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A library for parsing ANSI encoded strings<br/><br/>
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Go ANSI Parser converts strings with [ANSI escape codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code)
into a slice of structs that represent styled text. Features:
* Can parse ANSI 16, 256 and TrueColor
* Supports all styles: Regular, Bold, Faint, Italic, Blinking, Inversed, Invisible, Underlined, Strikethrough
* Provides RGB, Hex, HSL, ANSI ID and Name for parsed colours
* Truncation - works with emojis and grapheme clusters
* Length - works with emojis and grapheme clusters
* Cleanse - removes the ansi escape codes
* Configurable colour map for customisation
* 100% Test Coverage
# Installation
go get github.com/leaanthony/go-ansi-parser
## Usage
### Parse
text, err := ansi.Parse("\u001b[1;31;40mHello World\033[0m")
// is the equivalent of...
text := []*ansi.StyledText{
Label: "Hello World",
FgCol: &ansi.Col{
Id: 9,
Hex: "#ff0000",
Rgb: &ansi.Rgb{ R: 255, G: 0, B: 0 },
Hsl: &ansi.Hsl{ H: 0, S: 100, L: 50 },
Name: "Red",
BgCol: &ansi.Col{
Id: 0,
Hex: "#000000",
Rgb: &ansi.Rgb{0, 0, 0},
Hsl: &ansi.Hsl{0, 0, 0},
Name: "Black",
Style: 1,
### Truncating
shorter, err := ansi.Truncate("\u001b[1;31;40mHello\033[0m \u001b[0;30mWorld!\033[0m", 8)
// is the equivalent of...
shorter := "\u001b[1;31;40mHello\033[0m \u001b[0;30mWo\033[0m"
### Cleanse
cleaner, err := ansi.Cleanse("\u001b[1;31;40mHello\033[0m \u001b[0;30mWorld!\033[0m")
// is the equivalent of...
cleaner := "Hello World!"
### Length
length, err := ansi.Length("\u001b[1;31;40mHello\033[0m \u001b[0;30mWorld!\033[0m")
// is the equivalent of...
length := 12
// Works with grapheme clusters and emoji
length, err := ansi.Length("\u001b[1;31;40m👩🏽🔧😎\033[0m") // 2