byte{
if err != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
} else {
// Should never, ever get here...
self.error(-1, "re2: Illegal branch in scanEscape")
goto skip
_, err := self.goRegexp.WriteString(self.str[offset:self.chrOffset])
if err != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
func (self *_RegExp_parser) pass() {
if self.chr != -1 {
_, err := self.goRegexp.WriteRune(self.chr)
if err != nil {
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
// TODO Better error reporting, use the offset, etc.
func (self *_RegExp_parser) error(offset int, msg string, msgValues ...interface{}) error {
err := fmt.Errorf(msg, msgValues...)
self.errors = append(self.errors, err)
return err

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/parser/scope.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package parser
import (
type _scope struct {
outer *_scope
allowIn bool
inIteration bool
inSwitch bool
inFunction bool
declarationList []ast.Declaration
labels []string
func (self *_parser) openScope() {
self.scope = &_scope{
outer: self.scope,
allowIn: true,
func (self *_parser) closeScope() {
self.scope = self.scope.outer
func (self *_scope) declare(declaration ast.Declaration) {
self.declarationList = append(self.declarationList, declaration)
func (self *_scope) hasLabel(name string) bool {
for _, label := range self.labels {
if label == name {
return true
if self.outer != nil && !self.inFunction {
// Crossing a function boundary to look for a label is verboten
return self.outer.hasLabel(name)
return false

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/parser/statement.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
package parser
import (
func (self *_parser) parseBlockStatement() *ast.BlockStatement {
node := &ast.BlockStatement{}
// Find comments before the leading brace
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, self.comments.FetchAll(), ast.LEADING)
node.LeftBrace = self.expect(token.LEFT_BRACE)
node.List = self.parseStatementList()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, self.comments.FetchAll(), ast.FINAL)
node.RightBrace = self.expect(token.RIGHT_BRACE)
// Find comments after the trailing brace
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, self.comments.Fetch(), ast.TRAILING)
return node
func (self *_parser) parseEmptyStatement() ast.Statement {
idx := self.expect(token.SEMICOLON)
return &ast.EmptyStatement{Semicolon: idx}
func (self *_parser) parseStatementList() (list []ast.Statement) {
for self.token != token.RIGHT_BRACE && self.token != token.EOF {
statement := self.parseStatement()
list = append(list, statement)
func (self *_parser) parseStatement() ast.Statement {
if self.token == token.EOF {
return &ast.BadStatement{From: self.idx, To: self.idx + 1}
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
switch self.token {
case token.SEMICOLON:
return self.parseEmptyStatement()
case token.LEFT_BRACE:
return self.parseBlockStatement()
case token.IF:
return self.parseIfStatement()
case token.DO:
statement := self.parseDoWhileStatement()
return statement
case token.WHILE:
return self.parseWhileStatement()
case token.FOR:
return self.parseForOrForInStatement()
case token.BREAK:
return self.parseBreakStatement()
case token.CONTINUE:
return self.parseContinueStatement()
case token.DEBUGGER:
return self.parseDebuggerStatement()
case token.WITH:
return self.parseWithStatement()
case token.VAR:
return self.parseVariableStatement()
case token.FUNCTION:
return self.parseFunctionStatement()
case token.SWITCH:
return self.parseSwitchStatement()
case token.RETURN:
return self.parseReturnStatement()
case token.THROW:
return self.parseThrowStatement()
case token.TRY:
return self.parseTryStatement()
var comments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = self.comments.FetchAll()
expression := self.parseExpression()
if identifier, isIdentifier := expression.(*ast.Identifier); isIdentifier && self.token == token.COLON {
// LabelledStatement
colon := self.idx
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.next() // :
label := identifier.Name
for _, value := range self.scope.labels {
if label == value {
self.error(identifier.Idx0(), "Label '%s' already exists", label)
var labelComments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
labelComments = self.comments.FetchAll()
self.scope.labels = append(self.scope.labels, label) // Push the label
statement := self.parseStatement()
self.scope.labels = self.scope.labels[:len(self.scope.labels)-1] // Pop the label
exp := &ast.LabelledStatement{
Label: identifier,
Colon: colon,
Statement: statement,
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(exp, labelComments, ast.LEADING)
return exp
statement := &ast.ExpressionStatement{
Expression: expression,
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(statement, comments, ast.LEADING)
return statement
func (self *_parser) parseTryStatement() ast.Statement {
var tryComments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
tryComments = self.comments.FetchAll()
node := &ast.TryStatement{
Try: self.expect(token.TRY),
Body: self.parseBlockStatement(),
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, tryComments, ast.LEADING)
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node.Body, self.comments.FetchAll(), ast.TRAILING)
if self.token == token.CATCH {
catch := self.idx
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
if self.token != token.IDENTIFIER {
return &ast.BadStatement{From: catch, To: self.idx}
} else {
identifier := self.parseIdentifier()
node.Catch = &ast.CatchStatement{
Catch: catch,
Parameter: identifier,
Body: self.parseBlockStatement(),
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node.Catch.Body, self.comments.FetchAll(), ast.TRAILING)
if self.token == token.FINALLY {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
tryComments = self.comments.FetchAll()
node.Finally = self.parseBlockStatement()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node.Finally, tryComments, ast.LEADING)
if node.Catch == nil && node.Finally == nil {
self.error(node.Try, "Missing catch or finally after try")
return &ast.BadStatement{From: node.Try, To: node.Body.Idx1()}
return node
func (self *_parser) parseFunctionParameterList() *ast.ParameterList {
opening := self.expect(token.LEFT_PARENTHESIS)
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
var list []*ast.Identifier
for self.token != token.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS && self.token != token.EOF {
if self.token != token.IDENTIFIER {
} else {
identifier := self.parseIdentifier()
list = append(list, identifier)
if self.token != token.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
closing := self.expect(token.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS)
return &ast.ParameterList{
Opening: opening,
List: list,
Closing: closing,
func (self *_parser) parseParameterList() (list []string) {
for self.token != token.EOF {
if self.token != token.IDENTIFIER {
list = append(list, self.literal)
if self.token != token.EOF {
func (self *_parser) parseFunctionStatement() *ast.FunctionStatement {
var comments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = self.comments.FetchAll()
function := &ast.FunctionStatement{
Function: self.parseFunction(true),
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(function, comments, ast.LEADING)
return function
func (self *_parser) parseFunction(declaration bool) *ast.FunctionLiteral {
node := &ast.FunctionLiteral{
Function: self.expect(token.FUNCTION),
var name *ast.Identifier
if self.token == token.IDENTIFIER {
name = self.parseIdentifier()
if declaration {
Function: node,
} else if declaration {
// Use expect error handling
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
node.Name = name
node.ParameterList = self.parseFunctionParameterList()
node.Source = self.slice(node.Idx0(), node.Idx1())
return node
func (self *_parser) parseFunctionBlock(node *ast.FunctionLiteral) {
inFunction := self.scope.inFunction
self.scope.inFunction = true
defer func() {
self.scope.inFunction = inFunction
node.Body = self.parseBlockStatement()
node.DeclarationList = self.scope.declarationList
func (self *_parser) parseDebuggerStatement() ast.Statement {
idx := self.expect(token.DEBUGGER)
node := &ast.DebuggerStatement{
Debugger: idx,
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, self.comments.FetchAll(), ast.TRAILING)
return node
func (self *_parser) parseReturnStatement() ast.Statement {
idx := self.expect(token.RETURN)
var comments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = self.comments.FetchAll()
if !self.scope.inFunction {
self.error(idx, "Illegal return statement")
return &ast.BadStatement{From: idx, To: self.idx}
node := &ast.ReturnStatement{
Return: idx,
if !self.implicitSemicolon && self.token != token.SEMICOLON && self.token != token.RIGHT_BRACE && self.token != token.EOF {
node.Argument = self.parseExpression()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, comments, ast.LEADING)
return node
func (self *_parser) parseThrowStatement() ast.Statement {
var comments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = self.comments.FetchAll()
idx := self.expect(token.THROW)
if self.implicitSemicolon {
if self.chr == -1 { // Hackish
self.error(idx, "Unexpected end of input")
} else {
self.error(idx, "Illegal newline after throw")
return &ast.BadStatement{From: idx, To: self.idx}
node := &ast.ThrowStatement{
Throw: self.idx,
Argument: self.parseExpression(),
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, comments, ast.LEADING)
return node
func (self *_parser) parseSwitchStatement() ast.Statement {
var comments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = self.comments.FetchAll()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = append(comments, self.comments.FetchAll()...)
node := &ast.SwitchStatement{
Discriminant: self.parseExpression(),
Default: -1,
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = append(comments, self.comments.FetchAll()...)
inSwitch := self.scope.inSwitch
self.scope.inSwitch = true
defer func() {
self.scope.inSwitch = inSwitch
for index := 0; self.token != token.EOF; index++ {
if self.token == token.RIGHT_BRACE {
clause := self.parseCaseStatement()
if clause.Test == nil {
if node.Default != -1 {
self.error(clause.Case, "Already saw a default in switch")
node.Default = index
node.Body = append(node.Body, clause)
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, comments, ast.LEADING)
return node
func (self *_parser) parseWithStatement() ast.Statement {
var comments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = self.comments.FetchAll()
var withComments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
withComments = self.comments.FetchAll()
node := &ast.WithStatement{
Object: self.parseExpression(),
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, comments, ast.LEADING)
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, withComments, ast.WITH)
node.Body = self.parseStatement()
return node
func (self *_parser) parseCaseStatement() *ast.CaseStatement {
node := &ast.CaseStatement{
Case: self.idx,
var comments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = self.comments.FetchAll()
if self.token == token.DEFAULT {
} else {
node.Test = self.parseExpression()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
for {
if self.token == token.EOF ||
self.token == token.RIGHT_BRACE ||
self.token == token.CASE ||
self.token == token.DEFAULT {
consequent := self.parseStatement()
node.Consequent = append(node.Consequent, consequent)
// Link the comments to the case statement
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, comments, ast.LEADING)
return node
func (self *_parser) parseIterationStatement() ast.Statement {
inIteration := self.scope.inIteration
self.scope.inIteration = true
defer func() {
self.scope.inIteration = inIteration
return self.parseStatement()
func (self *_parser) parseForIn(into ast.Expression) *ast.ForInStatement {
// Already have consumed "<into> in"
source := self.parseExpression()
body := self.parseIterationStatement()
forin := &ast.ForInStatement{
Into: into,
Source: source,
Body: body,
return forin
func (self *_parser) parseFor(initializer ast.Expression) *ast.ForStatement {
// Already have consumed "<initializer> ;"
var test, update ast.Expression
if self.token != token.SEMICOLON {
test = self.parseExpression()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
if self.token != token.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS {
update = self.parseExpression()
body := self.parseIterationStatement()
forstatement := &ast.ForStatement{
Initializer: initializer,
Test: test,
Update: update,
Body: body,
return forstatement
func (self *_parser) parseForOrForInStatement() ast.Statement {
var comments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = self.comments.FetchAll()
idx := self.expect(token.FOR)
var forComments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
forComments = self.comments.FetchAll()
var left []ast.Expression
forIn := false
if self.token != token.SEMICOLON {
allowIn := self.scope.allowIn
self.scope.allowIn = false
if self.token == token.VAR {
var_ := self.idx
var varComments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
varComments = self.comments.FetchAll()
list := self.parseVariableDeclarationList(var_)
if len(list) == 1 && self.token == token.IN {
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.next() // in
forIn = true
left = []ast.Expression{list[0]} // There is only one declaration
} else {
left = list
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(left[0], varComments, ast.LEADING)
} else {
left = append(left, self.parseExpression())
if self.token == token.IN {
forIn = true
self.scope.allowIn = allowIn
if forIn {
switch left[0].(type) {
case *ast.Identifier, *ast.DotExpression, *ast.BracketExpression, *ast.VariableExpression:
// These are all acceptable
self.error(idx, "Invalid left-hand side in for-in")
return &ast.BadStatement{From: idx, To: self.idx}
forin := self.parseForIn(left[0])
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(forin, comments, ast.LEADING)
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(forin, forComments, ast.FOR)
return forin
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
initializer := &ast.SequenceExpression{Sequence: left}
forstatement := self.parseFor(initializer)
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(forstatement, comments, ast.LEADING)
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(forstatement, forComments, ast.FOR)
return forstatement
func (self *_parser) parseVariableStatement() *ast.VariableStatement {
var comments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = self.comments.FetchAll()
idx := self.expect(token.VAR)
list := self.parseVariableDeclarationList(idx)
statement := &ast.VariableStatement{
Var: idx,
List: list,
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(statement, comments, ast.LEADING)
return statement
func (self *_parser) parseDoWhileStatement() ast.Statement {
inIteration := self.scope.inIteration
self.scope.inIteration = true
defer func() {
self.scope.inIteration = inIteration
var comments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = self.comments.FetchAll()
var doComments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
doComments = self.comments.FetchAll()
node := &ast.DoWhileStatement{}
if self.token == token.LEFT_BRACE {
node.Body = self.parseBlockStatement()
} else {
node.Body = self.parseStatement()
var whileComments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
whileComments = self.comments.FetchAll()
node.Test = self.parseExpression()
self.implicitSemicolon = true
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, comments, ast.LEADING)
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, doComments, ast.DO)
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, whileComments, ast.WHILE)
return node
func (self *_parser) parseWhileStatement() ast.Statement {
var comments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = self.comments.FetchAll()
var whileComments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
whileComments = self.comments.FetchAll()
node := &ast.WhileStatement{
Test: self.parseExpression(),
node.Body = self.parseIterationStatement()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, comments, ast.LEADING)
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, whileComments, ast.WHILE)
return node
func (self *_parser) parseIfStatement() ast.Statement {
var comments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = self.comments.FetchAll()
var ifComments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
ifComments = self.comments.FetchAll()
node := &ast.IfStatement{
If: self.idx,
Test: self.parseExpression(),
if self.token == token.LEFT_BRACE {
node.Consequent = self.parseBlockStatement()
} else {
node.Consequent = self.parseStatement()
if self.token == token.ELSE {
node.Alternate = self.parseStatement()
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, comments, ast.LEADING)
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(node, ifComments, ast.IF)
return node
func (self *_parser) parseSourceElement() ast.Statement {
statement := self.parseStatement()
return statement
func (self *_parser) parseSourceElements() []ast.Statement {
body := []ast.Statement(nil)
for {
if self.token != token.STRING {
body = append(body, self.parseSourceElement())
for self.token != token.EOF {
body = append(body, self.parseSourceElement())
return body
func (self *_parser) parseProgram() *ast.Program {
defer self.closeScope()
return &ast.Program{
Body: self.parseSourceElements(),
DeclarationList: self.scope.declarationList,
File: self.file,
func (self *_parser) parseBreakStatement() ast.Statement {
var comments []*ast.Comment
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
comments = self.comments.FetchAll()
idx := self.expect(token.BREAK)
semicolon := self.implicitSemicolon
if self.token == token.SEMICOLON {
semicolon = true
if semicolon || self.token == token.RIGHT_BRACE {
self.implicitSemicolon = false
if !self.scope.inIteration && !self.scope.inSwitch {
goto illegal
breakStatement := &ast.BranchStatement{
Idx: idx,
Token: token.BREAK,
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(breakStatement, comments, ast.LEADING)
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(breakStatement, self.comments.FetchAll(), ast.TRAILING)
return breakStatement
if self.token == token.IDENTIFIER {
identifier := self.parseIdentifier()
if !self.scope.hasLabel(identifier.Name) {
self.error(idx, "Undefined label '%s'", identifier.Name)
return &ast.BadStatement{From: idx, To: identifier.Idx1()}
breakStatement := &ast.BranchStatement{
Idx: idx,
Token: token.BREAK,
Label: identifier,
if self.mode&StoreComments != 0 {
self.comments.CommentMap.AddComments(breakStatement, comments, ast.LEADING)
return breakStatement
self.error(idx, "Illegal break statement")
return &ast.BadStatement{From: idx, To: self.idx}
func (self *_parser) parseContinueStatement() ast.Statement {
idx := self.expect(token.CONTINUE)
semicolon := self.implicitSemicolon
if self.token == token.SEMICOLON {
semicolon = true
if semicolon || self.token == token.RIGHT_BRACE {
self.implicitSemicolon = false
if !self.scope.inIteration {
goto illegal
return &ast.BranchStatement{
Idx: idx,
Token: token.CONTINUE,
if self.token == token.IDENTIFIER {
identifier := self.parseIdentifier()
if !self.scope.hasLabel(identifier.Name) {
self.error(idx, "Undefined label '%s'", identifier.Name)
return &ast.BadStatement{From: idx, To: identifier.Idx1()}
if !self.scope.inIteration {
goto illegal
return &ast.BranchStatement{
Idx: idx,
Token: token.CONTINUE,
Label: identifier,
self.error(idx, "Illegal continue statement")
return &ast.BadStatement{From: idx, To: self.idx}
// Find the next statement after an error (recover)
func (self *_parser) nextStatement() {
for {
switch self.token {
case token.BREAK, token.CONTINUE,
token.FOR, token.IF, token.RETURN, token.SWITCH,
token.VAR, token.DO, token.TRY, token.WITH,
token.WHILE, token.THROW, token.CATCH, token.FINALLY:
// Return only if parser made some progress since last
// sync or if it has not reached 10 next calls without
// progress. Otherwise consume at least one token to
// avoid an endless parser loop
if self.idx == self.recover.idx && self.recover.count < 10 {
if self.idx > self.recover.idx {
self.recover.idx = self.idx
self.recover.count = 0
// Reaching here indicates a parser bug, likely an
// incorrect token list in this function, but it only
// leads to skipping of possibly correct code if a
// previous error is present, and thus is preferred
// over a non-terminating parse.
case token.EOF:

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/property.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
package otto
// property
type _propertyMode int
const (
modeWriteMask _propertyMode = 0700
modeEnumerateMask = 0070
modeConfigureMask = 0007
modeOnMask = 0111
modeSetMask = 0222 // If value is 2, then mode is neither "On" nor "Off"
type _propertyGetSet [2]*_object
var _nilGetSetObject _object = _object{}
type _property struct {
value interface{}
mode _propertyMode
func (self _property) writable() bool {
return self.mode&modeWriteMask == modeWriteMask&modeOnMask
func (self *_property) writeOn() {
self.mode = (self.mode & ^modeWriteMask) | (modeWriteMask & modeOnMask)
func (self *_property) writeOff() {
self.mode &= ^modeWriteMask
func (self *_property) writeClear() {
self.mode = (self.mode & ^modeWriteMask) | (modeWriteMask & modeSetMask)
func (self _property) writeSet() bool {
return 0 == self.mode&modeWriteMask&modeSetMask
func (self _property) enumerable() bool {
return self.mode&modeEnumerateMask == modeEnumerateMask&modeOnMask
func (self *_property) enumerateOn() {
self.mode = (self.mode & ^modeEnumerateMask) | (modeEnumerateMask & modeOnMask)
func (self *_property) enumerateOff() {
self.mode &= ^modeEnumerateMask
func (self _property) enumerateSet() bool {
return 0 == self.mode&modeEnumerateMask&modeSetMask
func (self _property) configurable() bool {
return self.mode&modeConfigureMask == modeConfigureMask&modeOnMask
func (self *_property) configureOn() {
self.mode = (self.mode & ^modeConfigureMask) | (modeConfigureMask & modeOnMask)
func (self *_property) configureOff() {
self.mode &= ^modeConfigureMask
func (self _property) configureSet() bool {
return 0 == self.mode&modeConfigureMask&modeSetMask
func (self _property) copy() *_property {
property := self
return &property
func (self _property) get(this *_object) Value {
switch value := self.value.(type) {
case Value:
return value
case _propertyGetSet:
if value[0] != nil {
return value[0].call(toValue(this), nil, false, nativeFrame)
return Value{}
func (self _property) isAccessorDescriptor() bool {
setGet, test := self.value.(_propertyGetSet)
return test && (setGet[0] != nil || setGet[1] != nil)
func (self _property) isDataDescriptor() bool {
if self.writeSet() { // Either "On" or "Off"
return true
value, valid := self.value.(Value)
return valid && !value.isEmpty()
func (self _property) isGenericDescriptor() bool {
return !(self.isDataDescriptor() || self.isAccessorDescriptor())
func (self _property) isEmpty() bool {
return self.mode == 0222 && self.isGenericDescriptor()
// _enumerableValue, _enumerableTrue, _enumerableFalse?
// .enumerableValue() .enumerableExists()
func toPropertyDescriptor(rt *_runtime, value Value) (descriptor _property) {
objectDescriptor := value._object()
if objectDescriptor == nil {
descriptor.mode = modeSetMask // Initially nothing is set
if objectDescriptor.hasProperty("enumerable") {
if objectDescriptor.get("enumerable").bool() {
} else {
if objectDescriptor.hasProperty("configurable") {
if objectDescriptor.get("configurable").bool() {
} else {
if objectDescriptor.hasProperty("writable") {
if objectDescriptor.get("writable").bool() {
} else {
var getter, setter *_object
getterSetter := false
if objectDescriptor.hasProperty("get") {
value := objectDescriptor.get("get")
if value.IsDefined() {
if !value.isCallable() {
getter = value._object()
getterSetter = true
} else {
getter = &_nilGetSetObject
getterSetter = true
if objectDescriptor.hasProperty("set") {
value := objectDescriptor.get("set")
if value.IsDefined() {
if !value.isCallable() {
setter = value._object()
getterSetter = true
} else {
setter = &_nilGetSetObject
getterSetter = true
if getterSetter {
if descriptor.writeSet() {
descriptor.value = _propertyGetSet{getter, setter}
if objectDescriptor.hasProperty("value") {
if getterSetter {
descriptor.value = objectDescriptor.get("value")
func (self *_runtime) fromPropertyDescriptor(descriptor _property) *_object {
object := self.newObject()
if descriptor.isDataDescriptor() {
object.defineProperty("value", descriptor.value.(Value), 0111, false)
object.defineProperty("writable", toValue_bool(descriptor.writable()), 0111, false)
} else if descriptor.isAccessorDescriptor() {
getSet := descriptor.value.(_propertyGetSet)
get := Value{}
if getSet[0] != nil {
get = toValue_object(getSet[0])
set := Value{}
if getSet[1] != nil {
set = toValue_object(getSet[1])
object.defineProperty("get", get, 0111, false)
object.defineProperty("set", set, 0111, false)
object.defineProperty("enumerable", toValue_bool(descriptor.enumerable()), 0111, false)
object.defineProperty("configurable", toValue_bool(descriptor.configurable()), 0111, false)
return object

View file

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# registry
import "github.com/robertkrimen/otto/registry"
Package registry is an expirmental package to facillitate altering the otto
runtime via import.
This interface can change at any time.
## Usage
#### func Apply
func Apply(callback func(Entry))
#### type Entry
type Entry struct {
#### func Register
func Register(source func() string) *Entry
#### func (*Entry) Disable
func (self *Entry) Disable()
#### func (*Entry) Enable
func (self *Entry) Enable()
#### func (Entry) Source
func (self Entry) Source() string
**godocdown** http://github.com/robertkrimen/godocdown

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Package registry is an expirmental package to facillitate altering the otto runtime via import.
This interface can change at any time.
package registry
var registry []*Entry = make([]*Entry, 0)
type Entry struct {
active bool
source func() string
func newEntry(source func() string) *Entry {
return &Entry{
active: true,
source: source,
func (self *Entry) Enable() {
self.active = true
func (self *Entry) Disable() {
self.active = false
func (self Entry) Source() string {
return self.source()
func Apply(callback func(Entry)) {
for _, entry := range registry {
if !entry.active {
func Register(source func() string) *Entry {
entry := newEntry(source)
registry = append(registry, entry)
return entry

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/result.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package otto
type _resultKind int
const (
_ _resultKind = iota
type _result struct {
kind _resultKind
value Value
target string
func newReturnResult(value Value) _result {
return _result{resultReturn, value, ""}
func newContinueResult(target string) _result {
return _result{resultContinue, emptyValue, target}
func newBreakResult(target string) _result {
return _result{resultBreak, emptyValue, target}

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/runtime.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
package otto
import (
type _global struct {
Object *_object // Object( ... ), new Object( ... ) - 1 (length)
Function *_object // Function( ... ), new Function( ... ) - 1
Array *_object // Array( ... ), new Array( ... ) - 1
String *_object // String( ... ), new String( ... ) - 1
Boolean *_object // Boolean( ... ), new Boolean( ... ) - 1
Number *_object // Number( ... ), new Number( ... ) - 1
Math *_object
Date *_object // Date( ... ), new Date( ... ) - 7
RegExp *_object // RegExp( ... ), new RegExp( ... ) - 2
Error *_object // Error( ... ), new Error( ... ) - 1
EvalError *_object
TypeError *_object
RangeError *_object
ReferenceError *_object
SyntaxError *_object
URIError *_object
JSON *_object
ObjectPrototype *_object // Object.prototype
FunctionPrototype *_object // Function.prototype
ArrayPrototype *_object // Array.prototype
StringPrototype *_object // String.prototype
BooleanPrototype *_object // Boolean.prototype
NumberPrototype *_object // Number.prototype
DatePrototype *_object // Date.prototype
RegExpPrototype *_object // RegExp.prototype
ErrorPrototype *_object // Error.prototype
EvalErrorPrototype *_object
TypeErrorPrototype *_object
RangeErrorPrototype *_object
ReferenceErrorPrototype *_object
SyntaxErrorPrototype *_object
URIErrorPrototype *_object
type _runtime struct {
global _global
globalObject *_object
globalStash *_objectStash
scope *_scope
otto *Otto
eval *_object // The builtin eval, for determine indirect versus direct invocation
debugger func(*Otto)
random func() float64
stackLimit int
traceLimit int
labels []string // FIXME
lck sync.Mutex
func (self *_runtime) enterScope(scope *_scope) {
scope.outer = self.scope
if self.scope != nil {
if self.stackLimit != 0 && self.scope.depth+1 >= self.stackLimit {
panic(self.panicRangeError("Maximum call stack size exceeded"))
scope.depth = self.scope.depth + 1
self.scope = scope
func (self *_runtime) leaveScope() {
self.scope = self.scope.outer
// FIXME This is used in two places (cloning)
func (self *_runtime) enterGlobalScope() {
self.enterScope(newScope(self.globalStash, self.globalStash, self.globalObject))
func (self *_runtime) enterFunctionScope(outer _stash, this Value) *_fnStash {
if outer == nil {
outer = self.globalStash
stash := self.newFunctionStash(outer)
var thisObject *_object
switch this.kind {
case valueUndefined, valueNull:
thisObject = self.globalObject
thisObject = self.toObject(this)
self.enterScope(newScope(stash, stash, thisObject))
return stash
func (self *_runtime) putValue(reference _reference, value Value) {
name := reference.putValue(value)
if name != "" {
// Why? -- If reference.base == nil
// strict = false
self.globalObject.defineProperty(name, value, 0111, false)
func (self *_runtime) tryCatchEvaluate(inner func() Value) (tryValue Value, exception bool) {
// resultValue = The value of the block (e.g. the last statement)
// throw = Something was thrown
// throwValue = The value of what was thrown
// other = Something that changes flow (return, break, continue) that is not a throw
// Otherwise, some sort of unknown panic happened, we'll just propagate it.
defer func() {
if caught := recover(); caught != nil {
if exception, ok := caught.(*_exception); ok {
caught = exception.eject()
switch caught := caught.(type) {
case _error:
exception = true
tryValue = toValue_object(self.newErrorObjectError(caught))
case Value:
exception = true
tryValue = caught
exception = true
tryValue = toValue(caught)
return inner(), false
// toObject
func (self *_runtime) toObject(value Value) *_object {
switch value.kind {
case valueEmpty, valueUndefined, valueNull:
case valueBoolean:
return self.newBoolean(value)
case valueString:
return self.newString(value)
case valueNumber:
return self.newNumber(value)
case valueObject:
return value._object()
func (self *_runtime) objectCoerce(value Value) (*_object, error) {
switch value.kind {
case valueUndefined:
return nil, errors.New("undefined")
case valueNull:
return nil, errors.New("null")
case valueBoolean:
return self.newBoolean(value), nil
case valueString:
return self.newString(value), nil
case valueNumber:
return self.newNumber(value), nil
case valueObject:
return value._object(), nil
func checkObjectCoercible(rt *_runtime, value Value) {
isObject, mustCoerce := testObjectCoercible(value)
if !isObject && !mustCoerce {
// testObjectCoercible
func testObjectCoercible(value Value) (isObject bool, mustCoerce bool) {
switch value.kind {
case valueReference, valueEmpty, valueNull, valueUndefined:
return false, false
case valueNumber, valueString, valueBoolean:
return false, true
case valueObject:
return true, false
panic("this should never happen")
func (self *_runtime) safeToValue(value interface{}) (Value, error) {
result := Value{}
err := catchPanic(func() {
result = self.toValue(value)
return result, err
// convertNumeric converts numeric parameter val from js to that of type t if it is safe to do so, otherwise it panics.
// This allows literals (int64), bitwise values (int32) and the general form (float64) of javascript numerics to be passed as parameters to go functions easily.
func (self *_runtime) convertNumeric(v Value, t reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
val := reflect.ValueOf(v.export())
if val.Kind() == t.Kind() {
return val
if val.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
val = reflect.ValueOf(val.Interface())
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
f64 := val.Float()
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Float64:
return reflect.ValueOf(f64)
case reflect.Float32:
if reflect.Zero(t).OverflowFloat(f64) {
panic(self.panicRangeError("converting float64 to float32 would overflow"))
return val.Convert(t)
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
i64 := int64(f64)
if float64(i64) != f64 {
panic(self.panicRangeError(fmt.Sprintf("converting %v to %v would cause loss of precision", val.Type(), t)))
// The float represents an integer
val = reflect.ValueOf(i64)
panic(self.panicTypeError(fmt.Sprintf("cannot convert %v to %v", val.Type(), t)))
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
i64 := val.Int()
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
if reflect.Zero(t).OverflowInt(i64) {
panic(self.panicRangeError(fmt.Sprintf("converting %v to %v would overflow", val.Type(), t)))
return val.Convert(t)
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
if i64 < 0 {
panic(self.panicRangeError(fmt.Sprintf("converting %v to %v would underflow", val.Type(), t)))
if reflect.Zero(t).OverflowUint(uint64(i64)) {
panic(self.panicRangeError(fmt.Sprintf("converting %v to %v would overflow", val.Type(), t)))
return val.Convert(t)
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return val.Convert(t)
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
u64 := val.Uint()
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
if u64 > math.MaxInt64 || reflect.Zero(t).OverflowInt(int64(u64)) {
panic(self.panicRangeError(fmt.Sprintf("converting %v to %v would overflow", val.Type(), t)))
return val.Convert(t)
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
if reflect.Zero(t).OverflowUint(u64) {
panic(self.panicRangeError(fmt.Sprintf("converting %v to %v would overflow", val.Type(), t)))
return val.Convert(t)
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return val.Convert(t)
panic(self.panicTypeError(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported type %v -> %v for numeric conversion", val.Type(), t)))
func fieldIndexByName(t reflect.Type, name string) []int {
for t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
t = t.Elem()
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
f := t.Field(i)
if !validGoStructName(f.Name) {
if f.Anonymous {
for t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
t = t.Elem()
if f.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
if a := fieldIndexByName(f.Type, name); a != nil {
return append([]int{i}, a...)
if a := strings.SplitN(f.Tag.Get("json"), ",", 2); a[0] != "" {
if a[0] == "-" {
if a[0] == name {
return []int{i}
if f.Name == name {
return []int{i}
return nil
var typeOfValue = reflect.TypeOf(Value{})
var typeOfJSONRawMessage = reflect.TypeOf(json.RawMessage{})
// convertCallParameter converts request val to type t if possible.
// If the conversion fails due to overflow or type miss-match then it panics.
// If no conversion is known then the original value is returned.
func (self *_runtime) convertCallParameter(v Value, t reflect.Type) (reflect.Value, error) {
if t == typeOfValue {
return reflect.ValueOf(v), nil
if t == typeOfJSONRawMessage {
if d, err := json.Marshal(v.export()); err == nil {
return reflect.ValueOf(d), nil
if v.kind == valueObject {
if gso, ok := v._object().value.(*_goStructObject); ok {
if gso.value.Type().AssignableTo(t) {
// please see TestDynamicFunctionReturningInterface for why this exists
if t.Kind() == reflect.Interface && gso.value.Type().ConvertibleTo(t) {
return gso.value.Convert(t), nil
} else {
return gso.value, nil
if gao, ok := v._object().value.(*_goArrayObject); ok {
if gao.value.Type().AssignableTo(t) {
// please see TestDynamicFunctionReturningInterface for why this exists
if t.Kind() == reflect.Interface && gao.value.Type().ConvertibleTo(t) {
return gao.value.Convert(t), nil
} else {
return gao.value, nil
tk := t.Kind()
if tk == reflect.Interface {
e := v.export()
if e == nil {
return reflect.Zero(t), nil
iv := reflect.ValueOf(e)
if iv.Type().AssignableTo(t) {
return iv, nil
if tk == reflect.Ptr {
switch v.kind {
case valueEmpty, valueNull, valueUndefined:
return reflect.Zero(t), nil
var vv reflect.Value
vv, err := self.convertCallParameter(v, t.Elem())
if err != nil {
return reflect.Zero(t), fmt.Errorf("can't convert to %s: %s", t, err.Error())
if vv.CanAddr() {
return vv.Addr(), nil
pv := reflect.New(vv.Type())
return pv, nil
switch tk {
case reflect.Bool:
return reflect.ValueOf(v.bool()), nil
case reflect.String:
switch v.kind {
case valueString:
return reflect.ValueOf(v.value), nil
case valueNumber:
return reflect.ValueOf(fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.value)), nil
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
switch v.kind {
case valueNumber:
return self.convertNumeric(v, t), nil
case reflect.Slice:
if o := v._object(); o != nil {
if lv := o.get(propertyLength); lv.IsNumber() {
l := lv.number().int64
s := reflect.MakeSlice(t, int(l), int(l))
tt := t.Elem()
switch o.class {
case classArray:
for i := int64(0); i < l; i++ {
p, ok := o.property[strconv.FormatInt(i, 10)]
if !ok {
e, ok := p.value.(Value)
if !ok {
ev, err := self.convertCallParameter(e, tt)
if err != nil {
return reflect.Zero(t), fmt.Errorf("couldn't convert element %d of %s: %s", i, t, err.Error())
case classGoArray, classGoSlice:
var gslice bool
switch o.value.(type) {
case *_goSliceObject:
gslice = true
case *_goArrayObject:
gslice = false
for i := int64(0); i < l; i++ {
var p *_property
if gslice {
p = goSliceGetOwnProperty(o, strconv.FormatInt(i, 10))
} else {
p = goArrayGetOwnProperty(o, strconv.FormatInt(i, 10))
if p == nil {
e, ok := p.value.(Value)
if !ok {
ev, err := self.convertCallParameter(e, tt)
if err != nil {
return reflect.Zero(t), fmt.Errorf("couldn't convert element %d of %s: %s", i, t, err.Error())
return s, nil
case reflect.Map:
if o := v._object(); o != nil && t.Key().Kind() == reflect.String {
m := reflect.MakeMap(t)
var err error
o.enumerate(false, func(k string) bool {
v, verr := self.convertCallParameter(o.get(k), t.Elem())
if verr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("couldn't convert property %q of %s: %s", k, t, verr.Error())
return false
m.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(k), v)
return true
if err != nil {
return reflect.Zero(t), err
return m, nil
case reflect.Func:
if t.NumOut() > 1 {
return reflect.Zero(t), fmt.Errorf("converting JavaScript values to Go functions with more than one return value is currently not supported")
if o := v._object(); o != nil && o.class == classFunction {
return reflect.MakeFunc(t, func(args []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
l := make([]interface{}, len(args))
for i, a := range args {
if a.CanInterface() {
l[i] = a.Interface()
rv, err := v.Call(nullValue, l...)
if err != nil {
if t.NumOut() == 0 {
return nil
r, err := self.convertCallParameter(rv, t.Out(0))
if err != nil {
return []reflect.Value{r}
}), nil
case reflect.Struct:
if o := v._object(); o != nil && o.class == classObject {
s := reflect.New(t)
for _, k := range o.propertyOrder {
idx := fieldIndexByName(t, k)
if idx == nil {
return reflect.Zero(t), fmt.Errorf("can't convert property %q of %s: field does not exist", k, t)
ss := s
for _, i := range idx {
if ss.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if ss.IsNil() {
if !ss.CanSet() {
return reflect.Zero(t), fmt.Errorf("can't convert property %q of %s: %s is unexported", k, t, ss.Type().Elem())
ss = ss.Elem()
ss = ss.Field(i)
v, err := self.convertCallParameter(o.get(k), ss.Type())
if err != nil {
return reflect.Zero(t), fmt.Errorf("couldn't convert property %q of %s: %s", k, t, err.Error())
return s.Elem(), nil
if tk == reflect.String {
if o := v._object(); o != nil && o.hasProperty("toString") {
if fn := o.get("toString"); fn.IsFunction() {
sv, err := fn.Call(v)
if err != nil {
return reflect.Zero(t), fmt.Errorf("couldn't call toString: %s", err.Error())
r, err := self.convertCallParameter(sv, t)
if err != nil {
return reflect.Zero(t), fmt.Errorf("couldn't convert toString result: %s", err.Error())
return r, nil
return reflect.ValueOf(v.String()), nil
if v.kind == valueString {
var s encoding.TextUnmarshaler
if reflect.PtrTo(t).Implements(reflect.TypeOf(&s).Elem()) {
r := reflect.New(t)
if err := r.Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler).UnmarshalText([]byte(v.string())); err != nil {
return reflect.Zero(t), fmt.Errorf("can't convert to %s as TextUnmarshaller: %s", t.String(), err.Error())
return r.Elem(), nil
switch v.kind {
case valueBoolean:
s = "boolean"
case valueNull:
s = "null"
case valueNumber:
s = "number"
case valueString:
s = "string"
case valueUndefined:
s = "undefined"
case valueObject:
s = v.Class()
return reflect.Zero(t), fmt.Errorf("can't convert from %q to %q", s, t)
func (self *_runtime) toValue(value interface{}) Value {
rv, ok := value.(reflect.Value)
if ok {
value = rv.Interface()
switch value := value.(type) {
case Value:
return value
case func(FunctionCall) Value:
var name, file string
var line int
pc := reflect.ValueOf(value).Pointer()
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if fn != nil {
name = fn.Name()
file, line = fn.FileLine(pc)
file = path.Base(file)
return toValue_object(self.newNativeFunction(name, file, line, value))
case _nativeFunction:
var name, file string
var line int
pc := reflect.ValueOf(value).Pointer()
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if fn != nil {
name = fn.Name()
file, line = fn.FileLine(pc)
file = path.Base(file)
return toValue_object(self.newNativeFunction(name, file, line, value))
case Object, *Object, _object, *_object:
// Nothing happens.
// FIXME We should really figure out what can come here.
// This catch-all is ugly.
value := reflect.ValueOf(value)
if ok && value.Kind() == rv.Kind() {
// Use passed in rv which may be writable.
value = rv
switch value.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
switch reflect.Indirect(value).Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
return toValue_object(self.newGoStructObject(value))
case reflect.Array:
return toValue_object(self.newGoArray(value))
case reflect.Struct:
return toValue_object(self.newGoStructObject(value))
case reflect.Map:
return toValue_object(self.newGoMapObject(value))
case reflect.Slice:
return toValue_object(self.newGoSlice(value))
case reflect.Array:
return toValue_object(self.newGoArray(value))
case reflect.Func:
var name, file string
var line int
if v := reflect.ValueOf(value); v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
pc := v.Pointer()
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if fn != nil {
name = fn.Name()
file, line = fn.FileLine(pc)
file = path.Base(file)
typ := value.Type()
return toValue_object(self.newNativeFunction(name, file, line, func(c FunctionCall) Value {
nargs := typ.NumIn()
if len(c.ArgumentList) != nargs {
if typ.IsVariadic() {
if len(c.ArgumentList) < nargs-1 {
panic(self.panicRangeError(fmt.Sprintf("expected at least %d arguments; got %d", nargs-1, len(c.ArgumentList))))
} else {
panic(self.panicRangeError(fmt.Sprintf("expected %d argument(s); got %d", nargs, len(c.ArgumentList))))
in := make([]reflect.Value, len(c.ArgumentList))
callSlice := false
for i, a := range c.ArgumentList {
var t reflect.Type
n := i
if n >= nargs-1 && typ.IsVariadic() {
if n > nargs-1 {
n = nargs - 1
t = typ.In(n).Elem()
} else {
t = typ.In(n)
// if this is a variadic Go function, and the caller has supplied
// exactly the number of JavaScript arguments required, and this
// is the last JavaScript argument, try treating the it as the
// actual set of variadic Go arguments. if that succeeds, break
// out of the loop.
if typ.IsVariadic() && len(c.ArgumentList) == nargs && i == nargs-1 {
if v, err := self.convertCallParameter(a, typ.In(n)); err == nil {
in[i] = v
callSlice = true
v, err := self.convertCallParameter(a, t)
if err != nil {
in[i] = v
var out []reflect.Value
if callSlice {
out = value.CallSlice(in)
} else {
out = value.Call(in)
switch len(out) {
case 0:
return Value{}
case 1:
return self.toValue(out[0].Interface())
s := make([]interface{}, len(out))
for i, v := range out {
s[i] = self.toValue(v.Interface())
return self.toValue(s)
return toValue(value)
func (runtime *_runtime) newGoSlice(value reflect.Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newGoSliceObject(value)
self.prototype = runtime.global.ArrayPrototype
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newGoArray(value reflect.Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newGoArrayObject(value)
self.prototype = runtime.global.ArrayPrototype
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) parse(filename string, src, sm interface{}) (*ast.Program, error) {
return parser.ParseFileWithSourceMap(nil, filename, src, sm, 0)
func (runtime *_runtime) cmpl_parse(filename string, src, sm interface{}) (*_nodeProgram, error) {
program, err := parser.ParseFileWithSourceMap(nil, filename, src, sm, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cmpl_parse(program), nil
func (self *_runtime) parseSource(src, sm interface{}) (*_nodeProgram, *ast.Program, error) {
switch src := src.(type) {
case *ast.Program:
return nil, src, nil
case *Script:
return src.program, nil, nil
program, err := self.parse("", src, sm)
return nil, program, err
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_runOrEval(src, sm interface{}, eval bool) (Value, error) {
result := Value{}
cmpl_program, program, err := self.parseSource(src, sm)
if err != nil {
return result, err
if cmpl_program == nil {
cmpl_program = cmpl_parse(program)
err = catchPanic(func() {
result = self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeProgram(cmpl_program, eval)
switch result.kind {
case valueEmpty:
result = Value{}
case valueReference:
result = result.resolve()
return result, err
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_run(src, sm interface{}) (Value, error) {
return self.cmpl_runOrEval(src, sm, false)
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_eval(src, sm interface{}) (Value, error) {
return self.cmpl_runOrEval(src, sm, true)
func (self *_runtime) parseThrow(err error) {
if err == nil {
switch err := err.(type) {
case parser.ErrorList:
err := err[0]
if err.Message == "Invalid left-hand side in assignment" {
func (self *_runtime) cmpl_parseOrThrow(src, sm interface{}) *_nodeProgram {
program, err := self.cmpl_parse("", src, sm)
self.parseThrow(err) // Will panic/throw appropriately
return program

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/scope.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package otto
// _scope:
// entryFile
// entryIdx
// top?
// outer => nil
// _stash:
// lexical
// variable
// _thisStash (ObjectEnvironment)
// _fnStash
// _dclStash
// An ECMA-262 ExecutionContext
type _scope struct {
lexical _stash
variable _stash
this *_object
eval bool // Replace this with kind?
outer *_scope
depth int
frame _frame
func newScope(lexical _stash, variable _stash, this *_object) *_scope {
return &_scope{
lexical: lexical,
variable: variable,
this: this,

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/script.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
package otto
import (
var ErrVersion = errors.New("version mismatch")
var scriptVersion = "2014-04-13/1"
// Script is a handle for some (reusable) JavaScript.
// Passing a Script value to a run method will evaluate the JavaScript.
type Script struct {
version string
program *_nodeProgram
filename string
src string
// Compile will parse the given source and return a Script value or nil and
// an error if there was a problem during compilation.
// script, err := vm.Compile("", `var abc; if (!abc) abc = 0; abc += 2; abc;`)
// vm.Run(script)
func (self *Otto) Compile(filename string, src interface{}) (*Script, error) {
return self.CompileWithSourceMap(filename, src, nil)
// CompileWithSourceMap does the same thing as Compile, but with the obvious
// difference of applying a source map.
func (self *Otto) CompileWithSourceMap(filename string, src, sm interface{}) (*Script, error) {
program, err := self.runtime.parse(filename, src, sm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmpl_program := cmpl_parse(program)
script := &Script{
version: scriptVersion,
program: cmpl_program,
filename: filename,
src: program.File.Source(),
return script, nil
func (self *Script) String() string {
return "// " + self.filename + "\n" + self.src
// MarshalBinary will marshal a script into a binary form. A marshalled script
// that is later unmarshalled can be executed on the same version of the otto runtime.
// The binary format can change at any time and should be considered unspecified and opaque.
func (self *Script) marshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
var bfr bytes.Buffer
encoder := gob.NewEncoder(&bfr)
err := encoder.Encode(self.version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = encoder.Encode(self.program)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = encoder.Encode(self.filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = encoder.Encode(self.src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return bfr.Bytes(), nil
// UnmarshalBinary will vivify a marshalled script into something usable. If the script was
// originally marshalled on a different version of the otto runtime, then this method
// will return an error.
// The binary format can change at any time and should be considered unspecified and opaque.
func (self *Script) unmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
decoder := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data))
defer func() {
if err != nil {
self.version = ""
self.program = nil
self.filename = ""
self.src = ""
if err = decoder.Decode(&self.version); err != nil {
return err
if self.version != scriptVersion {
return ErrVersion
if err = decoder.Decode(&self.program); err != nil {
return err
if err = decoder.Decode(&self.filename); err != nil {
return err
return decoder.Decode(&self.src)

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/stash.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
package otto
import (
// ======
// _stash
// ======
type _stash interface {
hasBinding(string) bool //
createBinding(string, bool, Value) // CreateMutableBinding
setBinding(string, Value, bool) // SetMutableBinding
getBinding(string, bool) Value // GetBindingValue
deleteBinding(string) bool //
setValue(string, Value, bool) // createBinding + setBinding
outer() _stash
runtime() *_runtime
newReference(string, bool, _at) _reference
clone(clone *_clone) _stash
// ==========
// _objectStash
// ==========
type _objectStash struct {
_runtime *_runtime
_outer _stash
object *_object
func (self *_objectStash) runtime() *_runtime {
return self._runtime
func (runtime *_runtime) newObjectStash(object *_object, outer _stash) *_objectStash {
if object == nil {
object = runtime.newBaseObject()
object.class = "environment"
return &_objectStash{
_runtime: runtime,
_outer: outer,
object: object,
func (in *_objectStash) clone(clone *_clone) _stash {
out, exists := clone.objectStash(in)
if exists {
return out
*out = _objectStash{
return out
func (self *_objectStash) hasBinding(name string) bool {
return self.object.hasProperty(name)
func (self *_objectStash) createBinding(name string, deletable bool, value Value) {
if self.object.hasProperty(name) {
mode := _propertyMode(0111)
if !deletable {
mode = _propertyMode(0110)
// TODO False?
self.object.defineProperty(name, value, mode, false)
func (self *_objectStash) setBinding(name string, value Value, strict bool) {
self.object.put(name, value, strict)
func (self *_objectStash) setValue(name string, value Value, throw bool) {
if !self.hasBinding(name) {
self.createBinding(name, true, value) // Configurable by default
} else {
self.setBinding(name, value, throw)
func (self *_objectStash) getBinding(name string, throw bool) Value {
if self.object.hasProperty(name) {
return self.object.get(name)
if throw { // strict?
panic(self._runtime.panicReferenceError("Not Defined", name))
return Value{}
func (self *_objectStash) deleteBinding(name string) bool {
return self.object.delete(name, false)
func (self *_objectStash) outer() _stash {
return self._outer
func (self *_objectStash) newReference(name string, strict bool, at _at) _reference {
return newPropertyReference(self._runtime, self.object, name, strict, at)
// =========
// _dclStash
// =========
type _dclStash struct {
_runtime *_runtime
_outer _stash
property map[string]_dclProperty
type _dclProperty struct {
value Value
mutable bool
deletable bool
readable bool
func (runtime *_runtime) newDeclarationStash(outer _stash) *_dclStash {
return &_dclStash{
_runtime: runtime,
_outer: outer,
property: map[string]_dclProperty{},
func (in *_dclStash) clone(clone *_clone) _stash {
out, exists := clone.dclStash(in)
if exists {
return out
property := make(map[string]_dclProperty, len(in.property))
for index, value := range in.property {
property[index] = clone.dclProperty(value)
*out = _dclStash{
return out
func (self *_dclStash) hasBinding(name string) bool {
_, exists := self.property[name]
return exists
func (self *_dclStash) runtime() *_runtime {
return self._runtime
func (self *_dclStash) createBinding(name string, deletable bool, value Value) {
_, exists := self.property[name]
if exists {
panic(fmt.Errorf("createBinding: %s: already exists", name))
self.property[name] = _dclProperty{
value: value,
mutable: true,
deletable: deletable,
readable: false,
func (self *_dclStash) setBinding(name string, value Value, strict bool) {
property, exists := self.property[name]
if !exists {
panic(fmt.Errorf("setBinding: %s: missing", name))
if property.mutable {
property.value = value
self.property[name] = property
} else {
func (self *_dclStash) setValue(name string, value Value, throw bool) {
if !self.hasBinding(name) {
self.createBinding(name, false, value) // NOT deletable by default
} else {
self.setBinding(name, value, throw)
// FIXME This is called a __lot__
func (self *_dclStash) getBinding(name string, throw bool) Value {
property, exists := self.property[name]
if !exists {
panic(fmt.Errorf("getBinding: %s: missing", name))
if !property.mutable && !property.readable {
if throw { // strict?
return Value{}
return property.value
func (self *_dclStash) deleteBinding(name string) bool {
property, exists := self.property[name]
if !exists {
return true
if !property.deletable {
return false
delete(self.property, name)
return true
func (self *_dclStash) outer() _stash {
return self._outer
func (self *_dclStash) newReference(name string, strict bool, _ _at) _reference {
return &_stashReference{
name: name,
base: self,
// ========
// _fnStash
// ========
type _fnStash struct {
arguments *_object
indexOfArgumentName map[string]string
func (runtime *_runtime) newFunctionStash(outer _stash) *_fnStash {
return &_fnStash{
_dclStash: _dclStash{
_runtime: runtime,
_outer: outer,
property: map[string]_dclProperty{},
func (in *_fnStash) clone(clone *_clone) _stash {
out, exists := clone.fnStash(in)
if exists {
return out
dclStash := in._dclStash.clone(clone).(*_dclStash)
index := make(map[string]string, len(in.indexOfArgumentName))
for name, value := range in.indexOfArgumentName {
index[name] = value
*out = _fnStash{
_dclStash: *dclStash,
arguments: clone.object(in.arguments),
indexOfArgumentName: index,
return out
func getStashProperties(stash _stash) (keys []string) {
switch vars := stash.(type) {
case *_dclStash:
for k := range vars.property {
keys = append(keys, k)
case *_fnStash:
for k := range vars.property {
keys = append(keys, k)
case *_objectStash:
for k := range vars.object.property {
keys = append(keys, k)
panic("unknown stash type")

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/token/Makefile generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
token_const.go: tokenfmt
./$^ | gofmt > $@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
# token
import "github.com/robertkrimen/otto/token"
Package token defines constants representing the lexical tokens of JavaScript
## Usage
const (
PLUS // +
MINUS // -
SLASH // /
AND // &
OR // |
AND_NOT // &^
EQUAL // ==
LESS // <
NOT // !
COMMA // ,
COLON // :
#### type Token
type Token int
Token is the set of lexical tokens in JavaScript (ECMA5).
#### func IsKeyword
func IsKeyword(literal string) (Token, bool)
IsKeyword returns the keyword token if literal is a keyword, a KEYWORD token if
the literal is a future keyword (const, let, class, super, ...), or 0 if the
literal is not a keyword.
If the literal is a keyword, IsKeyword returns a second value indicating if the
literal is considered a future keyword in strict-mode only. Future Reserved Words:
super Future Reserved Words (strict):
#### func (Token) String
func (tkn Token) String() string
String returns the string corresponding to the token. For operators, delimiters,
and keywords the string is the actual token string (e.g., for the token PLUS,
the String() is "+"). For all other tokens the string corresponds to the token
name (e.g. for the token IDENTIFIER, the string is "IDENTIFIER").
**godocdown** http://github.com/robertkrimen/godocdown

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/token/token.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
// Package token defines constants representing the lexical tokens of JavaScript (ECMA5).
package token
import (
// Token is the set of lexical tokens in JavaScript (ECMA5).
type Token int
// String returns the string corresponding to the token.
// For operators, delimiters, and keywords the string is the actual
// token string (e.g., for the token PLUS, the String() is
// "+"). For all other tokens the string corresponds to the token
// name (e.g. for the token IDENTIFIER, the string is "IDENTIFIER").
func (tkn Token) String() string {
if 0 == tkn {
return "UNKNOWN"
if tkn < Token(len(token2string)) {
return token2string[tkn]
return "token(" + strconv.Itoa(int(tkn)) + ")"
// This is not used for anything
func (tkn Token) precedence(in bool) int {
switch tkn {
return 1
return 2
return 3
return 4
return 5
case EQUAL,
return 6
return 7
case IN:
if in {
return 7
return 0
return 8
return 9
return 11
return 0
type _keyword struct {
token Token
futureKeyword bool
strict bool
// IsKeyword returns the keyword token if literal is a keyword, a KEYWORD token
// if the literal is a future keyword (const, let, class, super, ...), or 0 if the literal is not a keyword.
// If the literal is a keyword, IsKeyword returns a second value indicating if the literal
// is considered a future keyword in strict-mode only.
// Future Reserved Words:
// const
// class
// enum
// export
// extends
// import
// super
// Future Reserved Words (strict):
// implements
// interface
// let
// package
// private
// protected
// public
// static
func IsKeyword(literal string) (Token, bool) {
if keyword, exists := keywordTable[literal]; exists {
if keyword.futureKeyword {
return KEYWORD, keyword.strict
return keyword.token, false
return 0, false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
package token
const (
_ Token = iota
PLUS // +
MINUS // -
SLASH // /
AND // &
OR // |
AND_NOT // &^
EQUAL // ==
LESS // <
NOT // !
COMMA // ,
COLON // :
firstKeyword //nolint: deadcode
lastKeyword //nolint: deadcode
var token2string = [...]string{
PLUS: "+",
MINUS: "-",
SLASH: "/",
AND: "&",
OR: "|",
AND_NOT: "&^",
OR_ASSIGN: "|=",
EQUAL: "==",
LESS: "<",
ASSIGN: "=",
NOT: "!",
NOT_EQUAL: "!=",
COMMA: ",",
PERIOD: ".",
COLON: ":",
IF: "if",
IN: "in",
DO: "do",
VAR: "var",
FOR: "for",
NEW: "new",
TRY: "try",
THIS: "this",
ELSE: "else",
CASE: "case",
VOID: "void",
WITH: "with",
WHILE: "while",
BREAK: "break",
CATCH: "catch",
THROW: "throw",
RETURN: "return",
TYPEOF: "typeof",
DELETE: "delete",
SWITCH: "switch",
DEFAULT: "default",
FINALLY: "finally",
FUNCTION: "function",
CONTINUE: "continue",
DEBUGGER: "debugger",
INSTANCEOF: "instanceof",
var keywordTable = map[string]_keyword{
"if": _keyword{
token: IF,
"in": _keyword{
token: IN,
"do": _keyword{
token: DO,
"var": _keyword{
token: VAR,
"for": _keyword{
token: FOR,
"new": _keyword{
token: NEW,
"try": _keyword{
token: TRY,
"this": _keyword{
token: THIS,
"else": _keyword{
token: ELSE,
"case": _keyword{
token: CASE,
"void": _keyword{
token: VOID,
"with": _keyword{
token: WITH,
"while": _keyword{
token: WHILE,
"break": _keyword{
token: BREAK,
"catch": _keyword{
token: CATCH,
"throw": _keyword{
token: THROW,
"return": _keyword{
token: RETURN,
"typeof": _keyword{
token: TYPEOF,
"delete": _keyword{
token: DELETE,
"switch": _keyword{
token: SWITCH,
"default": _keyword{
token: DEFAULT,
"finally": _keyword{
token: FINALLY,
"function": _keyword{
token: FUNCTION,
"continue": _keyword{
token: CONTINUE,
"debugger": _keyword{
token: DEBUGGER,
"instanceof": _keyword{
"const": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
"class": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
"enum": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
"export": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
"extends": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
"import": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
"super": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
"implements": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
strict: true,
"interface": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
strict: true,
"let": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
strict: true,
"package": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
strict: true,
"private": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
strict: true,
"protected": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
strict: true,
"public": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
strict: true,
"static": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
strict: true,

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/token/tokenfmt generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my (%token, @order, @keywords);
my $keywords;
my @const;
push @const, <<_END_;
package token
_ Token = iota
for (split m/\n/, <<_END_) {
OR |
next if m/^\s*#/;
my ($name, $symbol) = m/(\w+)\s*(\S+)?/;
if (defined $symbol) {
push @order, $name;
push @const, "$name // $symbol";
$token{$name} = $symbol;
} elsif (defined $name) {
$keywords ||= $name eq 'firstKeyword';
push @const, $name;
#$const[-1] .= " Token = iota" if 2 == @const;
if ($name =~ m/^([A-Z]+)/) {
push @keywords, $name if $keywords;
push @order, $name;
if ($token{SEMICOLON}) {
$token{$name} = lc $1;
} else {
$token{$name} = $name;
} else {
push @const, "";
push @const, ")";
print join "\n", @const, "";
print <<_END_;
var token2string = [...]string{
for my $name (@order) {
print "$name: \"$token{$name}\",\n";
print <<_END_;
print <<_END_;
var keywordTable = map[string]_keyword{
for my $name (@keywords) {
print <<_END_
"@{[ lc $name ]}": _keyword{
token: $name,
for my $name (qw/
/) {
print <<_END_
"$name": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
for my $name (qw/
/) {
print <<_END_
"$name": _keyword{
token: KEYWORD,
futureKeyword: true,
strict: true,
print <<_END_;

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_arguments.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
package otto
import (
func (runtime *_runtime) newArgumentsObject(indexOfParameterName []string, stash _stash, length int) *_object {
self := runtime.newClassObject("Arguments")
for index, _ := range indexOfParameterName {
name := strconv.FormatInt(int64(index), 10)
objectDefineOwnProperty(self, name, _property{Value{}, 0111}, false)
self.objectClass = _classArguments
self.value = _argumentsObject{
indexOfParameterName: indexOfParameterName,
stash: stash,
self.prototype = runtime.global.ObjectPrototype
self.defineProperty(propertyLength, toValue_int(length), 0101, false)
return self
type _argumentsObject struct {
indexOfParameterName []string
// function(abc, def, ghi)
// indexOfParameterName[0] = "abc"
// indexOfParameterName[1] = "def"
// indexOfParameterName[2] = "ghi"
// ...
stash _stash
func (in _argumentsObject) clone(clone *_clone) _argumentsObject {
indexOfParameterName := make([]string, len(in.indexOfParameterName))
copy(indexOfParameterName, in.indexOfParameterName)
return _argumentsObject{
func (self _argumentsObject) get(name string) (Value, bool) {
index := stringToArrayIndex(name)
if index >= 0 && index < int64(len(self.indexOfParameterName)) {
name := self.indexOfParameterName[index]
if name == "" {
return Value{}, false
return self.stash.getBinding(name, false), true
return Value{}, false
func (self _argumentsObject) put(name string, value Value) {
index := stringToArrayIndex(name)
name = self.indexOfParameterName[index]
self.stash.setBinding(name, value, false)
func (self _argumentsObject) delete(name string) {
index := stringToArrayIndex(name)
self.indexOfParameterName[index] = ""
func argumentsGet(self *_object, name string) Value {
if value, exists := self.value.(_argumentsObject).get(name); exists {
return value
return objectGet(self, name)
func argumentsGetOwnProperty(self *_object, name string) *_property {
property := objectGetOwnProperty(self, name)
if value, exists := self.value.(_argumentsObject).get(name); exists {
property.value = value
return property
func argumentsDefineOwnProperty(self *_object, name string, descriptor _property, throw bool) bool {
if _, exists := self.value.(_argumentsObject).get(name); exists {
if !objectDefineOwnProperty(self, name, descriptor, false) {
return self.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw)
if value, valid := descriptor.value.(Value); valid {
self.value.(_argumentsObject).put(name, value)
return true
return objectDefineOwnProperty(self, name, descriptor, throw)
func argumentsDelete(self *_object, name string, throw bool) bool {
if !objectDelete(self, name, throw) {
return false
if _, exists := self.value.(_argumentsObject).get(name); exists {
return true

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_array.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package otto
import (
func (runtime *_runtime) newArrayObject(length uint32) *_object {
self := runtime.newObject()
self.class = classArray
self.defineProperty(propertyLength, toValue_uint32(length), 0100, false)
self.objectClass = _classArray
return self
func isArray(object *_object) bool {
if object == nil {
return false
switch object.class {
case classArray, classGoArray, classGoSlice:
return true
return false
func objectLength(object *_object) uint32 {
if object == nil {
return 0
switch object.class {
case classArray:
return object.get(propertyLength).value.(uint32)
case classString:
return uint32(object.get(propertyLength).value.(int))
case classGoArray, classGoSlice:
return uint32(object.get(propertyLength).value.(int))
return 0
func arrayUint32(rt *_runtime, value Value) uint32 {
nm := value.number()
if nm.kind != numberInteger || !isUint32(nm.int64) {
return uint32(nm.int64)
func arrayDefineOwnProperty(self *_object, name string, descriptor _property, throw bool) bool {
lengthProperty := self.getOwnProperty(propertyLength)
lengthValue, valid := lengthProperty.value.(Value)
if !valid {
panic("Array.length != Value{}")
length := lengthValue.value.(uint32)
if name == propertyLength {
if descriptor.value == nil {
return objectDefineOwnProperty(self, name, descriptor, throw)
newLengthValue, isValue := descriptor.value.(Value)
if !isValue {
newLength := arrayUint32(self.runtime, newLengthValue)
descriptor.value = toValue_uint32(newLength)
if newLength > length {
return objectDefineOwnProperty(self, name, descriptor, throw)
if !lengthProperty.writable() {
goto Reject
newWritable := true
if descriptor.mode&0700 == 0 {
// If writable is off
newWritable = false
descriptor.mode |= 0100
if !objectDefineOwnProperty(self, name, descriptor, throw) {
return false
for newLength < length {
if !self.delete(strconv.FormatInt(int64(length), 10), false) {
descriptor.value = toValue_uint32(length + 1)
if !newWritable {
descriptor.mode &= 0077
objectDefineOwnProperty(self, name, descriptor, false)
goto Reject
if !newWritable {
descriptor.mode &= 0077
objectDefineOwnProperty(self, name, descriptor, false)
} else if index := stringToArrayIndex(name); index >= 0 {
if index >= int64(length) && !lengthProperty.writable() {
goto Reject
if !objectDefineOwnProperty(self, strconv.FormatInt(index, 10), descriptor, false) {
goto Reject
if index >= int64(length) {
lengthProperty.value = toValue_uint32(uint32(index + 1))
objectDefineOwnProperty(self, propertyLength, *lengthProperty, false)
return true
return objectDefineOwnProperty(self, name, descriptor, throw)
if throw {
return false

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_boolean.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package otto
func (runtime *_runtime) newBooleanObject(value Value) *_object {
return runtime.newPrimitiveObject(classBoolean, toValue_bool(value.bool()))

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_date.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
package otto
import (
Time "time"
type _dateObject struct {
time Time.Time // Time from the "time" package, a cached version of time
epoch int64
value Value
isNaN bool
var (
invalidDateObject = _dateObject{
time: Time.Time{},
epoch: -1,
value: NaNValue(),
isNaN: true,
type _ecmaTime struct {
year int
month int
day int
hour int
minute int
second int
millisecond int
location *Time.Location // Basically, either local or UTC
func ecmaTime(goTime Time.Time) _ecmaTime {
return _ecmaTime{
goTime.Nanosecond() / (100 * 100 * 100),
func (self *_ecmaTime) goTime() Time.Time {
return Time.Date(
func (self *_dateObject) Time() Time.Time {
return self.time
func (self *_dateObject) Epoch() int64 {
return self.epoch
func (self *_dateObject) Value() Value {
return self.value
// FIXME A date should only be in the range of -100,000,000 to +100,000,000 (1970):
func (self *_dateObject) SetNaN() {
self.time = Time.Time{}
self.epoch = -1
self.value = NaNValue()
self.isNaN = true
func (self *_dateObject) SetTime(time Time.Time) {
func (self *_dateObject) Set(epoch float64) {
// epoch
self.epoch = epochToInteger(epoch)
// time
time, err := epochToTime(epoch)
self.time = time // Is either a valid time, or the zero-value for time.Time
// value & isNaN
if err != nil {
self.isNaN = true
self.epoch = -1
self.value = NaNValue()
} else {
self.value = toValue_int64(self.epoch)
func epochToInteger(value float64) int64 {
if value > 0 {
return int64(math.Floor(value))
return int64(math.Ceil(value))
func epochToTime(value float64) (time Time.Time, err error) {
epochWithMilli := value
if math.IsNaN(epochWithMilli) || math.IsInf(epochWithMilli, 0) {
err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid time %v", value)
epoch := int64(epochWithMilli / 1000)
milli := int64(epochWithMilli) % 1000
time = Time.Unix(int64(epoch), milli*1000000).In(utcTimeZone)
func timeToEpoch(time Time.Time) float64 {
return float64(time.UnixMilli())
func (runtime *_runtime) newDateObject(epoch float64) *_object {
self := runtime.newObject()
self.class = classDate
// FIXME This is ugly...
date := _dateObject{}
self.value = date
return self
func (self *_object) dateValue() _dateObject {
value, _ := self.value.(_dateObject)
return value
func dateObjectOf(rt *_runtime, _dateObject *_object) _dateObject {
if _dateObject == nil || _dateObject.class != classDate {
return _dateObject.dateValue()
// JavaScript is 0-based, Go is 1-based (
func dateToGoMonth(month int) Time.Month {
return Time.Month(month + 1)
func dateFromGoMonth(month Time.Month) int {
return int(month) - 1
func dateFromGoDay(day Time.Weekday) int {
return int(day)
func newDateTime(argumentList []Value, location *Time.Location) (epoch float64) {
pick := func(index int, default_ float64) (float64, bool) {
if index >= len(argumentList) {
return default_, false
value := argumentList[index].float64()
if math.IsNaN(value) || math.IsInf(value, 0) {
return 0, true
return value, false
if len(argumentList) >= 2 { // 2-argument, 3-argument, ...
var year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond float64
var invalid bool
if year, invalid = pick(0, 1900.0); invalid {
if month, invalid = pick(1, 0.0); invalid {
if day, invalid = pick(2, 1.0); invalid {
if hour, invalid = pick(3, 0.0); invalid {
if minute, invalid = pick(4, 0.0); invalid {
if second, invalid = pick(5, 0.0); invalid {
if millisecond, invalid = pick(6, 0.0); invalid {
if year >= 0 && year <= 99 {
year += 1900
time := Time.Date(int(year), dateToGoMonth(int(month)), int(day), int(hour), int(minute), int(second), int(millisecond)*1000*1000, location)
return timeToEpoch(time)
} else if len(argumentList) == 0 { // 0-argument
time := Time.Now().In(utcTimeZone)
return timeToEpoch(time)
} else { // 1-argument
value := valueOfArrayIndex(argumentList, 0)
value = toPrimitive(value)
if value.IsString() {
return dateParse(value.string())
return value.float64()
epoch = math.NaN()
var (
dateLayoutList = []string{
matchDateTimeZone = regexp.MustCompile(`^(.*)(?:(Z)|([\+\-]\d{2}):(\d{2}))$`)
func dateParse(date string) (epoch float64) {
// YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ
var time Time.Time
var err error
if match := matchDateTimeZone.FindStringSubmatch(date); match != nil {
if match[2] == "Z" {
date = match[1] + "+0000"
} else {
date = match[1] + match[3] + match[4]
for _, layout := range dateLayoutList {
time, err = Time.Parse(layout, date)
if err == nil {
if err != nil {
return math.NaN()
return float64(time.UnixMilli())

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_error.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package otto
func (rt *_runtime) newErrorObject(name string, message Value, stackFramesToPop int) *_object {
self := rt.newClassObject(classError)
if message.IsDefined() {
msg := message.string()
self.defineProperty("message", toValue_string(msg), 0111, false)
self.value = newError(rt, name, stackFramesToPop, msg)
} else {
self.value = newError(rt, name, stackFramesToPop)
self.defineOwnProperty("stack", _property{
value: _propertyGetSet{
rt.newNativeFunction("get", "internal", 0, func(FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_string(self.value.(_error).formatWithStack())
mode: modeConfigureMask & modeOnMask,
}, false)
return self
func (rt *_runtime) newErrorObjectError(err _error) *_object {
self := rt.newClassObject(classError)
self.defineProperty("message", err.messageValue(), 0111, false)
self.value = err
switch err.name {
case "EvalError":
self.prototype = rt.global.EvalErrorPrototype
case "TypeError":
self.prototype = rt.global.TypeErrorPrototype
case "RangeError":
self.prototype = rt.global.RangeErrorPrototype
case "ReferenceError":
self.prototype = rt.global.ReferenceErrorPrototype
case "SyntaxError":
self.prototype = rt.global.SyntaxErrorPrototype
case "URIError":
self.prototype = rt.global.URIErrorPrototype
self.prototype = rt.global.ErrorPrototype
self.defineOwnProperty("stack", _property{
value: _propertyGetSet{
rt.newNativeFunction("get", "internal", 0, func(FunctionCall) Value {
return toValue_string(self.value.(_error).formatWithStack())
mode: modeConfigureMask & modeOnMask,
}, false)
return self

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_function.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
package otto
// _constructFunction
type _constructFunction func(*_object, []Value) Value
// 13.2.2 [[Construct]]
func defaultConstruct(fn *_object, argumentList []Value) Value {
object := fn.runtime.newObject()
object.class = classObject
prototype := fn.get("prototype")
if prototype.kind != valueObject {
prototype = toValue_object(fn.runtime.global.ObjectPrototype)
object.prototype = prototype._object()
this := toValue_object(object)
value := fn.call(this, argumentList, false, nativeFrame)
if value.kind == valueObject {
return value
return this
// _nativeFunction
type _nativeFunction func(FunctionCall) Value
// ===================== //
// _nativeFunctionObject //
// ===================== //
type _nativeFunctionObject struct {
name string
file string
line int
call _nativeFunction // [[Call]]
construct _constructFunction // [[Construct]]
func (runtime *_runtime) _newNativeFunctionObject(name, file string, line int, native _nativeFunction, length int) *_object {
self := runtime.newClassObject(classFunction)
self.value = _nativeFunctionObject{
name: name,
file: file,
line: line,
call: native,
construct: defaultConstruct,
self.defineProperty("name", toValue_string(name), 0000, false)
self.defineProperty(propertyLength, toValue_int(length), 0000, false)
return self
func (runtime *_runtime) newNativeFunctionObject(name, file string, line int, native _nativeFunction, length int) *_object {
self := runtime._newNativeFunctionObject(name, file, line, native, length)
self.defineOwnProperty("caller", _property{
value: _propertyGetSet{
runtime._newNativeFunctionObject("get", "internal", 0, func(fc FunctionCall) Value {
for sc := runtime.scope; sc != nil; sc = sc.outer {
if sc.frame.fn == self {
if sc.outer == nil || sc.outer.frame.fn == nil {
return nullValue
return runtime.toValue(sc.outer.frame.fn)
return nullValue
}, 0),
mode: 0000,
}, false)
return self
// =================== //
// _bindFunctionObject //
// =================== //
type _bindFunctionObject struct {
target *_object
this Value
argumentList []Value
func (runtime *_runtime) newBoundFunctionObject(target *_object, this Value, argumentList []Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newClassObject(classFunction)
self.value = _bindFunctionObject{
target: target,
this: this,
argumentList: argumentList,
length := int(toInt32(target.get(propertyLength)))
length -= len(argumentList)
if length < 0 {
length = 0
self.defineProperty("name", toValue_string("bound "+target.get("name").String()), 0000, false)
self.defineProperty(propertyLength, toValue_int(length), 0000, false)
self.defineProperty("caller", Value{}, 0000, false) // TODO Should throw a TypeError
self.defineProperty("arguments", Value{}, 0000, false) // TODO Should throw a TypeError
return self
// [[Construct]]
func (fn _bindFunctionObject) construct(argumentList []Value) Value {
object := fn.target
switch value := object.value.(type) {
case _nativeFunctionObject:
return value.construct(object, fn.argumentList)
case _nodeFunctionObject:
argumentList = append(fn.argumentList, argumentList...)
return object.construct(argumentList)
// =================== //
// _nodeFunctionObject //
// =================== //
type _nodeFunctionObject struct {
node *_nodeFunctionLiteral
stash _stash
func (runtime *_runtime) newNodeFunctionObject(node *_nodeFunctionLiteral, stash _stash) *_object {
self := runtime.newClassObject(classFunction)
self.value = _nodeFunctionObject{
node: node,
stash: stash,
self.defineProperty("name", toValue_string(node.name), 0000, false)
self.defineProperty(propertyLength, toValue_int(len(node.parameterList)), 0000, false)
self.defineOwnProperty("caller", _property{
value: _propertyGetSet{
runtime.newNativeFunction("get", "internal", 0, func(fc FunctionCall) Value {
for sc := runtime.scope; sc != nil; sc = sc.outer {
if sc.frame.fn == self {
if sc.outer == nil || sc.outer.frame.fn == nil {
return nullValue
return runtime.toValue(sc.outer.frame.fn)
return nullValue
mode: 0000,
}, false)
return self
// ======= //
// _object //
// ======= //
func (self *_object) isCall() bool {
switch fn := self.value.(type) {
case _nativeFunctionObject:
return fn.call != nil
case _bindFunctionObject:
return true
case _nodeFunctionObject:
return true
return false
func (self *_object) call(this Value, argumentList []Value, eval bool, frame _frame) Value {
switch fn := self.value.(type) {
case _nativeFunctionObject:
// Since eval is a native function, we only have to check for it here
if eval {
eval = self == self.runtime.eval // If eval is true, then it IS a direct eval
// Enter a scope, name from the native object...
rt := self.runtime
if rt.scope != nil && !eval {
rt.enterFunctionScope(rt.scope.lexical, this)
rt.scope.frame = _frame{
native: true,
nativeFile: fn.file,
nativeLine: fn.line,
callee: fn.name,
file: nil,
fn: self,
defer func() {
return fn.call(FunctionCall{
runtime: self.runtime,
eval: eval,
This: this,
ArgumentList: argumentList,
Otto: self.runtime.otto,
case _bindFunctionObject:
// TODO Passthrough site, do not enter a scope
argumentList = append(fn.argumentList, argumentList...)
return fn.target.call(fn.this, argumentList, false, frame)
case _nodeFunctionObject:
rt := self.runtime
stash := rt.enterFunctionScope(fn.stash, this)
rt.scope.frame = _frame{
callee: fn.node.name,
file: fn.node.file,
fn: self,
defer func() {
callValue := rt.cmpl_call_nodeFunction(self, stash, fn.node, this, argumentList)
if value, valid := callValue.value.(_result); valid {
return value.value
return callValue
panic(self.runtime.panicTypeError("%v is not a function", toValue_object(self)))
func (self *_object) construct(argumentList []Value) Value {
switch fn := self.value.(type) {
case _nativeFunctionObject:
if fn.call == nil {
panic(self.runtime.panicTypeError("%v is not a function", toValue_object(self)))
if fn.construct == nil {
panic(self.runtime.panicTypeError("%v is not a constructor", toValue_object(self)))
return fn.construct(self, argumentList)
case _bindFunctionObject:
return fn.construct(argumentList)
case _nodeFunctionObject:
return defaultConstruct(self, argumentList)
panic(self.runtime.panicTypeError("%v is not a function", toValue_object(self)))
func (self *_object) hasInstance(of Value) bool {
if !self.isCall() {
// We should not have a hasInstance method
if !of.IsObject() {
return false
prototype := self.get("prototype")
if !prototype.IsObject() {
prototypeObject := prototype._object()
value := of._object().prototype
for value != nil {
if value == prototypeObject {
return true
value = value.prototype
return false
// ============ //
// FunctionCall //
// ============ //
// FunctionCall is an encapsulation of a JavaScript function call.
type FunctionCall struct {
runtime *_runtime
_thisObject *_object
eval bool // This call is a direct call to eval
This Value
ArgumentList []Value
Otto *Otto
// Argument will return the value of the argument at the given index.
// If no such argument exists, undefined is returned.
func (self FunctionCall) Argument(index int) Value {
return valueOfArrayIndex(self.ArgumentList, index)
func (self FunctionCall) getArgument(index int) (Value, bool) {
return getValueOfArrayIndex(self.ArgumentList, index)
func (self FunctionCall) slice(index int) []Value {
if index < len(self.ArgumentList) {
return self.ArgumentList[index:]
return []Value{}
func (self *FunctionCall) thisObject() *_object {
if self._thisObject == nil {
this := self.This.resolve() // FIXME Is this right?
self._thisObject = self.runtime.toObject(this)
return self._thisObject
func (self *FunctionCall) thisClassObject(class string) *_object {
thisObject := self.thisObject()
if thisObject.class != class {
return self._thisObject
func (self FunctionCall) toObject(value Value) *_object {
return self.runtime.toObject(value)
// CallerLocation will return file location information (file:line:pos) where this function is being called.
func (self FunctionCall) CallerLocation() string {
// see error.go for location()
return self.runtime.scope.outer.frame.location()

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_go_array.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
package otto
import (
func (runtime *_runtime) newGoArrayObject(value reflect.Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newObject()
self.class = classGoArray
self.objectClass = _classGoArray
self.value = _newGoArrayObject(value)
return self
type _goArrayObject struct {
value reflect.Value
writable bool
propertyMode _propertyMode
func _newGoArrayObject(value reflect.Value) *_goArrayObject {
writable := value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || value.CanSet() // The Array is addressable (like a Slice)
mode := _propertyMode(0010)
if writable {
mode = 0110
self := &_goArrayObject{
value: value,
writable: writable,
propertyMode: mode,
return self
func (self _goArrayObject) getValue(name string) (reflect.Value, bool) {
if index, err := strconv.ParseInt(name, 10, 64); err != nil {
v, ok := self.getValueIndex(index)
if ok {
return v, ok
if m := self.value.MethodByName(name); m != (reflect.Value{}) {
return m, true
return reflect.Value{}, false
func (self _goArrayObject) getValueIndex(index int64) (reflect.Value, bool) {
value := reflect.Indirect(self.value)
if index < int64(value.Len()) {
return value.Index(int(index)), true
return reflect.Value{}, false
func (self _goArrayObject) setValue(index int64, value Value) bool {
indexValue, exists := self.getValueIndex(index)
if !exists {
return false
reflectValue, err := value.toReflectValue(reflect.Indirect(self.value).Type().Elem())
if err != nil {
return true
func goArrayGetOwnProperty(self *_object, name string) *_property {
// length
if name == propertyLength {
return &_property{
value: toValue(reflect.Indirect(self.value.(*_goArrayObject).value).Len()),
mode: 0,
// .0, .1, .2, ...
if index := stringToArrayIndex(name); index >= 0 {
object := self.value.(*_goArrayObject)
value := Value{}
reflectValue, exists := object.getValueIndex(index)
if exists {
value = self.runtime.toValue(reflectValue.Interface())
return &_property{
value: value,
mode: object.propertyMode,
if method := self.value.(*_goArrayObject).value.MethodByName(name); method != (reflect.Value{}) {
return &_property{
return objectGetOwnProperty(self, name)
func goArrayEnumerate(self *_object, all bool, each func(string) bool) {
object := self.value.(*_goArrayObject)
// .0, .1, .2, ...
for index, length := 0, object.value.Len(); index < length; index++ {
name := strconv.FormatInt(int64(index), 10)
if !each(name) {
objectEnumerate(self, all, each)
func goArrayDefineOwnProperty(self *_object, name string, descriptor _property, throw bool) bool {
if name == propertyLength {
return self.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw)
} else if index := stringToArrayIndex(name); index >= 0 {
object := self.value.(*_goArrayObject)
if object.writable {
if self.value.(*_goArrayObject).setValue(index, descriptor.value.(Value)) {
return true
return self.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw)
return objectDefineOwnProperty(self, name, descriptor, throw)
func goArrayDelete(self *_object, name string, throw bool) bool {
// length
if name == propertyLength {
return self.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw)
// .0, .1, .2, ...
index := stringToArrayIndex(name)
if index >= 0 {
object := self.value.(*_goArrayObject)
if object.writable {
indexValue, exists := object.getValueIndex(index)
if exists {
return true
return self.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw)
return self.delete(name, throw)

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_go_map.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
package otto
import (
func (runtime *_runtime) newGoMapObject(value reflect.Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newObject()
self.class = classObject // TODO Should this be something else?
self.objectClass = _classGoMap
self.value = _newGoMapObject(value)
return self
type _goMapObject struct {
value reflect.Value
keyType reflect.Type
valueType reflect.Type
func _newGoMapObject(value reflect.Value) *_goMapObject {
if value.Kind() != reflect.Map {
dbgf("%/panic//%@: %v != reflect.Map", value.Kind())
self := &_goMapObject{
value: value,
keyType: value.Type().Key(),
valueType: value.Type().Elem(),
return self
func (self _goMapObject) toKey(name string) reflect.Value {
reflectValue, err := stringToReflectValue(name, self.keyType.Kind())
if err != nil {
return reflectValue
func (self _goMapObject) toValue(value Value) reflect.Value {
reflectValue, err := value.toReflectValue(self.valueType)
if err != nil {
return reflectValue
func goMapGetOwnProperty(self *_object, name string) *_property {
object := self.value.(*_goMapObject)
value := object.value.MapIndex(object.toKey(name))
if value.IsValid() {
return &_property{self.runtime.toValue(value.Interface()), 0111}
// Other methods
if method := self.value.(*_goMapObject).value.MethodByName(name); method.IsValid() {
return &_property{
value: self.runtime.toValue(method.Interface()),
mode: 0110,
return nil
func goMapEnumerate(self *_object, all bool, each func(string) bool) {
object := self.value.(*_goMapObject)
keys := object.value.MapKeys()
for _, key := range keys {
if !each(toValue(key).String()) {
func goMapDefineOwnProperty(self *_object, name string, descriptor _property, throw bool) bool {
object := self.value.(*_goMapObject)
// TODO ...or 0222
if descriptor.mode != 0111 {
return self.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw)
if !descriptor.isDataDescriptor() {
return self.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw)
object.value.SetMapIndex(object.toKey(name), object.toValue(descriptor.value.(Value)))
return true
func goMapDelete(self *_object, name string, throw bool) bool {
object := self.value.(*_goMapObject)
object.value.SetMapIndex(object.toKey(name), reflect.Value{})
return true

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_go_slice.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
package otto
import (
func (runtime *_runtime) newGoSliceObject(value reflect.Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newObject()
self.class = classGoSlice
self.objectClass = _classGoSlice
self.value = _newGoSliceObject(value)
return self
type _goSliceObject struct {
value reflect.Value
func _newGoSliceObject(value reflect.Value) *_goSliceObject {
self := &_goSliceObject{
value: value,
return self
func (self _goSliceObject) getValue(index int64) (reflect.Value, bool) {
if index < int64(self.value.Len()) {
return self.value.Index(int(index)), true
return reflect.Value{}, false
func (self *_goSliceObject) setLength(value Value) {
want, err := value.ToInteger()
if err != nil {
wantInt := int(want)
switch {
case wantInt == self.value.Len():
// No change needed.
case wantInt < self.value.Cap():
// Fits in current capacity.
// Needs expanding.
newSlice := reflect.MakeSlice(self.value.Type(), wantInt, wantInt)
reflect.Copy(newSlice, self.value)
self.value = newSlice
func (self *_goSliceObject) setValue(index int64, value Value) bool {
reflectValue, err := value.toReflectValue(self.value.Type().Elem())
if err != nil {
indexValue, exists := self.getValue(index)
if !exists {
if int64(self.value.Len()) == index {
// Trying to append e.g. slice.push(...), allow it.
self.value = reflect.Append(self.value, reflectValue)
return true
return false
return true
func goSliceGetOwnProperty(self *_object, name string) *_property {
// length
if name == propertyLength {
return &_property{
value: toValue(self.value.(*_goSliceObject).value.Len()),
mode: 0110,
// .0, .1, .2, ...
if index := stringToArrayIndex(name); index >= 0 {
value := Value{}
reflectValue, exists := self.value.(*_goSliceObject).getValue(index)
if exists {
value = self.runtime.toValue(reflectValue.Interface())
return &_property{
value: value,
mode: 0110,
// Other methods
if method := self.value.(*_goSliceObject).value.MethodByName(name); method.IsValid() {
return &_property{
value: self.runtime.toValue(method.Interface()),
mode: 0110,
return objectGetOwnProperty(self, name)
func goSliceEnumerate(self *_object, all bool, each func(string) bool) {
object := self.value.(*_goSliceObject)
// .0, .1, .2, ...
for index, length := 0, object.value.Len(); index < length; index++ {
name := strconv.FormatInt(int64(index), 10)
if !each(name) {
objectEnumerate(self, all, each)
func goSliceDefineOwnProperty(self *_object, name string, descriptor _property, throw bool) bool {
if name == propertyLength {
return true
} else if index := stringToArrayIndex(name); index >= 0 {
if self.value.(*_goSliceObject).setValue(index, descriptor.value.(Value)) {
return true
return self.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw)
return objectDefineOwnProperty(self, name, descriptor, throw)
func goSliceDelete(self *_object, name string, throw bool) bool {
// length
if name == propertyLength {
return self.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw)
// .0, .1, .2, ...
index := stringToArrayIndex(name)
if index >= 0 {
object := self.value.(*_goSliceObject)
indexValue, exists := object.getValue(index)
if exists {
return true
return self.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw)
return self.delete(name, throw)

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_go_struct.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
package otto
import (
// FIXME Make a note about not being able to modify a struct unless it was
// passed as a pointer-to: &struct{ ... }
// This seems to be a limitation of the reflect package.
// This goes for the other Go constructs too.
// I guess we could get around it by either:
// 1. Creating a new struct every time
// 2. Creating an addressable? struct in the constructor
func (runtime *_runtime) newGoStructObject(value reflect.Value) *_object {
self := runtime.newObject()
self.class = classObject // TODO Should this be something else?
self.objectClass = _classGoStruct
self.value = _newGoStructObject(value)
return self
type _goStructObject struct {
value reflect.Value
func _newGoStructObject(value reflect.Value) *_goStructObject {
if reflect.Indirect(value).Kind() != reflect.Struct {
dbgf("%/panic//%@: %v != reflect.Struct", value.Kind())
self := &_goStructObject{
value: value,
return self
func (self _goStructObject) getValue(name string) reflect.Value {
if idx := fieldIndexByName(reflect.Indirect(self.value).Type(), name); len(idx) > 0 {
return reflect.Indirect(self.value).FieldByIndex(idx)
if validGoStructName(name) {
// Do not reveal hidden or unexported fields.
if field := reflect.Indirect(self.value).FieldByName(name); field.IsValid() {
return field
if method := self.value.MethodByName(name); method.IsValid() {
return method
return reflect.Value{}
func (self _goStructObject) fieldIndex(name string) []int {
return fieldIndexByName(reflect.Indirect(self.value).Type(), name)
func (self _goStructObject) method(name string) (reflect.Method, bool) {
return reflect.Indirect(self.value).Type().MethodByName(name)
func (self _goStructObject) setValue(rt *_runtime, name string, value Value) bool {
if idx := fieldIndexByName(reflect.Indirect(self.value).Type(), name); len(idx) == 0 {
return false
fieldValue := self.getValue(name)
converted, err := rt.convertCallParameter(value, fieldValue.Type())
if err != nil {
return true
func goStructGetOwnProperty(self *_object, name string) *_property {
object := self.value.(*_goStructObject)
value := object.getValue(name)
if value.IsValid() {
return &_property{self.runtime.toValue(value), 0110}
return objectGetOwnProperty(self, name)
func validGoStructName(name string) bool {
if name == "" {
return false
return 'A' <= name[0] && name[0] <= 'Z' // TODO What about Unicode?
func goStructEnumerate(self *_object, all bool, each func(string) bool) {
object := self.value.(*_goStructObject)
// Enumerate fields
for index := 0; index < reflect.Indirect(object.value).NumField(); index++ {
name := reflect.Indirect(object.value).Type().Field(index).Name
if validGoStructName(name) {
if !each(name) {
// Enumerate methods
for index := 0; index < object.value.NumMethod(); index++ {
name := object.value.Type().Method(index).Name
if validGoStructName(name) {
if !each(name) {
objectEnumerate(self, all, each)
func goStructCanPut(self *_object, name string) bool {
object := self.value.(*_goStructObject)
value := object.getValue(name)
if value.IsValid() {
return true
return objectCanPut(self, name)
func goStructPut(self *_object, name string, value Value, throw bool) {
object := self.value.(*_goStructObject)
if object.setValue(self.runtime, name, value) {
objectPut(self, name, value, throw)
func goStructMarshalJSON(self *_object) json.Marshaler {
object := self.value.(*_goStructObject)
goValue := reflect.Indirect(object.value).Interface()
switch marshaler := goValue.(type) {
case json.Marshaler:
return marshaler
return nil

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_number.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package otto
func (runtime *_runtime) newNumberObject(value Value) *_object {
return runtime.newPrimitiveObject(classNumber, value.numberValue())

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_reference.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
package otto
type _reference interface {
invalid() bool // IsUnresolvableReference
getValue() Value // getValue
putValue(Value) string // PutValue
delete() bool
// PropertyReference
type _propertyReference struct {
name string
strict bool
base *_object
runtime *_runtime
at _at
func newPropertyReference(rt *_runtime, base *_object, name string, strict bool, at _at) *_propertyReference {
return &_propertyReference{
runtime: rt,
name: name,
strict: strict,
base: base,
at: at,
func (self *_propertyReference) invalid() bool {
return self.base == nil
func (self *_propertyReference) getValue() Value {
if self.base == nil {
panic(self.runtime.panicReferenceError("'%s' is not defined", self.name, self.at))
return self.base.get(self.name)
func (self *_propertyReference) putValue(value Value) string {
if self.base == nil {
return self.name
self.base.put(self.name, value, self.strict)
return ""
func (self *_propertyReference) delete() bool {
if self.base == nil {
// TODO Throw an error if strict
return true
return self.base.delete(self.name, self.strict)
type _stashReference struct {
name string
strict bool
base _stash
func (self *_stashReference) invalid() bool {
return false // The base (an environment) will never be nil
func (self *_stashReference) getValue() Value {
return self.base.getBinding(self.name, self.strict)
func (self *_stashReference) putValue(value Value) string {
self.base.setValue(self.name, value, self.strict)
return ""
func (self *_stashReference) delete() bool {
if self.base == nil {
// This should never be reached, but just in case
return false
return self.base.deleteBinding(self.name)
// getIdentifierReference
func getIdentifierReference(runtime *_runtime, stash _stash, name string, strict bool, at _at) _reference {
if stash == nil {
return newPropertyReference(runtime, nil, name, strict, at)
if stash.hasBinding(name) {
return stash.newReference(name, strict, at)
return getIdentifierReference(runtime, stash.outer(), name, strict, at)

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_regexp.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
package otto
import (
type _regExpObject struct {
regularExpression *regexp.Regexp
global bool
ignoreCase bool
multiline bool
source string
flags string
func (runtime *_runtime) newRegExpObject(pattern string, flags string) *_object {
self := runtime.newObject()
self.class = classRegExp
global := false
ignoreCase := false
multiline := false
re2flags := ""
// TODO Maybe clean up the panicking here... TypeError, SyntaxError, ?
for _, chr := range flags {
switch chr {
case 'g':
if global {
panic(runtime.panicSyntaxError("newRegExpObject: %s %s", pattern, flags))
global = true
case 'm':
if multiline {
panic(runtime.panicSyntaxError("newRegExpObject: %s %s", pattern, flags))
multiline = true
re2flags += "m"
case 'i':
if ignoreCase {
panic(runtime.panicSyntaxError("newRegExpObject: %s %s", pattern, flags))
ignoreCase = true
re2flags += "i"
re2pattern, err := parser.TransformRegExp(pattern)
if err != nil {
panic(runtime.panicTypeError("Invalid regular expression: %s", err.Error()))
if len(re2flags) > 0 {
re2pattern = fmt.Sprintf("(?%s:%s)", re2flags, re2pattern)
regularExpression, err := regexp.Compile(re2pattern)
if err != nil {
panic(runtime.panicSyntaxError("Invalid regular expression: %s", err.Error()[22:]))
self.value = _regExpObject{
regularExpression: regularExpression,
global: global,
ignoreCase: ignoreCase,
multiline: multiline,
source: pattern,
flags: flags,
self.defineProperty("global", toValue_bool(global), 0, false)
self.defineProperty("ignoreCase", toValue_bool(ignoreCase), 0, false)
self.defineProperty("multiline", toValue_bool(multiline), 0, false)
self.defineProperty("lastIndex", toValue_int(0), 0100, false)
self.defineProperty("source", toValue_string(pattern), 0, false)
return self
func (self *_object) regExpValue() _regExpObject {
value, _ := self.value.(_regExpObject)
return value
func execRegExp(this *_object, target string) (match bool, result []int) {
if this.class != classRegExp {
panic(this.runtime.panicTypeError("Calling RegExp.exec on a non-RegExp object"))
lastIndex := this.get("lastIndex").number().int64
index := lastIndex
global := this.get("global").bool()
if !global {
index = 0
if 0 > index || index > int64(len(target)) {
} else {
result = this.regExpValue().regularExpression.FindStringSubmatchIndex(target[index:])
if result == nil {
this.put("lastIndex", toValue_int(0), true)
return // !match
match = true
startIndex := index
endIndex := int(lastIndex) + result[1]
// We do this shift here because the .FindStringSubmatchIndex above
// was done on a local subordinate slice of the string, not the whole string
for index, offset := range result {
if offset != -1 {
result[index] += int(startIndex)
if global {
this.put("lastIndex", toValue_int(endIndex), true)
return // match
func execResultToArray(runtime *_runtime, target string, result []int) *_object {
captureCount := len(result) / 2
valueArray := make([]Value, captureCount)
for index := 0; index < captureCount; index++ {
offset := 2 * index
if result[offset] != -1 {
valueArray[index] = toValue_string(target[result[offset]:result[offset+1]])
} else {
valueArray[index] = Value{}
matchIndex := result[0]
if matchIndex != 0 {
// Find the utf16 index in the string, not the byte index.
matchIndex = utf16Length(target[:matchIndex])
match := runtime.newArrayOf(valueArray)
match.defineProperty("input", toValue_string(target), 0111, false)
match.defineProperty("index", toValue_int(matchIndex), 0111, false)
return match

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/type_string.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
package otto
import (
type _stringObject interface {
Length() int
At(int) rune
String() string
type _stringASCII string
func (str _stringASCII) Length() int {
return len(str)
func (str _stringASCII) At(at int) rune {
return rune(str[at])
func (str _stringASCII) String() string {
return string(str)
type _stringWide struct {
string string
value16 []uint16
func (str _stringWide) Length() int {
if str.value16 == nil {
str.value16 = utf16.Encode([]rune(str.string))
return len(str.value16)
func (str _stringWide) At(at int) rune {
if str.value16 == nil {
str.value16 = utf16.Encode([]rune(str.string))
return rune(str.value16[at])
func (str _stringWide) String() string {
return str.string
func _newStringObject(str string) _stringObject {
for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ {
if str[i] >= utf8.RuneSelf {
goto wide
return _stringASCII(str)
return &_stringWide{
string: str,
func stringAt(str _stringObject, index int) rune {
if 0 <= index && index < str.Length() {
return str.At(index)
return utf8.RuneError
func (runtime *_runtime) newStringObject(value Value) *_object {
str := _newStringObject(value.string())
self := runtime.newClassObject(classString)
self.defineProperty(propertyLength, toValue_int(str.Length()), 0, false)
self.objectClass = _classString
self.value = str
return self
func (self *_object) stringValue() _stringObject {
if str, ok := self.value.(_stringObject); ok {
return str
return nil
func stringEnumerate(self *_object, all bool, each func(string) bool) {
if str := self.stringValue(); str != nil {
length := str.Length()
for index := 0; index < length; index++ {
if !each(strconv.FormatInt(int64(index), 10)) {
objectEnumerate(self, all, each)
func stringGetOwnProperty(self *_object, name string) *_property {
if property := objectGetOwnProperty(self, name); property != nil {
return property
// TODO Test a string of length >= +int32 + 1?
if index := stringToArrayIndex(name); index >= 0 {
if chr := stringAt(self.stringValue(), int(index)); chr != utf8.RuneError {
return &_property{toValue_string(string(chr)), 0}
return nil

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/value.go generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/value_boolean.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package otto
import (
func (value Value) bool() bool {
if value.kind == valueBoolean {
return value.value.(bool)
if value.IsUndefined() {
return false
if value.IsNull() {
return false
switch value := value.value.(type) {
case bool:
return value
case int, int8, int16, int32, int64:
return 0 != reflect.ValueOf(value).Int()
case uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64:
return 0 != reflect.ValueOf(value).Uint()
case float32:
return 0 != value
case float64:
if math.IsNaN(value) || value == 0 {
return false
return true
case string:
return 0 != len(value)
case []uint16:
return 0 != len(utf16.Decode(value))
if value.IsObject() {
return true
panic(fmt.Errorf("toBoolean(%T)", value.value))

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/value_number.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
package otto
import (
var stringToNumberParseInteger = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:0[xX])`)
func parseNumber(value string) float64 {
value = strings.Trim(value, builtinString_trim_whitespace)
if value == "" {
return 0
parseFloat := false
if strings.IndexRune(value, '.') != -1 {
parseFloat = true
} else if stringToNumberParseInteger.MatchString(value) {
parseFloat = false
} else {
parseFloat = true
if parseFloat {
number, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
if err != nil && err.(*strconv.NumError).Err != strconv.ErrRange {
return math.NaN()
return number
number, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return math.NaN()
return float64(number)
func (value Value) float64() float64 {
switch value.kind {
case valueUndefined:
return math.NaN()
case valueNull:
return 0
switch value := value.value.(type) {
case bool:
if value {
return 1
return 0
case int:
return float64(value)
case int8:
return float64(value)
case int16:
return float64(value)
case int32:
return float64(value)
case int64:
return float64(value)
case uint:
return float64(value)
case uint8:
return float64(value)
case uint16:
return float64(value)
case uint32:
return float64(value)
case uint64:
return float64(value)
case float64:
return value
case string:
return parseNumber(value)
case *_object:
return value.DefaultValue(defaultValueHintNumber).float64()
panic(fmt.Errorf("toFloat(%T)", value.value))
const (
float_2_32 float64 = 4294967296.0
float_2_31 float64 = 2147483648.0
float_2_16 float64 = 65536.0
sqrt1_2 float64 = math.Sqrt2 / 2
const (
maxUint32 = math.MaxUint32
maxInt = int(^uint(0) >> 1)
// int64
int64_maxInt8 int64 = math.MaxInt8
int64_minInt8 int64 = math.MinInt8
int64_maxInt16 int64 = math.MaxInt16
int64_minInt16 int64 = math.MinInt16
int64_maxInt32 int64 = math.MaxInt32
int64_minInt32 int64 = math.MinInt32
int64_maxUint8 int64 = math.MaxUint8
int64_maxUint16 int64 = math.MaxUint16
int64_maxUint32 int64 = math.MaxUint32
// float64
float_maxInt float64 = float64(int(^uint(0) >> 1))
float_minInt float64 = float64(int(-maxInt - 1))
float_maxUint float64 = float64(uint(^uint(0)))
float_maxUint64 float64 = math.MaxUint64
float_maxInt64 float64 = math.MaxInt64
float_minInt64 float64 = math.MinInt64
func toIntegerFloat(value Value) float64 {
float := value.float64()
if math.IsInf(float, 0) {
} else if math.IsNaN(float) {
float = 0
} else if float > 0 {
float = math.Floor(float)
} else {
float = math.Ceil(float)
return float
type _numberKind int
const (
numberInteger _numberKind = iota // 3.0 => 3.0
numberFloat // 3.14159 => 3.0, 1+2**63 > 2**63-1
numberInfinity // Infinity => 2**63-1
numberNaN // NaN => 0
type _number struct {
kind _numberKind
int64 int64
float64 float64
// http://www.goinggo.net/2013/08/gustavos-ieee-754-brain-teaser.html
// http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~niemeyer/strepr/trunk/view/6/strepr.go#L160
func (value Value) number() (number _number) {
switch value := value.value.(type) {
case int8:
number.int64 = int64(value)
case int16:
number.int64 = int64(value)
case uint8:
number.int64 = int64(value)
case uint16:
number.int64 = int64(value)
case uint32:
number.int64 = int64(value)
case int:
number.int64 = int64(value)
case int64:
number.int64 = value
float := value.float64()
if float == 0 {
number.kind = numberFloat
number.float64 = float
if math.IsNaN(float) {
number.kind = numberNaN
if math.IsInf(float, 0) {
number.kind = numberInfinity
if float >= float_maxInt64 {
number.int64 = math.MaxInt64
if float <= float_minInt64 {
number.int64 = math.MinInt64
var integer float64
if float > 0 {
integer = math.Floor(float)
} else {
integer = math.Ceil(float)
if float == integer {
number.kind = numberInteger
number.int64 = int64(float)
// ECMA 262: 9.5
func toInt32(value Value) int32 {
switch value := value.value.(type) {
case int8:
return int32(value)
case int16:
return int32(value)
case int32:
return value
floatValue := value.float64()
if math.IsNaN(floatValue) || math.IsInf(floatValue, 0) || floatValue == 0 {
return 0
// Convert to int64 before int32 to force correct wrapping.
return int32(int64(floatValue))
func toUint32(value Value) uint32 {
switch value := value.value.(type) {
case int8:
return uint32(value)
case int16:
return uint32(value)
case uint8:
return uint32(value)
case uint16:
return uint32(value)
case uint32:
return value
floatValue := value.float64()
if math.IsNaN(floatValue) || math.IsInf(floatValue, 0) || floatValue == 0 {
return 0
// Convert to int64 before uint32 to force correct wrapping.
return uint32(int64(floatValue))
// ECMA 262 - 6.0 - 7.1.8.
func toUint16(value Value) uint16 {
switch value := value.value.(type) {
case int8:
return uint16(value)
case uint8:
return uint16(value)
case uint16:
return value
floatValue := value.float64()
if math.IsNaN(floatValue) || math.IsInf(floatValue, 0) || floatValue == 0 {
return 0
// Convert to int64 before uint16 to force correct wrapping.
return uint16(int64(floatValue))
// toIntSign returns sign of a number converted to -1, 0 ,1
func toIntSign(value Value) int {
switch value := value.value.(type) {
case int8:
if int8(value) > 0 {
return 1
} else if int8(value) < 0 {
return -1
return 0
case int16:
if int16(value) > 0 {
return 1
} else if int16(value) < 0 {
return -1
return 0
case int32:
if int32(value) > 0 {
return 1
} else if int32(value) < 0 {
return -1
return 0
case uint8:
if uint8(value) > 0 {
return 1
return 0
case uint16:
if uint16(value) > 0 {
return 1
return 0
case uint32:
if uint32(value) > 0 {
return 1
return 0
floatValue := value.float64()
switch {
case math.IsNaN(floatValue), math.IsInf(floatValue, 0):
return 0
case floatValue == 0:
return 0
case floatValue > 0:
return 1
return -1

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/value_primitive.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package otto
func toNumberPrimitive(value Value) Value {
return _toPrimitive(value, defaultValueHintNumber)
func toPrimitive(value Value) Value {
return _toPrimitive(value, defaultValueNoHint)
func _toPrimitive(value Value, hint _defaultValueHint) Value {
switch value.kind {
case valueNull, valueUndefined, valueNumber, valueString, valueBoolean:
return value
case valueObject:
return value._object().DefaultValue(hint)
panic(hereBeDragons(value.kind, value))

vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/value_string.go generated vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
package otto
import (
var matchLeading0Exponent = regexp.MustCompile(`([eE][\+\-])0+([1-9])`) // 1e-07 => 1e-7
// https://code.google.com/p/v8/source/browse/branches/bleeding_edge/src/conversions.cc?spec=svn18082&r=18082
func floatToString(value float64, bitsize int) string {
// TODO Fit to ECMA-262 9.8.1 specification
if math.IsNaN(value) {
return "NaN"
} else if math.IsInf(value, 0) {
if math.Signbit(value) {
return "-Infinity"
return "Infinity"
exponent := math.Log10(math.Abs(value))
if exponent >= 21 || exponent < -6 {
return matchLeading0Exponent.ReplaceAllString(strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'g', -1, bitsize), "$1$2")
return strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', -1, bitsize)
func numberToStringRadix(value Value, radix int) string {
float := value.float64()
if math.IsNaN(float) {
return "NaN"
} else if math.IsInf(float, 1) {
return "Infinity"
} else if math.IsInf(float, -1) {
return "-Infinity"
// FIXME This is very broken
// Need to do proper radix conversion for floats, ...
// This truncates large floats (so bad).
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(float), radix)
func (value Value) string() string {
if value.kind == valueString {
switch value := value.value.(type) {
case string:
return value
case []uint16:
return string(utf16.Decode(value))
if value.IsUndefined() {
return "undefined"
if value.IsNull() {
return "null"
switch value := value.value.(type) {
case bool:
return strconv.FormatBool(value)
case int:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(value), 10)
case int8:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(value), 10)
case int16:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(value), 10)
case int32:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(value), 10)
case int64:
return strconv.FormatInt(value, 10)
case uint:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 10)
case uint8:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 10)
case uint16:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 10)
case uint32:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(value), 10)
case uint64:
return strconv.FormatUint(value, 10)
case float32:
if value == 0 {
return "0" // Take care not to return -0
return floatToString(float64(value), 32)
case float64:
if value == 0 {
return "0" // Take care not to return -0
return floatToString(value, 64)
case []uint16:
return string(utf16.Decode(value))
case string:
return value
case *_object:
return value.DefaultValue(defaultValueHintString).string()
panic(fmt.Errorf("%v.string( %T)", value.value, value.value))

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